Vaccination: Pain, Profit, and Politics - Part 1
By Gary Null, Ph.D., and Martin Feldman, M.D.
Today we have a major controversy brewing in the U.S. healthcare field. The
question is being asked if the vaccinations that we are giving our children are safe
and effective. What is the proof that vaccinations are safe? We have undertaken
an enormous job of reviewing the world literature to examine whether vaccinations
are safe, and whether they are effective. We have taken an in depth look at the
politics, the economic incentives, and the conflicts of interest involved in the
politics of vaccinations. We have reviewed the scientific literature and we have
examined the results on the people who have received vaccinations and the health
effects of these (often mandated) medical procedures.
We have examined here the myths versus the facts in the science of vaccines, and
whether the procedures themselves represent good science or whether the
manufacturers and physicians who provide them support conjecture or good
scientific practice. We have examined the lobbying on behalf of the vaccine
makers, and we have examined the safety and efficacy of the dozens of
vaccinations that children are receiving in the first months of life. Our society
rarely looks at the safety and efficacy of medical manufactures which have
enormous power to influence the decisions of the CDC, the FDA, and the
Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Disease
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
, but the
media rarely hears of the trajedies and the side effects. We do, however, hear that
vaccines promise to prevent some new condition, (such as genital warts.
[11] [12] [13]
However, we have innundated the developing baby's body with dozens of
, but no industry advisor or anyone in the FDA has ever suggested that
this is too much. We are overwhelming the child's system with adverse effects, and
all this has happened in the last 40 years.
Let us now examine the truth:
Life Expectancy in the 20
Century When we take a look at the article by
David R. Francis, entitled, "Why do Death Rates Decline"
, to get a general idea
about how vaccinations might play a role in general health throughout the 20th
century, we see that mortality rates decline steadily but rapidly throughout the 20th
century. Using this logic, vaccine advocates might wonder why increased rates of
vaccination in the past two decades wouldn't have made mortality rates decrease
faster than in the first half of the century. However, we learn that: "During the twentieth century, mortality rates declined quite rapidly in the
United States and in all developed countries. Except for a 10-year period between
1955 and 1965 when the mortality rate was essentially flat, mortality rates have
declined at the relatively constant rate of approximately 1 to 2 percent per year
since 1900.
If vaccines were the cause of the decline of disease, then shouldn't the rates
of mortality have declined more rapidly in the latter half of the 20
century, with
the use of more and more required vaccinations?
The second point that Francis makes is that in the second half of the 20th century,
the most mortality decline occurred in people who were in mid- life. Vaccine
advocates might argue that mortality rates ought to have declined more quickly in
very young and school aged children:
"In the latter four decades of the century, about two-thirds of life
expectancy improvements resulted from mortality reductions for those over age
Thus, the most improvements in terms of mortality in the second half of the
century occurred in people beyond the age of childhood vaccinations.
The third point that the author makes is self explanatory: improved nutrition and
public health measures in children were more important than medical intervention
in 1900. This was the height of the measles outbreak. In addition,
"Infectious diseases were the leading cause of death in 1900, accounting for
32 percent of deaths. Pneumonia and influenza were the biggest killers. Therefore,
improved nutrition and public health measures, particularly important for the
young, were vastly more important in this period than medical interventions.
The fourth point Mr. Francis makes is that in the mid 20th century,
penicillin, sulfa drugs, and antibiotics contributed to a mortality decline in
"Between 1940 and 1960, infectious diseases as a cause of death continued
to decline. But more of this decline was attributable to medical factors, such as the
use of penicillin, sulfa drugs (discovered in 1935), and other antibiotics. These help
the elderly as well as the young, thereby reducing mortality across the age
spectrum. By 1960, 70 percent of infants could be expected to survive to age
"Vaccinations were not mentioned in this paragraph.
The fifth important point of Mr. Francis is that smoking habits of Americans is an
important factor in reducing mortality rates throughout the 20th century. The
important issue to note here is that smokers generally begin their habit well after
vaccination schedules have been completed, and that smoking causes a huge health
risk despite vaccinations received:
"Smoking cessation and better diets also are factors in [mortality decrease]:
per capita consumption of cigarettes rose from essentially zero in 1900 to more
than 4,000 per year per capita in 1960, or over two packs per smoker per day.
Since then, per capita consumption has fallen by more than 50 percent. These
trends affect death from heart disease and from smoking-sensitive cancers with a
10 to 20-year lag.
Trevor Gunn, a biochemist in England, claims that immunity from
vaccination is shorter lived than natural immunity provided by the illness itself.
First, a child may contract an illness in adulthood for which it was vaccinated in
childhood, and second, a mother may not be able to impart immunity provided by
vaccination as easily as the immunity she developed over the course of her natural
According to a leaflet by the CDC, figures of average morbidity by various
illnesses were reduced as a result of vaccination according to the flyer
entitled,"What would happen if we stopped vaccinations?
" The leaflet,
however, does not include information on the other public health measures that
coalesced to provide increased public health in the 20th century as well.
A detailed review of morbidity and illness factors in Union Soldiers in the
Civil war illustrates that the onset of what we think of now as 'old age' illnesses occurred in much younger men during the 19
century, but improved throughout
the 20
"chronic illnesses affected young and middle aged men to a much
greater degree in the past than today. [In a study of two cohort groups
of Union Soldiers] one quarter of men aged 20-24 and over half of
men aged 35-39 were rejected as unfit to serve due to illnesses such as
cardiovascular disease and hernias. Similarly, elderly men were more
likely to suffer from chronic conditions than in the past...Of men aged
60-64 during the 1890-1910 period, 90% suffered from a chronic
condition, as compared to 75% of same aged men in 1994.
For example, for two of the conditions studied that we know now to be
related to inflammation
[24] [25] [26] [27]
and stress
(particularly as results from
[29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36] [37] [38]
and lifestyle
[39] [40] [41] [42] [43]
), that is, heart
disease and arthritis, we see that the average age for onset for the 1830-1845
cohort was approximately 56 years of age, whereas the average age of onset for the
1918-1927 cohort was approximately 66 years
, or a difference of 10 years in the
age of onset in the later group. Similarly, for the arthritis sample, the average age
of onset for the 1830-1845 cohort was approximately 54 years whereas the later
cohort was approximately 65 years
So we see that as time goes on, at least two public health markers were
improved greatly in the 20
century; the age of onset of chronic disease in the
forms of heart disease and arthritis was increased considerably. These health
factors, too, were improved without the help of vaccinations.
[47] [48] [49] [50]
(We will
discuss this assertion later in this paper)
For more than a hundred years, however, two basic assumptions have been
put forth by public health officials. One is that vaccines are safe.
[51] [52]
The second
is that vaccines are effective for the conditions for which they're given.
public and our legislators have, by and large, accepted these assumptions as true,
and as a result it is now compulsory in many states that children have as many as 20
[54] [55]
separate inoculations before entering school, or 33 by the time they are
finished with secondary education. Some of these are given as early as the first few
weeks of life.
We've been told that the end of polio, for example, as a serious health threat
is due to mass inoculation programs
[57] [58]
, and again we have accepted the official
dogma without question. But as we shall see, this is not exactly the truth.
more, a disturbing reality that generally has gone unrecognized is the ever-growing
number of people suffering adverse reactions to vaccinations
. These individuals
are predominantly infants and children, and the problems they've incurred as a
result of vaccination go far beyond sore arms and transitory fever: Conditions such
as autism, attention deficit disorder, minimal brain dysfunction, and other
biochemical and neurological abnormalities have been linked to the effects of
. Most tragically, so has SIDS-sudden infant death syndrome.
Although the government agencies such as the CDC
, the National Institutes
of allergy and infectious disease
[65] [66]
, among others
[67] [68] [69] [70]
, have tried to
debunk a possible link between the proximity of vaccinations and untimely deaths
of children in the first few months of life, we cite the government's involvement in
supporting the cigarette industry in the first half of the 20
[71] [72]
, and the
widespread use of pesticide. The government also touted the benefits of hormone
replacement therapy until 2002
[73] [74]
, for which women are now suffering breast
[75] [76]
, stroke
, and dementia
; the government does not have a good
track record on the issue of dangerous NSAIDS such as Vioxx
, for the use of
which over 100,000 deaths are attributed
. As a result, the fact that we do not
accept the government data on this issue does not mean that we are slanted, but it
means that we are careful to point out the differences between the data that is
reported and what the government deems is true. We examine the government's
point of view on SIDS on page 18 of this paper.
Because of underreporting of these troubling statistical links
[81] [82] [83]
however, a full picture of the effects of vaccination has not emerged. The problem
of underreporting is a deep-seated one
. Yet the official line is that a small
minority must accept negative consequences for the greater good of the majority.This investigation is an attempt to uncover the truth. In three parts, we will
discuss facts that challenge our assumptions about vaccine safety and
effectiveness, look at the effects associated with specific vaccines, and summarize
some of the legal, political and economic issues surrounding the use of vaccines.
The series has required a review of thousands of articles. We are presenting
information based upon hard science; hundreds of references are included here for
those who want to read further. For people challenging mandatory vaccination
policies, the reference section will be particularly helpful.
Why We Should Question Our Assumptions
We think of vaccinations as panaceas and look to science to develop new
ones for every known affliction, from the common cold to AIDS. Jamie Murphy,
author of What Every Parent Should Know About Childhood Immunization,
attributes society's general acceptance of vaccinations, in large part, to state laws
that dictate children must receive vaccines before they can attend school.
However, we must take a close look at our assumptions and ask, are we
seeing the full picture? The reasons we should challenge our beliefs include the
Safety issues. Significant adverse effects have been reported with every type
of vaccine
[86] [87]
. These reactions can occur soon after vaccination (short-term
reactions) or several months to years later (long-term)
. Delayed reactions are
more insidious and less obviously linked to vaccination, and thus necessitate largescale epidemiological studies to be proven.
One would think that before injecting children worldwide with hundreds of
millions of doses of vaccines, enough clinical trials would be performed to
determine exactly what the effects of this large-scale human genetic experiment
would be. Lack of funding is not the problem. Each year, more than $1 billion
is appropriated by Congress to federal health agencies to develop, purchase, and
promote the mass use of vaccines in the U.S. but not to fund independent
researchers to investigate vaccine-related health problems.
In the meantime, as an example of the volume of adverse reactions reported
to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), there were 38,787 such
events between 1991 and 1994. Of these, 45 percent occurred on the day of
vaccination, 20 percent on the following day, and 93 percent within two weeks of
vaccination. Deaths were most prevalent in children 1 to 3 months old and were
defined as sudden infant deaths. (The author of the paper makes it clear that,
"sudden infant death syndrome has not been associated with vaccination."
as has been amply documented, only one-tenth of vaccine-induced reactions are
reported to the VAERS (by some estimates, this is figure is even greater)
, this
number vastly underestimates the real incidence of vaccine-associated
complications. Furthermore, no link has been established when the adverse event
occurs long after the time of vaccination
. In fact, a 1998 study in the Lancet and
a recent review claim that no link exists between the MMR vaccine and subsequent
long-term health events such as autism or bowel obstruction.
[95] [96] [97]
Another area of concern is that many doctors refuse to vaccinate themselves
and their families,
[98] [99] [100]
even though physicians belong to a high-risk
category and are urged to accept vaccinations because of their continued exposure
to infectious disease. A 1981 article in the Journal of the American Medical
Association reports that the lowest vaccination rate among medical personnel for
the German measles vaccine occurred among obstetrician/gynecologists and the
next lowest rate occurred among pediatricians.
The authors conclude, "The
fear of unforeseen vaccination reactions was the main reason for the low uptake
rate of physicians to be vaccinated." In the British Medical Journal, a 1990 article
tells us that of 598 doctors questioned about hepatitis B vaccine, 86 percent believe
that all general practitioners should be vaccinated against this disease. Yet 309 of
those practitioners had not been vaccinated themselves.
[102] [103]
A 2004 article in
the Journal of Occupational Medicine summarizes these findings, and others,
including the fact that some doctors are unconcerned with regards to vaccination
protection, while in that over 80% received Hep B inoculation, only 49%
confirmed immune response to the virus, and only half did any preventive
measures after needle stick injuries.
[104]Vaccinations Are Based on Unsound Principles. According to Jamie
Murphy, "Vaccines are portrayed as being indispensable and somehow better at
disease protection than what our innate biological defenses and nutritional
resources have accomplished for thousands of years.... Before the introduction of
the measles and mumps vaccines, children got measles and they got mumps, and in
the great majority of cases those diseases were benign."
Walene James, author of Immunization: The Reality Behind the Myth,
believes that the full inflammatory response is necessary to create real
James summarizes the work of Dr. Richard Moskowitz, past
president of the National Institute of Homeopathy, as stating, "'Vaccines trick the
body so that it will no longer initiate a generalized inflammatory response. They
thereby accomplish what the entire immune system seems to have evolved to
prevent. They place the virus directly into the blood and give it access to the major
immune organs and tissues without any obvious way of getting rid of it. These
attenuated viruses and virus elements persist in the blood for a long time, perhaps
permanently. This, in turn, implies a systematic weakening of the ability to mount
an effective response, not only to childhood diseases but to other acute infections
as well.'"
Murphy observes that vaccines, unlike childhood diseases, do not produce
permanent immunity. "The medical profession does not know how long vaccine
immunity lasts because it is artificial immunity. If you get measles naturally, in 99
percent of the cases, you have lifelong immunity. If you have German measles you
will have lifelong immunity. The chances of getting measles twice, German
measles twice, or even whooping cough twice [are remote].... However, if you get
a measles vaccine or a DPT vaccine, [it does not give you 100% assurance] that
the vaccine will prevent you from getting the disease."
In "Vaccination: Dispelling the Myths," Alan Phillips writes, "The clinical
evidence for vaccination is their ability to stimulate antibody production in the
recipient, a fact which is not disputed. What is not clear, however, is whether or
not such antibody production constitutes immunity. For example, a-gamma globulinemic children are incapable of producing antibodies, yet they recover from
infectious diseases almost as quickly as other children....Natural immunization is a
complex phenomenon involving many organs and systems; it cannot be fully
replicated by the artificial stimulation of antibody production....[Our]
immunological reserves may thus actually be reduced, causing a generally lowered
[109] [110]
Phillips adds: "Another component of immunization theory is 'herd
immunity,' ...when enough people in a community are immunized, all are
protected.... there are many documented instances showing just the opposite-fully
vaccinated populations do contract diseases; with measles, this actually seems to
be the direct result of high vaccination rates...."
[111], [112] [113]
Writing in Nexus, Phillips makes the point that immunization practice
assumes that all children, regardless of age and size, are virtually the same. "An 8-
pound 2-month-old receives the same dosage as a 40-pound five-year-old," Phillips
points out. "Infants with immature, undeveloped immune systems may receive five
or more times the dosage (relative to body weight) as older children." What's more,
random testing has revealed that the number of "units" within doses has been found
to range up to three times what the label indicates, with quality control tolerating a
rather large margin of error.
Questionable Science. Many scientific studies tell us that vaccines are safe
and effective when this is not necessarily the case.
110 112 113
Doctors and vaccine
proponents often quote studies done solely on antibody production in the blood,
not taking into account clinical experiences. We must note, however, that clinical
experience is important, and particularly with regards to the treatment of viral
infections that have not or cannot be treated at the time with vaccine. For
example, we know that transmission at the time of birth of the chickenpox virus is
dangerous to the livelihood of the infant, and that low birth weight contributes to
susceptibility to death from the virus
, thus indicating a possible need for
doctors to be clinically aware of the mother's risk factors for low birth weight
[115] [116]
. For example doctors recommend the following for the outcome of
a healthy birth weight including no alcohol consumption, drug use, and adequate
as well as regular prenatal checkups
. In addition to being aware of the causes of low birth weight infants, the use of the antibody titer VZIG in a
timely manner can sometimes prevent death
. As opposed to the chickenpox
vaccine (which contains live, attenuated chickenpox virus), VZIG contains immune
fractions from the blood of people that can help those who are dangerously
immune compromised for a short period of time
. Other non-vaccine
alternatives are being made available for this widespread virus; the use of
acyclovir, which has been determined to be useful in lessening the severity of
chickenpox infection in children, might be preferable to the VZIG treatment (we
note that VZIG does contain the preservative thimerosol
), but the use of
acyclovir during pregnancy has not yet been widely tested
in the clinical
setting, and shows that much more research is needed in non vaccine alternatives.
Dr. Dean Black, author of Immunizations: Compulsion or Choice, brings up
an issue that needs more attention-what if we stopped compulsory vaccination?
"By looking at what happens in countries where vaccinations are no longer
required," he says, "we can get an idea of what would truly happen if we were to
cease demanding compulsory immunization in America. In 1975, Germany
stopped requiring pertussis [whooping cough] vaccinations, and the number of
children vaccinated promptly began to drop. Today, it has dropped to well below
10 percent. What has happened in Germany from pertussis over that period of
time? The mortality rate has continued to decrease."
The Natural Evolution of Disease. Immunization supposedly puts an end
to disease. We attribute the decline in polio to the polio vaccine, the
"disappearance" of smallpox to the smallpox vaccine, and so forth.
[124], [125], [126],
[127], [128], [129]
But are vaccinations the magic bullets we believe them to be? Dr. Harris
Coulter, an expert on the pertussis vaccine, co-author of A Shot in the Dark,
author of Vaccination, Social Violence, and Criminality,
Regarding infectious diseases of the past, he states, "The incidence
of all of these infectious diseases was dropping very rapidly, starting in the 1930s.
After World War II, the incidence continued to drop as living conditions improved.
Clean water, central heating...these are the factors that really affected people's
tendencies to come down with infectious diseases much more than vaccines. The vaccines might have added a little bit to that downward curve, but the curve was
going down all the time anyway."
Dr. Coulter's view is supported by the Australian Nurses Journal: "A careful
study of the decline in disease will show that up to 90 percent of the so-called
'killer diseases' had all but disappeared when we introduced immunization on a
large scale during the late thirties and early forties."
A similar statement is
made by the Medical Journal of Australia: "The decline of tetanus as a disease
began before the introduction of tetanus toxoid to the general population. The
reasons for this decline are the same for the decline in all other infectious diseases:
improved hygiene, improved sanitation, better nutrition, healthier living
conditions, etc."
Alan Phillips elaborates on this theme: "We just assume that vaccinations
are responsible for disease decline, which is not the case. For if you check the
statistics, you will find that the vast majority of disease decline proceeded
vaccines. In the case of measles, for example, there was a 97 percent decline
preceding vaccination; in the case of pertussis, 79 percent. When you look at the
graph of the decline in death rate over the course of the century, you see that the
rate of decline, post-immunization, was virtually the same as the decline preimmunization, suggesting that it's difficult to tell whether or not the vaccine had
any effect on an already well-established decline in disease deaths."
