1. Numerous studies have linked GM foods with several types of cancer, toxicity to human cells, allergies, autoimmune diseases, viral and bacterial illness and infectious diseases.
2. Genetically engineered animal feed has been shown to have very serious adverse health effects on the animals consuming it. For example, GM foods have been observed to damage the intestines, pancreas, liver and cause allergies in mice and rats. Sheep and cows have died after grazing on GE crops.
3. Despite growing concern over the serious health effects of GMO crops, the FDA does not review or carry out a safety check of any genetically engineered crops.
4. As the wind, birds and insects carry genetically modified pollen into nearby fields, non-GM crops are exposed to GM crops through cross-pollination. As a result, untold acres of farmland are being contaminated at an increasing pace. This has caused Monsanto to push for the introduction of GM seeds that become sterile after one planting, which would require farmers to purchase seeds from the company each year.
5. Increasing dependence on GM crops worldwide may benefit some farmers in the short term, however, such a relationship leaves most agriculturists at risk of not being able to afford the price of seeds set by monopolizing biotech giants. Many non-GM and organic farmers are being put out of business through undercutting by companies like Monsanto. More farmers are put out of business by these firms after their fields were contaminated with GM crops and they were sued on the grounds of patent infringement.
6. Genetically engineered crops have caused an increase in toxic pesticides being sprayed on our plants.
7. Contrary to the proclamations of biotechnology corporations, genetic engineering has failed to significantly increase the yield of crops in the United States.
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