Matt Taibbi: Lara Logan, You Suck

Anyone who wants to know why network television news hasn't mattered since the seventies just needs to check out this appearance by Logan.

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Forging his way through the predictable UK media censorship: Dr Andrew Wakefield Responds to Measles Outbreak in Swansea
Anyone who wants to know why network television news hasn't mattered since the seventies just needs to check out this appearance by Logan.
The recent unanimous 11-0 vote by the members of the Centers for Disease Control’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) favoring every American over the age of six months receive the flu influenza vaccine is one more attempt by our federal health officials to open up our bodies to the free market capitalism of pharmaceutical coffers.
Starting with the Homeland Security probe at Washington's Reagan Airport, arrival back in the United States resembles an alien abduction to a planet of bright lights, strange beings and incomprehensible behavior. The featureless mysophobic landscape of DC's Virginia suburbs seems to indicate that homogeneity and sterility are the native religions.
The IMF is shouting about the need for austerity today, but it was strangely quiet during the build-up of the bubble that got us here
The Food and Drug Administration is urging meat producers to limit the amount of antibiotics they give animals in response to public health concerns about the drugs.
How else can we interpret the G20 communiqué that includes not even a measly tax on financial transactions?
A conversation with Peak Oil Investigator Michael Ruppert
BP Knows it will get Worse, much Worse
World leaders "believe absolutely" that Israel may decide to take military action against Iran to prevent the latter from acquiring nuclear weapons, Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi said Saturday.
I'm pleased that we have as a nation finally admitted our addiction problem: After all, recognition is the first sign of recovery. But as the BP oil disaster enters its second month, it seems to me that the addiction metaphor has become inadequate. It would be more accurate to say that we're in an abusive relationship and unable to leave our abuser.