[134], [135]
Phillips attacks the notion that vaccines are responsible for the dramatic
reduction in infectious disease during this and past centuries. "According to the
British Association for the Advancement of Science, childhood diseases decreased
90 percent between 1850 and 1940, paralleling improved sanitation and hygienic
practices, well before mandatory vaccination programs. Infectious disease deaths
in the U.S. and England declined steadily by an average of about 80 percent during
this century (measles mortality declined over 97 percent) prior to vaccinations. In
Great Britain, the polio epidemics peaked in 1950, and had declined 82 percent by
the time the vaccine was introduced there in 1956. Thus, at best, vaccinations can
be credited with only a small percentage of the overall decline in disease-related
deaths this century....
[136]Toxic Vaccine Ingredients and Manufacturing Processes. Walene James
urges parents to think about the effects the ingredients of vaccines could have on
their children's health: "There are three categories of ingredients. The first are
cultured bacteria and viruses....The second ingredient in vaccinations is the
medium in which they are cultivated. This can kidney tissue, monkey
kidney tissue, chicken or duck egg protein, chick embryo, calf serum, pig or horse
blood, and cowpox pus. These foreign proteins are injected directly....They are
very toxic since they do not get filtered through the digestive process or pass
through the liver."
"These proteins are foreign to the body, and are in a state of decomposition.
They are composed of animal cells, and therefore contain animal genetic material.
It is possible for the genes in these cells to be picked up by the live, attenuated
viruses used in vaccines. These viruses then implant a foreign alien genetic
material from animal tissue cultures into the human genetic system...."
The last category of vaccine ingredients, James says, includes stabilizers,
neutralizers, carrying agents, and preservatives. "Many people feed their children
healthy foods. They would never think of giving their children formaldehyde...or
aluminum phosphate to eat....These are preservatives and carrying agents that are
injected...without buffering by the digestive process, or censoring by the liver."
As examples of the ingredients used in vaccines, we list the contents of five
common childhood vaccines below. These ingredients are current according to the
latest information available to us, but they are subject to change at any time:
Hepatitis B vaccine: This genetically engineered, noninfectious viral
vaccine is derived from hepatitis B surface antigen produced in yeast cells. The
Recombivax HB vaccine (Merck & Co.) uses a fermentation medium consisting of
a yeast extract, soy peptone, dextrose, amino acids and mineral salts. The protein is
purified, then treated with formaldehyde and coprecipitated with alum (potassium aluminum sulfate) to form bulk vaccine adjuvanted with amorphous aluminum
hydroxyphosphate sulfate. There is no detectable yeast DNA in the vaccine, but it
may contain not more than 1% yeast protein.
For the Engerix-B vaccine
(SmithKline Beecham), the antigen is absorbed on aluminum hydroxide, and the
product contains no more than 5% yeast protein. The product also contains sodium
chloride and phosphate buffers. The pediatric/adolescent and adult formulations of
Engerix-B do not have preservatives but may contain a trace amount of thimerosal
(a mercury derivative) from the manufacturing process.
Recombivax HB is
supplied in pediatric/adolescent and adult formulations with and without a
DPT vaccine: This vaccine includes diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and
acellular pertussis vaccine absorbed. The components of the acellular pertussis
vaccine are isolated from phase 1 Bordetella pertussis culture grown in a modified
Stainer-Scholte medium. They are treated with formaldehyde. For the Tripedia
vaccine (Aventis Pasteur), the Corynebacterium diphtheriae cultures are grown in
a modified Mueller and Miller medium, while the Clostridium tetani cultures are
grown in a peptone-based medium containing a bovine (meat) extract. Both are
treated with formaldehyde, and the detoxified materials are purified by serial
ammonium sulfate fractionation and diafiltration. The toxoids are absorbed using
aluminum potassium sulfate (alum). The product contains sodium chloride, gelatin,
and polysorbate 80. The one-dose vial does not have a preservative but contains a
trace amount of thimerosal from the manufacturing process; the multidose vial
contains thimerosal as a preservative.
For the Infanrix vaccine (SmithKline
Beecham), the diphtheria toxin is produced in a Linggoud and Fenton medium
containing a bovine extract, and the tetanus toxin is produced in a modified
Latham medium. Both are treated with formaldehyde, and each is absorbed onto
aluminum hydroxide. The product contains 2-phenoxyethanol as a preservative,
sodium chloride, and polysorbate 80.
Inactivated polio vaccine: The IPOL product (Aventis Pasteur) is a highly
purified, inactivated vaccine that contains three types of poliovirus. The viruses are
grown in cultures of VERO cells, a continuous line of monkey kidney cells. The
cells are grown in Eagle MEM modified medium, supplemented with newborn calf
serum that is tested for adventitious agents before use and originates from
countries free of bovine spongiform encephalopathy. For viral growth, the culture medium is M-199, without calf serum. (The residual calf serum protein is less than
1 ppm in the final vaccine.) Neomycin, streptomycin and polymyxin B are used in
the production process. The vaccine also contains 2-phenoxyethanol and
formaldehyde (0.02% maximum) as preservatives.
MMR vaccine: The M-M-R II live virus vaccine (Merck & Co.) contains
(1) Attenuvax, a more attenuated line of measles virus propagated in chick embryo
cell culture; (2) Mumpsvax, a strain of mumps virus propagated in chick embryo
cell culture; and (3) Meruvax II, the Wistar RA 27/3 strain of live attenuated
rubella virus propagated in WI-38 human diploid lung fibroblasts. The product
contains sorbitol, sodium phosphate, sucrose, sodium chloride, hydrolyzed gelatin,
human albumin, fetal bovine serum, and neomycin. It does not contain a
Chickenpox vaccine: The Varivax vaccine (Merck & Co.) is prepared from
the Oka/Merck strain of live, attenuated varicella virus. The virus originated from a
child with natural varicella. It was introduced into human embryonic lung cell
cultures, adapted to and propagated in embryonic guinea pig cell cultures and
propagated in human diploid cell cultures (WI-38). The vaccine contains sucrose,
hydrolyzed gelatin, sodium chloride, monosodium L-glutamate, sodium phosphate
dibasic, potassium phosphate monobasic, potassium chloride, residual components
of MRC-5 (human diploid) cells including DNA and protein, and trace amounts of
sodium phosphate monobasic, EDTA, neomycin, and fetal bovine serum. There is
no preservative.
Noting that vaccines include a host of undisputed toxins, such as aluminum
phosphate and formaldehyde, Alan Phillips reminds us that many of the ill effects
of vaccines did not exist at anywhere near today's levels 30 years ago. He cites
autism, ADD, hyperactivity, dyslexia, and a host of allergies as examples.
In his book What Every Parent Should Know About Childhood
Immunization, Jamie Murphy seconds the views of Phillips: "What could
formaldehyde, aluminum, phenol...or any number of other deadly chemical substances used in vaccines possibly have to do with preventing disease in
children? The fact that they are needed at all in the vaccine formula argues that the
product is toxic, unstable and unreliable with or without their presence."
The Use of Thimerosal. In July 1999, the American Academy of Pediatrics
(AAP) issued a statement urging the removal of the mercury-containing
preservative thimerosal from vaccines.
The Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) reported that as of April 2001, all seven of the vaccines
recommended for use in all children contained either no thimerosal or trace
amounts only. These vaccines include hepatitis B, Haemophilus influenzae B, and
DTaP (which formerly contained thimerosal as a preservative) and MMR, polio,
varicella and pneumococcal (which have never contained thimerosal).
The FDA explains that the vaccines are now being produced as either
thimerosal-free or thimerosal-reduced products. The term thimerosal-reduced, it
says, usually indicates that trace amounts of mercury-less than 0.5 micrograms per
0.5 mL vaccine dose-may remain from the use of thimerosal in the manufacturing
process, but that thimerosal is not added as a preservative. The term preservativefree means the vaccine does not have a preservative but, again, that trace amounts
may remain from the manufacturing process.
The reason for the AAP's strong recommendation in 1999 was a growing concern
about the risk of exposing the developing brains of infants to mercury. As more
vaccines were being mandated for children, the cumulative level of mercury
exceeded that deemed safe by guidelines. With the new pediatric vaccines, the
FDA says, "the most likely maximum amount of ethyl mercury that an infant may
be exposed to from the routine vaccination schedule has been reduced from
approximately 187.5 mcg to <3 mcg."
While this change is certainly welcomed, we should ask why such a dangerous,
known neurotoxin was allowed to be used in vaccines in the first place. Mercury
exposure has been associated with nerve cell degeneration,
adverse behavioral
and impaired brain development.
It has also been linked to degenerative chronic conditions such as Alzheimer's disease. The developing fetal
nervous system is the most sensitive to its toxic effects, and prenatal exposure to
high doses of mercury has been shown to cause mental retardation and cerebral
Yet the CDC recommends the influenza vaccine, which for the most part
still contained mercury until late 2002, to all pregnant women, despite the 2001
urging from the Institute of Medicine that "full consideration be given to removing
thimerosal from any biological product to which infants, children, and pregnant
women are exposed." The CDC's homepage, today, September 6, 2006, quotes,
"Today, with the exception of some Influenza (flu) vaccines, none of the
vaccines used in the U.S. to protect preschool children against 12 infectious
diseases contain thimerosal as a preservative."
This means that some of the country's most vulnerable, are still receiving
mercury in its shots, as the flu vaccine is recommended for those most at risk,
including the elderly, those with weakened immune systems, and very young
In 2001 the FDA was in discussions with manufacturers of influenza virus
vaccines regarding the development of thimerosal-free or -reduced products.
According to the CDC, one manufacturer of influenza vaccine, Evans Vaccines,
had reduced-thimerosal influenza vaccines available by the 2002-2003 flu season.
This Fluvirin product had less than 1 mcg of thimerosal per dose; other influenza
vaccines at the time had 25 mcg.
For the pediatric market, another
manufacturer, Aventis Pasteur, announced in September 2002 that the FDA had
approved a license to market a preservative-free influenza vaccine for infants aged
six to 35 months. A supply of the preservative-free Fluzone was available for the
2002-2003 flu season.
[158]Despite the change over, this still begs the question as to how many children are
still suffering the effects of mercury-toxic injections from as late as the 2000 and
2001 flu seasons.
It should also be noted that while the mercury content of childhood vaccines has
been eliminated or greatly reduced, vaccines may still contain formaldehyde (a
highly carcinogenic material used to embalm corpses) and/or aluminum.
New vaccines continue to be approved: in 2003 the "first live attenuated
influenza vaccine licenced for 5-49 year old persons"
was approved, and in
2004 "inactivated influenza vaccine was recommended for all children 6-23
months of age"
However, the CDC site does not state specifically which flu
vaccinations contain the thimerosol: "certain Influenza (flu) vaccines and tetanusdiphtheria vaccines (Td) given to children age 7 and older contain thimerosal as a
Unproven Vaccines, Unmonitored Medicine The widespread use of
experimental vaccines during Desert Storm has often been cited as a possible cause
of Gulf War syndrome. Dr. Garth Nicolson elaborates: "I'm not a big fan of
experimental vaccines. There have been too many mistakes. Usually you find these
things out years later. Often agents that we think innocuous turn out to be
harmful." He explains that during the Gulf War, the established procedures of
vaccination were ignored. Normally, only one inoculation should be given at a
time, but the military insisted on giving multiple shots at once, which, according to
Nicolson, is the worst thing you can do because it suppresses the immune system.
The troops immunized for the Gulf have been called guinea pigs, and for
good reason. They received experimental vaccines, e.g., those for anthrax and
botulinum that were not approved for use by the FDA and have since proven to
cause potentially dangerous side effects. In 1991, "Anthrax vaccine was
administered to about 150,000 troops in the [Gulf War] theater, about 1/5 of those
Soldiers who were given these experimental vaccines, without
informed consent, have reported suffering from a variety of neurological problems
and aberrant bleeding from all parts of their bodies. Because of these vaccines'
experimental nature, many questions have arisen as to why our government
dispensed them. Not the least of these questions is, what about the Nuremberg Code? Developed by the Allies after World War II in response to inhumane Nazi
experimentation, the Nuremberg code says that voluntary and informed consent is
absolutely essential from all human subjects who participate in research, whether
during peace or war. [11]
Vaccine Failures. According to Phillips, "The medical literature has a surprising
number of studies documenting vaccine failure. Measles, mumps, smallpox, and
polio outbreaks have all occurred in vaccinated populations. In 1989, the CDC
reported: Among school-aged children, [measles] outbreaks have occurred in
schools with vaccination levels of greater than 98 percent. They have occurred in
all parts of the country, including areas that had not reported measles for years.
The CDC even reported a measles outbreak in a documented 100 percentvaccinated population. A study examining this phenomenon concluded, 'The
apparent paradox is that as measles immunization rates rise to high levels in a
population, measles becomes a disease of immunized persons.'...These studies
suggest that the goal of complete immunization is actually counterproductive, a
notion underscored by instances in which epidemics followed complete
immunization of entire countries....In the U.S. in 1986, 90 percent of 1,300
pertussis cases in Kansas were 'adequately vaccinated.' Seventy-two percent of
pertussis cases in the 1993 Chicago outbreak were fully up to date with their
[162], [163], [164], [165], [166], [167], [168], [169], [170]
Effects of Specific Vaccines
With this section, we begin an examination of the effects of specific
vaccines. Seven vaccines will be covered in this and the next two installments of
this series: diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus, polio, chickenpox, hepatitis B,
measles, mumps and rubella, smallpox, and the now-withdrawn rotavirus vaccine.
Diphtheria Vaccine
In the 15 years following the introduction of the diphtheria vaccine in 1894,
the number of deaths in England and Wales rose 20 percent. Between 1895 and
1907, there were 63,249 cases of diphtheria in individuals treated with anti-toxin; 8,917 people died, a fatality rate of 14 percent. In the same time period, there were
11,716 cases not treated with anti-toxin; only 703 died, a fatality rate of 6 percent.
From a book by Greg Beattie, entitled, "Vaccination A Parent's Dilemma,"
we examine official charts taken from the Commonwealth of Australia, on the
decline in death rates from Whooping Cough, Diptheria, measles, and Scarlet
Fever. We see that in each case, the bulk of the death rates from each illness
declined in large measure even before the vaccine for the illness had been given.
Lest we think, however, that these may be figures unique to Australia, the author
states that, "Graphical evidence on the decline in death rates from infectious
disease for USA, England, New Zealand and many other countries shows the exact
same scenario[s]" Whooping cough death rates, for example, when the
vaccinations were given, between 1940 and 1960, had already declined to almost a
tenth of their original rate at their height in 1880. During the decade between 1940
and 1950, when the Diptheria vaccine was originally given, death rates had
declined to almost a quarter of their rate in 1880, and the measles deaths, at their
height in the 1900's, had already declined to its modern low rates by the mid
1960's, when the first vaccine was given.
The CDC's paper on reduction of illnesses in the 20
century mentions that
one of illnesses that was reduced to zero by the year 2004, was diptheria, from an
average of 21, 053 deaths per year in the 20
We know from Greg Beattie's work that the earliest vaccinations for childhood
illnesses were given in the late 1930's for diptheria. When we examine the figures
from the Union soldiers'study, mentioned earlier; we note that only the last of the
children for the later cohort (1918-1927) would have been children when the
Diptheria vaccinations were given. Although heart damage can occur in untreated
Diptheria cases, most Diptheria onset occurs in adolescents and adults. Most of the
later cohort would already have been adolescents at the time of the Diptheria
vaccine, so it is unlikely that the onset of the Diptheria vaccination alone had an
effect on the outcome of delayed onset of heart disease already noted in this group
of people.
47 48 49 50Similarly, it may be true that childhood illnesses could have a role in the formation
of joint inflammation later in life, but again, only the last children of the later
cohort in the union soldiers' study would have received the Diptheria vaccine in
later childhood, so this would have a negligible effect on the outcome of all joint
pain in this cohort group.
Acellular Pertussis Vaccine
Until 1996 the whole-cell vaccine was the only whooping cough vaccine
available in the U.S. for children in their first year of life. This vaccine included all
the components of the bacterium Bordetella pertussis, including the toxic ones, and
was associated with high rates of adverse reactions. In Japan, a lack of trust among
the public of the whole-cell vaccine led to the development of a new, purified
acellular vaccine that has been used exclusively in the country since 1981.
Even though a safer vaccine was widely used in Europe and Japan, it wasn't
until 15 years later that the purified acellular pertussis vaccine was approved by the
U.S. FDA for use in combination with the diphtheria and tetanus toxoids for all
doses in the vaccination series.
A 1996 study showed that the rate of adverse
reactions reported to VAERS in 1991 to 1993 dropped from 9.8 per 100,000
vaccine doses to 2.9 per 100,000 after substitution of the acellular pertussis vaccine
for the whole-cell vaccine for the fourth and fifth dose of DPT vaccination.
Vaccine Failure. Ninety-one percent of pertussis cases in Nova Scotia,
Canada, had received at least three doses of vaccine. Researchers concluded that
"pertussis remains a significant health problem in Nova Scotia despite nearly
universal vaccination."
In this case, the pertussis vaccination proved
Pertussis vaccination also has been shown to increase the susceptibility of
certain individuals to the infection, as a 1997 report by the CDC clearly describes. In the Netherlands, 96 percent of children have received at least three shots of
pertussis vaccine by the age of 12 months. Yet pertussis has been endemic in the
country for the past two decades.
Increasing Cases of Pertussis in Infants and Adults. After the United
States mandated pertussis vaccination in 1978, the incidence of the disease in the
following eight years trebled. While cases of pertussis were increasingly seen
among every age group, the highest incidence was registered in infants less than 1
year old, and the highest relative increase was seen in adolescents and adults. It is
important to note that infants suffered from the most complications, with rates of
hospitalization, pneumonia, convulsions, and encephalopathy being the highest in
children 0 to 6 months old.
According to one article, the incidence of pertussis increased each year in
England and Wales after an accelerated immunization schedule was introduced.
Since the immunity provided by the vaccine, unlike that derived from natural
infection, is only temporary, more adults are now contracting the disease and are
transmitting it to infants, where the infection manifests with particular severity and
can often lead to death.
Epidemics of pertussis striking infants have also been reported in Australia,
despite extensive vaccination coverage.
DPT Safety. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services estimates
that every year approximately half a million DPT shots are followed by reactions
severe enough to contraindicate the administration of more pertussis vaccine. One
in seven children should be turned away for further pertussis vaccine. In practice,
though, this does not happen.
[179], [180]
And, as pointed out by Alan Phillips, "The
FDA's VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting System) receives about 11,000
reports of serious adverse reactions to vaccination annually, some 1 percent (112+)
of which are deaths from vaccine reactions. The majority of these deaths are
attributed to the pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine, the 'P' in DPT. This figure alone is alarming, yet it is only the tip of the iceberg. The FDA estimates that only
about 10 percent of adverse reactions are reported...."
