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Forging his way through the predictable UK media censorship: Dr Andrew Wakefield Responds to Measles Outbreak in Swansea

Entries in Health (52)


Nearly 250,000 Deaths From ONE Common Mistake: Here's How to Protect Yourself

It's been seven years since I posted the comprehensive, footnoted research article, Death by Medicine, on this website. Authored in two parts by Gary Null PhD, Carolyn Dean MD ND, Martin Feldman MD, Debora Rasio MD, and Dorothy Smith PhD, it described in excruciating detail how the modern American medical system had bumbled its way into becoming the leading cause of death and injury in the United States. From medical errors to adverse drug reactions to unnecessary procedures, heart disease, cancer deaths and infant mortality, the authors took statistics straight from the most respected medical and scientific journals and investigative reports by the Institutes of Medicine (IOM), and showed that on the whole American medicine caused more harm than good.

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The Controversy of the Latent Period following Immunizations

The Controversy of the Latent Period following Immunizations Harold E Buttram, MD Introduction: In 1986 the U.S. Congress passed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, which set up a system whereby the families of vaccine-injured children could be compensated for such injuries. Based on personal experience and observation, there has been much criticism of this system and question whether not it is serving its intended purpose.

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Statistics on Natural Infectious Disease Declines, Immunization Effectiveness, and Immunization Dangers

Statistics on Natural Infectious Disease Declines, Immunization Effectiveness, and Immunization Dangers

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Statistics on Natural Infectious Disease Declines, Immunization Effectiveness, and Immunization Dangers





Explaining Why Meditators May Live Longer

The image of the ancient but youthful-looking sage meditating on a mountaintop might be closer to reality than you think, according to a new study that found that after a three-month stay at a meditation retreat, people showed higher levels of an enzyme associated with longevity. The study is preliminary and didn't show that meditation actually extends life, but the findings suggest a possible means by which it could. Researchers led by Tonya Jacobs of the University of California-Davis compared 30 participants at a meditation retreat held at the Shambhala Mountain Center in Colorado with matched controls on a waiting list for the retreat. Participants meditated six hours per day for three months. Their meditation centered on mindfulness — for instance, focusing solely on breathing, in the moment — and on lovingkindness and enhancing compassion towards others.

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by David Crowe

SAN FRANCISCO (Rethinking AIDS) May 11, 2009 — A major scientific dispute over AIDS science is threatening to hit the national radar, but not if John Moore can help it. The crusading professor from Cornell University is determined to have any mention that there is scientific dissent over the traditional views of AIDS silenced. He and several of his colleagues signed a letter saying they were "quoted out of context" in a new documentary film by Brent Leung- before they had even seen the film! They came to their conclusion simply by watching the film's trailer (available at

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Suppression of Science Within Science

by Henry Bauer I wasn’t as surprised as many others were, when it was revealed that climate-change "researchers" had discussed in private e-mails how to keep important data from public view lest it shake public belief in the dogma that human activities are contributing significantly to global warming. I wasn’t particularly surprised because just a few weeks earlier I had spoken at the Oakland Rethinking AIDS Conference about the dogmatism and strong-arm tactics that are rampant in a seemingly increasing range of fields of medicine and science. PowerPoint presentations of most of the talks at the Conference are available at the Conference website. Here’s a slightly modified, more readable, text version of my own talk. The theme in a nutshell:

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HIV and Apoptosis of Cancer Cells: The Killer's Promises

December, 2009 — At a scientific conference on Cell Death in Florence, Italy, Marco Ruggiero and his colleagues have described a possible role for HIV in the destruction of cancer cells. The work was recently discussed on Henry Bauer's blog and the authors' full poster (PDF) can be downloaded HERE.

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The 2,729 AIDS Doubters

THE AIDS INDUSTRY AND MEDIA WANT YOU TO THINK THERE ARE ONLY A HANDFUL OF SCIENTISTS WHO DOUBT THE HIV-AIDS THEORY. HERE’S THE REALITY. The 2,729 doubters: Last updated November 7, 2010. This is not a petition, it is a compilation of notable people whose doubts about Aids are publicly known (more details at the end). New and updated entries from the last three months are shown in red. Limitations on the beliefs of those who question only key parts of the Hiv theory are shown in brackets. Some names on this webpage have been blacked out because AIDS Inc. apparently feels threatened by public exposure of the tremendous dissent to their very profitable HIV theory, so they are contacting people and pressuring them to request removal from this page. If you think you belong on this web page please email us.

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IS “HIV” REALLY THE CAUSE OF AIDS? ARE THERE REALLY ONLY “A FEW” SCIENTISTS WHO DOUBT THIS? (PART 1) Over 2,000 scientists, medical professionals, authors and academics are on record that the “Hiv-Aids” theories, routinely reported to the public as if they were facts, are dubious to say the least.

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