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Gary Null Award-Winning Documentaries That Make A Difference

Gary Null say NO to GMO!!! part 1.mp4

Gary Null In Huntington - Knocking On the Devil's Door Screening

Dr. Andrew Wakefield response to the measles outbreak in South Wales

Forging his way through the predictable UK media censorship: Dr Andrew Wakefield Responds to Measles Outbreak in Swansea

Entries from February 1, 2012 - February 29, 2012


7 Reasons Why You Should Never Eat Genetically Modified Foods

7 Reasons Why You Should Never Eat Genetically Modified Foods 1. Numerous studies have linked GM foods with several types of cancer, toxicity to human cells, allergies, autoimmune diseases, viral and bacterial illness and infectious diseases.

Click to read more ...


[Video] The Future of Food


TAKE ACTION Against The NJ Fluoridation Bill!

1.) If you are a NJ resident and would like participate in the fight against
fluoridation, contact FAN's state coordinator, and visit No Fluoride New

2.) Call the offices of the Senate President and Speaker of the House. Tell
them not to ignore Assembly rules, the $5 billion dollar price tag, or the
health risks associated with fluoridation:

Here are the top people to call:

Senate Majority leader Loretta Weinberg (201) 928-0100
  She signed on as a primary sponsor of the bill S959

Senate President Steve Sweeney (856) 251-9801
  He promptly scheduled the final vote

Assembly Majority leader Louis Greenwald (856) 435-1247
  He signed on as a primary sponsor of the bill A1811

Assembly Speaker Sheila Oliver (973) 395-1166
  She scheduled the final vote without having the Appropriations committee
hold a hearing

Democrats have a majority in both the Senate and the Assembly. They can pass
this without any Republican votes. In the Senate Health Committee hearing,
the three Republicans who stayed for the entire hearing did not vote for the
bill. One voted NO and the other 2 ABSTAINED. (Wow, they actually listened.)

At a Governor's town hall meeting in Westfield, vaccine choice activist (Sue
Collins) asker Christie about fluoridation. Christie expressed skepticism
about it. He may be our best shot at stopping this travesty. We should call
him to encourage him to veto this bill if the Democrats ram it through.

Governor Chris Christie  609-292-6000


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Mortgage Settlement 'Whitewash': US Taxpayers Will Pay for Big Bank Settlement

UPDATE: Reports in the Financial Times and elsewhere say that US taxpayers may be on the hook to bail out big banks -- again.

Neil Barofsky, the former special inspector-general of the TARP, said this morning that the recently approved mortgage deal between the nation's largest banks was "supposed to be a settlement for this remarkable fraud that the banks and the servicers have created across the country" is, in fact, a "political whitewash" because instead of the banks facing punitive action it "is actually going to involve money flowing from the taxpayer into the banks." And, straight to the point, he said, "We're bailing them out again!"

Barofsky, appearing on Marketplace radio this morning in an interview with Adrien Hill, said of the deal:

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Danny Schechter - “We Are Drowning” On A Road To Nowhere: New War on the Horizon

Oil prices are rocketing. Iranian warships are moving into the Mediterranean to shadow the US warships already there. Propaganda news is growing with rumors of Al Qaeda links with Iran, and, then, less speculative news about real links between the terror groups and the armed opposition in Syria.

As Rolling Stone’s Matt Taibbi puts it, the smell of war is in the air and on the air, “You can just feel it: many of the same newspapers and TV stations we saw leading the charge in the Bush years have gone back to the attic and are dusting off their war pom-poms.”

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Sandra Postel - Humanity’s Growing Impact on the World’s Freshwater

As the human population has climbed past seven billion, and the consumption per person of everything from burgers to blue jeans has risen inexorably, the finiteness of Earth’s freshwater is becoming ever more apparent.

It takes water to make everything, and the explosion of demand for all manner of products is draining rivers, shrinking lakes and depleting aquifers.

Consider this—on average it takes 2,700 liters (713 gallons) to make a cotton shirt and 9,800 liters (2600 gallons) to make a pair of blue jeans. The cotton crops growing in farmers’ fields consume most of that water. A smaller share is used in the factories that churn out the clothes.

On any given day we’re likely wearing more than 15,000 liters (~4,000 gallons) worth of water. And if we slip on a pair of leather loafers, well, add another 8,000 liters (~2,100 gallons). It takes a lot of water to grow the grain to feed the cow whose skin is turned into shoes.

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Mike Barrett - New Bill to Mandate Flu Vaccine for New Jersey Health Care Workers

Thanks to a new bill currently going through New Jersey legislature, employees working at health care facilities such as general or special hospitals, nursing homes, or home health care agencies may be ‘mandatorily’ required to receive the flu vaccine. The bill, recently approved by the Assembly Health and Senior Services Committee, may be voted on this week.

New Bill to Mandate Flu Vaccine for New Jersey Health Care Workers

Needless to say, this bill is not the first to call for mandatory flu vaccines. Previously, a federal advisory committee has called on hospitals and healthcare clinics to make the seasonal flu shot mandatory for all employees. What the advisory committee fails to mention is that there is a shocking lack of evidence supporting the effectiveness of the flu vaccine — especially regarding certain healthcare workers in particular. The Cochrane Database Review, the gold standard within the evidence-based medical model for deciding the potency of common medical interventions, does not lend clear scientific support to the theory that flu vaccines are safe or effective.

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Mike Barrett - Cadmium Exposure Could Be Damaging Children’s Health more than Lead

Recent research shows that cadmium could very well be more dangerous to children’s health than lead. While heavy metals such as arsenic, lead, and mercury are often the first to pop up when discussing or thinking about heavy metals and human health, cadmium remains the lesser mentioned metal compromising the health of many — especially children. Current and future research will likely continue to make the dangers of cadmium more well known.

Is Cadmium More Dangerous for Children than Lead?

“One of the important points of the study is that we didn’t study a population of kids who had very high exposures. We studied a population representative of the U.S. That we found any [effect] suggests this is occurring at relatively low levels…It does certainly point to the fact that we need more attention paid to the neurotoxic effects of cadmium in children”

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Review of 'Death By Medicine' in NEXUS Magazine

NEXUS, a bi-monthly alternative news magazine covering health breakthroughs, future science and technology, has reviewed Death By Medicine very positively in their current issue: