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Gary Null Award-Winning Documentaries That Make A Difference

Gary Null say NO to GMO!!! part 1.mp4

Gary Null In Huntington - Knocking On the Devil's Door Screening

Dr. Andrew Wakefield response to the measles outbreak in South Wales

Forging his way through the predictable UK media censorship: Dr Andrew Wakefield Responds to Measles Outbreak in Swansea

Entries in politics (9)


Gary Null: These are all outstanding experts who believe the war on aids is being mismanaged. Part 1  

Gary Null: These are all outstanding experts who believe the war on aids is being mismanaged. Part 1 POLITICK-ING, GALLO “The first casualty of the ‘war on AIDS’ was the integrity of science. The exact moment of the crime can be pinpointed: it was the April, 1984 press conference where the then [US] Health Secretary Margaret Heckler declared that government scientist Robert C. Gallo had discovered the viral cause of AIDS. Heckler hailed the discovery as ‘yet another miracle for American medicine and science’ and a ‘victory over a dreaded disease.’ If smoke and mirror tricks are miracles, then miracle it was…Neither Gallo nor the [Pasteur] Institute proved that the virus was pathogenic. Indeed, they did not even isolate it, as the Pasteur Institute later admitted.

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Systems Collapse When The Irrational Is Considered Rational 

Oh thank you, Wikipedia, for this definition: “Irrationality is cognition, thinking, talking or acting without inclusion of rationality. It is more specifically described as an action or opinion given through inadequate reasoning, emotional distress, or cognitive deficiency. The term is used, usually pejoratively, to describe thinking and actions that are, or appear to be, less useful or more illogical than other more rational alternatives.” And what about this one? Market Psychology? This term is defined in the Investopedia this way: “The overall sentiment or feeling that the market is experiencing at any particular time. Greed, fear, expectations and circumstances are all factors that contribute to the group's overall investing mentality of sentiment.” Q: What do we have when we put the two together? A: The current madness and market mayhem,’

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The Way of the Corporation in the United States

Someone had sent me this amusing and illustratve explanation of modern coporate structure. Enjoy!

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A Progressive Stimulus Package for America’s Future Sustainability 

by Gary Null, PhD

There is no doubt that a stimulus package is direly needed during this global economic meltdown. But America needs much more than simply a budget that will induce economic recovery. She needs the minds of her citizens to be stimulated into a new way of thinking that will result in the reforming of the basic institutions overseeing our financial, health, political and social requirements. Consequently, we have solicited thoughts, critiques and comments from some of America’s most brilliant and progressive minds. These individuals see our nation and our governing financial and political bodies differently. They see beyond the limiting belief systems that empower these institutions as the sole arbiters of the critical decisions and policies affecting Americans.

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Song Writer Says He Wants to be a Pirate

A very humerous satire! - Gary


Ed Waters lives in Phoenix. He’s in the upholstery cleaning business.

On the side, he writes songs. In 2007, he wrote one about the political economy in the USA.

Waters hired country singer Nick Nicholson to sing his song.

He dropped about $10,000 on making a music video.

And he put up a web site –

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Special Interests...EXPOSED!!! 

Some interesting clips in this video! - Gary


Spanish Protesters Joining "World Revolution"

by grtv

In Spain's most politically conservative of cities, an unexpected and growing revolt - against the status quo, established political institutions, and against the old acceptance that nothing much will ever change.

The country's ruling party is facing growing anger over Spain's economic problems, and many people shunned the polls and chosen to protest instead.


Strauss-Kahn and The Secret Culture of Aggressive Sexuality In The High Pressure World Of Bankers and Banksters

host By Danny Schechter

Media "The shock, grief and loss were overwhelming.My colleague Mike Whitney asks: “So, what are the chances that Strauss-Kahn will get a fair trial now that he's been blasted as a serial sex offender in about 3,000 articles and in all the televised news reports?

Do you remember any Wall Street bankers being dragged off in handcuffs when they blew up the financial system and bilked people out of trillions of dollars?"

The answer to both questions is certainly Non in French or No in English, but there’s more to the connection between Sex and Wall Street. Without commenting on the evidence in this case—which has been asserted, not proven-- there is a deeper context that is being ignored.

I call it the Testosterone Factor in The Crime of Our Time, my book about how Wall Street criminally engineered the financial crisis.

Interesting isn’t it that have been so few references to the link
between the pervasiveness of salacious sex and the highly-charged
life of a class of “entitled” wealthy bankers who live off of others
with few rules or restraints.

There is also often no news about that or the practices of the IMF
which is often accused of raping poor and vulnerable countries
with unfair structural adjustment programs.

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Koch Bros - It's the evil thing

Tired of the Koch Brothers buying our political system?

Then join the campaign to push Koch money out and bring democracy back in - sign up at to join The Other 98% as we fight Koch money wherever it shows up - and maybe take part in some more awesome creative agitation.