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Entries in gardasil (28)



Nikki Haley, Governor of South Carolina, made headlines on Tuesday by vetoing a bill initiated by the Democrats which would provide sixth graders with government-sponsored information encouraging parents to get the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine for their children as well as one free HPV vaccine for seventh graders.  Haley has received a barrage of criticism for her actions, and charges of hypocrisy for having previously sponsored a bill in 2007 that would have mandated the HPV vaccine in South Carolina, even though she ultimately withdrew her backing because the bill did not contain an opt-out provision.  While the current bill had broad bipartisan support, Governor Haley rejected it as unnecessary and because it would be a precursor to a vaccine mandate entirely dependent on government funding.  More importantly, however, Haley was quoted as saying her previous support of a human papillomavirus vaccine mandate was a mistake:  now that she has a 14 year-old daughter she feels differently about “what I am going to do as a parent and what I want for my child.”

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Gary Null PhD and Nancy Ashley VMD — Gardasil: A Deadly Vaccine

Do you find something seriously wrong with this scenario?

In late 2009, reports of faulty gas pedals, obstructive floor carpets, and failing breaks in Toyota and Lexus vehicles generated uproar across major media networks. During a 4-year period beginning in 2006, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) had reported 5 deaths, 17 injuries and 13 crashes, and an additional 29 deaths between 2000 and 2005. There was no hesitation among the networks and federal officials to demonize Toyota for knowingly risking the lives of people solely to empty its dealership lots. Even Congress quickly called for a Congressional investigation, and Toyota took upon itself the responsibility to recall over 8 million vehicles.

As the NHTSA was collecting crash data on Toyota’s lemons, the Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) database was gathering casualty data following vaccinations with Merck’s human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine, Gardasil. And it was clear that Merck was far ahead and winning its race against Toyota for the Lemon of the Decade Award. Using data from the CDC, the vaccine watch organization Sanevax determined that, since Gardasil’s launch in 2006 until November 2012, the HPV vaccine was linked to 121 deaths and over 27,485 medical injuries of young girls, some as young as 11 years old.

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Gardasil genetic fingerprints found in postmortem samples of girls given vaccine

Learn more: (NaturalNews) A recent study published in the open-access journal Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs provides shocking new evidence that viral components contained in the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine Gardasil are capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier and triggering cerebral vasculitis, a severe form of blood vessel inflammation in the brain that can lead to severe autoimmune disorders and even death.

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Heidi Stevenson - Gardasil Destroys Girl’s Ovaries: Research on Ovaries Never Considered

The BMJ has published the case report of a healthy 16-year-old Australian girl whose womanhood appears to have been stolen by Gardasil vaccinations. She has been thrust into full-fledged menopause, her ovaries irrevocably shut down, before becoming a woman. The authors, Deirdre Therese Little and Harvey Rodrick Grenville Ward1, draw direct attention to the fact that, though the girl has been thoroughly examined and tested, there is no known explanation other than the series of three Gardasil vaccinations she had.

Making matters worse is that there may be many other such cases, but most are likely masked by the routine treatment of irregular or scanty menstruation with oral contraceptives. Indeed, it’s only because this girl refused them that the truth of her situation was unmasked. Just how many other girls have lost their chance at motherhood, but don’t know because their condition is masked?