DPT Vaccination and Neurological Damage. The scientific literature
contains documentation of the damaging effects of DPT vaccination on the nervous
system. Neurological complications include convulsions, hypotonichyporesponsive episodes (a collapse-shock-like status), paralysis, and
FURTHER READINGS: Articles in the literature associate DPT
vaccinations with neurological problems
[181], [182]
and convulsions.
[183], [184], [185], [186]
DPT Vaccination and Asthma. In a 1994 study published in the Journal of
the American Medical Association, Dr. Michel Odent found that children
immunized against whooping cough were five times more likely to suffer from
asthma than those who did not receive the vaccine.
Dr. Odent's is not a solitary voice. Another study, performed by Farooqi et
al. on almost 2,000 children born between 1974 and 1984, showed that vaccination
against whooping cough is associated with a 76 percent increased risk of
developing asthma and other allergic diseases later in life.
DPT Vaccination and SIDS. Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is the
unexpected death of a child occurring without any apparent explanation, and for
which autopsy cannot reveal a determining cause. Every year, 5,000 to 6,000
children die from SIDS. The incidence peaks in infants aged 2-4 months, which
correlates with the introduction of a majority of vaccine injections. It is worth
noting that approximately 85 percent of SIDS cases occur during the first six
months of life, and that the first three DPT shots were given to children at 2, 4, and
6 months of age when these studies were conducted.A study conducted by researchers at the Mayo Clinic looked at the incidence
of SIDS in Olmsted County, Minnesota, over several decades and found that it
increased steadily from a rate of 0.55 per 1,000 live births in 1953 to 128 in 1992.
That's a great increase in this 40-year study period. However, when the authors
compared mortality from SIDS to overall infant mortality, they came up with an
even more distressing finding. The increase of SIDS as a percentage of total infant
deaths increased from 2.5 in 1953 to 17.9 in 1992.
So from 1950 to 1990, a
combination of lifestyle changes, improved sanitary conditions, and progress in
medical technology resulted in a reduction of practically all causes of infant death
except one-sudden infant death.
In 1982, at the 34th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of
Pediatrics, Dr. W. Torch presented an abstract entitled "Diphtheria-PertussisTetanus (DPT) Immunization: A Potential Cause of the Sudden Infant Death
Syndrome (SIDS)." Triggered by a report of 12 such deaths occurring within 3-1/2
to 19 hours of DPT vaccination, Torch's investigation looked at 70 SIDS cases. He
found that two-thirds of the victims had been vaccinated from a half day to three
weeks prior to death.
Torch reaffirmed a link between DPT and SIDS in 1986, when he presented
11 new cases of SIDS and one of near-miss syndrome (NMS) occurring within 24
hours of DPT injection. All cases presented with SIDS pathology, yet none were
diagnosed as "postvaccinal" death.
Analysis of these and other more than 150
cases of DPT postvaccinal deaths reported in the literature-about half of which
were sudden or anaphylactic-led Torch to conclude that "Although many feel that
the DPT-SIDS relationship is temporal, this author and others maintain a casual
relationship exists in a yet-to-be-determined SIDS fraction."
Other researchers
also have uncovered a relationship between DTP immunization and SIDS.
[193], [194]
Tetanus Vaccination and Neurological Damage. The literature includes
articles on neurological reactions to the tetanus vaccination
[195], [196], [197], [198], [199],
and other adverse reactions.
[201], [202], [203]In Part 2: The effects of vaccines for polio, chickenpox, hepatitis B, and
measles, mumps and rubella.
Vaccination: Pain, Profit, and Politics - Part 2
By Gary Null, Ph.D., and Martin Feldman, M.D.In Part 1 of this series, we discussed the reasons why we should challenge our
assumptions that vaccines are safe and effective. These reasons include the adverse
effects associated with vaccines, the unsound principles on which they are based,
questions about whether immunization really eliminates disease, the toxic
ingredients used in vaccines, and vaccine failures. In Part 1 we also began to look at
the effects of specific vaccines with a discussion of the diphtheria, pertussis and
tetanus vaccine; we continue that process in Part 2 with a look at the polio,
chickenpox, hepatitis B, and measles, mumps and rubella vaccines.
Polio Vaccine
Three types of polio vaccines have been used throughout the world: 1) the
OPV, or oral polio vaccine (Sabin vaccine), consisting of live, attenuated poliovirus;
2) the IPV, or inactivated polio vaccine (Salk vaccine), consisting of killed
poliovirus and given by injection; and 3) the eIPV, an enhanced potency inactivated
polio vaccine, consisting of killed poliovirus with high viral antigen content.
Today, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP)
recommends exclusive use of the IPV for routine childhood polio vaccination in the
U.S. (the enhanced-potency version is the only IPV in use in the U.S.). The ACIP
changed its polio vaccine recommendation to the all-IPV schedule, effective January
2000, to eliminate the risk for vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis (VAPP),
the condition caused by the previously recommended oral polio vaccine.
Until 1996, all children in the U.S., except those with a compromised immune
system and their close contacts, were immunized with the live attenuated OPV
vaccine. However, the vaccine actually caused polio in a small percentage of people.
According to the CDC, the overall risk for VAPP is approximately one case in 2.4
million OPV doses distributed, while the first-dose risk is one case in 750,000 doses distributed. In fact, the only indigenous cases of polio reported in the U.S. since
1979 have been associated with the use of OPV. Between 1980 and 1998, 144 cases
of VAPP were reported.
Despite these occurrences, the ACIP recommended the use of OPV in the U.S.
because it believed the benefits of the oral vaccine outweighed the risk for VAPP. In
1996, the ACIP recommended a sequential schedule of IPV and OPV to "decrease
the risk for VAPP but maintain the benefits of OPV." It then recommended the allIPV schedule as of January 2000, citing several reasons: the substantially reduced
likelihood of poliovirus being imported into the U.S. due to rapid progress made in
the global polio eradication initiative; the acceptance of the sequential schedule; and
the lack of declines in childhood immunization coverage.
The CDC states that, "in 1955 the inactivated polio vaccination was
In 1954, the largest vaccination trial to date was undertaken across the
country. Up to 600,000 children throughout the country were vaccinated due to
efforts by parents, community activists, and teachers, both in the efforts of pursuing
science and bettering public health. Children and their parents were told that they
were 'pioneers' in an effort to eradicate a debilitating scourge. In homage to the
passionate public effort, researchers stated that 95% of children received the three
shots required by the trial. Whereas the design of the study was vigorous, there
were complaints as to the follow through. The setup of the study was as follows:
Each child received three vaccinations on a rigorous schedule, and the two arms of
the study had differing control groups which would even out the counterbalancing
effects of income, nutrition, and class; however, it was often reported that the entire
dose was not given per child, or that in the control group which was to have received
a placebo injection, liquid from the experimental group remained in the syringe,
thereby giving the placebo child a weak inoculation. Despite the fact that the
government review of the outcome of polio vaccination was to have been considered
positive, critics said that there was not a huge difference between the observed and
placebo control groups and the actual groups that received the vaccinations.
In three of the trial groups, numbers of children in the study tested were
between 200,000 and 225,000. In order to compare effectiveness, we will average
the outcomes based on numbers tested at 200,000:Therefore, for in areas where a placebo shot was given, along with the
vaccination, an average of 32.87 children came down with polio out of 200,000 who
received the shots, whereas an average of 114.30 children out of 200,000 came down
with the illness who did not receive the vaccination.
In the next cohort group, an average of 34.24 children out of 200,000 came
down with polio after receiving the vaccination whereas an average of 91.01
children out of 200,000 came down with polio in the control group who was just
observed rather than actually receiving the shots. Although the numbers for the two
arms of the study may be similar, it appears that the lower number in the
observational control may be slightly more accurate for a couple of reasons: First,
there were complaints that the actual givers of the vaccines contaminated the control
groups with the active vaccine, and second, the control group of observed children
was much larger than the control group who received a placebo [725, 123 as
compared to 201, 229 in the placebo group]; it is well known that a larger cohort
group is desired for better scientific accuracy.
The one positive aspect of the placebo arm of the study as noted by author
David Oshinsky was that the children were more likely to be of the same age, class,
and upbringing, since those who were vaccinated tended to have parents who were
better educated and more willing to commit their children to a scientific study for the
'betterment of scientific inquiry'. It is just such attitudes that we wish to examine
closely in this paper, for these are the vulnerabilities that the mainstream medical
community uses when coercing the public to use vaccinations.
After the auspicious start as seen by the CDC's National Immunization
program, we will examine the timeline for the various vaccinations given in the US:
Polio was seen originally as a mystery because the sanitation measures that had
brought typhoid and cholera into abeyance did not seem to have an effect on polio. In fact children brought up in middle class homes were more likely to develop the
paralyzing illness than those in poorer neighborhoods.
For example: "[Franklin Roosevelt] had avoided the common illnesses until his
arrival at boarding school as a teen. From that point forward, his medical history
resembled an encyclopedia of contagious diseases. The list included typhoid fever,
swollen sinuses, infected tonsils, stomach problems, endless sore throats."
know that later he was said to have contracted polio but some have attributed his
illness to Guillain Barre syndrome as well, which we see below, has an association
with Polio.
Originally, The Polio outbreaks were one of the first times it was suggested that
a less-antiseptic environment may have had a protective effect upon the child. It was
later found that polio was a viral infection, and was passed through the mouth,
but was an infection of the digestive tract that spread through the nerves to the brain
and spinal cord. One of the early researchers on polio noticed that boys tended to
get polio more often than girls, and during periods where they had stressed their
bodies, such as playing outside on a hot day. Franklin Roosevelt was said to have
contracted polio after playing rigorously in the water with his children.
Whether rich or poor, however, author David Oshinsky points not to large
issues of public sanitation, but to issues of personal hygiene:
"the words 'American' and 'cleanliness' rarely graced the same sentence before
the twentieth century. In 1900 toothbrushes were still rare in the United States,
deodorants and shampoos almost unheard of. Few people bathed more than once a
week or rinsed their hair more than once a month. Fewer still washed their hands
before eating or after using the toilet. Spitting was almost universal. Travelers
shared beds and chamber pots with complete strangers. Most houses, lacking
screens, attracted swarms of insects in warm weather. Water supplies were
unfiltered, and food was poorly refrigerated, if at all."
[211]It is clear to anyone with a modicum of common sense that these would be ideal
conditions to spread a virus of the digestive tract. In an article entitled Introduction
to Contagion
, we discover that it is important to note the way a disease is
transmitted when examining the ways in which the epidemics have happened
throughout the ages:
For example: whether virus or bacteria, there are illnesses that are spread
through droplets that are ingested, which are present in the air due to respiratory
expulsion. There are also water borne illnesses, that can be picked up by a cut in the
skin or when a person ingests quantities of water from an infected source. Other
diseases can be transmitted through food, and still others through physical touching,
such as through the hands, through the saliva, or through sexual contact.
In an epidemic of cholera, for example, the CDC states that,"the source of the
contamination is usually the feces of an infected person. The disease can spread
rapidly in areas with inadequate treatment of sewage and drinking water."
David Oshinsky writes of non-polio outbreaks:
"mortality rates had dropped dramatically since the 1870's, the result of better
sanitation, a healthier diet, and stunning breakthroughs in research...Other epidemic
diseases like cholera and typhoid fever had been tamed by better sanitation,
attacking the filth that spread their deadly germs. In most places this involved the
regulation of sewage, the purification of water, and the pasteurization of milk. It
included public health campaigns to educate people about quarantining the sick and
keeping their dwellings clean."
Guillain-Barre Syndrome and Polio Vaccine. Guillain-Barre syndrome
(GBS) is a disease that involves the nervous system and is characterized by muscle
weakness, numbness, loss of reflexes, and paralysis. In Finland in 1985 there was an increase in the incidence of Guillain-Barre
syndrome that followed by a few weeks the implementation of a nationwide oral
poliovirus vaccine campaign.
[215], [216]
And in Brazil, analysis of 38 cases of paralysis
diagnosed as GBS led in all cases to the isolation of the vaccine strains of the
poliovirus. All patients had been vaccinated with the oral polio vaccine months or
years before the onset of symptoms.
Furthermore, vaccine viruses also have been isolated from patients with
paralysis diagnosed as transverse myelitis (TM), and in patients with facial paralysis
Most individuals with TM and FP had received the oral polio vaccine
months or years prior to the onset of disease, indicating that the virus may remain
latent and revert to virulence later in time. It is noteworthy too that in Brazil, cases
of wild-type poliomyelitis have not been reported since 1989, while vaccineassociated paralysis is still occurring.
The Cancer Connection to the Polio Vaccine. In 1960 it was discovered that
both the Salk and Sabin vaccines, which had been administered to millions of
people, were contaminated with SV40 (simian virus 40), derived from the monkey
kidney cells used to grow the vaccine viruses. The SV40 survived inactivation with
formaldehyde, the method used to kill the poliovirus, and was therefore injected with
the vaccine into 98 million people in the U.S.
and hundreds of millions
worldwide. These individuals today have SV40 sequences integrated into their
genetic code.
Animal studies have demonstrated the ability of SV40 to integrate its DNA into
that of the host cell and to induce malignancy. Unfortunately, a growing number of
studies are showing that the virus retains these same properties in humans as well as
in animals. Integration and replication of SV40 has been documented in 13 percent
of non-Hodgkin's lymphomas,
16 percent of Hodgkin's lymphomas,
percent to 90 percent of different types of brain tumors,
83 percent of
mesotheliomas (malignant tumors of the lining of the lungs),
28 percent of
bronchopulmonary carcinomas,
50 percent of osteosarcomas,
and more than
33 percent of other types of bone tumors.
[230], [231]Chickenpox Vaccine
In 1995 the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the ACIP
recommended universal chickenpox (varicella) vaccination of children aged 12 to 18
months. They also recommended that the vaccine be given to children aged 18
months to 12 years who have not been vaccinated or who lack a reliable history of
the disease.
The fact is that in the vast majority of cases, chickenpox is a benign, selflimiting disease in children. Natural immunity, derived from contracting the disease,
is permanent. Vaccine-induced immunity, on the other hand, is only temporary,
lasting an estimated six to 10 years. The temporary nature of vaccine-induced
immunity can create a more dangerous situation by postponing the child's
vulnerability until adulthood, when death from the disease is 30 times more likely.
The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), Vienna, Va., advises parents
to seriously consider not using the chickenpox vaccine on healthy children. Barbara
Loe Fisher, cofounder and president of the NVIC, elaborates: "Our organization is
questioning the recommendation...that all healthy children be vaccinated with the
chickenpox vaccine....
"...In children, chickenpox is, by and large, a very mild disease. The
case/fatality ratio in healthy children is 1 death per 100,000 children. In adults it
rises to 31 deaths per 100,000. So it basically is an experiment. That is really what
happens with most of these vaccines that they bring out. They really don't know
what the long-term effect is going to be.
"The other thing about the chickenpox vaccine is that the vaccine virus could lie
dormant in vaccinated individuals, and then reactivate later in life in the form of
herpes zoster, which is also known as shingles, or perhaps [in the form of] other
immune system disorders...." Fisher is not the only one to question the appropriateness of the official
recommendations concerning this vaccination. According to the results of one
survey, 58 percent of pediatricians interviewed did not recommend varicella
vaccination of all infants.
Discounting the numerous concerns of doctors, researchers, and parents, in
February 1999 the CDC expanded its guidelines for varicella vaccination and
required that all children entering child care centers and elementary and middle
schools receive varicella vaccination unless they have evidence of immunity.
In the meantime, 6,580 adverse events-including 14 deaths-were reported to the
Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System in association with varicella vaccination
between March 17, 1995 and July 25, 1998.
The actual number could be at least
10 times higher, if we take into consideration the proven fact that only 10 percent of
adverse events are commonly reported.
Another concern regards pregnant women. Normally, 90 percent of adult
women are immune to varicella and transfer this immunity to their babies during
pregnancy. But the immunity induced by vaccination, which lasts only five to 10
years, may be gone by the time a woman enters her reproductive stage, leaving
pregnant women at risk of contracting the infection and transmitting it to the fetus.
Fetal varicella syndrome is characterized by multiple congenital malformations and
is often fatal for the fetus.
Thus, we need lifelong immunity from natural
In addition, children born from women whose vaccine-induced immunity has
faded are unprotected during their first year of life, when their immune system is
still developing, and may suffer fatal complications should they be exposed to the
infection.Is the Chickenpox Vaccine Effective? If the effectiveness of the vaccine is
measured by its ability to prevent the disease from occurring, the answer is simply
no. As we read in an article published in Pediatrics, "In 1998, three years after
vaccine licensure, child care centers in Los Angeles County continued to report
varicella outbreaks." These outbreaks occurred in child care centers with high
vaccine coverage as well as in those with low coverage, meaning that the infection
spread regardless of child vaccination status.
An interesting article clearly shows how questionable the data are claiming
reductions of diseases following immunization campaigns. This is what often
happens: Reporting of a specific disease is encouraged until the start of a vaccination
program. Thus, the disease appears to be present at certain rates. Then, after the
vaccine enters the market, reporting is no longer required and therefore not done,
and the rates of the disease seem to drop. But in reality the drop results from changes
in reporting requirements and practices, not from an actual decline in the number of
Vaccination against chickenpox will not prevent a child from contracting the
disease. Rates of infection in vaccinated individuals-so-called "breakthrough
varicella"-range from 18 percent to 34 percent in the 10 years following
[237], [238], [239]
Furthermore, even if vaccination reduces the number of
skin lesions, the duration of the infection, and the occurrence of fever in individuals
who develop breakthrough disease, it does not reduce the rate of constitutional
complaints and that of complications.
One study found that 18.6 percent of children who responded to varicella
vaccination developed breakthrough disease after exposure to the infection in the
five to 10 years following immunization.
Another study showed that 20-30
percent of vaccinees developed varicella in the 10 years following immunization.
In a third study, 34 percent of individuals vaccinated against chickenpox developed
breakthrough disease in the seven to 10 years following immunization.
[243]FURTHER READINGS: Articles discuss the potential downside to the mass
use of the chickenpox vaccine and reactions associated with it.
[244], [245], [246]
Hepatitis B Vaccine
The hepatitis B vaccine, commercially available in the United States since
1982, was supposed to be given to every American child within 12 hours of birth. In
spite of this measure, "the incidence of acute hepatitis B in this country has risen
from 55 per 100,000 in 1981 to 63 per 100,000 in 1987," according to the New
England Journal of Medicine.
Additionally, strong side effects have been
reported following the use of this vaccine. In 1990, the Journal of Pediatric Child
Health had this to say on the subject: "There have...been reported six serious
illnesses in a series of 200,000 hepatitis vaccinations, including aseptic meningitis,
grand mal seizure, and possible transverse myelitis, as well as 56 minor illnesses
considered likely due to the vaccine. These minor illnesses include neurological
tremors, Bell's palsy, hives, herpes zoster, psoriasis, musculoskeletal generalized
myalgia, joint inflammation...influenza-like syndrome, injection site reaction,
diarrhea, vomiting, and headache."
