Gary Null Award-Winning Documentaries That Make A Difference
Gary Null say NO to GMO!!! part 1.mp4
Gary Null In Huntington - Knocking On the Devil's Door Screening
Dr. Andrew Wakefield response to the measles outbreak in South Wales
Forging his way through the predictable UK media censorship: Dr Andrew Wakefield Responds to Measles Outbreak in Swansea
Entries in flu vaccine (11)
Vaccination: Pain, Profit, and Politics - Part 1 By Gary Null, Ph.D., and Martin Feldman, M.D.

Today we have a major controversy brewing in the U.S. healthcare field. The question is being asked if the vaccinations that we are giving our children are safe and effective. What is the proof that vaccinations are safe? We have undertaken an enormous job of reviewing the world literature to examine whether vaccinations are safe, and whether they are effective. We have taken an in depth look at the politics, the economic incentives, and the conflicts of interest involved in the politics of vaccinations. We have reviewed the scientific literature and we have examined the results on the people who have received vaccinations and the health effects of these (often mandated) medical procedures.
Gary Null: The Public Relations Machine for the Vaccine Complex the role of the CDC

One hard lesson we should have learned after Wall Street’s collapse and the government’s handling of the bailout is that there is no reason, whatsoever, for us to sacrifice our good faith and trust in former bankers who now run the Treasury and Federal Reserve. And now as the flu season gets ready to kick off amidst much fanfare and predictions of doom due to a new H1N1 influenza virus, there is sufficient information to raise very serious doubts whether our nation’s health authorities are truly serving the public health instead of commercial interests. If the flu season goes according to schedule, the vaccine industrial complex will be poised to join Wall Street for record year rip-off profits.

Which vaccines contain human protein and DNA?

The information in this table is drawn from vaccine package inserts downloaded from the FDA website. The Vaccine Ingredients Calculator, following the lead of the package inserts, treats each source of human protein and DNA as a distinct ingredient. A recent CBS News Investigates article quotes a former senior scientist at a pharmaceutical firm who claims that human tissue is currently used in 23 vaccines; however, we adhere strictly to the vaccine package inserts from the FDA as our ingredient data source and cannot confirm nor deny this claim. Where did the human protein and DNA come from? There are three main sources of human protein in vaccines: (1) fetal cell lines, (2) human albumin derived from human blood and (3) human albumin genetically engineered from yeast.

Gary Null: Thimerosal – A Serious Reason to Avoid the Flu Vaccine

All across America, millions of people are being vaccinated against the flu. They are being vaccinated under the good faith that what they are being told repeatedly about the efficacy and safety of the annual flu shot for everyone over the age of six months is trustworthy and true. As we have reported previously, these assertions are vague and uncertain. A thorough review of the scientific literature should convince us that flu vaccines are not harmless. It is also uncertain whether the flu shot confers any significant protective benefits to certain age groups, such as infants, small children and the elderly. Neither is there unequivocal assurance that it is safe for people with weak immune systems or physically compromised by different illnesses.

Bracing Ourselves for More Sham Vaccine Studies

According to the statutes of the FDA’s Public Health Service Act, vaccine manufacturers are required to prove a vaccine complies with three criteria before approval and launch: safety, purity and potency. There are no requirements before FDA approval and licensing that a vaccine undergoes independent studies by researchers with no vested financial interests and industry ties in order to validate a vaccine maker’s claims. Rather, the entire approval process is nothing more than a good-faith relationship between the vaccine industrial complex and the FDA and the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practice (ACID), the primary entity determining vaccine policies.

The Public Relations Machine for the Vaccine Complex By: Gary Null

One hard lesson we should have learned after Wall Street’s collapse and the government’s handling of the bailout is that there is no reason, whatsoever, for us to sacrifice our good faith and trust in former bankers who now run the Treasury and Federal Reserve. And now as the flu season gets ready to kick off amidst much fanfare and predictions of doom due to a new H1N1 influenza virus, there is sufficient information to raise very serious doubts whether our nation’s health authorities are truly serving the public health instead of commercial interests. If the flu season goes according to schedule, the vaccine industrial complex will be poised to join Wall Street for record year rip-off profits.

Vaccines’ Dark Inferno: What is not on insert labels?

The vast majority of scientists, physicians, nurses and public health educators’ trust that the ingredients in a vaccine have been individually and synergistically proven safe and effective. The public believes these vaccines, aside from their specified virus(es), are sterile solutions, free from undesirable contaminants not listed on the manufacturer’s package inserts. When the pediatrician injects a vaccine into the muscle of a child, the parents unquestioning faith that this is the case. In other words, we want to believe that vaccines have been generated under perfect conditions for the safety of children and ourselves.

Gary Null: Flu Vaccines.. Are they effective and safe?

A central principle of democracy is freedom of choice. We can choose our political party, our religion, and the food we eat, but this does not seem to be the case when it comes to our medical choices and our freedoms to make them. The underlying foundation upon which the entire vaccine program rests is that they have been proven to be safe and effective. So much so, that if people choose not to be vaccinated they are criticized for making irresponsible and unscientific choices that will not only adversely affect themselves, but could also cause others—co-workers, family and classmates—to become infected with the pathogens their bodies harbor. The US Public Health Service and its various agencies—the FDA, CDC, NIAID, NIH and CBER—oversee the distribution of information and the scheduling of vaccines, both voluntary and mandatory, is. These Federal agencies are the guiding light for the primary information and resources provided to Congressional oversight committees, and professional medical organizations, such as the American Medical Association and the National Academy of Sciences.
Gary Null: Why You Should NOT Get A Flu Shot

Increasingly over the years, we are witnessing the appearance of “scientific” studies that are little more than commercials, public relation sound bytes, to promote vaccination’s efficacy. Today a highly flawed medical trial conducted by a pharmaceutical corporation has a greater chance of being published in a more prestigious medical journal than does medical designed research conducted by an independent scientist without conflicts of interest with government or private industries. When we question why this would be the case, we can only draw the conclusion that such research is more often than not promotional spin designed to support the financial interests of the corporate party. This is particularly true of vaccine science, and is solely published in order to influence the nation’s health policy makers and physicians, and to relieve doubts concerning their vaccine’s efficacy and safety. The nation’s health agencies then rely on these fabrications to convince the larger public healthcare community and citizens about the importance of vaccination. And this scenario is particularly true for the flu vaccine.