Leslie Carol Botha - Contaminated Gardasil Vaccine May Be Infectious -Potentially Causing Millions More to Become Sick via Blood Transference
December 23, 2011
Gary Null in Vaccines, gardasil

November 11, 2011
By Leslie Carol Botha, Vice-President Public Relations

Gardasil Contaminated with HPV rDNA

In September of this year, SANE Vax Inc. broke the news that 100% of the Gardasil vials tested proved to be contaminated with a recombinant HPV DNA attached to aluminum.  The nonprofit organization contracted with a private lab to run the tests at request of informed physician and medical consumers concerned about HPV vaccine safety and efficacy.  The laboratory informed SANE Vax Inc. that one hundred percent of the thirteen (13) samples of Gardasil™ taken from lots  #1437Z, #1511Z, #0553AA, #NL35360, #NP23400, #NN33070, #NL01490, #NM25110, #NL39620, #NK16180, #NK00140, #NM08120 and #NL13560, currently being  marketed in the U.S.A., Australia, New Zealand, Spain, France, and Poland were found to be positive for HPV rDNA.

In the past month global government health agencies went from demanding that vaccine contamination be investigated – to accepting a universal statement possibly written by Merck – that the agencies were well aware that the ‘presence of DNA fragments was to be expected and did not pose a safety risk. 1.  And life went on as usual.

On October 25, 2011, an advisory panel to the CDC, who actually receives a ‘kick-back’ on Gardasil sales recommended that the vaccine be administered to boys ages 9 to 26 – creating a whole new market for sales and profits.  The recommendation, which falls short of a mandate, means Merck’s Gardasil vaccine could be added to vaccination schedules in pediatricians’ offices across the country.2

Meanwhile – a well-known doctor from Peru, concerned about the safety and efficacy of Gardasil, was scheduled to debate a doctor from Merck at a conference.  Just prior to the scheduled debate, the conference moderator told the audience that the doctor from Merck was in a hurry so he could not stay for the debate regarding the vaccine and instead he would be the first one to address the conferees.

When it was the doctor from Peru’s turn to speak she shared the data and research regarding the contamination of Gardasil with HPV rDNA attached to the aluminum adjuvant. The conference attendees were shocked.

The doctor then accompanied her gynecologist husband to a party for medical professionals and to her great surprise the doctor from Merck was at the gathering.  He of course, was embarrassed to be exposed. When approached by the doctor from Peru he told her that the findings on Gardasil contamination were indeed correct – and the fragments of HPV rDNA did not belong in the vaccine.  And then the ‘good doctor’ tried not to talk to her again that evening.  Perhaps this admission of guilt is the reason he could not or would not debate the vaccination contamination issue?

The Gardasil vaccine controversy reads like a well-scripted science fiction novel since medical professionals and researchers have not yet developed a test to conduct studies on the short-term or long term medical effects of a run-way genetically engineered virus bound to aluminum being injected into the body.

 SANE Vax Inc. Concerns

Can Gardasil Contaminants be Transmitted to Others?

Back in the U.S. Lauren a Gardasil injured teenager – (now adversely affected as long as the purported vaccine’s efficacy – 5 years), was volunteering at a blood drive which left her mother Rosemary, Vice-President of Victim Support wondering ‘If the Gardasil victims are affected by the residue that is in the vaccine, what will it do if they give blood?  Could the recipients of the blood from donors who have had the vaccine be affected by the recombinant HPV DNA?  Can it be transferred via a blood transfusion?’

Rosemary went on to express her concerns to the SANE Vax group that most people who are receiving transfusions are already traumatized and immune-compromised from vehicular or other accidents, surgeries, or poor health conditions.  What will this recombinant HPV DNA virus do to these people?

Of course, this scenario leads to dozens of others scenarios on how blood might be passed from a vaccine contaminated individual to an unsuspecting victim. What if a medical professional is contaminated by a Gardasil recipient during a routine procedure – or standard lab work?   What if a Gardasil recipient is hurt in a fall or traffic accident and a well-meaning bystander rushes to their aid and becomes contaminated from blood from a wound. How would it be possible to track possible transmission routes that might move through the population faster than a speeding bullet?

Gardasil Science Fiction Scenario Unfolds

Let’s add to the unfolding science-fiction scenario. Now that Merck and the government health agencies are aware of the contamination in Gardasil and the ‘good’ doctor’s public admission that the contamination does not belong in the vaccine, what will the pharmaceutical giant do?  What happens if Merck quietly ‘recalls’ contaminated vials of Gardasil and replaces their stockpiles with non-contaminated vials?

How will this affect the millions of adolescents who may have already received the contaminated vaccine? By the time HPV rDNA test protocols are developed – there may no longer be contaminated lots available for study.

Millions could be left wondering what will happen to them as the genetically engineered viral DNA possibly infects more and more host cells in the body. Will they fall victim to a multitude of autoimmune disorders caused by the marauding viral contaminants eroding their immune system? Will their bodies become riddled with ‘cancerous’ cells?   How will the presence of rDNA affect their fertility or the health of future generations?

At this point, no one knows the answers to these questions – and the innocent have truly become human medical experiments.

Take the case of Alexis Wolfe, a teenage girl who became ‘mentally retarded’ post Gardasil vaccination– who is now back in the emergency room, dehydrated – weighing in at 104 pounds and unable to sleep for days. It has been four years since this young girl was vaccinated. Are the genetically engineered viral particles slowly invading every other cell in her body?  Not to mention that emergency rooms are a perfect breeding ground to spread contaminated rDNA blood to unsuspecting medical professionals and patients who are already ill and traumatized.

Perhaps in the interest of public health and safety vials of the contaminated vaccine should be bought by parents with injured children,  researchers and medical professionals so it is possible to develop tests and study the mechanisms of action of viral contaminants attached to aluminum. The purchase of a vial of Gardasil may well indeed hold the only hope for the victims of a vaccine experiment gone bad.


1. FDA Information on Gardasil – Presence of DNA Fragments Expected, No Safety Risk

2Gardasil controversy: CDC recommends young boys receive HPV vaccine, 

Read Full Press Release here
...... http://sanevax.org/contaminated-gardasil-vaccine-may-be-infectious-potentially-causing-millions-more-to-become-sick-via-blood-transference-merck-doctor-admits-contaminant-does-not-belong-in-the-vaccine/

Article originally appeared on The Gary Null Blog (http://www.garynullblog.com/).
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