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Gary Null: These are all outstanding experts who believe the war on aids is being mismanaged. Part 1  

Gary Null: These are all outstanding experts who believe the war on aids is being mismanaged. Part 1


“The first casualty of the ‘war on AIDS’ was the integrity of science. The exact moment of the crime can be pinpointed: it was the April, 1984 press conference where the then [US] Health Secretary Margaret Heckler declared that government scientist Robert C. Gallo had discovered the viral cause of AIDS. Heckler hailed the discovery as ‘yet another miracle for American medicine and science’ and a ‘victory over a dreaded disease.’ If smoke and mirror tricks are miracles, then miracle it was…Neither Gallo nor the [Pasteur] Institute proved that the virus was pathogenic. Indeed, they did not even isolate it, as the Pasteur Institute later admitted. But the spin-doctors at the National Institutes of Health had organized

English: The Red ribbon is a symbol for solida...

English: The Red ribbon is a symbol for solidarity with HIV-positive people and those living with AIDS. Français : Le Ruban rouge, symbole de la solidarité avec les personnes séro-positives. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

leading journals to endorse Secretary Heckler’s ‘miracle’ with the seal of Science. From that moment, all AIDS research and policy were based on a speculation converted to dogma by bureaucratic power…. This initial public execution of scientific integrity unleashed a propaganda machine that expands Heckler’s initial obvious whopper (‘victory over a dreaded disease’) into a never-ending sickness saga that extorts money and grinds millions into the muck of bad medicine… Be informed. Withdraw your consent from the most malignant fraud ever perpetrated in the name of medicine. Be aware that the primary truth in the ‘AIDS war’ is that powerful agencies have declared war on YOU and your loved ones, regardless of your HIV status. Be aware that ‘AIDS science’ is 90% mindless repetition and 10% deeply inconsistent findings of no clinical value.”

Dr. Hiram Caton, PhD, Ethicist, Head of the School of Applied Ethics atGriffithUniversity,Brisbane,Australia


“In 1990 at the San Francisco AIDS conference, [HIV co-discoverer Luc] Montagnier announced that HIV did not, after all, kill T-cells and could not be the cause of AIDS. Within hours of making this announcement, he was attacked by the very industry he’d helped to create…..  The HIV hypothesis of AIDS is the biggest scientific, medical blunder of the 20th Century. The evidence is overwhelming that AIDS is not contagious, sexually transmitted, or caused by HIV. The physicians who know or suspect the truth are embarrassed or afraid to admit that the HIV tests are absurd and should be outlawed, and that the anti-HIV drugs are injuring and killing people.”

“As a scientist who has studied AIDS for 16 years, I have determined that AIDS has little to do with science and is not even primarily a medical issue. AIDS is a sociological phenomenon held together by fear, creating a kind of medical McCarthyism that has transgressed and collapsed all the rules of science, and has imposed a brew of belief and pseudoscience on a vulnerable public.”

Dr. David Rasnick, PhD, Biochemist, Protease Inhibitor Developer,University ofCalifornia


“AIDS is a government-defined disease. The CDC and government-funded investigators accept as fact the supposition that ‘HIV causes AIDS and is sexually transmitted.’ This is not to be questioned. But this HIV-AIDS model does not jibe with the true facts of the matter. Only 1 in 1000 unprotected sexual contacts transmits HIV, and only 1 in 275UScitizens has antibodies to this virus. Consequently, the average uninfected person would need to have 275,000 random unprotected sexual contacts to acquire sexually transmitted HIV.”

Dr. Donald W. Miller, Jr., MD (Harvard, 1965), BMS (Dartmouth, 1963), Professor of Surgery, University of Washington School of Medicine. Author of The Practice of Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery (1977), co-author of Atlas of Cardiac Surgery (1983, Japanese version 1985), author of Heart in Hand (1999).


“The greatest threat to life in the United States and the rest of the world is not the thirty diseases called “AIDS,” it is the $25 billion ‘AIDS’ industry composed of government, academic, medical, and industrial interests in the United States…. “I have concluded that ‘AIDS’ is a scientifically dishonest construct, and, as exemplified in the death of my friend Arthur Ashe, the lies that we have been told make it all the more deadly.”

— Tony Brown, MSW, Journalist, Founding Dean of the School of Communications at Howard University; Coordinator of the historic ‘Walk To Freedom’ March with Martin Luther King, Jr.; Producer and host of Tony Brown’s Journal on PBS; Advisor to the Harvard Foundation for Intercultural and Race Relations; Author, Black Lies, White Lies

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