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Entries in Autism (8)


Eleanor J. Bader - Why Is Autism So Drastically on the Rise? An Environmental Horror Story

If horror is your genre, environmental writer Brita Belli’s The Autism Puzzle, is the book for you. Her terrifying look at the chemicals we eat, drink and breathe is guaranteed to make your hair stand on end.

We should thank her for it.

Statistics released earlier this spring by the Centers for Disease Control revealed that one in 88 U.S. born toddlers has an autism spectral disorder—from the less severe Asperger’s Syndrome to the so-called classical form of the ailment. Worse, it’s not just a North American phenomenon; Belli also reports a 57 percent spike in Asia and Europe.

The question is why. Perhaps, some posit, medical professionals have simply become better diagnosticians and people previously labeled eccentric or developmentally disabled were in fact, autistic. Or, perhaps there’s a genetic culprit since ASD typically runs in families. Belli gives credence to both theories, but ultimately concludes that there is more to the puzzle. “If the rise in autism numbers were only due to improved diagnosis and awareness of autism among the medical community—or if the roots of the epidemic were primarily genetic—professionals would have seen an increase in adult or adolescent patients who had not been diagnosed or who had been misdiagnosed in the past,” she writes.

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Rosemary Mathis - Donald Trump publicly links vaccines to autism

In a stunning development for the ostracized, often criticized, vaccine safety awareness movement, cause celebre, and business mogul, Donald Trump raised concern about vaccinations on Monday, April 2, the anniversary of the fifth annual World Autism Awareness Day. Trump 'warned' Fox News viewers he "strongly believes that Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are linked to exposure to vaccines."1

During the interview, the tycoon revealed that a series of casual observations led him to the conclusion that '"monster" vaccinations cause Autism. The remark was probably a bombshell for pro-vaccine advocates including doctors, pharmaceutical companies, the government - and oh yes, Bill Gates. They have all fervently denied that observation -long a tenet of 'science-based research' - has anything to do with a medical outcome.

Trump acknowledged that speaking out against vaccines and the vaccine schedule is very controversial. But then he went on to state: "...I couldn't care less. I've seen people where they have a perfectly healthy child, and they go for the vaccinations and a month later the child is no longer healthy."

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Robert Shiller - Does Austerity Promote Economic Growth?

In his classic Fable of the Bees: or, Private Vices, Publick Benefits (1724), Bernard Mandeville, the Dutch-born British philosopher and satirist, described – in verse – a prosperous society (of bees) that suddenly chose to make a virtue of austerity, dropping all excess expenditure and extravagant consumption. What then happened?

The Price of Land and Houses falls;

Mirac’lous Palaces, whose Walls,

Like those of Thebes, were rais’d by Play

Are to be let; . . . .

The building Trade is quite destroy’d

Artificers are not employ’d; . . .

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Medical News Today - Nutrients May Stop Brain Shrinkage Linked To Alzheimer's

Medical News Today, 29 Dec 2011 
A study of elderly people finds that those whose diets were high in certain essential nutrients were less likely to have the brain shrinkage associated with Alzheimer's disease and more likely to score better on tests of mental performance. The researchers published a paper on how they came to these findings in the 28 December online issue of Neurology.
The paper's first author is Dr Gene Bowman from the Departments of Neurology and Public Health and Preventive Medicine at Oregon Health & Science University in Portland, and a member of the American Academy of Neurology. He and his colleagues describe three sets of findings:
Elderly people with diets high in several vitamins or omega 3 fatty acids were less likely to have the brain shrinkage that usually accompanies Alzheimer's disease than people whose diets were low in those nutrients.
Those whose diets were high in omega 3 fatty acids and in vitamins C, D, E and the B vitamins were also more likely to score better on tests of mental ability than those whose diets were low in those nutrients.
Those whose diets were high in trans fats were more likely to have brain shrinkage and perform less well on thinking and memory tests than those whose diets were low in trans fats.
Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for human health but the body can't make them. These are primarily found in fish, also an essential source of vitamin D; some plants and nut oils are also good sources of omega 3 fatty acids, which are also called polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs).

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By Gary Null, PhD and Nancy Ashley, VMD, MS

For more than 100 years, Americans have lined up to take their vaccines.   We have never questioned the safety and efficacy of these vaccines, and why should we?  Vaccines are backed by the full faith and confidence of the entire scientific community, including the FDA, the CDC, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and the American Academy of Pediatrics, and virtually all of the esteemed medical journals, including the British Medical Journal, the Lancet, and the Journal of the American Medical Association, have given their unconditional support to vaccines. Therefore, in fact, if any physician, scientist, journalist, or health activist ever challenges either the safety or efficacy of vaccines, they are immediately assaulted.  The normal arguments are:
  1. There are dozens of gold standard studies proving beyond a shadow of a doubt the safety and efficacy of every vaccine and every combination of vaccines.
  2. There is an independent group of scientists at the FDA and the CDC that examines the childhood vaccine schedule to make sure it is appropriate.
  3. There is no scientific proof that vaccines are dangerous.
  4. On rare occasions, when someone does have an adverse reaction, it in no way affects the safety and efficacy for anyone else.
  5. Virtually all major scourges -- polio, smallpox, and measles -- were eliminated by our vaccine program.

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[Video] Vaccines - The Toxic Truth by Gary Null

Learn the TRUTH about vaccination and the Big Pharma Coverup in this video compilation by Gary Null.



Video: Speaking Out Against Mandatory Vaccination in Trenton, NJ

Gary Null and other speakers address a rally outside the state house in Trenton, NJ, to raise awareness of the state's mandatory vaccination laws.





Joseph Mercola - Is Alarming Rise in Autism Linked to 1988 Event?

Posted By Dr. Mercola | November 15 2011

In 1988, the first conjugate vaccine was approved for use in the U.S. 

It was intended to protect infants and young children against Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib); a bacterial infection that can lead to pneumonia, infections of your blood, joints, bones, and pericardium.

Historically, it has also been a leading cause of bacterial meningitis.

Since that time, the vaccine has been approved in most developed countries, including Denmark and Israel where the vaccine was added to their national vaccine programs in 1993 and 1994, respectively.

Starting in the late 1980's, there was a marked increase in the reported prevalence of autism spectrum disorders among children in the U.S. 

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