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Nikki Haley, Governor of South Carolina, made headlines on Tuesday by vetoing a bill initiated by the Democrats which would provide sixth graders with government-sponsored information encouraging parents to get the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine for their children as well as one free HPV vaccine for seventh graders. Haley has received a barrage of criticism for her actions, and charges of hypocrisy for having previously sponsored a bill in 2007 that would have mandated the HPV vaccine in South Carolina, even though she ultimately withdrew her backing because the bill did not contain an opt-out provision. While the current bill had broad bipartisan support, Governor Haley rejected it as unnecessary and because it would be a precursor to a vaccine mandate entirely dependent on government funding. More importantly, however, Haley was quoted as saying her previous support of a human papillomavirus vaccine mandate was a mistake: now that she has a 14 year-old daughter she feels differently about “what I am going to do as a parent and what I want for my child.”1 While we support Governor Haley’s courage in standing up for a parent’s right to determine the health care given to their children, which is laudable, we would offer Governor Haley, along with every governor in America, every state and federal legislator, and every pediatrician, pharmacist, and nurse, a reality check. Mandating, or even encouraging or supporting, the human papillomavirus vaccine is tantamount to promoting a public health fraud, and intentionally and with malice aforethought, placing millions of young girls’ and boys’ lives at risk for debilitating injury, including death. Our public health policies, including vaccination, have been formed not by independent, qualified scientists, but rather by lobbyists who have paid for access to politicians at the state and federal levels, bringing forth hand-picked, highly compromised scientists and physicians to promote a fallacy and make it codified by law that the HPV vaccine will prevent cervical cancer and save countless lives when, in fact, independent science shows just the opposite. Therefore, we are offering you an opportunity to review actual scientific evidence that would convince any responsible and reasonable parent, politician, or physician that this vaccine should be banned, not mandated. While the Democrats in South Carolina moan about lost opportunities to save lives and to cut back on health care costs, what they seem clueless and grossly irresponsible about are the facts; once again allowing ideology to trump science. Even Governor Jerry Brown of California, demonstrated his unbridled promotion of the Gardasil vaccine by signing into law in October 2011, a bill which gives 12 year-old children the right to choose the HPV vaccine not only without parental approval, but without even parental notification!2 The scientific facts are that the HPV vaccine is dangerous, even deadly. The major HPV vaccine in question is of course, Gardasil, Merck’s premier product that has lifted it out of the financial doldrums since the ignominious removal of Vioxx from the market in 2004. We spoke with Cindy Bevington, an investigative journalist, who says we should all be very concerned about these repeated attempts to force Gardasil on our children because there is absolutely no proof that using this vaccine will lead to the prevention of cervical cancer. Bevington broke the story in 2007 that Dr. Diane Harper, the lead investigator for the clinical trials of both Gardasil and its competitor, Cervarix, considered the HPV vaccine to be not only unnecessary, but “a huge public health experiment.” Dr. Harper revealed to Bevington that the current rate of cervical cancer in the US is so low, that every single 12 year-old girl would need to be vaccinated for the next 60 years to reduce the rate of cervical cancer at all.3 The news was a disappointment to the legislative campaign to mandate Gardasil across the nation to 12-year old girls, which was being heavily pushed by Merck together with ALEC and their spokespeople, Women in Government. Since then, despite all the advertising, Gardasil is nowhere near as successful as Merck was hoping for. During the push to require Gardasil for children in Indiana, Bevington went to the hearings and observed Indiana legislators actually weeping, begging for the vaccine to be mandated as they spoke about lives lost to cervical cancer without it! Why have we become such an anti-scientific nation? We have been misled scientifically into believing that this vaccine will save lives when in fact the opposite is true. The remarkable claims of Gardasil’s benefits to women in the war on cancer are quite simply ridiculous, inaccurate, fraudulent, and are not supported by the science -- even that science funded by Merck itself. We could ask where is the New York Times, the Washington Post, the LA Times, CBC, Fox, or CNN? Where are the journalists and the resources they have at their disposal to uncover these facts? Is this a truth they do not want to know because they would then be forced to report it? The Gardasil story is just one example of the bias in official media, both conservative and liberal. Here, then, are 10 facts that would seem that no Governor, Federal official, or legislator has taken the time to study. If so, we would have a different approach to mandating Gardasil in the 50 states.

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Gary Null, Ph.D., and Nancy Ashley, VMD - GARDASIL: CHILD ABUSE BY BIG PHARMA

By Gary Null, PhD and Nancy Ashley, VMD

January 9, 2012

In 1987, I was asked to debate a group of 6 scientists about the very promising AIDS drug, AZT.  Signs around NYU Medical School exhorted everyone to “Put Time on Your Side”, and the vast majority of activists, including ACT UP, were pushing the government to allocate all available funds to get this drug into as many people as possible who had been diagnosed with AIDS.  I was the only one who was dissenting and there was a simple reason:  I had spoken with John Lauritsen.