The authors conclude with these recommendations: "Until further evidence can
be gathered on possible side-effects or complications from the hepatitis B vaccine, it
may be worth considering only giving the vaccine to people at high risk, rather than
to all the population."
According to Barbara Loe Fisher, "Today, hepatitis B recombinant vaccine used
in the U.S. is derived from hepatitis B surface antigens produced in yeast cells. A
portion of the hepatitis B virus gene is cloned into the yeast (a common baker's
yeast) and the vaccine is produced from cultures of this recombinant yeast strain.
The vaccine is treated with formaldehyde and contains...hepatitis B virus surface
antigen...yeast protein [and] aluminum hydroxide...."
[248]The unfortunate reality is that vaccination against hepatitis B has played an
uncertain role in preventing the spread of the infection in high-risk individuals. In
fact, the incidence of hepatitis B infection has risen 37 percent since the introduction
of the vaccine.
Despite the evidence of vaccine failure, though, in 1991 the CDC
recommended universal hepatitis B immunization of infants.
Though substantial decrease in deaths were shown for various illnesses
throughout the 20
century, many illnesses still show a significant number of deaths,
which calls to question what is really causing the decreases in deaths from particular
illnesses: For example, Hepatitis A was reduced from 117,333 average deaths in the
century to 24, 291 in 2004. Similarly, Hepatitis B went from 66, 232 per year
during the entire 20
century to 17358 in 2004. What is misleading about the chart
is that we do not know how many people throughout the 20
century had been
vaccinated against hepatitis before they died, or that the apparent greater than 70%
decrease in deaths for both Hep A and Hep B were due to vaccination or other health
factors. It is also known that Hep B infection when untreated can cause liver cancer,
so we may not know the final outcomes for some Hep B related mortality for those
who were infected in the year 2004, for some time yet.
Health care workers have not rushed to get this injection. A 1990 article in the
British Medical Journal reports that 86 percent of 598 doctors questioned about
hepatitis B vaccine believed all general practitioners should receive it, but 309 of
these doctors had not been vaccinated themselves.
In another study, only 25
percent of nurses and 49 percent of doctors had been immunized, despite the fact
that 87 percent of the medical staff and 57 percent of the nurses reported a history of
needle stick injury.
And the reaction among family physicians is even less
enthusiastic: Only 17 percent of 300 family physicians agreed that a
recommendation of hepatitis B vaccination was warranted for all newborns in their
Is the Hepatitis B Vaccine Safe? As we learn from a study published in the
Pediatric Infectious Diseases Journal, between 1991 and 1994, 12,520 adverse
reactions to hepatitis B vaccination were reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event
Reporting System, with 14 percent of these reactions involving newborns and
[254]The fact is that the number of reports of complications following hepatitis B
vaccination is growing steadily. The Association of American Physicians and
Surgeons (AAPS) reports, "About one-third of the reactions were serious enough to
result in an emergency room visit or hospitalization, and there were 440 deaths,
including about 180 attributed to sudden infant death syndrome or SIDS."
The purpose of vaccinations is to reduce the risks of complications associated
with the diseases they are designed to prevent. Complications from a vaccine should
not outweigh those derived from the disease. And yet, according to Dr. Philip Incao,
who has studied vaccinations and the immune system for three decades, in the case
of hepatitis B, "...the conclusion is obvious that the risks of hepatitis B vaccination
far outweigh its benefits."
Dr. Jane M. Orient, executive director of the Association of American
Physicians and Surgeons, puts the facts plainly. According to a recent federal
government study, she says, "children younger than 14 are three times more likely to
die or suffer adverse reactions after receiving hepatitis B vaccines than to catch the
Is the Hepatitis B Vaccine Effective? Vaccine supporters claim that the
development of an antibody response to the virus contained in the vaccine equals
protection against the disease. So we are now vaccinating millions of children
against hepatitis B to prevent them from contracting the disease later in life. But for
this to happen, the level of antibodies that are supposed to be protective has to
remain high for very long periods. The evidence proves that this is not happening.
A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine evaluated the
persistence of anti-hepatitis-B antibodies in 773 homosexual men immunized against
the virus. Of these, 635 produced antibodies. After five years, however, such
antibodies no longer existed in 15 percent of the respondents, and their levels
declined sharply-below levels deemed to be protective-in another 27 percent. In fact, hepatitis B developed in 55 men, and two individuals became carriers of the hepatitis
B virus.
Another study shows that after three years, 36 percent of individuals
who initially responded to the hepatitis B immunization lost anti-heptatitis-B
Why then are we needlessly vaccinating millions of children if by the time
they'll be adults and might be exposed to the virus, they won't have the antibodies
that are supposed to protect them? And, in any case, are these antibodies offering
protection against the disease?
Adverse Reactions to Hepatitis B Vaccine. The National Vaccine
Information Center, in its report on hepatitis B vaccination, cites 38 reports in the
international medical literature presenting evidence that hepatitis B vaccination is
causing chronic autoimmune and neurological disease in children and adults. Yet
this is not information given in the vaccine manufacturer's literature.
Tourbah et al. reported in a 1999 article published in the journal Neurology that
eight patients developed encephalitis and central nervous system demyelinating
disease within 10 weeks of receiving hepatitis B vaccination.
FURTHER READINGS: Articles in the medical literature associate the
hepatitis B vaccine with complications affecting the nervous system
[261], [262], [263], [264]
and the joints
[265], [266], [267], [268], [269]
as well as other adverse effects.
Measles/Mumps/Rubella (MMR)Vaccine
As with hepatitis B, physicians are notoriously reluctant to follow their own
advice when it comes to measles vaccination. One study reported that obstetrician
gynecologists had the lowest vaccination rate among doctors for the German measles vaccine. Pediatricians didn't fare much better. The authors attributed such
findings to "fear of unforeseen vaccine reactions."
The fact that the MMR vaccine is particularly ineffective, with a high
percentage of those inoculated getting the disease, is undoubtedly a factor here.
[273], [274], [275], [276], [277], [278], [279], [280], [281], [282], [283]
According to The New England
Journal of Medicine, 60 percent of all measles cases among American
schoolchildren between 1985 and 1986 occurred in those who were vaccinated.
Scientist Trevor Gunn also points out that for several reasons, there is underreporting of illness caused by vaccination. These include: financial backlash from
vaccination producers, and the restricted length of time for which adverse symptoms
must occur-In England "72 hours for whooping cough and 8-20 hours for the
MMRP" vaccines.
The Journal of the American Medical Association published a study indicating
that among 235 cases of student measles reported in Dane County, Wisconsin, in
1986, more than 96 percent had received a measles vaccine.
A study reported in
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly found that 58 percent of 1,600 cases of measles in
Quebec, Canada, in 1989 occurred in those who had already been vaccinated.
And the World Health Organization has conceded that those administered the
measles vaccine have a 14 times greater likelihood of contracting the disease than
those who remain unvaccinated.
Jamie Murphy, author of What Every Parent Should Know About Childhood
Immunization, believes that the vaccine may in fact be causing the illness. "In one
Chicago study," he says, "90 percent of people vaccinated for measles got measles.
Another group did not get vaccinated and had a very low percentage of measles."
Murphy believes that this information should serve as a red flag, causing people to
realize that vaccines are not working.
Murphy's observation raises a question that no one has answered: Why are
people who are vaccinated for these conditions getting them? He thinks the answer
is that the vaccine does not provide true immunization."The vaccine can never duplicate the kind of immunity that we get from nature.
Back in the 1950s, when I got the measles and 80 percent of children got either
measles or strengthened your immune system....Also, when a natural
epidemic of measles occurs, as it does every three to four years in the United States,
those children who have been vaccinated, because they did not get a true immunity
from the vaccine, become susceptible to measles."
The CDC states that there has been a resurgence of measles in the United states
in the past few years, but attributes the problem to the rise in un-vaccinated children.
Murphy argues that rather than preventing measles, the vaccine may simply be
suppressing it, only to have it manifest as other forms of disease with age.
asserts that quite a few diseases are associated with the measles vaccine, including
"encephalopathies (brain damage), aseptic meningitis, cranial nerve palsy, learning
disabilities, hyperkinesis and severe mental retardation...."
Results of two separate studies by the Institute of Medicine, one in 1991 and
another in 1994, showed there to be strong evidence that the MMR vaccine can
cause acute arthritis, anaphylaxis, thrombocytopenia, and even death.
Even the package insert accompanying the MMR vaccine says that the vaccine
may lead to arthritis or arthralgia, either long-term or temporary.
Meryl Dorey,
editor of the Australian publication Vaccination? The Choice is Yours and president
of the Australian Vaccination Network, points out that the MMR vaccine is also
associated with Guillain-Barre paralysis, multiple sclerosis, and aseptic meningitis, a
swelling of the lining of the brain, which can be fatal. "According to Japanese
studies," she notes, "one in 1,044 children who get this vaccine can get aseptic
meningitis. It's one of the reasons why Japan withdrew the use of the MMR vaccine
in 1994."
[293]Viera Scheibner, a retired research scientist, reports that "In April 1993, the
Ministry of Health and Welfare in Japan decided to discontinue the use of measles,
mumps, and rubella vaccine (Sawada et al., 1993). This decision was prompted by
published reports of vaccinated children and their (unvaccinated) contacts
contracting mumps from the MMR vaccine, and reports of one in 1,044 vaccinees
developing encephalitis."
[294], [295]
Dorey highlights the problem of shed vaccine virus, noting that it is incorrect to
say that the MMR vaccine viruses are not infectious. "According to a study
published in the British Medical Journal, July 4, 1987, immunocompromised
children should be kept away from MMR vaccinated children for two weeks after
vaccination due to the...[possible shedding] of the virus.
"These events of infection occur because the vaccines contain live virus
which can grow in the body and are excreted by the body."
[296], [297]
tells us that in 1967 the "mumps vaccination was licenced."
However, 22
years later, in 1989, the Urabe strain of the Mumps virus was removed from
Canadian vaccines because of a meningitis outbreak. Trevor Gunn cites that
during this time in the UK:
"cross linking laboratory and hospital reports to vaccination records records, the
[perceived low risk from meningitis from this particular vaccine] rose to between 1
in 4000 and 1 in 21,000."
These figures led to the removal of this strain in the UK by 1992. (From the
Parliamentary office of Science and technology, "Vaccines and their future role in
public health, July 1995, and Dawbarns, Solicitors, Kyngs Lynn, MMR and MR
Factsheet)Measles Vaccine
A study published in 1994 in the Archives of Internal Medicine evaluated all
U.S. and Canadian articles reporting measles outbreaks in schools and found that, on
average, 77 percent of all measles cases in these outbreaks were occurring among
vaccinated individuals. The authors concluded that "the apparent paradox is that as
measles immunization rates rise to high levels in a population, measles becomes a
disease of immunized persons."
One of the reasons for the resurgence of measles infection is that the antibody
response to the vaccine virus is only temporary. One study shows that four years
after MMR vaccination, measles antibodies fall below the putative protective levels
in 28 percent of children and are no longer present in another 3 percent of
Experimenting with high-potency vaccines produced even poorer
These are just samples of the numerous studies showing that the supposed
protection offered by the vaccine is short-lasting. By contrast, natural immunity-that
derived from contracting the disease-is permanent and is transferred from mothers to
the babies in utero through the placenta. At birth, babies born from mothers who
have had the disease are protected from the infection during their first year of life by
the presence of a high concentration of natural antibodies circulating in their blood.
Measles vaccination, on the other hand, induces lower antibody titers than does
natural infection. Neutralizing measles antibodies passed by vaccinated women on to
their newborns disappear rapidly, leaving the babies susceptible to the infection in
their first year of life, when they are more at risk of complications.
This difference in infants' immunity levels is reflected in a 1995 study
published in the journal Pediatrics. Researchers found that 71 percent of 9-monthold infants and 95 percent of 12-month-olds had no detectable neutralizing measles
antibodies in their blood. All infants with detectable measles antibodies at 9 or 12
months had mothers born before 1963, before the vaccine era.
[302]Measles infection is still a severe disease in adults. A study published in the
American Journal of Medicine in 1993 shows that, of 68 patients over 14 years old
who developed measles, 33 required hospitalization. Of these, nine were admitted to
the intensive care unit, six required mechanical ventilation, and two died. The
authors concluded: "Measles in adults may result in severe, life-threatening
complications that utilize substantial medical resources. Physicians need to
appreciate the clinical presentations and manifestations of severe measles in adults
and to provide measles vaccine to nonimmune adults during community-wide
Again, immunization has failed to protect children from infection
and has created a vulnerable population of infants and adults who are at risk of
developing severe complications. What is the remedy proposed? Again-more
Another problem found with measles vaccination, documented in several
studies, is that it produces immune suppression that contributes to an increased
susceptibility to other infections.
One study shows that immunization with live
measles virus vaccine produces transient immune depression in vaccine
Trevor Gunn, BSc, wrote an article to the World Health Organization on the
inadequacies he feels regarding the safety claims made by vaccine administrators
particularly with regards to measles vaccinations around the world:
Mr. Gunn felt he was misunderstood in his letter, by the WHO representative
who responded to him, CJ Clements, saying that Mr. Gunn claimed that vaccines
provided no safety, when, in fact, Mr. Gunn was only demonstrating the
shortcomings in the studies that the WHO used to 'prove' effectiveness of vaccines
when he requested that the World Health Organization prove the effectiveness of
vaccines before continuing to give them.
First of all, he pointed out that studies on effectiveness use sero-conversion, or
antibody presence in the blood stream to indicate effectiveness of vaccines. Mr.
Gunn points out that the amount of antibody presence the blood does not correlate with the body's ability to fight illness. Mr Gunn states, "in the UK the government
health authority quotes figures of the measles vaccine as being 90% effective."
Mr. Gunn points out that this does not mean that the vaccine is 90% effective in
preventing illness, but it means that it produces antibodies in the patients 90% of the
time. Mr. Gunn calls for more accurate studies that measure the level of disease
protection afforded to populations, after they've been inoculated, using cohort groups
matched for age, population and disease exposure similarities, etc. A 1991 Press
Release by the CDC entitled: Immunization Initiative, praises the benefits of
immunization and gives a basis for the quoted figure of 90% effectiveness of
vaccinations mentioned in the above Trevor Gunn article:
The CDC's evidence for "saving countless lives and preventing untold illness
and suffering" is as follows: First, they cite a figure that before the use of the
measles vaccine in 1963 , between half and one million people had measles per year,
from which 500-1000 people succumbed mortally. We remember here, however,
David Francis' point that "improved nutrition and public health measures in children
were more important than medical intervention in 1900", at the height of the measles
outbreak in America, and although the author claims that measles is making a
comeback in recent years, he does not give the figures on how he infers that the
number spiked in the late 1980s as compared to the vaccine's effectiveness in first
the two decades since its use.
He does state, however, "a number of urban epidemics of measles [happened]
during 1989 and 1990." It is important that we examine the numbers of measles
cases that were reduced, however, after the introduction of the measles vaccine.
From the Greg Beattie book, "Vaccination A Parent's Dilemma", from 1960-1970,
the death rate from measles remains essentially flat. The CDC report, however,
stated that, "in the last 2 years, 45,000 cases of measles and over 100 deaths
occurred." The author cites that, "Almost one-half of all cases have occurred in
unvaccinated preschool children." We do not, however, learn in this article, how
many deaths occurred in the un-vaccinated group.The author seems to be using this figure to bolster his argument that measles
cases rose as a result of lack of vaccinations. However, if half of all cases of
measles occurred in children who were un-vaccinated, then according to his
reasoning measles should not have occurred in a significant number of children who
were in fact vaccinated. Public health officials tend to use the counter intuitive
claim that the un-vaccinated children provide a contagious health risk to those who
are in fact vaccinated. This seems to belie the whole premise that the vaccination is
supposed to protect the child who has been inoculated. There seems to be some
magical thinking with some public health officials regarding the so called, herd
immunity-that it only works if all or most children are vaccinated.
We note here especially, the two year period following the 1963 introduction of
the measles vaccine, that David Francis stated that the childhood decline in
mortality rate was still, "essentially flat," as noted in our paragraph above. The CDC
is proud of the figure that measles deaths were reduced from 4 million per year
throughout the 20
century to 37 in 2004.
Trevor Gunn notes, however, that other
public health factors play a significant role in outcomes of disease in third world
In another report from the WHO on a previously mentioned project in
Bangladesh, Gunn points out that in one area, the study showed 36% effectiveness,
and another area showed 46% effectiveness. This was due, the WHO said, to a local
epidemic of diarrea which affected the outcome of mortality. In addition to Mr
Gunn's assertions, the WHO's defense also points out the weakness of a one -point
solution to a region where childhood mortality is caused by a host of factors,
including the main one, (which is lack of nutrition and clean drinking water.)
Another study, E. Holt, et al from the Journal of Pediatrics, Vol. 85, No 2
pp188-194, February 1990
studied measles outbreaks in a particular area in
Tahiti. Although the study was nine months in length as opposed to the 10 months
in the previous study, it showed greater effectiveness in death reduction than the
previous Bangladeshi study. Dr. Gunn suggests that the paper may be manifesting
the common trait among many vaccine cohort studies that he quotes from the
Lancet, "gains in survival of a vaccinated group tend to diminish over time to
approach a survival rate of unvaccinated individuals"
. (The Lancet April 4, 1981
Mr. Gunn points out the difficulties with several of the third world studies with
regards to vaccine effectiveness in measles and other illnesses: In the study, P. Aby,
et Al, Pediat Infec DisJ 8: 197-200, 1989
, Gunn tries to answer whether the measles vaccination would lead to greater or fewer deaths, due to the benefits
provided by measles in the form of natural immunity in developing countries. While
this is a good question ideally, points out Mr. Gunn, the experiment was poorly
carried out: Although the study claims that the vaccine prevented 30% of measles
death, the methods of the paper reveal that the control group was not a nonvaccinated group, but included children who did not sero-convert, and so were
assumed to have no immune response to the vaccine. In this case, then, we would
not know whether deaths in the control group were due directly to the vaccine, due
to lack of effectiveness of the vaccine, or due to lack of natural immunity provided
by the measles itself.
In another group of people in this study, 15 out of 123 did not have antibody
conversion after vaccination, so their results were excluded as well. Three of this
group actually died. In this case, then, we do not know the cause of death of those
who died, and we still do not find out if those remaining 12 who did not register
measles antibodies in their blood, were prevented from getting measles at all.
In referring to a paper by Clemens et al, American Journal of Epidemiology,
Vol 128, No. 6 1330-39
, Mr. Gunn complains that the cohort group of the study
was cherry picked for people who did not have a history of measles. Mr. Gunn
pointed out that this group may have been less likely to die either from measles in
general, or may in general be heartier than the people who were selected against in
the study.
