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Entries in Homeopathic Medicine (10)


Russ Belville - Sativex (pharmaceutical marijuana) approved in ten more European countries

You want medical marijuana?  Big Pharma is more than willing to sell it to you

International expansion of UK firm GW Pharma’s cannabis-based spray Sativex is well underway after a further 10 European countries recommended approval of the drug for multiple sclerosis patients.

Health Authorities in Belgium, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal and Slovakia have now given the go-ahead for Sativex (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol), completing its Mutual Recognition Procedure in Europe.

This means that Sativex can be marketed in these countries as an add-on therapy for the treatment of moderate to severe spasticity due to MS in patients who have not responded adequately to other medication, and launches are expected from the end of this year onwards.

Sativex has already been approved in the UK, Spain, and Germany and other European countries:

GW says marketing partner Almirall expects to introduce the drug in the German market in July and before the end of 2011 in Denmark and Sweden. Sativex is scheduled to be launched in Italy, Czech Republic and Austria in 2012.

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Dana Ullman - Swiss government report declares homeopathy is 'cost effective' in treating patients

In a story akin to "the mouse that roared," a major report from the Swiss government has determined that the very small doses commonly used in homeopathic medicine are both effective and cost-effective. Despite the impressive technological prowess of conventional medicine today, the Swiss government has determined that homeopathy is considerably more cost effective.

My previous article on this website highlighted a remarkable report on homeopathic medicine conducted by and for the government of Switzerland. This previous article described the significant body of evidence from multiple sources that verify the efficacy of homeopathic medicines, while this new article focuses on another body of evidence reviewed for the Swiss government that investigated the cost-effectiveness of homeopathic treatment.

In this day and age of economically-challenging times for both individuals and governments, this report from the Swiss government has confirmed the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of homeopathic treatment. The fact that homeopathy is also widely recognized as one of the safest methods of medicine is but one additional special benefit for this natural medicine.

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Jack Phillips - American Medical Revolutions

About 170 years ago our ancestors forced the repeal of licensing laws which had created a monopoly over the practice of medicine for orthodox physicians. Ordinary people, farmers, artisans, tradesmen and others got together and forced politicians to act on their behalf. They were tired of bloodletting, and harsh medications like mercury compounds that ruined their teeth and weakened their bodies. They opted for kinder and gentler alternatives with lower casualty rates, particularly the newly introduced homeopathy. They were impressed that tiny doses of medicine were able to cure cholera much better than the massive doses used by orthodox physicians.

Homeopathy, introduced in America in 1825, was a brand new medical discipline developed by a German physician named Samuel Hanhemann (1744-1843). He was disillusioned with the results of medical practices of his day. He stopped practicing and began to study the effects of medicine on a healthy person, himself. He tried quinine, a very popular medication, first. It caused symptoms of malaria, the disease which it was able to cure. Similarly mercury produced symptoms of syphilis on which it had therapeutic effects. This experimental evidence lead to an assumption: substances which produce symptoms in healthy people can have a curative effect on sick people who experience the same symptoms. Extensive experimentation with his family and friends resulted in collection of the symptomology of 27 medications. With this information he was able to investigate the validity of his hypothesis.

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JB Bardot - Homeopathic treatment slows progression of Alzheimer's disease

by JB Bardot,  December 15, 2011

(NaturalNews) A huge leap in the natural treatment of Alzheimer's disease was recently reported at the Neuroscience Conference in Washington by the National Center for Homeopathy. Homeopathic manufacturer and research organization, Heel, presented studies on a multi-target, combination homeopathic medicine that has proven effective for both relieving symptoms of Alzheimer's disease and influencing the reduction of the formation of amyloid plaques in the brains of patients. In-vitro and in-vivo studies were conducted in France and Finland, and confirm that subjects had enhanced learning abilities, an increase in their ability to recognize objects, and improvement in memory performance after treatment.

Classical homeopathy also offers patients hope. Classical homeopathy uses one remedy at a time, and may take a similar multi-targeted approach to treating Alzheimer's; however, the practitioner may either alternate or use several remedies in succession rather than giving them together in combination. The announcement from Heel allows people, who would otherwise not seek homeopathic treatment, to feel more confident of its efficacy.

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Dana Ullman - The Magician Who Could Not Make Homeopathy Disappear

Dana Ullman

(NaturalNews) A campaign of disinformation on homeopathic medicine has been very active in United Kingdom and in the United States, and my previous article at this website provided some detail about this effort.

