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Gary Null say NO to GMO!!! part 1.mp4

Gary Null In Huntington - Knocking On the Devil's Door Screening

Dr. Andrew Wakefield response to the measles outbreak in South Wales

Forging his way through the predictable UK media censorship: Dr Andrew Wakefield Responds to Measles Outbreak in Swansea

Entries in Gary Null (47)


Seeds of Destruction: Genetic Engineering Gone Wrong

During the past decade, there has been a growing awareness about the limitations and dangers of genetically modified foods and chemical industrial agriculture now threatening the health, lives and environment across the planet. The pro-GMO community, including food companies and federal and state legislators, hearken bioengineering as the solution for maintaining the world’s food supply in the future. However, to date there has been no scientific evidence to substantiate this claim. Dr. John Fagan, a former genetic engineer at the National Institutes of Health, has stated, “Crop genetic engineering as practiced today is a crude, imprecise and outmoded technology. It can create unexpected toxins or allergens in foods and affect their nutritional value. Recent advances point to better ways of using our knowledge of genomics to improve food crops that do not involve GM.”

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Liberalism’s Death Bell Tolls By: Gary Null & Richard Gale

The rudiments of neo-fascism stole into American politics during the presidency of Ronald Reagan in the 1980s. At that time, government discovered that serving the private corporate sector was more profitable than serving American citizens. For example, if people were faced with eviction due to back mortgage or were unable to scrape together a standard of living based on current wages then it was irrelevant whether or not the conservative and liberal ideologues and policy wonks had their best interests at stake. At the end of the day, people found themselves on the street and applying for food stamps. They couldn’t afford to get sick or send their children to college, and it was very unlikely they would be able to retire when that time arrived.

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[Funny] Flu Shot Ingredients



The Process of Life A Positive Primer for Managing Your Life By: Gary Null, Ph.D.

Balancing Our Belief System Very simply, health is balance. When we are living a balanced life, we feel good. When our lives are out of balance, we begin to feel uncomfortable. Over time,if we don't correct these imbalances, our chronic discomfort becomes acute and we may not be able to express our emotions appropriately or we develop disease. Most people in our culture have developed negative attitudes and false belief patterns. Frequently we don't even know what we believe in and have no ideals to which to aspire. Knowing yourself can help you avoid frustrating and even dangerous consequences. Dangerous Belief Patterns. One of the dangers of being creatures of adaptation is that no matter how disconcerting something is, generally we find it easier to adapt to it rather than to change it. Spending our lives in bad jobs or in bad relationships can lead to all sorts of physical symptoms. We have to be careful not to get into the habit of creating negative belief patterns that suit our immediate needs but are ultimately destructive to our well being in the long run. Another danger of our society is the craving for instant gratification.We have become an addictive, dependent, needy people looking to fill up the void of every moment with drugs, food alcohol, TV work, or sex. Society, instead of getting to the root of these problems, only addresses the symptoms. A child who takes drugs is sent to reform school and receives special counseling, but the root cause is not examined. We need to ask ourselves what causes these problems.

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Nutrition and the Mind - Organic Disorders Commonly Misdiagnosed as Mental Disease By: Gary Null, PH.D.

People with hypoglycemia are often treated as though they have simple depression and anxiety and are put on anti-anxiety agents such as Valium or Xanax. If they are extremely depressed as well as anxious, they are put on antidepressants such as Prozac. I've had people come to me on medication that wanted to go off of it. It turned out that they were hypoglycemic. You can replace antidepressants with amino acids, minerals, and cofactors, vitamins for amino acid metabolism. When depressed patients come to see me who are also hypoglycemic, I put them on a hypoglycemic diet, which is approximately six small meals a day. Also, I have them take chromium for balancing blood sugar. I also gave them magnesium, glutamine, and tyrosine. Tyrosine is an excellent natural antidepressant. It's a precursor to the neurotransmitter norepinephrine, which is one of the brain chemicals that helps us feel good.