Gunn points out that : "In the UK, over 95% of the mortality had occurred
before the introduction of the measles vaccine." In addition, therefore, in a
developed country, it is difficult to assess the particular role in health prevention
vaccination plays, because specific tests have not been developed to test vaccination
related disease prevention. He also states that it must be important to assess the risks
of any new medical product administered to the children of an entire population. He
points out the hypocrisy of such organizations as the American Academy of
Pediatrics, whose officials claim that, "the benefits of immunization far outweigh the
risks," without in reality examining the actual safety of these vaccines.
Gunn points out that there is evidence which links inoculation with illness: The
Lancet, Vol. 345, April 29, 1995, shows that there is a link between Crohn's Disease
and the Measles vaccination: the manufacturer's label includes the possible adverse effects: "fever, rash, coryza, pharyngitis, bronchitis, convulsions, encephalitis,
thrombocytic purpura, and even death."
Although some researchers point to good news, "specifically it has been shown
that children contracting measles were less likely to suffer from allergic conditions
such as asthma, eczema, and hayfever," (Lancet June 29, 1996) Gunn also points
out that infection may cause deleterious effects without the usual measles rash,
causing, "sebaceous skin diseases, degenerative diseases of bone and cartilage, and
certain tumours." He states that the Lancet study, January 5, 1985 suggests that
interference with the body's own symptomology by repressing measles rash
symptoms could in fact, interfere with the body's ability to fight the illness
altogether. Gunn's rationale for bolstering this idea is the study he mentions from
the (American Journal of Medicine, Volume 68, pps 344-355, 1980) that people are
more likely to die from an infection if they are unable to produce a fever in response
to it.
Mumps Vaccine
Aseptic meningitis has been epidemiologically associated with receipt of the
mumps vaccine.
In 1989, it was finally determined that it was the strain of virus
used in the vaccine that caused mumps meningitis. The virus isolated from patients
who developed meningitis 21 days after injection was identical to that used in the
Aypical mumps contracted after receipt of the vaccine is another problem. In
1980, reports surfaced of atypical mumps in previously vaccinated children, with
symptoms including fever, appetite loss, nausea, and a generalized rash. The atypical
mumps occurred when wild natural mumps virus circulated among unvaccinated
children-a normal event associated with immune system development in humans.
All the children contracting atypical mumps had been injected with viral vaccine
five to seven years earlier.Concerning the mumps vaccine's effectiveness, the scenario with mumps is
very similar to that with measles. There are several studies reporting outbreaks of
mumps occurring in populations with virtually complete vaccine coverage. Cheek et
al., for example, writing in the Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine,
report a measles outbreak in a highly vaccinated (more than 95 percent) high school
population. Fifty-three of 54 students who got the disease were vaccinated.
Another study reported an outbreak of mumps in a Tennessee school with 98
percent vaccine coverage, where 67 of 68 students who got mumps had been
previously vaccinated. Thus, mumps cases in this instance were attributed mostly to
vaccine failure.
While mumps infection is a largely benign disease when contracted during
childhood, it becomes more dangerous in older children and adults, who are more
susceptible to severe neurological, testicular, and ovarian complications from the
infection. It is alarming to see that vaccination is clearly shifting the occurrence of
this disease from young children toward those who are older.
Perhaps the boldest statement on the efficacy of the mumps vaccine in
preventing the disease comes from the authors of a study conducted in Switzerland.
They conducted an epidemiological analysis of mumps cases there and found a
fivefold increase in the number of mumps cases from 1990 to 1993, especially in
vaccinated children. Among the authors' conclusions was: "The Rubini [mumps]
strain vaccines, which are the most commonly used in Switzerland, seem to have
played an important role in the clear increase in mumps cases since 1990."
Rubella Vaccine
Unfortunately, rubella vaccination is similar to measles and mumps
immunization in terms of lack of efficacy in preventing the targeted disease. A study
published in the European Journal of Epidemiology shows that after the Swiss began
a rubella mass vaccination campaign in 1985, the incidence of rubella remained
unchanged during the period from 1987 to 1992. The authors concluded: "MMR mass vaccination has not interrupted the circulation of rubella virus in
Also, a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in
1981 shows that 15 years after receiving rubella vaccination, one in 11 children lost
protection from the vaccine and became susceptible to re-infection.
This is
particularly worrisome because rubella infection is especially dangerous when
contracted during pregnancy, since the fetus may develop malformations if exposed
to the virus. Again, the lack of permanent immunity offered by vaccination is
creating serious problems down the line.
Viera Scheibner has looked in depth into the research on rubella, and informs
us: "As Cherry (1980) wrote, despite distribution of over 83 million doses of rubella
vaccine since 1969, there were periodic upswings in incidence. There was also a
shift in the age groups susceptible to rubella. 'Essentially, we have controlled the
disease in persons 14 years of age or younger but have given it a free hand in those
15 or older.' "
[319], [320]
Scheibner adds: "In August 1991, the Institute of Medicine released a report on
adverse effects of pertussis and rubella vaccines. The evidence indicated a causal
relationship between RA 27/3 rubella vaccine and acute arthritis in 13 percent to 15
percent of adult women. Also some individuals were shown to go on to develop
chronic arthritis."
FURTHER READINGS: Articles associate the MMR vaccine with adverse
reactions affecting the nervous system,
[322], [323], [324], [325], [326]
the GI tract,
[328], [329], [330]In Part 3: The smallpox and rotavirus vaccines, provocation diseases associated
with vaccines, economic, political and legal issues, and the right to refuse
vaccination.Vaccination: Pain, Profit, and Politics - Part 3
By Gary Null, Ph.D., and Martin Feldman, M.D.
In Parts 1 and 2 of this series, we examined factors countering our beliefs that
vaccines are safe and effective. We also discussed the effects of specific vaccines,
including those for diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus, polio, chickenpox, hepatitis B,
and measles, mumps and rubella. In this final installment, we look at the smallpox
vaccine, the withdrawn rotavirus vaccine, and the provocation diseases associated
with vaccines. Finally, we discuss the economic, political and legal issues of
vaccination, the right to refuse vaccination, and the need to achieve freedom of choice.The Smallpox Vaccine
Smallpox was the impetus for the invention of the vaccine in the New World. It "was
introduced into the Americas in the 16
Century and Australia in the 18
Century. It
had been present in Africa, Asia and Europe since at least 400 BCE."
It was said to
have traveled along trade routes and to have erupted every ten years. Variolation, the
process of sharing a small bit of infected matter with an uninfected person started in
Africa and was present in Europe in the 18
century. From the US National library of
Medicine, "In contrast to Asians and Africans who inoculated by blowing dried
smallpox scabs up the nose, Europeans and their American cousins tended to inoculate
through a puncture in the skin."
Some, however, died as a result of the procedure,
and epidemics were also started this way. It is also widely known that measles
infections in families were 'gotten through with' by making sure that if one child got
telltale signs of swollen glands and fever, the other children in the home or the
neighborhood were invited to share a bedroom, in order to spread the infection and get
it over all at once. Even in the late 20
century, well into the 1970's, chickenpox
was shared in much the same way, allowing children in a family or a neighborhood to
get through the infection, with the assumption that it could cause greater
complications as an adult, and that infection would not likely occur twice.
It was Jenner who first popularized the vaccine program with his smallpox vaccine. A
close look at history reveals that the procedure never worked, however. Neil Miller, a
medical research journalist, natural health advocate and author of Immunization
Theory Vs. Reality: Expos on Vaccinations,
summarizes the story, as follows: "In
1796, Jenner came on the scene saying that when dairy maids caught cowpox they
could no longer catch smallpox. His medical colleagues disputed his claims, as the
research of the times indicated numerous cases of dairy maids and other individuals
catching cowpox and coming down with smallpox. Yet Jenner persisted, and he
published a treatise on this idea in 1798. He called his treatise Inquiry, and became
famous for it."
Edward Jenner, a country doctor and a Fellow of the Royal Society formulated the
idea of vaccines fashioned after the old country tale that those who got cowpox were
protected from smallpox. In order to test this theory, on May 14, 1796, he removed
some fluid from Sarah Nelmes' hand which had cow pox lesions, and injected it into
the arm of James Phipps, who was a healthy eight year old boy. Later, Jenner injected
the boy with smallpox.
When James did not come down with smallpox, Jenner
concluded "that the cow-pox protectsthe human constitution from the infection of smallpox"
He subsequently self-published An Inquiry into the Causes and Effects
of the Variola Vaccine in June 1798 detailing the James Phipps experiment along with
other observations.
Jenner's cowpox vaccine consisted of dry or liquid pus taken from the ulcers of cows
or humans with cowpox or from the pustules of horses with horse-grease, an infection
of the heel. Inoculation involved cutting a small hole into the skin and inserting the
virus from the pus into the arms of the patients with a lancet. Then Jenner's method of
transferring a small amount of infected smallpox material from one person to another,
as we learned earlier, is called variolation, and there were many variations of this
Critics noted that variolous inoculation, however, could cause bad cases of smallpox,
so intricate methods were developed to administer it: Typically, a lancet was used to
insert variolous material into a small cut of the skin. The variolous matter was taken
from someone going through the earliest stage of a mild smallpox vesicle growth in
which there was barely any fluid. This material was then inserted into one patient.
Subsequently when mild symptoms occurred, new material was taken from that
patient and then used on other patients. The process of collecting variolous matter was
continued from arm to arm.
A smallpox epidemic in France revealed that the
inoculation failed badly to protect the patients of Dr. Gatti in France. As a result, Paris
outlawed these inoculation practices.
Jenner, however, espoused a milder technique of variolation: "I have the strongest
reason for supposing that if either the punctures or incisions be made so deep as to go
through it and wound the adipose membrane, that the risk of bringing on a violent
disease is greatly increased. I have known an inoculator whose practice was to cut
deep enough (to use his own expression) to see a bit of fat," and there to lodge the
matter. The great number of bad cases, independent of inflammations and abscesses
on the arms, and the fatality, which attended this practice, was almost inconceivable;
and I cannot account for it on any other principle than that of the matter being placed
in this situation instead of the skin. It was the doctor's practice to make as slight an
incision as possible upon the skin, and there to lodge a thread saturated with the
variolous matter... it has been proved that variolous matter, when much diluted with
water and applied to the skin in the usual manner, will produce the disease."
Creighton, a 19
century historian put it this way, "The matter for inoculation was not
taken from a natural or accidental eruption of smallpox; it was taken from the local
pustule alone of an artificial inoculation, and it was taken from the very earliest period
of the local pustule at which any fluid could be got at all, or "just before the
commencement of the eruptive fever."
[338]Critics of variolation cite that over scrupulous variolators could actually fail to give
any inoculation at all: By that means, as [Salmade], a French variolator of the time
reports, " the smallpox becomes at length weakened to the point of nullity, so that the
last inoculations are without effect."
Thus, weakened variolation might not cause
any illness, but it also might not engender any immunity, either.
Jenner's early efforts to coerce his colleagues to his way of thinking were
"ineffectual; his brethren were acquainted with the rumor, but they looked upon it as
one of those vague notions from which no accurate or valuable information could be
gathered, especially as most of them had met with cases in which those who were
supposed to have had cowpox had subsequently been affected with smallpox."
Creighton added, "Certainly for those who knew by inspection what the pox of the
cows' teats was, and most of all for those who had suffered the painful and often
obdurate ulcers on their own hands, there would be no suggestion of real likeness to
smallpox, or of the one disease being in any way related to the other. It was the jingle
of the names that brought the two together in the first instance."
The "diseases
themselves were totally unlike. It was just because Jenner had no profound sense of
these empirical realities that he went blundering into visionary nonsense in the first
instance, and at length into systematic mystification and chicane[ry]."
"In the monograph by Nicholas Massa, of Venice, he says they [smallpox pustules]
occurred over the whole body-on the limbs, on the face and head, and amongst the
roots of the hair. In his particular description we find such terms as elevated, tumid,
moist; red, livid, whitish; small, dry, itching ; broad, flat, soft. They came out
comparatively early in the disease (second or third week even), and their outbreak was
often the signal for the notorious pains in the head and limbs to abate."
Cowpox, on the other hand, was the ulcerous pox of the cows' teats, which can infest
the skin, namely the hands, of those who milk the cows. Those infected will also feel a
flu-like illness often accompanied with swollen and painful glands in the armpits.
Horse-grease, another illness which Jenner conflated into his smallpox theory affected
the hocks of horses causing inflammation and swelling. Contact with the diseased
heels created an infection with burning white blisters which later become painful
corroding ulcers.
Clayton, a veterinarian in Jenner's county spoke of the separate nature of horse
grease from cowpox: He wrote that he was "extensively employed, particularly in
curing the [horse-]grease" and also elaborated that "the grease is most prevalent in the
winter, at which time he has never known the cowpox to occur... [also] he could not recollect ever to have had horses with the grease and cows with the cowpox under
care at the same farm... [Furthermore] he is very certain he has frequently had cows
with the cowpox, where no horses whatever have been kept."
However, Jenner did
not see it that way. In the opening of the first chapter of his Inquiry, he wrote that
horse-grease "is an inflammation and swelling in the heel, from which issues matter
possessing properties of a very peculiar kind, which seems capable of generating a
disease in the human body,...which bears so strong a resemblance to the smallpox that
I think it highly probable it may be the source of the disease.
Jenner's Inquiry paved the way for universal acceptance of vaccination as a gold
standard of modern medicine's ability to protect us from disease. Jenner's previous
"medical papers" however, were spurious. Previous to his papers on cow-pox, one was
on the subject of preparing a tartar emetic, and an another was on the observation of
calcified coronary arteries of the heart in a case of someone who suffered from angina
pectoris. His "philosophical papers " are represented solely as observations on the
cuckoo, in the Philosophical Transactions for 1788."
It was this paper on the
cuckoo, which was essentially a piece of fantasy, that propelled Jenner into the Royal
Society which was chaired at that time by Sir Joseph Banks, a friend of Jenner's, a
year later.
Jenner's Inquiry paper involved about 2 years of research and one single experiment
involving cowpox and smallpox inoculations on the one patient, James Phipps. His
status as a fellow of the Royal Society and his strength as a salesman were the reasons
for his success in twisting myth into science. Dr. Baron, Jenner's own biographer,
wrote that Jenner frequently mentioned cowpox innoculation immunity to smallpox in
the meeting at the Society which involved Fewster of Thornbury, the chief authority
on cow-pox.
Dr. Charles Creighton M.A. M.D, professor of Microscopic Anatomy at Cambridge,
wrote the section on 'Vaccination' in the ninth edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica,
published in 1888. A year later, he also wrote JENNER AND VACCINATION - A
Strange Chapter of Medical History, a detailed history of Edward Jenner's
professional life. Creighton stressed that one danger in using variolous inoculation as
a measuring stick for smallpox infection was that the cowpox vaccine
"caused a swelling and obstruction of the absorbent glands in the armpit and neck, and
to that extent made them incapable for the time, and in some cases for long after, of
taking up and passing into the lymphatic circulation another virus inoculated under the
skin at the same place... Apart from the swollen and clogged state of the absorbent glands after cowpox [inoculation], the mere presence of a sore of any kind on the arm
served to divert and obviate the full action of a new infection"
Many of the children used as test subjects were from poor households, orphanages and
foundling hospitals. These children often have chronic swelling of the lymphatic
glands. Even Jenner noticed the tendency to resist variolous inoculation. He said in
his Inquiry, "There are many who, from some peculiarity in the habit, resist the
common effects of variolous matter inserted into the skin."
He did not mention who
these people are, nor did he feel the need to stop using the variolous test as barometer
for smallpox immunity since he discovered some people are immune to the variolous
James Phipps, living proof of Jenner's smallpox immunity, very likely fell into this
category. After writing the Inquiry, Jenner noted that James "has been very unwell
lately, I am afraid that he got tubercles in the lungs. He was recently inoculated for the
smallpox... for the twentieth time, all without effect."
Being a test subject with
numerous cowpox and variolous inoculations and having tubercles in the lungs are
signs that James Phipps likely had swollen lymphatic glands too. Creighton elaborates
in that "an eruption after cowpox has the same significance as an eruption after the
pox proper; it is a secondary effect, or a sign that the constitution has been touched by
the infection. A person still under the influence of the secondaries of cowpox would
not be a likely subject for smallpox engrafted on the top of it... [Furthermore,] the
mere presence on the skin of spots or pimples or vesicles or blebs would hinder the
full evolution of smallpox by inoculation... The presence of any common eruption,
even itch, was well known to prevent the cowpox itself from taking. Jenner began,
about the year 1804, to explain the failure of cowpox by an ambitious doctrine of
"herpes"... it had this grain of truth in it, that an infection inserted under the skin
would not have a fair chance of being absorbed if the skin were already engaged with
an eruption even of the most ordinary kind. In so far as that was a plea for the failure
of cowpox, it was a plea for the failure of inoculated smallpox."
Ironically, the variolous inoculation was later used as one of the many excuses for
cowpox vaccine failure and subsequently played a part in creating the first English
mandatory vaccination program in 1853. The idea is that variolous inoculations were,
in addition to causing the smallpox revival, encouraged people to ignore the 'true
protector', cowpox vaccine. In 1840, England, spurred on by the Medical Society,
passed a law to protect the public from variolous inoculation under penalty of
imprisonment. The strict penalty was made by Mr. Wakley, editor of The Lancet. He
blamed variolous inoculation for 17,000 smallpox deaths in one year, and he also added that smallpox would disappear if variolations were prevented and vaccination
There was, however a general revival of variolous inoculations over cowpox
vaccination. Despite the fact that the public had 40 years of Jenner's vaccination,
smallpox was still a continuous plague. Creighton wrote,
"In the disastrous epidemic among children at Norwich in 1819, ...due to overcrowding of the town by a great influx of families from the country while trade was
brisk, the failures of vaccination were so obvious to those directly concerned that the
common people insisted on having their children inoculated in the old way to save
them from the contagion."
In 1853, the Compulsory Vaccination Act was instituted, mandating vaccination for
children. Built on the precedent of the law that made variolation illegal in Great
Britain in 1840, the new idea, propagated by the Vaccination Committee, was that
preventing smallpox required the cowpox vaccine.
Yet despite the vaccinations, from 1857 to 1859, the smallpox epidemic killed 14,244
people. From 1863 to 1865, a second outbreak claimed 20,059 lives. A more stringent
compulsory vaccination law was passed in 1867, and those who evaded inoculation
were prosecuted. An intensive four-year effort to vaccinate all people between the
ages of 2 and 50 resulted in 97.5 percent of the population being vaccinated. The
following year, though, England experienced its worst-ever smallpox epidemic;
44,840 lives were lost. Overall, from 1871 to 1880, during this period of compulsory
vaccination, the death rate from smallpox leapt from 28 to 46 per 100,000.