Lauritsen, an investigative journalist who wrote for the New York Native in the 1980s and 1990s, knew that AZT was a fraud.  Originally a chemotherapy drug that was rejected due to excessive toxicity, AZT was resurrected for use as an AIDS treatment and fast tracked by the FDA for approval in just six months.  Lauritsen looked closely at the one single study used as a basis for this approval, and found:  “the description of methodology was incomplete and incoherent.  Not a single table was acceptable according to statistical standards – indeed, not a single table made sense.  In particular, the first report, on “efficacy” was marred by contradictions, ill-logic, and special pleading.”  Lauritsen discovered that this poor-quality study was unblinded early, allowing both doctors and patients to know whether AZT or the placebo was being taken, thus completely invalidating the study.  Then the study itself was terminated early, ostensibly so that all participants would be able to take AZT, which appeared so effective at preventing death from AIDS.  The real-life follow up, however, at no time repeated the stunning results of this mangled study.  Instead, according to Lauritsen, “More than 96% of all “AIDS” deaths in the U.S. occurred after AZT was approved for marketing in 1987. Those deaths were not caused by a virus, but by AZT. “

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A Gary Null Show Special Report: Gardasil - Child Abuse by a Vaccine


Gardasil - Don't Cry for Me Argentina - I Have Come to Kill Thousands of Your Girls 

(NaturalNews) Last February, Argentinian President Cristina Fernandez announced the launch of the country's HPV vaccine program at the National Institute of Tropical Medicine conference. In a stunning admission and before an audience of her countrymen, who did not react to her gaffe, President Fernandez admits that the HPV vaccine kills girls. Was she betrayed by her subconscious or by her criminal unconscious?

"Now we are going to add the HPV vaccine to the Official Immunization Program of the State and therefore (this expensive medicine) will be free (the HPV vaccine), and therefore, with some time, we will get thousands of women losing their lives" - Spanish: "Vamos a lograr que miles de mujeres pierdan la vida". In fact, the President even seems to know more than many of us on the lethal effectiveness of the drug when she says..."with sometime." 1.

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Leslie Carol Botha - Contaminated Gardasil Vaccine May Be Infectious -Potentially Causing Millions More to Become Sick via Blood Transference

November 11, 2011
By Leslie Carol Botha, Vice-President Public Relations

Gardasil Contaminated with HPV rDNA

In September of this year, SANE Vax Inc. broke the news that 100% of the Gardasil vials tested proved to be contaminated with a recombinant HPV DNA attached to aluminum.  The nonprofit organization contracted with a private lab to run the tests at request of informed physician and medical consumers concerned about HPV vaccine safety and efficacy.  The laboratory informed SANE Vax Inc. that one hundred percent of the thirteen (13) samples of Gardasil™ taken from lots  #1437Z, #1511Z, #0553AA, #NL35360, #NP23400, #NN33070, #NL01490, #NM25110, #NL39620, #NK16180, #NK00140, #NM08120 and #NL13560, currently being  marketed in the U.S.A., Australia, New Zealand, Spain, France, and Poland were found to be positive for HPV rDNA.

In the past month global government health agencies went from demanding that vaccine contamination be investigated – to accepting a universal statement possibly written by Merck – that the agencies were well aware that the ‘presence of DNA fragments was to be expected and did not pose a safety risk. 1.  And life went on as usual.

On October 25, 2011, an advisory panel to the CDC, who actually receives a ‘kick-back’ on Gardasil sales recommended that the vaccine be administered to boys ages 9 to 26 – creating a whole new market for sales and profits.  The recommendation, which falls short of a mandate, means Merck’s Gardasil vaccine could be added to vaccination schedules in pediatricians’ offices across the country.2

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