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Dr. Andrew Wakefield response to the measles outbreak in South Wales

Forging his way through the predictable UK media censorship: Dr Andrew Wakefield Responds to Measles Outbreak in Swansea

Entries from December 1, 2012 - December 31, 2012


Gary Null, Ph.D. and Martin Feldman, M.D. – The health-boosting properties of super foods

Like all healthful foods, “super foods” enhance a variety of bodily processes–but simply do it better. These foods contain high levels of antioxidants, phytochemicals, phytosterols, and dietary fiber that give them both preventive and therapeutic health properties. Native traditions throughout the world have long held that certain vegetables, fruits, and grains are especially powerful purveyors of health benefits. But it was not until these natural products were studied through modern biochemistry, botanical science, molecular biology, and clinical research that their extraordinary properties became more widely known. In this article, we present 18 super foods that should be featured in the diet of healthcare providers and their patients. The benefits described have been culled from the medical literature, and a sampling of the research conducted on these foods and their nutritional components is included in the references. What follows is a look at the specific preventive and curative properties of these super foods.

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By Gary Null, PhD and Nancy Ashley, VMD, MS For more than 100 years, Americans have lined up to take their vaccines. We have never questioned the safety and efficacy of these vaccines, and why should we? Vaccines are backed by the full faith and confidence of the entire scientific community, including the FDA, the CDC, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and the American Academy of Pediatrics, and virtually all of the esteemed medical journals, including the British Medical Journal, the Lancet, and the Journal of the American Medical Association, have given their unconditional support to vaccines. Therefore, in fact, if any physician, scientist, journalist, or health activist ever challenges either the safety or efficacy of vaccines, they are immediately assaulted. The normal arguments are: There are dozens of gold standard studies proving beyond a shadow of a doubt the safety and efficacy of every vaccine and every combination of vaccines. There is an independent group of scientists at the FDA and the CDC that examines the childhood vaccine schedule to make sure it is appropriate. There is no scientific proof that vaccines are dangerous. On rare occasions, when someone does have an adverse reaction, it in no way affects the safety and efficacy for anyone else. Virtually all major scourges — polio, smallpox, and measles — were eliminated by our vaccine program.

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Gary Null: Why Does the American Academy of Pediatrics Put Corporate Profits Ahead of Children’s Health?

Progressive Radio Network, December 21, 2012 The United Nation’s recent announcement that its forthcoming Fifth Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee session, scheduled in January 2013, would propose a ban of ethylmercury (commonly known as thimerosal) from all medications and vaccines worldwide has laid bare the battle lines between those government health departments and professional medical organizations who value the health of children from those who favor drug profiteering. It is no surprise the pharmaceutical industry and its special interest groups are moving aggressively to oppose the UN’s binding treaty. One of Big Pharma’s prime directives is to resist any legislation, domestic or international, that threatens sales and revenues. Therefore, it comes as a surprise that the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)—once a leader in advocating the removal of mercury from all medical products and vaccines—would hold hands with the World Health Organization (WHO) and Big Pharma to oppose the UN’s proposal.

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Gary Null: These are all outstanding experts who believe the war on aids is being mismanaged. Part 1  

Gary Null: These are all outstanding experts who believe the war on aids is being mismanaged. Part 1 POLITICK-ING, GALLO “The first casualty of the ‘war on AIDS’ was the integrity of science. The exact moment of the crime can be pinpointed: it was the April, 1984 press conference where the then [US] Health Secretary Margaret Heckler declared that government scientist Robert C. Gallo had discovered the viral cause of AIDS. Heckler hailed the discovery as ‘yet another miracle for American medicine and science’ and a ‘victory over a dreaded disease.’ If smoke and mirror tricks are miracles, then miracle it was…Neither Gallo nor the [Pasteur] Institute proved that the virus was pathogenic. Indeed, they did not even isolate it, as the Pasteur Institute later admitted.