The early years of the 19th century in Europe saw a noticeable reduction of the
epidemic outbreaks of the all disease including smallpox. This fact gave ammunition
to the vaccine establishment. In 1904, Dr. Charles Ruata, M.D. pointed out the
specifics in the rise and fall of diseases in England in the period before and after the
turn of the 19
century. Using data from the Reports of the Royal Commission, who
have a pro-vaccination view, and from the annual reports of the Registrar-General, he
made twelve charts, "each showing the comparative rise or fall of small-pox mortality
and other diseases in various places and under different conditions; and all these
without exception demonstrate either that vaccination has no effect whatever, or that it
tends to increase rather than decrease small-pox mortality."
His smallpox diagram
of London shows that the disease "decreased during the ten years before vaccination at
very nearly the same rate as it did in the ten years after vaccination...General mortality
also decreased after 1800 more rapidly than before 1800. Yet the Royal Commissioners declare that there was nothing but vaccination to produce the decrease
of small-pox, and that there was no improvement in sanitation in the beginning of the
nineteenth century, as compared with the latter part of the eighteenth century, to
account for the difference."
Ruata cited five primary reasons for the decline of most diseases in London after the
1700's. First, diseases, especially during epidemics, are much higher in cities. Many
city dwellers moved to newly built "West-end squares and suburbs." Secondly,
sanitation on the streets was improved, while the roads were better maintained. That
lead to the third reason; better roads allowed more fresh meat, vegetables and milk to
be brought into the city, which gave the inhabitants better nutrition. The fourth reason
was an improved water supply. Finally, the dead were not rotting in the city anymore
as cemeteries were built outside London while many city graveyards were
permanently closed. He added that these results strikingly decreased, "the death-rate in
a number of the most fatal diseases (as recorded in a Table by Dr. Farr, reprinted in
the Third Report of the Royal Commission) to fully one-half in 1801-10 as compared
with 1771-80; an amount of improvement which has never occurred in any similar
period during the whole of the 270 years for which we have official statistics."
One of the greatest smallpox epidemics in Europe happened between 1870 and
1872. By this time, cowpox vaccination was established with many countries adopting
mandatory vaccination in at least some form. In German Prussia the official death
count was 124, 948. No records were kept for the vaccinated or unvaccinated although
there was some evidence that the vaccinated were at least comparable to the
In England and Wales, the official registration report showed 42,210
deaths from 1871 to 1872. This is a staggering figure considering the fact that England
established a mandatory children's vaccination program in 1853 under the strict
penalty of imprisonment for violators.
Leicester, a manufacturing town in England with 200,000 inhabitants, offers us a great
insight into the nature of cowpox vaccination. Having suffered greatly in previous
epidemics, Leicester was one of the most completely vaccinated towns in all of
England up to 1872. According to Ruata, in 1871, the "small-pox deaths during that
year...[were] more than 3,500 per million of the population, or about one thousand per
million more than the mortality in London during the same epidemic. Here an almost
completely vaccinated community suffered more than unvaccinated and terribly
unsanitary London, on the average of the last forty years of the eighteenth century."
After their horrible experiences, Leicesterians refused vaccination even under the
threat of imprisonment. By 1890, their ratio of vaccinated versus unvaccinated was
reversed to only 5 percent vaccinated. Doctors scolded them: "that once small-pox was introduced it would run through the town like wildfire and decimate the
population. Yet it has been introduced again and again, but it has never spread; and
from that day to this [1904], no town in the kingdom of approximately equal
population has had such a very low small-pox mortality as this almost completely
unvaccinated and--as the doctors say--unprotected population!"
Modern smallpox vaccinations include the following ingredients: " live vaccinia virus,
with 'some microbial contaminants,' according to the Working Group on Civilian
Biodefense, polymyxcin B sulfate, streptomycin sulfate, chlortetracycline
hydrochloride, and neomycin sulfate, glycerin, and phenol -a compound obtained by
distillation of coal tar, and vesicle fluid from calf skins."
The CDC website admits that the smallpox vaccine is not made from smallpox virus:
"The vaccinia virus is the 'live virus' used in the smallpox vaccine. It is a 'pox'-type
virus related to smallpox. When given to humans as a vaccine, it helps the body to
develop immunity to smallpox. The smallpox vaccine does not contain the smallpox
virus and it cannot cause smallpox."
Juniors at Stanford University, Jennifer
Aguayo and Jessica Caldern, write, "Vaccinia virus is a big mystery in virology. It is
not known whether vaccinia virus is the product of genetic recombination, or if it is a
species derived from cowpox virus or variola virus by prolonged serial passage, or if it
is the living representative of a now extinct virus." The university of Florida College
of medicine information page writes something similar: "Vaccinia is the virus that was
used for vaccination against smallpox. Its exact origin is unknown, however, as it does
not appear to be related to any other known pox virus. Some people think that it is a
recombinant of smallpox and cowpox, while others think that it may be a derivative of
horsepox, a virus that no longer exists (if it ever did)."
Historians cite improvements in America in the 20
century to the smallpox vaccine
which included the pedal injection system for mass injections, a special 'bifurcated
needle' in 1961 that penetrated the skin twice in one injection, and the all out mass
eradication effort, called E2 which was considered to have wiped out smallpox on a
grand scale in Sierra Leone.
The CDC notes that smallpox was reduced from an
average of 29,005 deaths per year during the 20
century to 0 cases on 2004. In 1971
the CDC states that "small pox vaccination was ended in the United States."
Despite this fact, in 2001 as a result of terrorist threats, "the United States established
a plan to reintroduce Smallpox vaccine if necessary."
Edward Jenner is indeed a man who changed the world. The current history displays a
Renaissance man of great integrity, but with the bogus variolous tests and cries of
spurious cowpox, Jenner managed to create a myth of smallpox immunity from his cowpox vaccines. That myth became a Teflon medical dogma. In spite of the
overwhelming evidence of cowpox vaccination failures during the many smallpox
epidemics, vaccination was still propped up as a gold standard of medicine by an
industry that would not let it die. The result of the vaccine establishment's tenacity is
the resurgence of the boast that vaccination eliminated smallpox today. A vaccine is
created only for one purpose and one alone; that is to provide immunity to the
vaccinated from the attack of the single disease that it was made to defend against. If
cowpox vaccine works, there should not even be one death from smallpox in the
vaccinated. Jenner stated in his Inquiry, unequivocally, "that the person who has been
thus affected [by vaccination] is forever after secure from the infection of the
smallpox." The number of smallpox deaths in the vaccinated in the past 200 years is
also unequivocal; truthfulness aside. Proper hygiene, sanitation and better living
conditions are the true conquerors of smallpox.
Rotavirus Vaccine Rotavirus is a common virus that usually causes mild and selflimiting diarrhea in children. In 1998 Wyeth Laboratories, Inc., of American Home
Products, released RotaShield, a new vaccine against the infection. Since four major
types of rotavirus cause disease in humans, the vaccine was tetravalent, consisting of
genes from four viral strains.
The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), American Academy of
Pediatrics (AAP) and American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP)
recommended universal use of RotaShield for healthy infants at 2, 4, and 6 months of
age. (Although the AAFP had been in favor of voluntary vaccination or vaccination of
high-risk infants only, the ACIP had wanted the universal recommendation.) A year
later, though, the vaccine was removed
from the market after 99 cases of bowel intussusception-a bowel obstruction in which
one segment of the intestine telescopes inwardly into another-and two deaths were
reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.
Bowel intussusception is a severe condition that often requires surgical intervention
and can lead to death in the absence of prompt treatment. For example, of the first 15
reported infants who developed bowel intussusception, eight had to have surgical
reduction, including one infant who had 7 inches of intestine removed. (1) These 15 cases, it should be noted, constituted but a small fraction of the actual number of
intussusception cases caused by RRV-TV, as the new vaccine was called. According
to the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report of July 16, 1999, "because reporting to
VAERS of adverse events following vaccination is incomplete, the actual number of
intussusception cases among RRV-TV recipients may be substantially greater than
that reported."
[367], [368]
And so it was. As soon as the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) began warning doctors about the possibility of this complication,
cases of bowel intussusception started being reported around the country. This is yet
another important example of how vaccine complications, unless specifically looked
for, go unnoticed by the medical community and thus by society at large.
After it was approved, an estimated 1 million U.S. infants were vaccinated with
RotaShield. What is even worse about the history of the rotavirus vaccine is not only
the fact that it caused the hospitalization and deaths of several children, but the fact
that prelicensure trials had already demonstrated that it caused bowel intussusception
at rates 30 times higher than those expected. This is what emerged from analysis of
prelicensure trial data by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons
Is the Approval Process Tainted? So here is the question: If the fact that the vaccine
could cause a potentially lethal complication was already known, why did the FDA
approve it? Why had nobody warned doctors to watch for this complication? Indeed,
these and more questions prompted the AAPS to request a Congressional investigation
of the vaccine approval process.
As Dr. Jane Orient, executive director of the AAPS, writes in a letter to
Representative Dan Burton, "The situation with the rotavirus vaccine may be a clue to
a far more serious problem with the vaccine approval process."
Dr. Orient makes the important point that "Decisions about vaccines given to children
should be made by parents in consultation with the child's attending physician, not
mandated by a small group of 'experts' with minimal accountability."
[370]Lessons of History
As we've seen again and again, there has been a direct relationship between
vaccinations and an increased incidence of the diseases they supposedly prevent. This
contradiction has prompted several researchers to conclude that vaccines are neither
safe nor effective.
In a 1926 British Medical Journal article, a Dr. Parry asks why vaccine statistics
reveal a higher death rate among the vaccinated: "How is it that smallpox is five times
as likely to be fatal in the vaccinated as in the unvaccinated? How is it that in some of
our best vaccinated towns, for example, Bombay and Calcutta, smallpox is rife, while
in some of our worst vaccinated towns, such as Leicester, it is almost unknown? How
is it that something like 80 percent of the cases admitted into the smallpox hospitals
have been vaccinated, while only 20 percent have not been vaccinated? How is it that
in Germany, the best vaccinated country in the world, there are more deaths in
proportion to the population than in England? For example, 28 deaths in England in
1919 per 100,000, and 707 in Germany? What is the explanation?"
Tuberculosis. Trevor Gunn makes the point that "Improvements in living standards
have almost as much an effect on reducing mortality as that predicted vaccination."
Mr. Gunn responded to the allegations by the World Health Organization that double
blind studies were unethical because they limit the control group from receiving the
benefits of life saving immunity. First of all, he pointed out that double blind placebo
controlled trials of tuberculosis vaccine were initiated after some children died after
receiving inoculations from a contaminated batch of vaccines. The results of the
double blind study showed no increase in immunity from receiving the vaccination,
and possible increase in actual tuberculosis cases for the cohort that did in fact receive
the inocculations. Despite this fact, Gunn says the vaccine has continued to be used.
Gunn also points out other flaws in the tuberculosis studies, which he feels ought to be
taken into account in all studies on vaccination effectiveness:
1)That there were not standards for diagnosis, so that before and after comparisons of
illness were not accurate.2)Studies did not take into account the importance of public health factors when
examining illness related causes.
In addition, those who take issue with universal immunization programs point out that
the programs don't discriminate between children who may benefit from a certain
vaccine and those who might be hurt by it. Babies are given blanket immunization
regardless of their previous or current state of health and regardless of their varying
susceptibilities to side effects. Ideally, there should be a much more selective
vaccination system, with parents given complete information so they can make up
their own minds as to whether the risks associated with a particular procedure
outweigh its potential benefits. Just as different races are known to suffer
disproportionately from various allergies and food sensitivities, studies also indicate
that they may experience different reactions to vaccines.
Provocation Disease
One of the most hazardous and insidious effects of vaccination lies in its potential to
induce other forms of disease, a phenomenon known as provocation disease.
[372], [373],
[374], [375], [376], [377]
The mechanisms that cause this to happen are unclear, although
many scientists believe that latent viruses-those already existing within a person-may
be stimulated by vaccinations, and that this may be enough to activate a particular
illness. Vaccination, therefore, may not be the sole cause but rather the final trigger
for an illness.
In his book Vaccination and Immunization: Dangers, Delusions & Alternatives,
Leon Chaitow states that there is no way of knowing when such latent or incubating
situations may be operating, and therefore no way of knowing when a vaccination
may produce this sort of provocation.
He goes on to warn that provocation of a
latent virus is a potentially dangerous possibility with every vaccination procedure.Many diseases thought to be caused at least partially by vaccinations do not surface
until years later, by which time it is difficult to prove a connection. Some of the
relationships between vaccines and the specific conditions they provoke are discussed
Allergies. According to Dr. Harris Coulter, co-author of A Shot in the Dark
author of Vaccinations, Social Violence, and Criminality, among other experts,
says that vaccines and allergies are clearly connected. "What does allergy mean? It
means that your body is ready to react very, very quickly when exposed a second time
to a substance to which it is allergic. If you are allergic to ragweed, [a small amount]
of ragweed will start you sneezing. Now, if you vaccinate a person against pertussis or
some other bacillus, you are making that person allergic to that bacillus. That's what
being vaccinated actually means. It means you are allergic to that bacillus, in the sense
that your body will react very, very rapidly if exposed to that bacillus a second time."
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Sadly, many studies have shown
vaccination to be a cause of sudden infant death syndrome. Reports Alan Phillips,
founding director of Citizens for Healthcare Freedom, Durham, N.C.: "One study
found the peak incidence of SIDS occurred at the ages of 2 and 4 months in the U.S.,
precisely when the first two routine immunizations are given, while another found a
clear pattern of correlation extending three weeks after immunization. Another study
found that 3,000 children die within four days of vaccination each year in the U.S.
(amazingly, the authors reported no SIDS/vaccine relationship), while yet another
researcher's studies led to the conclusion that half of SIDS cases-that would be 2,500
to 5,000 infant deaths in the U.S. each year-are caused by vaccines."
[382], [383], [384], [385]
According to Viera Scheibner, a retired research scientist, "Baraff et al. (1983)
investigated 145 SIDS victims who died in Los Angeles County between January
1979 and August 1980: Fifty-three of these babies had received a DPT immunization,
27 within 28 days of death. Six deaths occurred within 24 hours and 17 occurred
within 1 week of DPT immunization. These sudden infant deaths were 'significantly
more than expected were there no association between DPT immunization and SIDS.'
[386], [387]Immunosuppression and Autoimmune Disease. The body needs to experience a full
inflammatory response to create immunity, and vaccines do not allow this to happen.
Instead, a chronic condition is created that can set the stage for autoimmune disease.
In Immunization: The Reality Behind the Myth, author Walene James describes the
mechanics involved in vaccines inducing autoimmune disorders: "Live viruses, the
primary antigenic material of [some] vaccines, are capable of surviving or remaining
latent in the host cell for years, without provoking acute disease."
Cynthia Cournoyer, author of What About Immunizations?, believes that a key
principle involved in understanding the many negative effects of vaccines is the fact
that the immune system can only tolerate so many challenges, especially before it is
given a chance to develop to maturity.
"Every child," she writes, "is born with a finite ability to combat disease. This is his
total immune capacity. Once a child experiences a particular disease, permanent
immunity is extremely efficient, using probably 3 percent to 7 percent of the total
immune capacity of an individual. In the case of routine childhood vaccination, it is
likely that as much as 30 percent to 70 percent of total immune capacity becomes
"These findings could indicate that a child's immunological reserves are substantially
reduced due to standard vaccine programs. Far from producing a genuine immunity, a
vaccine may actually interfere with or suppress the immune response as a whole, in
much the same way that radiation, chemotherapy and corticosteroids and other antiinflammatory drugs do."
[389], [390], [391]
Cournoyer continues, "Although the body will not make antibodies against its own
tissues, viruses becoming part of the genetic make-up may cause cells to appear
foreign to the immune system, making them a fair target for antibody production....
"Under proper conditions these latent pro viruses could become activated and cause a
variety of diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, lupus
erythematosus...and cancer."
Activists Speak Out on Vaccine Dangers
Barbara Loe Fisher, cofounder and president of the National Vaccine
Information Center (NVIC), Vienna, Va., has advocated the right of individuals
to make informed, independent vaccination decisions for themselves and their
children for two decades. She shares her concerns about a number of issues, as
do some of her colleagues engaged in the fight against government-mandated
Problems with Temporary Immunity and Benefits of Childhood Disease.
Vaccines provide only temporary immunity, whereas when you get the natural disease
you have permanent immunity most of the time. Viera Scheibner writes that
"generations of children with this inadequate immunity would grow into adults with
no placental immunity to pass on to their children, who would then contract measles at
an age when babies are normally protected by maternal antibody....
"Perhaps the most unfortunate thing about the idea of eliminating infectious diseases
by vaccination is that indeed there is no need to do so. As pointed out by the group of
Swiss doctors opposing the U.S.-inspired policy of mass vaccination against measles,
mumps and rubella in Switzerland, 'We have lost the common sense and the wisdom
that used to prevail in the approach to childhood diseases. Too often, instead of
reinforcing the organism's defenses, fever and symptoms are relentlessly suppressed.
This is not always without consequences...' "
[393], [394], [395]
Lastly, Scheibner states, "There is no need to artificially immunize our children and
ourselves. The body has proper, natural mechanisms to create immunity to diseases.
The diseases themselves are the priming and challenging mechanisms of the
maturation process leading to the competence of the immune system....
The EZ Measles Medical Fiasco. In the mid-1980s researchers from the CDC and
Johns Hopkins University started vaccinating babies as young as 4 months old with
the experimental high-titer Edmonston-Zagreb (EZ) measles vaccine. Targets were
more than 1,500 black and Hispanic babies in Los Angeles and thousands of babies in
several Third World countries. The experiment was halted in 1991, after results of
several studies showed that female babies receiving the high-potency vaccine had a 95
percent increased mortality rate compared to those injected with the standard measles
[397], [398]
Economic, Political, and Legal Issues
Cynthia Cournoyer has noted that vaccines are the only products in the U.S. that are
legally mandated to be used by every person born.
Barbara Loe Fisher paints an ominous picture of things to come: "As consumers, we
can bring very little economic pressure on the system to have that product improved or
removed, because all of us are required by law to use it. It's a dream for the
pharmaceutical industry involved in making vaccines, because there's no way anybody
can say no. It's a stable, ready-made market, and the enactment of the compensation
law in 1986 has removed almost all liability for drug companies....
"What concerns us most is that there is an electronic monitoring system being put in
place by state public health departments with federal funding-they're trying to get it in
every child born and monitor his or her vaccination status....
"...If we don't act now, the public health infrastructure is going to get more power to
intrude in our lives, intrude in our health care choices. It all comes down to whether or
not we, as individuals, are going to fight for the right to make informed health care
choices, including vaccination choices, for ourselves and our children, and whether we
are going to hold the drug companies and government health officials accountable for
the injuries, deaths, and chronic illnesses caused by vaccines they produce, sell, and
promote for mass use."