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Nutrition and the Mind By: Gary Null, Ph.D

In 1995, it is estimated that our national sickness care system will account for more than 1.3 trillion dollars of our money. That's more than we spend on defense, housing, food, and education combined. The problem is that we are not seeing major breakthroughs, cures, or even successful prevention programs for any of the serious diseases. We hear a great deal about cancer, AIDS, heart disease, and arthritis. But the largest single disorder group in America is mental illness. It is estimated by the National Institute of Mental Health that more than 40 million Americans are affected by any one of a number of mental and emotional conditions that adversely affect the quality of their lives. These include depression,schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, dementia, and autism, as well as other conditions, which,while they may not fall strictly under the rubric of "mental illness," have a mental component, e.g., fatigue, insomnia, learning disabilities, attention deficit disorder, eating disorders, PMS, alcoholism, and aggressive behavior. When you consider that probably an additional 50 million people suffer from intermittent bouts of any number of these conditions, then you can see that close to one third of the entire American population is personally grappling with mental health concerns.

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The State of Health in America: Gary Null Interviews Dr. Peter Rost of Pfizer

On Friday June 10, 2005, Dr. Gary Null engaged Dr. Peter Rost in a candid discussion on the nature of healthcare and the pharmaceutical industry in the United States. Gary Null: We're beginning with an exclusive Internet radio discussion with a doctor who is also, currently, a vice president for marketing at Pfizer. He is not speaking on behalf of Pfizer, but for himself. I have invited him to share insights on the nature of the pharmaceutical industry. He is Dr. Peter Rost. Nice to have you with us today. Dr. Rost: Thank you so very much. I'm very happy to be with you. Gary Null: We do this more like a classroom on the air, so please do not feel that you have to give us any short answers. Give us as much of a context to the answer as you wish. Let us begin with a serious an important challenge, and that is: today many Americans face the dilemma of not being able to buy food or other necessities and buy medications they may need that can help save their lives. I find this disturbing. I'm concerned that someone should have to make that choice. Your position, please.

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The Antioxidant Vitamin - Vitamin C By: Gary Null, Ph.D.

In the 65 years since its discovery, vitamin C has come to be known as a "wonderworker." It's easy to see why: In addition to its role in collagen formation and other life-sustaining functions, vitamin C serves as a key immune system nutrient and a potent free-radical fighter. This double-duty nutrient has been shown to prevent many illnesses, from everyday ailments such as the common cold to devastating diseases such as cancer. In the scientific world, the water-soluble vitamin C is known as ascorbic acid(meaning "without scurvy," the disease caused by a vitamin C deficiency). We depend on ascorbic acid for many aspects of our biochemical functioning; yet human beings are among only a handful of animal species that cannot produce their own supply of vitamin C. Like these other animals, including primates and guinea pigs, we have no choice but to obtain this nutrient in our diet. Considering the many benefits vitamin C may provide,that mandate is deceptively simple.

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Vaccination: Pain, Profit, and Politics - Part 1 By Gary Null, Ph.D., and Martin Feldman, M.D.

Today we have a major controversy brewing in the U.S. healthcare field. The question is being asked if the vaccinations that we are giving our children are safe and effective. What is the proof that vaccinations are safe? We have undertaken an enormous job of reviewing the world literature to examine whether vaccinations are safe, and whether they are effective. We have taken an in depth look at the politics, the economic incentives, and the conflicts of interest involved in the politics of vaccinations. We have reviewed the scientific literature and we have examined the results on the people who have received vaccinations and the health effects of these (often mandated) medical procedures.

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Anti-Aging Part 1: The Basics

History regards Ponce de Leon's search for "The Fountain of Youth" as folly, and justifiably so. But in today's world, rejuvenation is more than a mere dream as scientific advancements in biochemistry are providing profound insights into the workings of the human body, testable theories on aging, and keys to slowing down the aging process. We now know that aging begins long before the first signs of wrinkles, gray hair, and loss of body tone appear. By the time we reach our late twenties and early thirties, organ systems are already beginning to shrink. As the years progress, we start to produce smaller and smaller amounts of hormones, and everything from memory and vision to sexual potency starts to diminish.

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