Gary Null Award-Winning Documentaries That Make A Difference
Gary Null say NO to GMO!!! part 1.mp4
Gary Null In Huntington - Knocking On the Devil's Door Screening
Dr. Andrew Wakefield response to the measles outbreak in South Wales
Forging his way through the predictable UK media censorship: Dr Andrew Wakefield Responds to Measles Outbreak in Swansea
Entries in flu (7)
50 Reasons to Protect Infants from Vaccines

Note: I have been corresponding with the Union Health Minister and his department on this subject since 2006. Neither the Minister nor the Ministry have any answer to these points.. Even when Dr Abdul Kalam, then President, raised the subject based on my inputs there was no sincere attempt to clarify the position. I have since then continuously educated the doctors on the subject. I have also written to the current President, Vice President, PM, Sonia, the NHRC, NCPCR, CM's of various states, MP's of various political parties and all the medical institutions I can think of. I have also written to the WHO, GAVI, UNICEF & PATH, premier institutions that promote this highly controversial medical intervention . Doctors sympathetic to the cause opine that unless the public realise the dangers from vaccines it will be very difficult to stop this industry sponsored menace. You will agree that there should be a public debate on vaccines, otherwise the unfortunate children do not stand a chance.

Gary Null: Flu Vaccines.. Are they effective and safe?

A central principle of democracy is freedom of choice. We can choose our political party, our religion, and the food we eat, but this does not seem to be the case when it comes to our medical choices and our freedoms to make them. The underlying foundation upon which the entire vaccine program rests is that they have been proven to be safe and effective. So much so, that if people choose not to be vaccinated they are criticized for making irresponsible and unscientific choices that will not only adversely affect themselves, but could also cause others—co-workers, family and classmates—to become infected with the pathogens their bodies harbor. The US Public Health Service and its various agencies—the FDA, CDC, NIAID, NIH and CBER—oversee the distribution of information and the scheduling of vaccines, both voluntary and mandatory, is. These Federal agencies are the guiding light for the primary information and resources provided to Congressional oversight committees, and professional medical organizations, such as the American Medical Association and the National Academy of Sciences.
Gary Null: Why You Should NOT Get A Flu Shot

Increasingly over the years, we are witnessing the appearance of “scientific” studies that are little more than commercials, public relation sound bytes, to promote vaccination’s efficacy. Today a highly flawed medical trial conducted by a pharmaceutical corporation has a greater chance of being published in a more prestigious medical journal than does medical designed research conducted by an independent scientist without conflicts of interest with government or private industries. When we question why this would be the case, we can only draw the conclusion that such research is more often than not promotional spin designed to support the financial interests of the corporate party. This is particularly true of vaccine science, and is solely published in order to influence the nation’s health policy makers and physicians, and to relieve doubts concerning their vaccine’s efficacy and safety. The nation’s health agencies then rely on these fabrications to convince the larger public healthcare community and citizens about the importance of vaccination. And this scenario is particularly true for the flu vaccine.

Vaccination: An Analysis of the Health Risks By: Gary Null, Ph.D., and Martin Feldman, M.D.

For more than a hundred years, two basic assumptions have been put forth by public health officials. One is that vaccines are safe. The second is that vaccines are effective for the conditions for which they're given. The public and our legislators have, by and large, accepted these assumptions as true, and as a result it is now compulsory in many states that children have as many as 33 separate inoculations before entering school. Some of these are given as early as the first few weeks of life. We've been told that the end of polio, for example, as a serious health threat is due to mass inoculation programs, and again we have accepted the official dogma without question. But as we shall see, this is not exactly the truth. What's more, a disturbing reality that generally has gone unrecognized is the ever-growing number of people suffering adverse reactions to vaccinations. These individuals are predominantly infants and children, and the problems they've incurred as a result of vaccination go far beyond sore arms and transitory fever: Conditions such as autism, attention deficit disorder, minimal brain dysfunction, and other biochemical and neurological abnormalities have been linked to the effects of vaccines. Most tragically, so has SIDS-Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

Gary Null: Why You Should NOT Get A Flu Shot

According to all official health reports, we are now fully in flu season. It is that time of year when almost every public health official, physician, pediatrician and pharmacist is warning that everyone over 6 months of age should protect themselves and get vaccinated. Most Americans, believing the public relation efforts to push the flu vaccine, will join the inoculation lines without pausing to consider whether or not the flu vaccine is effective and safe. Increasingly over the years, we are witnessing the appearance of “scientific” studies that are little more than commercials, public relation sound bytes, to promote vaccination’s efficacy. Today a highly flawed medical trial conducted by a pharmaceutical corporation has a greater chance of being published in a more prestigious medical journal than does medical designed research conducted by an independent scientist without conflicts of interest with government or private industries. When we question why this would be the case, we can only draw the conclusion that such research is more often than not promotional spin designed to support the financial interests of the corporate party. This is particularly true of vaccine science, and is solely published in order to influence the nation’s health policy makers and physicians, and to relieve doubts concerning their vaccine’s efficacy and safety. The nation’s health agencies then rely on these fabrications to convince the larger public healthcare community and citizens about the importance of vaccination. And this scenario is particularly true for the flu vaccine.

Abortion stillbirth events from Gardasil far exceed all other vaccines

According to a National Vaccine Information Center ( MedAlerts blog entry written in November 2010, the incidents of abortion and stillbirth events from the HPV4 vaccine Gardasil supersedes the same event from all other vaccinations.