One interesting financial aspect of vaccines involves the federal ACT Compensation
Program. An excise tax of $23.50 was tacked onto the price of vaccines in 1988 to
fund this compensation program. What this means is that consumers are footing the
bill for any injuries or deaths that may result from medical procedures that they are
required by law to undergo.
[401], [402], [403]
Alan Phillips notes: "[Pharmaceutical companies] have been allowed to use gag orders
as a leverage tool in vaccine damage legal settlements to prevent disclosure of
information to the public about vaccination dangers. Such arrangements are clearly
unethical; they force a nonconsenting American public to pay for vaccine
manufacturers' liabilities, while attempting to ensure that this same public will remain
ignorant of the dangers of their products."
[404], [405]
Vaccine critic Randall Neustaedter concurs: "Profit has always been the goal of
vaccine manufacturers. When lawsuits leveled at drug companies began wiping out
profits gleaned from the pertussis vaccine, the manufacturers simply stopped
production of the vaccine. The United States government stepped in to pay these
vaccine-damage claims. Only then did the drug companies agree to resume vaccine
Right to Refuse Vaccination
A question frequently asked of advocates on the front lines of the freedom-fromvaccines movement concerns legal rights of refusal. According to Fisher, whose book
The Consumer's Guide to Childhood Vaccines provides information on this topic, "It is common for hospital and clinic or emergency room staff to ask you about your
child's vaccination status. You don't have to provide them with written proof. A verbal
answer is satisfactory. However, if you are being questioned closely and feel that you
are being pressured into vaccinating your sick child without your consent, you should
understand that you have the right to refuse to give permission to have your sick child
vaccinated if you believe vaccination at the time will endanger your child's health or
life. You may choose to reassure medical personnel that you will consult a private
pediatrician for further guidance about vaccination."
One special precaution, Fisher notes, involves pregnant women. "When pregnant
women are admitted to a hospital to have a baby, many times while in active labor, the
hospital will require that the mother or father sign a paper agreeing to have the baby
treated by medical personnel while in the hospital. Signing this paper may also
constitute your consent to having your newborn vaccinated with hepatitis B vaccine
shortly after birth. Many parents have reported that their newborns are being
vaccinated without their knowledge and, when they ask why, they are told they signed
a consent form prior to admission agreeing to medical treatment the hospital
determined was necessary. Read any consent form you sign carefully. If you do not
want your newborn vaccinated shortly after birth, you have the right to sign it after
writing in an exception, such as, 'I do not consent to have my child given any
vaccinations prior to discharge from the hospital.' Bring this to the attention of the
person admitting you and the nursery supervisor and ask to have it printed on the
outside of your chart. Some parents take the extra precaution of not leaving the
newborn alone with hospital personnel without being able to observe the baby."
In the unfortunate case of an adverse vaccine reaction resulting in medical bills
totaling more than $1,000 or injuries lasting longer than six months, parents qualify
for benefits under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (PL 99-
Through fiscal year 2001, the National Vaccine Injury Compensation
Program had paid $1.3 billion in total awards (petitioner's awards and attorney's fees)
for approximately 1,660 compensable petitions.
What the Future May HoldFisher believes that if we are concerned about our health and our freedoms, we should
be worrying about the future. "I truly believe that unless the public wakes up to what
is happening, and starts standing up for their right to be fully informed about vaccines,
and their right to make informed independent vaccine decisions, the day will come
when we won't have that right. We will be forcibly vaccinated by law without
Fisher urges everyone to stop being complacent, to start becoming informed about
vaccines and diseases and to act. Specifically, she states, "You are going to have to
work to amend your state's laws. If you would like to be better informed and to help
get the truth out, please join our grassroots vaccine safety movement."
Holistic Health and Freedom of Choice
Fisher adds, "The alternative health care movement in this country is going to play a
vital role in the vaccine safety movement.
Those who are looking into chiropractic,
osteopathic medicine, naturopathic, homeopathic, vitamin therapy, etc., are looking
for ways to boost the immune system through more natural means in order to be able
to naturally deal with viruses and bacteria that they come in contact with. This is a
very important movement."
Dr. Dean Black, author of Immunizations: Compulsion or Choice, agrees. He sees
vaccinations as only a shortcut for those people in our society who have not taken full
responsibility for their health.
"It's a way of saying, don't look at the more natural holistic way of helping the body.
Medicine believes disease is the enemy....Medicine fights disease. Natural health care
works with it...."Medicine believes symptoms are evil. Natural health care believes
symptoms are the body's efforts to rid itself of disease."
[413]Curtis Cost, author of Vaccines Are Dangerous: A Warning to the Black Community,
adds, "We know through...studies that the incidences of various diseases have been
declining steadily prior to the advent of various vaccines. We see declines up to 90
percent, and these declines result from improvements in sanitation and nutrition....
"My point is that parents do not need to be terrified into believing that the only way to
protect themselves and their children from disease is through vaccines. We know that
if parents breastfeed their babies, the risk of death and disease is dramatically reduced
because the breast milk contains all the natural nutrients that the mother will naturally
give to her child as she breastfeeds. We know that diet has a tremendous effect on
disease. If you are not eating a proper diet your risk of getting various diseases is
much greater. So we need to focus on taking control of our focus on eating
more organically grown fresh fruits and vegetables, on drinking pure water, and on
exercising. These actions build up the immune system."
Finally, the point is that individuals need the freedom to choose. They should not be
forced in one direction or another. Barbara Loe Fisher stresses this: "Our organization
does not tell a parent what to do.
I want to make that clear. We are an information
clearinghouse and we believe in education. We believe that parents should take the
responsibility for making their own decision. In this society, we ought to have the
right to make the right decisions without being bullied and harassed and threatened
into vaccinating if we do not believe that it is in the best interest of our child."
Alan Phillips reminds us that we are kept in the dark about our freedom to choose.
"Most states currently allow for medical and religious exemptions. You are not told
this when you go to a pediatrician or when you enter a university. You are simply told
that you have to vaccinate. But that is not usually true. Probably 15 to 20 states have a
philosophical or personal exemption option that you don't even have to tie to your
"I don't advocate that people do or do not vaccinate. I say that there's a lot of
information that people should investigate before they make a decision one way or the
other. We're so steeped in what I would now call the myth of vaccination that it seems nonsensical and counterintuitive to even raise the question. In fact, the first time that I
raised the question with a pediatrician I got yelled at. While I think that was
unprofessional of the pediatrician, it does demonstrate the degree to which
assumptions about vaccinations are held."
Dr. Black states, "As a parent, there might be times I choose to immunize my child.
Maybe I would find scientific evidence to back its validity in a case where a disease is
so fraught with risk that I dare not expose my child. Maybe then I would choose [to
vaccinate]. But I would do so having thoroughly thought about it....What I believe we
cannot tolerate as a free nation is to have government bureaucrats come in and saybased upon false statistics-if you don't immunize your child, you will suffer penalty of
law. That, to me, is a gross injustice that simply has to be changed."
It stands to reason, then, that our approach might be better directed to bolstering the
effects of natural immunity, by strengthening the body's own disease fighting
capability, rather than trying to manipulate a carefully balanced system which may or
may not tip to the detriment of the future individual. The old adage, 'What doesn't kill
you makes you stronger', describes the credo of the vaccine industry. The problem is
that we do not yet know a single silver bullet remedy for all childhood illnesses, that
are known to cause no harm to the future adult.
To this argument, Trevor Gunn states, "for example, Vitamin A supplementation has
been shown to reduce the mortality rate due to measles, in under 2 year olds, by seven
times. (From the British Medical Journal, 1987, p 294) "Many studies show
increased eye problems and deaths in children with vitamin A deficiency." In addition
he cites the WHO's doctor Clements with regards to prevention of Cholera: "the first
line of defense should be providing safe clean water and proper waste disposal."
The culmination of a review of a larger study that we mentioned earlier, which
compared over 15,000 data sets for Union Army Soldiers over two distinct time
periods (1830-1845) and (1918-1927), showed that length of life was improved in the
century, and in addition age of onset of chronic illness was also delayed. The
reviewer Robert Fogel noted that there were two distinct explanations: The first, combining several outcomes, mentions reduction in debilitating chronic illness by
eliminating causes of childhood illness, and the second, "increases in birth weight and
adult frame size, which are likely the result of better nutrition, have been important in
reducing mortality among infants and adults." (from the How the Aging Process
Changed During the 20
Century, "Changes in the Process of Aging during the 20
Century: Findings and Procedures of the Early Indicators project)
Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Immunization Program
Division of Epidemiology and Surveillance
Mail Stop E61
1600 Clifton Road, NE
Atlanta, GA 30333Tel: 404-639-8096
Web site:
This is a pro-immunization site. To access the NIP's
"Locating Information on Vaccine Safety"guide, go to
Association of American Physicians and Surgeons
1601 N. Tucson Blvd., Suite 9
Tucson, AZ 85716-3450
Tel: 800-635-1196
Web site:
Citizens for Healthcare Freedom
P.O. Box 62282
Durham, NC 27715
Web site:
To read "Dispelling Vaccination Myths," by CHF director
Alan Phillips, go to
Concerned Parents for Vaccine Safety
8216 192nd St., Ct E
Spanaway, WA 98387Web site:
Gary Null's Web Site
Web site:
Global Vaccine Awareness League
25422 Trabuco Road, Suite 105-230
Lake Forest, CA 92630-2797
Web site:
"Homeopathic Disease Prevention"
This article by homeopathic practitioner Isaac Golden is available
at Homeopathy Online, a Journal of Homeopathic Medicine
Web site:
Immunization Action Coalition
1573 Selby Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55104
Tel: 651-647-9009
Web site:
This is a pro-immunization site. For information on "State mandates on vaccination and vaccine-preventable disease," go to
Institute for Vaccine Safety
Bloomberg School of Public Health
Johns Hopkins University
Web site:
National Network for Immunization Information
66 Canal Center Plaza, Suite 600
Alexandria, VA 22314
Tel.: 877-341-6644
Fax: 703-299-0204
Web site:
This is a pro-immunization site.
National Vaccine Information Center
421-E Church St.
Vienna, VA 22180
Tel.: 1-800-909-SHOT
Fax: 703-938-5768
Web site: www.909shot.comParents Requesting Open Vaccine Education (PROVE)
P.O. Box 91566
Austin, TX 78709-1566
Web site:
The Phyllis Schlafly Report
P.O. Box 618
Alton, IL 62002
Tel.: 618-462-5415
Web site:
This site contains a number of articles on vaccine topics.
Thinktwice Global Vaccine Institute
P.O. Box 9638
Santa Fe, NM 87504
Web site:
Also includes the Thijnktwice/New Atlantean Press bookstore,
with a catalog of books on vaccination topics
Vaccination Information Service
To order the video "Vaccination: The Hidden Truth."Web site:
Vaccination Liberation
P.O. Box 1444
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83816
Tel.: 208-255-2307
Web site:
Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)
P.O. Box 1100
Rockville, MD 20849-1100
Tel: 800-822-7967
Fax: 877-721-0366
Web site:
A more usable version of the VAERS data is available on a database
developed by Steven Rubin. Go to
Vaccine Information and Awareness Web site
Tel.: 858-484-3197
Web site:
To access a list of pro-information groups, go to
To access state links, including information on state exemptions,
go to
Vaccine resources by state
Web site:
"Vaccines: The Risks, the Benefits, the Choices"
Doctor's Reference Manual (2001-02)
Presented by Sherri J. Tenpenny, D.O.
New Medical Awareness Seminars, LLC
14761 Pearl Road #263
Strongsville, OH 44136
Tel: 440-572-1136
Web site:
Vaccine Policy Institute
251 W. Ridgeway Drive
Dayton, OH 45459
Tel: 937-435-4750
Web site:
Web site:
"Alternative Approach to Disease" (video)
By Gary Null
"Building the Immune System Naturally" (video)
By Gary Null
The Consumer's Guide to Childhood Vaccines
By Barbara Loe Fisher
National Vaccine Information Center
Immunization Theory vs. Reality: Expos on Vaccinations
By Neil Z. Miller
The Atlantean Press, 1996
Immunization: The Reality Behind the Myth
By Walene James
Greenwood Publishing Group, 2nd Edition, 1995Reverse the Aging Process Naturally
By Gary Null and Martin Feldman, M.D.
Villard Books, a division of Random House, 1993
"Seven Steps to Perfect Health" (video)
By Gary Null
A Shot in the Dark
By Harris L. Coulter and Barbara Loe Fisher
Avery Publishing Group, 1991
"Supercharge Your Immune System" (video)
By Gary Null
"Total Health" series, Steps 1 - 7 (videos)
By Gary Null
Vaccination and Immunization: Dangers, Delusions & Alternatives
By Leon Chaitow
Beekman Publishing, 1996Vaccines Are Dangerous: A Warning to the Black Community
By Curtis Cost
A & B Distributors & Publishers Group, 1992
What Every Parent Should Know About Childhood Immunization
By Jamie Murphy
Earth Healing Products, 1993
Gary Null, PhD
P.O. Box 918
Planetarium Station
New York, New York 10024 USA
646-505-4660/ Fax 212-472-5139
e-mail: precisemd@aol.comReferences
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Dear Colleague Letter: Use of Haemophilus influenzae Vaccines in Combination with DTaP
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2. Ball R, Ball LK, Wise R, Braun MM, Beeler JA, Salive M. Stevens Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal
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6. Braun MM, Mootrey GT, Salive ME, Chen RT, Ellenberg SS, and the VAERS Working Group. Infant
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Vaccination: Pain, Profit, and Politics - Part 1By Gary Null, Ph.D., and Martin Feldman, M.D. Today we have a major controversy brewing in the U.S. healthcare field. The question is being asked if the vaccinations that we are giving our children are safe and effective. What is the proof that vaccinations are safe? We have undertaken an enormous job of reviewing the world literature to examine whether vaccinations are safe, and whether they are effective. We have taken an in depth look at the politics, the economic incentives, and the conflicts of interest involved in the politics of vaccinations. We have reviewed the scientific literature and we have examined the results on the people who have received vaccinations and the health effects of these (often mandated) medical procedures. We have examined here the myths versus the facts in the science of vaccines, and whether the procedures themselves represent good science or whether the manufacturers and physicians who provide them support conjecture or good scientific practice. We have examined the lobbying on behalf of the vaccine makers, and we have examined the safety and efficacy of the dozens of vaccinations that children are receiving in the first months of life. Our society rarely looks at the safety and efficacy of medical manufactures which have enormous power to influence the decisions of the CDC, the FDA, and the Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Disease[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10], but the media rarely hears of the trajedies and the side effects. We do, however, hear that vaccines promise to prevent some new condition, (such as genital warts.[11] [12] [13]) However, we have innundated the developing baby's body with dozens of vaccines[14], but no industry advisor or anyone in the FDA has ever suggested that this is too much. We are overwhelming the child's system with adverse effects, and all this has happened in the last 40 years. Let us now examine the truth:Life Expectancy in the 20th Century When we take a look at the article by David R. Francis, entitled, "Why do Death Rates Decline"[15], to get a general idea about how vaccinations might play a role in general health throughout the 20th century, we see that mortality rates decline steadily but rapidly throughout the 20th century. Using this logic, vaccine advocates might wonder why increased rates of vaccination in the past two decades wouldn't have made mortality rates decrease faster than in the first half of the century. However, we learn that: "During the twentieth century, mortality rates declined quite rapidly in the United States and in all developed countries. Except for a 10-year period between 1955 and 1965 when the mortality rate was essentially flat, mortality rates have declined at the relatively constant rate of approximately 1 to 2 percent per year since 1900.[16]" If vaccines were the cause of the decline of disease, then shouldn't the rates of mortality have declined more rapidly in the latter half of the 20th century, with the use of more and more required vaccinations? The second point that Francis makes is that in the second half of the 20th century, the most mortality decline occurred in people who were in mid- life. Vaccine advocates might argue that mortality rates ought to have declined more quickly in very young and school aged children: "In the latter four decades of the century, about two-thirds of life expectancy improvements resulted from mortality reductions for those over age 45.[17]"Thus, the most improvements in terms of mortality in the second half of the 20th century occurred in people beyond the age of childhood vaccinations. The third point that the author makes is self explanatory: improved nutrition and public health measures in children were more important than medical intervention in 1900. This was the height of the measles outbreak. In addition, "Infectious diseases were the leading cause of death in 1900, accounting for 32 percent of deaths. Pneumonia and influenza were the biggest killers. Therefore, improved nutrition and public health measures, particularly important for the young, were vastly more important in this period than medical interventions.[18]"The fourth point Mr. Francis makes is that in the mid 20th century, penicillin, sulfa drugs, and antibiotics contributed to a mortality decline in children: "Between 1940 and 1960, infectious diseases as a cause of death continued to decline. But more of this decline was attributable to medical factors, such as the use of penicillin, sulfa drugs (discovered in 1935), and other antibiotics. These help the elderly as well as the young, thereby reducing mortality across the age spectrum. By 1960, 70 percent of infants could be expected to survive to age 65.[19]"Vaccinations were not mentioned in this paragraph. The fifth important point of Mr. Francis is that smoking habits of Americans is an important factor in reducing mortality rates throughout the 20th century. The important issue to note here is that smokers generally begin their habit well after vaccination schedules have been completed, and that smoking causes a huge health risk despite vaccinations received:"Smoking cessation and better diets also are factors in [mortality decrease]: per capita consumption of cigarettes rose from essentially zero in 1900 to more than 4,000 per year per capita in 1960, or over two packs per smoker per day. Since then, per capita consumption has fallen by more than 50 percent. These trends affect death from heart disease and from smoking-sensitive cancers with a 10 to 20-year lag.[20]"Trevor Gunn, a biochemist in England, claims that immunity from vaccination is shorter lived than natural immunity provided by the illness itself. First, a child may contract an illness in adulthood for which it was vaccinated in childhood, and second, a mother may not be able to impart immunity provided by vaccination as easily as the immunity she developed over the course of her natural life. [21]According to a leaflet by the CDC, figures of average morbidity by various illnesses were reduced as a result of vaccination according to the flyer entitled,"What would happen if we stopped vaccinations?[22]" The leaflet, however, does not include information on the other public health measures that coalesced to provide increased public health in the 20th century as well.A detailed review of morbidity and illness factors in Union Soldiers in the Civil war illustrates that the onset of what we think of now as 'old age' illnesses occurred in much younger men during the 19th century, but improved throughout the 20th century: "chronic illnesses affected young and middle aged men to a much greater degree in the past than today. [In a study of two cohort groups of Union Soldiers] one quarter of men aged 20-24 and over half of men aged 35-39 were rejected as unfit to serve due to illnesses such as cardiovascular disease and hernias. Similarly, elderly men were more likely to suffer from chronic conditions than in the past...Of men aged 60-64 during the 1890-1910 period, 90% suffered from a chronic condition, as compared to 75% of same aged men in 1994.