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Entries in HIV (15)


Gambia says cures more HIV patients with herbs

Gambian President Yahya Jammeh said that dozens of HIV/AIDS patients in the tiny West African state have been cured using his secret concoction of boiled herbs.

Jammeh first announced he had found a natural remedy to cure AIDS in 2007, stirring anger among Western medical experts who claimed he was giving false hope to the sick.

"Who am I to expect that everybody would praise me," Jammeh said in a state television broadcast on Sunday evening, announcing that 68 patients had been cured and discharged from a treatment center.

"Just as the Prophet Mohammed prevailed and established Islam (...)I also prevailed to cure HIV/AIDS to the point that 68 are being discharged today," he said.

The World Health Organisation and the United Nations have said Jammeh's HIV/AIDS treatment is alarming mainly because patients are required to cease their anti-retroviral drugs making them more prone to infection.

The president said the cured group was the seventh batch of HIV/AIDS patients undergoing his herbal remedy to have been discharged since the treatments began five years ago.

Jammeh came to power in Gambia, a sliver of land on Africa's west coast that is popular with sun-seeking European tourists, in a bloodless military coup in 1994.

He is accused by activists of human rights abuses during his rule, and most recently drew international criticism for executing nine death row inmates by firing squad.

Jammeh said on Sunday that his government would fully integrate "natural medicine" to all the country's hospitals, to complement Western medical techniques.

Other African leaders have drawn criticism for extolling the power of natural remedies to combat AIDS.

The administration of former South African President Thabo Mbeki was ridiculed for denying there was a link between HIV and AIDS while prescribing meaningless treatments such as beet root instead of internationally proven medicines.

The HIV rate in Gambia is relatively low compared to other African states, with 2 percent of the country's roughly 1.8 million people infected, according to the United Nations.


The Premiere of Our Brand New TV Studio

After months of work, we at Progressive Radio Network are proud to debut our new television studio! I filmed my first video show in studio last night for The Progressive Commentary Hour, and now you can view it below! The topic we tackled was HIV/AIDS.



[Video] Nobel Prize Winner Challenges The Myths About Aids

California microbiologist Kary Mullis, Ph.D. on whether or not HIV is the probable cause of AIDS.

Created and narrated by Gary Null, Ph.D.

Find more in-depth investigations and crucial information at

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AIDS - Myths and Fallacies

A special investigative report on The Progressive Commentary Hour (Every Monday night on The Progressive Radio Network)

AIDS - Myths and Fallacies 

Guests: Celia Farber, Professor Henry Bauer, David Crowe

 Download this episode (right click and save)



The Greatest Medical Fraud in History - The Pain, Profit and Politics of AIDS


Does HIV really cause AIDS? 
Can we really believe the pharmaceutical industrial complex? 
Could it be that after so many years of research, and so much money being spent, that the entire orthodox medical establishment has been wrong about AIDS, or even worse, has sought to profit from a system that it KNEW was flawed from the beginning?
Join legendary documentarian and best-selling author Gary "Mr. Natural" Null, Ph.D., for a journey into the darkest recesses of the medical industry - a journey that not only asks the most painful questions, but even proposes the most intriguing truths about a disease we continue to know so little about.




Dr. Luc Montagnier - The Truth About AIDS

Dr. Luc Montagnier - The Truth About AIDS

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Video: Evidence that HIV antibody tests are not specific

Using the time of disappearance of maternal antibodies the Perth Group presents evidence that the HIV antibody tests are not specific for HIV infection.

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Speak out, Monsieur le Professeur Montagnier!

by Djamel Tahi

A few days ago, a video clip was posted on the Internet, which produced the kind of buzz that is shaking the world of AIDS research. This clip shows a recent interview with Professor Luc Montagnier in which he declares: “We can be exposed to HIV many times without being chronically infected. Our immune system will get rid of the virus within a few weeks.”

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by David Crowe

SAN FRANCISCO (Rethinking AIDS) May 11, 2009 — A major scientific dispute over AIDS science is threatening to hit the national radar, but not if John Moore can help it. The crusading professor from Cornell University is determined to have any mention that there is scientific dissent over the traditional views of AIDS silenced. He and several of his colleagues signed a letter saying they were "quoted out of context" in a new documentary film by Brent Leung- before they had even seen the film! They came to their conclusion simply by watching the film's trailer (available at

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Gary Null Interviews Robert Gallo and Luc Montagnier

Gary Null

Today, hopefully, in just a few moments we will have an important interview. Dr. Robert Gallo and Dr. Luc Montagnier will be my guests. They’re celebrating the 25th anniversary of Gallo’s publication of HIV=AIDS. I’ll be asking them about that discovery and I’ll be asking them questions that I believe are important concerning what we now know about AIDS and what they would change in their analysis if they could do it all over again.

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