Perhaps the leading opponent to homeopathy in the United States is the magician James Randi. Magicians use various tricks to make things disappear, and Mr. Randi is working hard at making homeopathy disappear... however, to be a successful magician one must learn to fool and deceive people, and Mr. Randi is performing his tricks to try to make homeopathy disappear. Thankfully, he has not been successful.

This short article is not meant to be exhaustive on Randi's disinformation campaign against homeopathy but providing some overview of who he is and what he has said and done will hopefully shed light on the nature of his information and how trustworthy he may or may not be.

Please know that this review and critique of Mr. Randi is not an ad hominem attack on him. I have a great amount of respect for Mr. Randi as an entertainer and magician, and I'm sure that he is a quite lovely person to his friends, but whether he is nice or lovely or entertaining or competent is not the point of this article. Instead, this article reviews his actions, his priorities, and the causes that he has supported, all of which are reasonable and appropriate areas for critique and are not personal attacks on who he is.

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Gary Null, PhD and Jeremy Stillman - Prescription for Disaster: The Dirty Dozen FDA-Approved Pharmaceutical Drugs 

The Food and Drug Administration is mandated with the responsibility to ensure that our foods and medications are safe and effective. Hence, when a physician, primary health care provider or pharmacist provides a consumer with these medications, there is a fundamental belief that these work and will do minimal harm.  Then we meet reality. The FDA has not only allowed extraordinarily inefficient, extremely toxic drugs onto the market, but then has ran interference on behalf of pharmaceutical companies and other special interests to protect their profits instead of immediately withdrawing their drugs from the market.

The consequence of eating at a restaurant you don’t like is that you won’t go back again. The consequence of taking a toxic drug is injury or death.  The FDA has a long history of allowing deadly drugs to be promoted and marketed.  The FDA has not sought prosecution when prima facie evidence proves that the manufacturers and their scientists, boards of directors and marketers knew all along that these drugs did not work as claimed or had dangerous side effects that they withheld from the FDA . These companies have engaged in overtly criminal activities and instead of ending up in prison or bankrupt, no one is held accountable.  Bonuses are given and the value of their corporate holdings goes up- it’s all part of the cost of doing business today.
This article is to show you clear and exact examples of lethal and harmful drugs that should never have been marketed – some of which are still available to consumers.  They are drugs that an honest and diligent FDA would never have allowed to be released on the market.  Cumulatively, tens of thousands of Americans have died and hundreds of thousands more have been injured.  And the standard penalty meted out for such criminality?  Pay a fine. Smile. You got out of jail free.

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Times of India: The nano effect of homeopathy

Homeo drugs are active even in infinitesimally diluted solutions, find Indian researchers...

The more you dilute a potion, the more potent it becomes, this perhaps is the corner stone of homeopathy system of medicine. The most powerful homeo medicines do have the highest dilution factors. While this enormous dilution principle remained the pillar of this 18th century healing science which seeks to deal with the disease holistically rather than addressing the manifesting symptoms, it also proved to be the Achille's heel for its detractors.

If you go on diluting a solution containing hundred per cent of the material further and further, there won't be any of the particles from original material left in the remaining solution beyond of point of dilution. Homeo remedies come through the process of `infinitesimal dilutions'. How can a 'drug' without any active substance evoke a therapeutic response, skeptics ask benchmarking with the principles of modern allopathic medicine which relies on dose- related response of medications. No active ingredient in a formulation means that the pill or liquid can be nothing more than a placebo. And the high potent homeo drugs, which are usually the extremely diluted versions of the starting substances, could be nothing more than that.

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How New Agey Energy Healing Can Cure Your Body and Mind

Newly appointed to the Department of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins in 1970, I wasn't sure what to expect when the department chair called me into his office to discuss a special assignment. "I keep hearing about these 'new' therapies coming from the West Coast," he told me. "Are they just more California fluff or developments worth knowing about? Go find out." As a young therapist-researcher who was already pursuing personal improvement with the passion of someone convinced he needed a lot of it, I approached the assignment with the zeal of a young knight in search of the Holy Grail.

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How to Control HIV Infection Naturally

The rare ability of some individuals to control HIV infection without the need for medications may be explained by the tiny variants in a protein that alerts the immune system to the presence of infection.

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Nobel Scientist Discovers Scientific Basis of Homeopathy

(NaturalNews) At a time when the British Medical Association is calling for an end to national funding for homeopathy and detractors are describing it as "nonsense on stilts", a Nobel prize-winning scientist has made a discovery that suggests that homeopathy does have a scientific basis after all. In July, Nobel Prize winning French virologist Professor Luc Montagnier shocked fellow Nobel prize-winners and the medical establishment by telling them that he had discovered that water has a memory that continues even after many dilutions.

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