Gary Null Award-Winning Documentaries That Make A Difference
Gary Null say NO to GMO!!! part 1.mp4
Gary Null In Huntington - Knocking On the Devil's Door Screening
Dr. Andrew Wakefield response to the measles outbreak in South Wales
Forging his way through the predictable UK media censorship: Dr Andrew Wakefield Responds to Measles Outbreak in Swansea
Entries in Health (52)
Modern Medicine Gets a Failing Grade: Birth of the Lifestyle Approach By: Gary Null, Ph.D

There is no longer a debate about the fact that we are an unhealthy nation. Neither is there a debate about the causes: smoking, unhealthy diet, and lack of physical exercise to name the most obvious. The debate is enjoined when we search for solutions. We expect solutions to come from within our health care system, from the Surgeon General, the CDC, the Department of Health and Welfare. However, it comes as no surprise that there has never been a national health program and no one is giving us important lifestyle direction. We do have a solution. It's called CLIP, the Comprehensive Lifestyle Intervention Program, a program that has improved the health of people from all over the country, of all ages, and all walks of life. It's a program that involves diet, supplements, exercise, stress reduction, and behavioral counseling . But first let's define the problem.
Nutrition and the Mind By: Gary Null, Ph.D

In 1995, it is estimated that our national sickness care system will account for more than 1.3 trillion dollars of our money. That's more than we spend on defense, housing, food, and education combined. The problem is that we are not seeing major breakthroughs, cures, or even successful prevention programs for any of the serious diseases. We hear a great deal about cancer, AIDS, heart disease, and arthritis. But the largest single disorder group in America is mental illness. It is estimated by the National Institute of Mental Health that more than 40 million Americans are affected by any one of a number of mental and emotional conditions that adversely affect the quality of their lives. These include depression,schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, dementia, and autism, as well as other conditions, which,while they may not fall strictly under the rubric of "mental illness," have a mental component, e.g., fatigue, insomnia, learning disabilities, attention deficit disorder, eating disorders, PMS, alcoholism, and aggressive behavior. When you consider that probably an additional 50 million people suffer from intermittent bouts of any number of these conditions, then you can see that close to one third of the entire American population is personally grappling with mental health concerns.

The State of Health in America: Gary Null Interviews Dr. Peter Rost of Pfizer

On Friday June 10, 2005, Dr. Gary Null engaged Dr. Peter Rost in a candid discussion on the nature of healthcare and the pharmaceutical industry in the United States. Gary Null: We're beginning with an exclusive Internet radio discussion with a doctor who is also, currently, a vice president for marketing at Pfizer. He is not speaking on behalf of Pfizer, but for himself. I have invited him to share insights on the nature of the pharmaceutical industry. He is Dr. Peter Rost. Nice to have you with us today. Dr. Rost: Thank you so very much. I'm very happy to be with you. Gary Null: We do this more like a classroom on the air, so please do not feel that you have to give us any short answers. Give us as much of a context to the answer as you wish. Let us begin with a serious an important challenge, and that is: today many Americans face the dilemma of not being able to buy food or other necessities and buy medications they may need that can help save their lives. I find this disturbing. I'm concerned that someone should have to make that choice. Your position, please.
Federal Health Agencies Continue to Deceive Americans

Under normal circumstances, when a public health measure is advocated or mandated, and it is accepted without question by all Federal health agencies, state and local health departments, and promoted by the mainstream media with unquestioning support from the orthodox medical community, then it is assumed that such measures at the very least meet basic scientifically proven criteria. Foremost should be public health safety and that the proven efficacy of a health program be implemented according to rigorous scientific gold standards. When this standard is ignored and denied, as is now being done by our health officials, then the wellbeing of the nation is placed at risk. Consequently, we see the concerns regarding the swine flu vaccine focusing upon supply rather than health.
Vaccination: An Analysis of the Health Risks By: Gary Null, Ph.D., and Martin Feldman, M.D.

For more than a hundred years, two basic assumptions have been put forth by public health officials. One is that vaccines are safe. The second is that vaccines are effective for the conditions for which they're given. The public and our legislators have, by and large, accepted these assumptions as true, and as a result it is now compulsory in many states that children have as many as 33 separate inoculations before entering school. Some of these are given as early as the first few weeks of life. We've been told that the end of polio, for example, as a serious health threat is due to mass inoculation programs, and again we have accepted the official dogma without question. But as we shall see, this is not exactly the truth. What's more, a disturbing reality that generally has gone unrecognized is the ever-growing number of people suffering adverse reactions to vaccinations. These individuals are predominantly infants and children, and the problems they've incurred as a result of vaccination go far beyond sore arms and transitory fever: Conditions such as autism, attention deficit disorder, minimal brain dysfunction, and other biochemical and neurological abnormalities have been linked to the effects of vaccines. Most tragically, so has SIDS-Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

The Pain, Profit and Politics of AIDS

In the May 4, 1984 issue of the prestigious journal Science, one of the most important research papers of the last quarter century was published. “Frequent Detection and Isolation of Cytopathic Retroviruses (HTLV-III) from Patients with AIDS and at Risk for AIDS” would rapidly become the medical Magna Carta for the entire gold rush to develop diagnostic methods to identify the presence of HIV in human blood and to invent pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines in a global war againstAIDS. This paper, along with three others published in the same issue of Science, was written by Dr. Robert Gallo, then head of the Laboratory of Tumor Cell Biology (LTCB) at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) inBethesda,Maryland, and his lead researcher Dr. Mikulas Popovic. To this day, this article continues to document the most cited research to prove the HIV hypothesis in scientific papers and places like the nation’s Centers of Disease Control (CDC) website.
Dr. Luc Montagnier - The Truth About AIDS

Dr. Luc Montagnier - The Truth About AIDS

By Gary Null and Nancy Ashley
Currently, the American public through our government agencies, the CDC, the FDA the US Public Health Service, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases is being told that only by vaccinating all children and infants, all adults and seniors can we confer complete protective immunity from major diseases, whether H1N1, the seasonal flu, chicken pox, measles, hepatitis, etc. to any given individual. Their arguments have never been put to the test. It is virtually impossible to have open, independent, objective scientific and public health discourse. You either accept without challenge that vaccines provide permanent lifetime immunity, or you are immediately relegated as a quack. However, a careful analysis and review of the scientific literature shows that no vaccine or combination of vaccines can be proven to confer complete immunity and be safe.
Holistic Wellness Event :: Featuring Gary Null

October 15, 2011 Events Sponsors:
Ideal Farm & Garden Center, Lafayette, NJ-Will be decorating the fall event with pumpkins & gourds. The center is located in Sussex County and is known for their scenic hayrides, haunted house, apple cider, homemade donuts and lots of pumpkins to choose from.
Tickets are $75 before Sept. 30 - $95 after Oct. 1
This includes all seminars & gourmet lunch
Seating is limited, please register early
"Wellness Gala" is a trademark of Debbie Peterson Wellness Events, LLC and was previously used by HMN in error. The Holistic Wellness event is not in any way endorsed, sponsored, affiliated with or connected with Debbie Peterson Wellness Events, LLC."