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Entries from August 1, 2011 - August 31, 2011


"S.L. Baker" - Scientists announce amazing findings: chocolate offers huge protection from heart disease and stroke

Tuesday, August 30, 2011 by: S. L. Baker

(NaturalNews) All regular readers of NaturalNews know that researchers have discovered chocolate (especially the organic, not junked up with additives and sugar type) contains phytochemicals which appear to promote good health. But no one has had much of a clue about the specifics of some of those benefits on the cardiovascular system -- until now. Scientists at the European Society of Cardiology Congress currently underway in Paris just announced that chocolate provides huge protection from heart disease as well as stroke.

That's great news because, despite the billions of dollars spent on mainstream medicine's drugs and surgical interventions, the battle against cardiovascular disease obviously needs some serious help. Currently, the World Health Organization (WHO) predicts that by 2030 nearly 23.6 million people will die yearly from heart disease.

So just imagine the fluttering of hearts in Big Pharma offices if they found a no side effect, easy to produce drug that actually worked to lower the risk of developing heart disease in the first place by almost 40 percent. The demand and profits to be made would be enormous. While there is no such medication, it turns out that eating chocolate regularly appears to accomplish what pills can't.

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"Ethan A. Huff" - Pro-vaccine agenda in shambles after pivotal Washington meeting

"Ethan A. Huff" - Pro-vaccine agenda in shambles after pivotal Washington meeting

Wednesday, August 31, 2011 by: Ethan A. Huff

(NaturalNews) Efforts to save the sinking pro-vaccination ship are failing, especially after a recent US State Department Listening Meeting during which various non-government organizations (NGOs) presented sound scientific evidence against the continued use of mercury in vaccines. According to a recent article by consumer advocate Tim Bolen in his Bolen Report, the vaccine promotion house of cards is quickly crumbling, and it is becoming increasingly more obvious that special interests, rather than valid science, are driving the pro-vaccine agenda.

Hosted by Deputy Director John Thompson from the US Department of State's Office of Environmental Policy, the August 18, 2011 meeting included several NGOs that hold seats on the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), which supports countries in dealing with environmental challenges. These NGOs came fully equipped with a well-backed, thoroughly-researched arsenal of facts and information about why mercury has no place in vaccines or dental fillings, while the opposition came with a poorly-crafted, unsigned paper filled with misinformation in defense of maintaining the status quo.

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"Mike Adams" - Startup watch: Green PolkaDot Box online retailer to finally make organic, non-GMO foods affordable

By: Mike Adams

(NaturalNews) Something significant is happening in the organic foods industry: There's a new player on the block, and its name is Green PolkaDot Box. It's a new online organic store that's launching in just a few weeks, and it has the potential to save organic and non-GMO consumers thousands of dollars a year on foods and health products.

In this article, I'll share with you how to join Green PolkaDot Box (it's free) and start saving money from the very first day it launches (in early October).

What's especially interesting about this, by the way, is that its launch is being supported by a trio of three well-recognized organizations in the world of organic and non-GMO food: NaturalNews, the Organic Consumers Association and The Institute for Responsible Technology (Jeffrey Smith's group). All three of us have decided to lend our support to this startup for five reasons:

Reason #1) We all believe that organic and healthy foods currently cost too much when purchased at Whole Foods. We want to support an option that makes these health-enhancing foods more affordable. Of course, we also support local health food stores, but many people live in organic food deserts where organic produce is virtually impossible to come by (most of the Midwest, for example).

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"Santiago Grasso" - Employment


From Argentina-based animator Santiago Grasso, a short, surreal, award-winning film about working for the man. Watch here now:


"Bernie Becker" - Progressives Urge Bold Measures in Obama's Pending Jobs Proposal

by Bernie Becker

Progressive activists are urging President Obama to go big and go daring when he releases his new jobs proposals next week.

Progressive activists are urging President Obama to go big and go daring when he releases his new jobs proposals next week. (AP Photo) Whether they get what they want is a different story entirely.

MoveOn and around 70 other liberal groups sent a letter (pdf) Tuesday to the president, pleading with him to roll out a jobs plan that matches the scope of the unemployment problem – and signaling that Obama should not unveil a plan whose major selling point was that it could appeal to some Republicans.

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"AP" - Monsanto shares fall on bug-resistant corn woes

The Associated Press, August 29 2011

Shares of farm chemical and seed maker Monsanto Co. tumbled nearly 4 percent early Monday on a published report about rootworms that are developing resistance to a natural pesticide made by the company.

