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Gary Null Award-Winning Documentaries That Make A Difference

Gary Null say NO to GMO!!! part 1.mp4

Gary Null In Huntington - Knocking On the Devil's Door Screening

Dr. Andrew Wakefield response to the measles outbreak in South Wales

Forging his way through the predictable UK media censorship: Dr Andrew Wakefield Responds to Measles Outbreak in Swansea

Entries in Andrew Wakefield (13)


BMJ admits it concealed Merck and Glaxo payments during its slanderous Dr. Wakefield-MMR articles

MB Comment: The British Medical Journal (BMJ) did not disclose that it had major financial conflicts of interest in the character assassination articles it published about Dr. Andrew Wakefield. They finally just acknowledged this. Now we need full and complete financial disclosure information from Brian Deer, the author of those articles – who most likely has been on the payroll of vaccine manufacturers

The Deer/BMJ Wakefield articles have been absorbed and regurgitated by mainstream media outlets.  The biased BMJ articles have deliberately fostered inaccurate public confidence in the safety of the MMR vaccine.

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Eugenie Samuel Reich - Fresh dispute about MMR 'fraud'

It is one of the most serious allegations that could be made about a doctor: manipulating patients' histories to make money. So it is no wonder that the charges, levied by editors of theBritish Medical Journal (BMJ) in January against medical researcher Andrew Wakefield, are still getting close scrutiny. Now an American whistleblower advocacy group has joined the fray over Wakefield, who in 1998 hypothesized a link, now scientifically disproven, between the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine (MMR) and autism.

On 9 November, David Lewis of the National Whistleblower's Center in Washington DC published a letter in the BMJ ( arguing that Wakefield did not commit research fraud. Lewis told Nature that he thinks the combination of public charges and a slow, secretive investigation has left the public not knowing whom to believe and is unfair to the accused researcher. "[The system] throws people like Andy into a no-man's-land," Lewis says.

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[Video] Nancy Banks on Vaccines





By Gary Null, PhD and Nancy Ashley, VMD, MS

For more than 100 years, Americans have lined up to take their vaccines.   We have never questioned the safety and efficacy of these vaccines, and why should we?  Vaccines are backed by the full faith and confidence of the entire scientific community, including the FDA, the CDC, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and the American Academy of Pediatrics, and virtually all of the esteemed medical journals, including the British Medical Journal, the Lancet, and the Journal of the American Medical Association, have given their unconditional support to vaccines. Therefore, in fact, if any physician, scientist, journalist, or health activist ever challenges either the safety or efficacy of vaccines, they are immediately assaulted.  The normal arguments are:
  1. There are dozens of gold standard studies proving beyond a shadow of a doubt the safety and efficacy of every vaccine and every combination of vaccines.
  2. There is an independent group of scientists at the FDA and the CDC that examines the childhood vaccine schedule to make sure it is appropriate.
  3. There is no scientific proof that vaccines are dangerous.
  4. On rare occasions, when someone does have an adverse reaction, it in no way affects the safety and efficacy for anyone else.
  5. Virtually all major scourges -- polio, smallpox, and measles -- were eliminated by our vaccine program.

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[Video] Vaccines - The Toxic Truth by Gary Null

Learn the TRUTH about vaccination and the Big Pharma Coverup in this video compilation by Gary Null.



Julia Ahier of the Lancet 12 speaks out!

We wanted to share this message from Julia Ahier, one of the "Lancet 12" parents whos child was treated by Dr. Andrew Wakefield.- Gary

"I am absolutely convinced that the MMR triggered my Son's condition,  as the first problems with pain occurred on the first evening after the vaccination and the loss of skills happened after also he had been gaining weight at a good rate and after the MMR  he only gained 1lb 7ozs in 9 months.

"I think that Dr Wakefield has only tried to help these children he has not done anything which we as parents did not want him to do. The allegations were unjust because they did not arise from anyone who had medical investigations carried out on them or their parents.
"Doctor Wakefield did not recruit anyone into the study group.  In our case our Son was given the original referral to Professor Walker-Smith by another hospital and I sought a referral with Dr Wakefield our local paediatrician requested the referral.

"Dr Wakefield was the kindest most compassionate doctor who had ever taken an interest in our child's case.  He did not perform any proceedures on our child, these were dione with our consent and agreement by other doctors. None of the tests which were performed on our child were against our wishes. There was no display of callous behaviour.

I have never had any communication with Brian Deer nor do I ever intend to."


The Controversy of the Latent Period following Immunizations

The Controversy of the Latent Period following Immunizations Harold E Buttram, MD Introduction: In 1986 the U.S. Congress passed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, which set up a system whereby the families of vaccine-injured children could be compensated for such injuries. Based on personal experience and observation, there has been much criticism of this system and question whether not it is serving its intended purpose.

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Why Wrongful Convictions Happen

In response to Brian Deer's assertion that one's questioning the outcome of a legal proceeding is simply "second guessing" and that the judgement recently passed upon Dr. Andrew Wakefield is final and merits no further discussion or investigation, we wanted to share some facts and stats that illustrate the contrary.

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STATEMENT FROM DR. ANDREW WAKEFIELD I am accused of altering the clinical histories and test results in autistic children in order to manufacture a disease – a disease described in The Lancet in 1998 that Brian Deer says does not exist. I have documents that confirm beyond a shadow of a doubt that I did not falsify the data, that the findings are real, and that these findings were accurately reported in the Lancet.

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Cryshame Statement and a Thank You from Dr. Wakefield 

In view of the latest attacks by Brian Deer on the reputations of Professor John Walker-Smith and Dr Andrew Wakefield published in the British Medical Journal, CryShame is stating its continuing support for these doctors who took seriously the severe health problems our children suffer.

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