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Entries in AIDS (50)


The Pain, Profit and Politics of AIDS

In the May 4, 1984 issue of the prestigious journal Science, one of the most important research papers of the last quarter century was published. “Frequent Detection and Isolation of Cytopathic Retroviruses (HTLV-III) from Patients with AIDS and at Risk for AIDS” would rapidly become the medical Magna Carta for the entire gold rush to develop diagnostic methods to identify the presence of HIV in human blood and to invent pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines in a global war againstAIDS. This paper, along with three others published in the same issue of Science, was written by Dr. Robert Gallo, then head of the Laboratory of Tumor Cell Biology (LTCB) at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) inBethesda,Maryland, and his lead researcher Dr. Mikulas Popovic. To this day, this article continues to document the most cited research to prove the HIV hypothesis in scientific papers and places like the nation’s Centers of Disease Control (CDC) website.

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Gary Null: These are all outstanding experts who believe the war on aids is being mismanaged. Part 1  

Gary Null: These are all outstanding experts who believe the war on aids is being mismanaged. Part 1 POLITICK-ING, GALLO “The first casualty of the ‘war on AIDS’ was the integrity of science. The exact moment of the crime can be pinpointed: it was the April, 1984 press conference where the then [US] Health Secretary Margaret Heckler declared that government scientist Robert C. Gallo had discovered the viral cause of AIDS. Heckler hailed the discovery as ‘yet another miracle for American medicine and science’ and a ‘victory over a dreaded disease.’ If smoke and mirror tricks are miracles, then miracle it was…Neither Gallo nor the [Pasteur] Institute proved that the virus was pathogenic. Indeed, they did not even isolate it, as the Pasteur Institute later admitted.

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Gambia says cures more HIV patients with herbs

Gambian President Yahya Jammeh said that dozens of HIV/AIDS patients in the tiny West African state have been cured using his secret concoction of boiled herbs.

Jammeh first announced he had found a natural remedy to cure AIDS in 2007, stirring anger among Western medical experts who claimed he was giving false hope to the sick.

"Who am I to expect that everybody would praise me," Jammeh said in a state television broadcast on Sunday evening, announcing that 68 patients had been cured and discharged from a treatment center.

"Just as the Prophet Mohammed prevailed and established Islam (...)I also prevailed to cure HIV/AIDS to the point that 68 are being discharged today," he said.

The World Health Organisation and the United Nations have said Jammeh's HIV/AIDS treatment is alarming mainly because patients are required to cease their anti-retroviral drugs making them more prone to infection.

The president said the cured group was the seventh batch of HIV/AIDS patients undergoing his herbal remedy to have been discharged since the treatments began five years ago.

Jammeh came to power in Gambia, a sliver of land on Africa's west coast that is popular with sun-seeking European tourists, in a bloodless military coup in 1994.

He is accused by activists of human rights abuses during his rule, and most recently drew international criticism for executing nine death row inmates by firing squad.

Jammeh said on Sunday that his government would fully integrate "natural medicine" to all the country's hospitals, to complement Western medical techniques.

Other African leaders have drawn criticism for extolling the power of natural remedies to combat AIDS.

The administration of former South African President Thabo Mbeki was ridiculed for denying there was a link between HIV and AIDS while prescribing meaningless treatments such as beet root instead of internationally proven medicines.

The HIV rate in Gambia is relatively low compared to other African states, with 2 percent of the country's roughly 1.8 million people infected, according to the United Nations.


[VIDEO] ''HIV/AIDS'' Social Worker Shares Scepticism Re: African ''AIDS'' and E.U. Hetero ''HIV Epidemic''

No vaccine, no safe treatment, no cure, no questions after 30 years ! Isn't something awry? In House of Numbers: Anatomy of an Epidemic, an AIDS film like no other, the HIV/AIDS story is being rewritten. This is the first film to present the uncensored POVs of virtually all the major players; in their own settings, in their own words. It rocks the foundation upon which all conventional wisdom regarding 'HIV/AIDS' is based.

 Watch Here:


The Premiere of Our Brand New TV Studio

After months of work, we at Progressive Radio Network are proud to debut our new television studio! I filmed my first video show in studio last night for The Progressive Commentary Hour, and now you can view it below! The topic we tackled was HIV/AIDS.



Small US trial looks at body's ability to fight HIV

A new approach to coaxing the body to fight HIV without antiretroviral drugs has shown some success in almost half the patients enrolled in a small study, US researchers said Wednesday.

Twenty HIV-positive volunteers in Pennsylvania were asked to stop taking their drug therapy and submit instead to weekly doses of interferon-alpha, an antiviral chemical produced by the human immune system.

The treatment kept HIV under control in nine of the 20 patients at the 12-week mark, and appeared to decrease the amount of HIV present in cells that harbor the infection, known as reservoirs.

The trial was meant to last 24 weeks or until a person's HIV levels either rose or T-cells dropped to a certain level, at which point the subjects were to resume their antiretroviral treatment.

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Dr. Hans Kugler - AIDS since 1984: No evidence for a new, viral epidemic – not even in Africa

Learn more about AIDS by downloading this PDF.



Dr. Hans Kugler - Science Notes (AIDS)

SCIENCE NOTES by Hans Kugler, Ph.D.

CLICK HERE to access “AIDS/HIV Poster 

With the HIV=AIDS hypothesis never scientifically proven, but only voted on by doctors attending a meeting sponsored by drug companies, a key paper in the British Medical journal showing that HAART drugs are NOT decreasing the rate of death from AIDS, and health practice improvements (which people diagnosed HIV+ ARE making) resulting in longer life span increases than what credited to HAART drugs, more scientists are questioning the correctness of the HIV=AIDS hypothesis.

What causes AIDS?

HIV? Chemicals? Anti-Retroviral Drugs? Malnutrition (African AIDS)? “HIV, the virus that causes AIDS”!(?) More and more scientific studies don’t agree, don’t support the hypothesis, and point out how sloppy medical “science” has become.

a) “AIDS Vaccine a Total Failure!”  News reports, September 2007.The vaccine, well made by reputable scientists, failed to be a weapon against AIDS.
Explanation: Simple logic, HIV does not cause AIDS!

b) “A multibillion $ Quiz: Is AIDS a viral or a chemical epidemic?” Presentation by Berkeley Prof. Peter Duesberg at the Kern Medical Center, Bakersfield, 04.2007. Click here to view just a few key slides; the complete slide presentation can be viewed, as PowerPoint or PDF, at

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[Video] Nobel Prize Winner Challenges The Myths About Aids

California microbiologist Kary Mullis, Ph.D. on whether or not HIV is the probable cause of AIDS.

Created and narrated by Gary Null, Ph.D.

Find more in-depth investigations and crucial information at

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AIDS - Myths and Fallacies

A special investigative report on The Progressive Commentary Hour (Every Monday night on The Progressive Radio Network)

AIDS - Myths and Fallacies 

Guests: Celia Farber, Professor Henry Bauer, David Crowe

 Download this episode (right click and save)