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Jiaogulan: An Ancient Asian Vine for Health and Longevity

Jiaogulan (Gynostemma pentaphyllum) is a potent herbaceous vine and a member of the cucumber family that grows wild throughout China and other Asian countries. Similar in chemical composition and function to ginseng, only more powerful, jiaogulan has been the subject of a number of medical health research studies that have found this herb to be an effective adaptogen and antioxidant. Sometimes referred to as the “Immortality Herb” or “Miracle Grass,” jiaogulan is now recognized as much more than a “folk remedy,” because of its ability to promote longevity, improve heart health, control weight and reduce stress and fatigue. Ancient, historical records dating back to the Ming Dynasty point to jiaogulan as a trusted herb used for a wide variety of ailments. Modern American research supports the ancient texts and notes that jiaogulan is one of the top ten most effective anti-aging herbs in the world.

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Top Healing Foods That Stop Ovarian Cancer in its Tracks

Ovarian cancer is one of the most deadly diseases out there. It is the fifth leading cause of cancer death among U.S. women — an astounding 14,000 out of 23,000 diagnosed each year, die. Ovarian cancer tends to be aggressive and generally has very few symptoms until it reaches an advanced stage. Fortunately, several natural remedies have proven to be exceptionally useful in both preventing and curing this silent killer. Ginger, ginkgo biloba, green tea and flaxseed are all remarkably effective at destroying ovarian cancer cells and tumors — hindering proliferation and increasing survival rates dramatically. Diet is extremely influential in preventing as well as healing ovarian cancer. Beyond consuming an abundant variety of fresh produce and limiting dairy, meat and sugar, certain foods specifically target ovarian cancer cells — demonstrating extraordinary success in defeating this life-threatening disease.

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More Bad News for Doha, World: Global Warming Could Easily Reach 5C

Greenhouse Gas emissions such as carbon dioxide (CO2) are rising annually by three percent, a pace that could bring the world up to a five degrees Celsius (9.0 degrees Fahrenheit) increase by 2100, and reek catastrophic destruction on the earth as we know it, according to a new study published in the journal Nature Climate Change by the Global Carbon Project consortium on Sunday. Currently, leaders at the international climate conference COP18 in Doha, Qatar are struggle to agree on ways to limit the world to a 2C (3.6F) maximum rise in global temperatures, with very little progress one week into negotiations as talks balance on the edge of self-destruction.

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Gary Null: Letter To Dr. OZ

Dear Dr. Oz, You may remember when I invited you to appear in a PBS special, Get Healthy Now, along with other medical panelists, in 1999. We have not spoken since, however, my audience and I are very concerned about the inflammatory comments that you made in a recent issue of TIME Magazine. In effect, you stated that there is no basic difference between non-organic, genetically modified produce and organic varieties and that people are wasting their money buying organic foods. You also suggest that individuals who purchase organic foods are taking part in a “snooty” form of “elitism” and that in effect, it’s the “99%” just trying to act like the “1%”.

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EU Food Safety Agency: Please Stop Performing GMO Research

After it came out that Monsanto’s genetically modified maize crop was linked to tumors and organ damage in rats, the EU food safety agency immediately went up in arms in an attempt to find a chink in the armor of the scientific research – as expected. After all, WikiLeaks has revealed that Monsanto literally has enough political pull to have major United States politicians threaten ‘military-style’ trade wars against nations that reject GMOs. One thing that went truly above and beyond the call of political corruption, however, is the agency’s call to stop studying GMOs as they are perfectly ‘safe’ and ‘require no study’. A call that obviously states ‘please stop questioning GMOs and revealing their true effects to the world’.

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Canadian Researchers Discover New Evidence That Vitamin D Shuts Down Cancer Cells

Researchers at McGill University have discovered a molecular basis for the cancerpreventive effects of vitamin D, whereby its active form essentially shuts down cancer cells. People with higher blood levels of vitamin D live significantly longer than people who have low blood levels of the vitamin. The team, led by McGill professors John White and David Goltzman, of the Faculty of Medicine’s Department of Physiology, discovered that the active form of vitamin D acts by several mechanisms to inhibit both the production and function of the protein cMYC. cMYC drives cell division and is active at elevated levels in more than half of all cancers. Their results are published in the latest edition of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

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