'Miracle grass' encourages longevity while dispelling disease

More potent than ginseng, jiaogulan is a powerful antidote to aging, cancer, cardiovascular disease, stress and fatigue. It even helps to maintain proper weight. Known as an immortality elixir, this herb has been used for centuries throughout Asia. Jiaogulan is a top notch tonic for modern life too -- a true herbal champion for healthy and dynamic living.
First recorded in the Materia Medica for the Salvation of Starvation during the Ming Dynasty in China, jiaogulan (Gynostemma pentaphyllum) was the go-to herb for a variety of ailments. Often referred to as 'miracle grass,' jiaogulan has a long history of use. Containing four times the amount of saponins compared to ginseng, jiaogulan is an extraordinary adaptogen. American scientists have found it to be one of the top 10 most effective anti-aging herbs in the world.
The secret to longevity and absence of disease
The Chinese mountainous region of Guizhou is famous for its sheer number of centenarians. After 10 years of research, scientists discovered a common link among these long-lived people: daily consumption of sweet tasting jiaogulan tea. The centenarians also had very low incidences of Alzheimer's, cancer, diabetes and high blood pressure. Researchers believe such disease-free longevity is due to the abundance of antioxidants and saponins found in the herb.
Jiaogulan is also recognized as a general health elixir that supports endurance and strength while alleviating fatigue. Furthermore, it has been used with great success in treating the common cold and other infectious diseases.
Formidable anti-cancer tonic
Jiaogulan works on several levels to prevent and heal cancer. As an exceptional source of antioxidants, jiaogulan scavenges free radicals within the body -- minimizing DNA mutations that lead to tumors. The saponins present in jiaogulan also limit the growth of cancer by reacting with the cholesterol rich membranes surrounding rogue cells. Jiaogulan increases white blood cell counts too. In a Chinese study, cancer patients who had suppressed white blood cell activity due to radiation therapy, were given either jiaogulan, an herbal blend or a generic health tonic. Those who took jiaogulan, more than doubled their white blood cell count in an average of five days with almost 94 percent effectiveness.
Incomparable adaptogen
Adaptogens by their very nature have no side effects and only restore balance where needed. Jiaogulan may be the most powerful adaptogen of all as it contains over 100 saponins. Keep in mind the important influence saponins have on health -- regulating cholesterol, reducing cancer risk while enhancing immunity.
Through its adaptogenic properties, jiaogulan supports equilibrium within the body. If an individual needs to shed extra pounds, jiaogulan can help. Interestingly, the reverse is also true. If someone is underweight, the herb will assist in correcting that imbalance as well. Additionally, jiaogulan will regulate cholesterol and blood pressure whether too high or low. The nervous system is similar -- if anxiety ridden, jiaogulan has a calming effect; if dullness is present, the herb is energizing.
It is important to note that jiaogulan grown in Southeast Asia is often contaminated with heavy metals. Always chose organic, sustainably grown varieties to avoid potential toxins.
For those seeking youthfulness, health and vibrancy, jiaogulan might just be the answer. As an unbeatable adaptogen and supreme source of antioxidants as well as saponins, jiaogulan is a tasty way to enjoy the sweet life.
Sources for this article include:
"Jiao Gu Lan (Gynostemma pentaphyllum): The Chinese Rasayan-Current Research Scenario" R.N. Mishra, Dharnidhar Joshi, International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences. Retrieved on October 8, 2012 from:http://www.ijrpbsonline.com/files/RV12.pdf
"Adaptogens: Herbs for Strength, Stamina, and Stress Relief" David Winston and Steven Maimes, Inner Traditions * Bear & Company.
"Jiaogulan the Chinese Herb of Immortality" Danica Collins, Underground Health Reporter. Retrieved on October 8, 2012 from: http://undergroundhealthreporter.com
"Gynostemma" Herbs List, June 20, 2011. Retrieved on October 8, 2012 from: http://www.herbslist.net/gynostemma.html
"Jiaogulan" Immortalitea. Retrieved on October 8, 2012 from: http://www.jiaogulan.org/category/jiaogulan-research/page/2/
"Gynostemma tea boosts heart health" Celeste M. Smucker, MPH, PhD, Natural News, March 19, 2011. Retrieved on October 8, 2012 from: http://www.naturalnews.com/031749_gynostemma_longevity.html
"Saponins" Phytochemicals. Retrieved on October 8, 2012 from: http://www.phytochemicals.info/phytochemicals/saponins.php