Monsanto has been working for years to shift its business focus away from farm chemicals and into genetically altered seeds.

The Wall Street Journal reported Monday that... entomologist Aaron Gassmann found that western corn rootworms were becoming resistant to the corn that was genetically changed by Monsanto to resist the pest. The paper said that the discovery could cause farmers to switch to insect-resistant seeds sold by competitors, and they could return to spraying fields with insecticides.

Monsanto was the first company to sell rootworm-resistant corn to farmers starting in 2003.


"Fleur Hupston" - Use precautions and safety when using essential oils

Monday, August 29, 2011 by: Fleur Hupston

(NaturalNews) Essential oils have been used for centuries in ceremonies and for general health. Today, the use of essential oils for massage and in baths is both pleasurable and soothing. The oils are also widely used to improve health. However, essential oils are highly potent and can cause side effects if used incorrectly. Precautions should be followed to ensure safe handling and use of essential oils.

Safe use of essential oils

Keep essential oils out of reach of children and use them with great care. Use a weaker dilution on children as their bodies are smaller and their skin is more sensitive.

Essential oils are volatile and may ignite if exposed to a high temperature or flame. Do not leave vaporizers or diffusers unattended.

Never take essential oils internally without consulting a medical practitioner first. Do not use oils in cooking or baking.

There are very few essential oils that can be used directly on the skin. Essential oils should be blended with a carrier oil first, such as sweet almond oil, jojoba or olive oil. Do not exceed recommended dilutions, even when adding to bath water.

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"Shona Botes" - Ease back pain naturally through inversion therapy

Monday, August 29, 2011 by: Shona Botes

(NaturalNews) These days, a large portion of the population suffers with some form of back pain. While conventional doctors are quick to recommend operations to repair damage and relieve pain that has been sustained by the discs between the vertebrae, it is good to know that there are actually natural and less invasive ways of dealing with back pain. The most common remedies involve either exercise or inversion therapy or a combination of the two.

Inversion therapy places a person upside down so that pressure can be relieved on the spinal nerves, ligaments and discs. By reducing the pressure on these parts, pain in them is also significantly reduced. A study carried out as far back as 1978 showed that patients who engaged in inversion therapy experienced a 35% decrease in pain levels almost immediately. Another study revealed that over 80% of patients who had undergone just eight inversion table treatments were able to return to work and normal everyday activities. The most recent study confirmed that just over 70% of patients who were scheduled for back surgery were able to cancel their surgeries.

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"Progressive Radio Network Host Danny Schechter, Friday's @ 1pm(EDT)" - Oh, The Pain of The Believer: Barack’s Betrayals Offer Lessons We Can’t Deny

By Danny Schechter
Author of the Crime of our Time

Journalists are not supposed to have political opinions, and yet we all do. Our “biases” are usually disguised, not blatant or overtly partisan, and can be divined in what stories we cover and how we cover them, 

Even ‘just the fact’s maam,’ journos for big Media have to decide which facts to include and which to ignore.

Our outlooks are always shaped by our worldviews, values and experience, not too mention the outlets we work for. 

Which brings me to the challenge of seeking truth and recognizing it when you see it.

I have to admit that I was seduced by the idea of Barack Obama. 

The idea of a black President, the idea of a young President, the idea of an articulate President, and the idea of a man married to such a stand up women from a working class family was hard to resist.

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"John Phillip" - Processed red meat consumption doubles the risk of developing diabetes

Monday, August 29, 2011 by: John Phillip

(NaturalNews) Health-minded adults have been wary of excessive red meat consumption, and most avoid any type of processed meats due to the highly carcinogenic nitrite content. Additives used to add taste, cure and prolong shelf life of classic foods such as hot dogs, bologna and sausage not only cause cancer, but are also now shown to more than double the risk of developing diabetes. Publishing in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers found that a 50 gram daily serving of processed meat (equivalent to one hot dog or two strips of bacon) was associated with doubled risk of developing diabetes. They also found that protein from other sources such as nuts, seeds and whole grains will have the reverse effect.

Researchers followed 37,083 men in the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study, 79,570 women in the Nurses` Health Study, and 87,504 women in the Nurses` Health Study II. Diet was assessed by validated food-frequency questionnaires, and data were updated every four years. Type II diabetes diagnosis was confirmed by a validated supplementary questionnaire. In addition the study included data from a total cohort of more than 442,000 participants to make this the largest study to examine the effect of specific food types on diabetes development and progression.

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