[23]"For example, for two of the conditions studied that we know now to be related to inflammation[24] [25] [26] [27]and stress[28] (particularly as results from diet[29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36] [37] [38]and lifestyle[39] [40] [41] [42] [43]), that is, heart disease and arthritis, we see that the average age for onset for the 1830-1845[44]cohort was approximately 56 years of age, whereas the average age of onset for the 1918-1927 cohort was approximately 66 years[45], or a difference of 10 years in the age of onset in the later group. Similarly, for the arthritis sample, the average age of onset for the 1830-1845 cohort was approximately 54 years whereas the later cohort was approximately 65 years[46] . So we see that as time goes on, at least two public health markers were improved greatly in the 20th century; the age of onset of chronic disease in the forms of heart disease and arthritis was increased considerably. These health factors, too, were improved without the help of vaccinations.[47] [48] [49] [50](We will discuss this assertion later in this paper)For more than a hundred years, however, two basic assumptions have been put forth by public health officials. One is that vaccines are safe.[51] [52]The second is that vaccines are effective for the conditions for which they're given.[53] The public and our legislators have, by and large, accepted these assumptions as true, and as a result it is now compulsory in many states that children have as many as 20 [54] [55]separate inoculations before entering school, or 33 by the time they are finished with secondary education. Some of these are given as early as the first few weeks of life.[56]We've been told that the end of polio, for example, as a serious health threat is due to mass inoculation programs[57] [58], and again we have accepted the official dogma without question. But as we shall see, this is not exactly the truth.[59] What's more, a disturbing reality that generally has gone unrecognized is the ever-growing number of people suffering adverse reactions to vaccinations[60]. These individuals are predominantly infants and children, and the problems they've incurred as a result of vaccination go far beyond sore arms and transitory fever: Conditions such as autism, attention deficit disorder, minimal brain dysfunction, and other biochemical and neurological abnormalities have been linked to the effects of vaccines[61]. Most tragically, so has SIDS-sudden infant death syndrome.[62][63]Although the government agencies such as the CDC[64], the National Institutes of allergy and infectious disease [65] [66], among others[67] [68] [69] [70], have tried to debunk a possible link between the proximity of vaccinations and untimely deaths of children in the first few months of life, we cite the government's involvement in supporting the cigarette industry in the first half of the 20th century[71] [72], and the widespread use of pesticide. The government also touted the benefits of hormone replacement therapy until 2002[73] [74], for which women are now suffering breast cancer[75] [76], stroke[77], and dementia[78]; the government does not have a good track record on the issue of dangerous NSAIDS such as Vioxx[79], for the use of which over 100,000 deaths are attributed[80]. As a result, the fact that we do not accept the government data on this issue does not mean that we are slanted, but it means that we are careful to point out the differences between the data that is reported and what the government deems is true. We examine the government's point of view on SIDS on page 18 of this paper. Because of underreporting of these troubling statistical links[81] [82] [83],however, a full picture of the effects of vaccination has not emerged. The problem of underreporting is a deep-seated one[84]. Yet the official line is that a small minority must accept negative consequences for the greater good of the majority.This investigation is an attempt to uncover the truth. In three parts, we will discuss facts that challenge our assumptions about vaccine safety and effectiveness, look at the effects associated with specific vaccines, and summarize some of the legal, political and economic issues surrounding the use of vaccines. The series has required a review of thousands of articles. We are presenting information based upon hard science; hundreds of references are included here for those who want to read further. For people challenging mandatory vaccination policies, the reference section will be particularly helpful.Why We Should Question Our AssumptionsWe think of vaccinations as panaceas and look to science to develop new ones for every known affliction, from the common cold to AIDS. Jamie Murphy, author of What Every Parent Should Know About Childhood Immunization,[85]attributes society's general acceptance of vaccinations, in large part, to state laws that dictate children must receive vaccines before they can attend school. However, we must take a close look at our assumptions and ask, are we seeing the full picture? The reasons we should challenge our beliefs include the following:Safety issues. Significant adverse effects have been reported with every type of vaccine [86] [87]. These reactions can occur soon after vaccination (short-term reactions) or several months to years later (long-term)[88]. Delayed reactions are more insidious and less obviously linked to vaccination, and thus necessitate largescale epidemiological studies to be proven.One would think that before injecting children worldwide with hundreds of millions of doses of vaccines, enough clinical trials would be performed to determine exactly what the effects of this large-scale human genetic experiment would be. Lack of funding is not the problem. Each year, more than $1 billion[89][90] is appropriated by Congress to federal health agencies to develop, purchase, and promote the mass use of vaccines in the U.S. but not to fund independent researchers to investigate vaccine-related health problems.In the meantime, as an example of the volume of adverse reactions reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), there were 38,787 such events between 1991 and 1994. Of these, 45 percent occurred on the day of vaccination, 20 percent on the following day, and 93 percent within two weeks of vaccination. Deaths were most prevalent in children 1 to 3 months old and were defined as sudden infant deaths. (The author of the paper makes it clear that, "sudden infant death syndrome has not been associated with vaccination."[91] Since, as has been amply documented, only one-tenth of vaccine-induced reactions are reported to the VAERS (by some estimates, this is figure is even greater)[92],[93], this number vastly underestimates the real incidence of vaccine-associated complications. Furthermore, no link has been established when the adverse event occurs long after the time of vaccination[94]. In fact, a 1998 study in the Lancet and a recent review claim that no link exists between the MMR vaccine and subsequent long-term health events such as autism or bowel obstruction.[95] [96] [97]Another area of concern is that many doctors refuse to vaccinate themselves and their families, [98] [99] [100]even though physicians belong to a high-risk category and are urged to accept vaccinations because of their continued exposure to infectious disease. A 1981 article in the Journal of the American Medical Association reports that the lowest vaccination rate among medical personnel for the German measles vaccine occurred among obstetrician/gynecologists and the next lowest rate occurred among pediatricians. [101] The authors conclude, "The fear of unforeseen vaccination reactions was the main reason for the low uptake rate of physicians to be vaccinated." In the British Medical Journal, a 1990 article tells us that of 598 doctors questioned about hepatitis B vaccine, 86 percent believe that all general practitioners should be vaccinated against this disease. Yet 309 of those practitioners had not been vaccinated themselves. [102] [103] A 2004 article in the Journal of Occupational Medicine summarizes these findings, and others, including the fact that some doctors are unconcerned with regards to vaccination protection, while in that over 80% received Hep B inoculation, only 49% confirmed immune response to the virus, and only half did any preventive measures after needle stick injuries.[104]Vaccinations Are Based on Unsound Principles. According to Jamie Murphy, "Vaccines are portrayed as being indispensable and somehow better at disease protection than what our innate biological defenses and nutritional resources have accomplished for thousands of years.... Before the introduction of the measles and mumps vaccines, children got measles and they got mumps, and in the great majority of cases those diseases were benign."[105]Walene James, author of Immunization: The Reality Behind the Myth,[106]believes that the full inflammatory response is necessary to create real immunity.[107] James summarizes the work of Dr. Richard Moskowitz, past president of the National Institute of Homeopathy, as stating, "'Vaccines trick the body so that it will no longer initiate a generalized inflammatory response. They thereby accomplish what the entire immune system seems to have evolved to prevent. They place the virus directly into the blood and give it access to the major immune organs and tissues without any obvious way of getting rid of it. These attenuated viruses and virus elements persist in the blood for a long time, perhaps permanently. This, in turn, implies a systematic weakening of the ability to mount an effective response, not only to childhood diseases but to other acute infections as well.'"Murphy observes that vaccines, unlike childhood diseases, do not produce permanent immunity. "The medical profession does not know how long vaccine immunity lasts because it is artificial immunity. If you get measles naturally, in 99 percent of the cases, you have lifelong immunity. If you have German measles you will have lifelong immunity. The chances of getting measles twice, German measles twice, or even whooping cough twice [are remote].... However, if you get a measles vaccine or a DPT vaccine, [it does not give you 100% assurance] that the vaccine will prevent you from getting the disease." [108] In "Vaccination: Dispelling the Myths," Alan Phillips writes, "The clinical evidence for vaccination is their ability to stimulate antibody production in the recipient, a fact which is not disputed. What is not clear, however, is whether or not such antibody production constitutes immunity. For example, a-gamma globulinemic children are incapable of producing antibodies, yet they recover from infectious diseases almost as quickly as other children....Natural immunization is a complex phenomenon involving many organs and systems; it cannot be fully replicated by the artificial stimulation of antibody production....[Our] immunological reserves may thus actually be reduced, causing a generally lowered resistance."[109] [110] Phillips adds: "Another component of immunization theory is 'herd immunity,' ...when enough people in a community are immunized, all are protected.... there are many documented instances showing just the opposite-fully vaccinated populations do contract diseases; with measles, this actually seems to be the direct result of high vaccination rates...."[111], [112] [113]Writing in Nexus, Phillips makes the point that immunization practice assumes that all children, regardless of age and size, are virtually the same. "An 8-pound 2-month-old receives the same dosage as a 40-pound five-year-old," Phillips points out. "Infants with immature, undeveloped immune systems may receive five or more times the dosage (relative to body weight) as older children." What's more, random testing has revealed that the number of "units" within doses has been found to range up to three times what the label indicates, with quality control tolerating a rather large margin of error.Questionable Science. Many scientific studies tell us that vaccines are safe and effective when this is not necessarily the case. 110 112 113Doctors and vaccine proponents often quote studies done solely on antibody production in the blood, not taking into account clinical experiences. We must note, however, that clinical experience is important, and particularly with regards to the treatment of viral infections that have not or cannot be treated at the time with vaccine. For example, we know that transmission at the time of birth of the chickenpox virus is dangerous to the livelihood of the infant, and that low birth weight contributes to susceptibility to death from the virus[114], thus indicating a possible need for doctors to be clinically aware of the mother's risk factors for low birth weight infants[115] [116]. For example doctors recommend the following for the outcome of a healthy birth weight including no alcohol consumption, drug use, and adequate nutrition[117] as well as regular prenatal checkups[118] . In addition to being aware of the causes of low birth weight infants, the use of the antibody titer VZIG in a timely manner can sometimes prevent death[119]. As opposed to the chickenpox vaccine (which contains live, attenuated chickenpox virus), VZIG contains immune fractions from the blood of people that can help those who are dangerously immune compromised for a short period of time[120]. Other non-vaccine alternatives are being made available for this widespread virus; the use of acyclovir, which has been determined to be useful in lessening the severity of chickenpox infection in children, might be preferable to the VZIG treatment (we note that VZIG does contain the preservative thimerosol[121]), but the use of acyclovir during pregnancy has not yet been widely tested[122] in the clinical setting, and shows that much more research is needed in non vaccine alternatives.Dr. Dean Black, author of Immunizations: Compulsion or Choice, brings up an issue that needs more attention-what if we stopped compulsory vaccination? "By looking at what happens in countries where vaccinations are no longer required," he says, "we can get an idea of what would truly happen if we were to cease demanding compulsory immunization in America. In 1975, Germany stopped requiring pertussis [whooping cough] vaccinations, and the number of children vaccinated promptly began to drop. Today, it has dropped to well below 10 percent. What has happened in Germany from pertussis over that period of time? The mortality rate has continued to decrease."[123]The Natural Evolution of Disease. Immunization supposedly puts an end to disease. We attribute the decline in polio to the polio vaccine, the "disappearance" of smallpox to the smallpox vaccine, and so forth.[124], [125], [126], [127], [128], [129]But are vaccinations the magic bullets we believe them to be? Dr. Harris Coulter, an expert on the pertussis vaccine, co-author of A Shot in the Dark,[130]and author of Vaccination, Social Violence, and Criminality,[131]concludes otherwise.[132] Regarding infectious diseases of the past, he states, "The incidence of all of these infectious diseases was dropping very rapidly, starting in the 1930s. After World War II, the incidence continued to drop as living conditions improved. Clean water, central heating...these are the factors that really affected people's tendencies to come down with infectious diseases much more than vaccines. The vaccines might have added a little bit to that downward curve, but the curve was going down all the time anyway."Dr. Coulter's view is supported by the Australian Nurses Journal: "A careful study of the decline in disease will show that up to 90 percent of the so-called 'killer diseases' had all but disappeared when we introduced immunization on a large scale during the late thirties and early forties."[133] A similar statement is made by the Medical Journal of Australia: "The decline of tetanus as a disease began before the introduction of tetanus toxoid to the general population. The reasons for this decline are the same for the decline in all other infectious diseases: improved hygiene, improved sanitation, better nutrition, healthier living conditions, etc." Alan Phillips elaborates on this theme: "We just assume that vaccinations are responsible for disease decline, which is not the case. For if you check the statistics, you will find that the vast majority of disease decline proceeded vaccines. In the case of measles, for example, there was a 97 percent decline preceding vaccination; in the case of pertussis, 79 percent. When you look at the graph of the decline in death rate over the course of the century, you see that the rate of decline, post-immunization, was virtually the same as the decline preimmunization, suggesting that it's difficult to tell whether or not the vaccine had any effect on an already well-established decline in disease deaths."[134], [135]Phillips attacks the notion that vaccines are responsible for the dramatic reduction in infectious disease during this and past centuries. "According to the British Association for the Advancement of Science, childhood diseases decreased 90 percent between 1850 and 1940, paralleling improved sanitation and hygienic practices, well before mandatory vaccination programs. Infectious disease deaths in the U.S. and England declined steadily by an average of about 80 percent during this century (measles mortality declined over 97 percent) prior to vaccinations. In Great Britain, the polio epidemics peaked in 1950, and had declined 82 percent by the time the vaccine was introduced there in 1956. Thus, at best, vaccinations can be credited with only a small percentage of the overall decline in disease-related deaths this century....[136]Toxic Vaccine Ingredients and Manufacturing Processes. Walene James urges parents to think about the effects the ingredients of vaccines could have on their children's health: "There are three categories of ingredients. The first are cultured bacteria and viruses....The second ingredient in vaccinations is the medium in which they are cultivated. This can kidney tissue, monkey kidney tissue, chicken or duck egg protein, chick embryo, calf serum, pig or horse blood, and cowpox pus. These foreign proteins are injected directly....They are very toxic since they do not get filtered through the digestive process or pass through the liver.""These proteins are foreign to the body, and are in a state of decomposition. They are composed of animal cells, and therefore contain animal genetic material. It is possible for the genes in these cells to be picked up by the live, attenuated viruses used in vaccines. These viruses then implant a foreign alien genetic material from animal tissue cultures into the human genetic system...."The last category of vaccine ingredients, James says, includes stabilizers, neutralizers, carrying agents, and preservatives. "Many people feed their children healthy foods. They would never think of giving their children formaldehyde...or aluminum phosphate to eat....These are preservatives and carrying agents that are injected...without buffering by the digestive process, or censoring by the liver."[137]As examples of the ingredients used in vaccines, we list the contents of five common childhood vaccines below. These ingredients are current according to the latest information available to us, but they are subject to change at any time: Hepatitis B vaccine: This genetically engineered, noninfectious viral vaccine is derived from hepatitis B surface antigen produced in yeast cells. The Recombivax HB vaccine (Merck & Co.) uses a fermentation medium consisting of a yeast extract, soy peptone, dextrose, amino acids and mineral salts. The protein is purified, then treated with formaldehyde and coprecipitated with alum (potassium aluminum sulfate) to form bulk vaccine adjuvanted with amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate. There is no detectable yeast DNA in the vaccine, but it may contain not more than 1% yeast protein.[138] For the Engerix-B vaccine (SmithKline Beecham), the antigen is absorbed on aluminum hydroxide, and the product contains no more than 5% yeast protein. The product also contains sodium chloride and phosphate buffers. The pediatric/adolescent and adult formulations of Engerix-B do not have preservatives but may contain a trace amount of thimerosal (a mercury derivative) from the manufacturing process.[139] Recombivax HB is supplied in pediatric/adolescent and adult formulations with and without a preservative.[140] DPT vaccine: This vaccine includes diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis vaccine absorbed. The components of the acellular pertussis vaccine are isolated from phase 1 Bordetella pertussis culture grown in a modified Stainer-Scholte medium. They are treated with formaldehyde. For the Tripedia vaccine (Aventis Pasteur), the Corynebacterium diphtheriae cultures are grown in a modified Mueller and Miller medium, while the Clostridium tetani cultures are grown in a peptone-based medium containing a bovine (meat) extract. Both are treated with formaldehyde, and the detoxified materials are purified by serial ammonium sulfate fractionation and diafiltration. The toxoids are absorbed using aluminum potassium sulfate (alum). The product contains sodium chloride, gelatin, and polysorbate 80. The one-dose vial does not have a preservative but contains a trace amount of thimerosal from the manufacturing process; the multidose vial contains thimerosal as a preservative.[141] For the Infanrix vaccine (SmithKline Beecham), the diphtheria toxin is produced in a Linggoud and Fenton medium containing a bovine extract, and the tetanus toxin is produced in a modified Latham medium. Both are treated with formaldehyde, and each is absorbed onto aluminum hydroxide. The product contains 2-phenoxyethanol as a preservative, sodium chloride, and polysorbate 80.[142] Inactivated polio vaccine: The IPOL product (Aventis Pasteur) is a highly purified, inactivated vaccine that contains three types of poliovirus. The viruses are grown in cultures of VERO cells, a continuous line of monkey kidney cells. The cells are grown in Eagle MEM modified medium, supplemented with newborn calf serum that is tested for adventitious agents before use and originates from countries free of bovine spongiform encephalopathy. For viral growth, the culture medium is M-199, without calf serum. (The residual calf serum protein is less than 1 ppm in the final vaccine.) Neomycin, streptomycin and polymyxin B are used in the production process. The vaccine also contains 2-phenoxyethanol and formaldehyde (0.02% maximum) as preservatives.[143]MMR vaccine: The M-M-R II live virus vaccine (Merck & Co.) contains (1) Attenuvax, a more attenuated line of measles virus propagated in chick embryo cell culture; (2) Mumpsvax, a strain of mumps virus propagated in chick embryo cell culture; and (3) Meruvax II, the Wistar RA 27/3 strain of live attenuated rubella virus propagated in WI-38 human diploid lung fibroblasts. The product contains sorbitol, sodium phosphate, sucrose, sodium chloride, hydrolyzed gelatin, human albumin, fetal bovine serum, and neomycin. It does not contain a preservative.[144]Chickenpox vaccine: The Varivax vaccine (Merck & Co.) is prepared from the Oka/Merck strain of live, attenuated varicella virus. The virus originated from a child with natural varicella. It was introduced into human embryonic lung cell cultures, adapted to and propagated in embryonic guinea pig cell cultures and propagated in human diploid cell cultures (WI-38). The vaccine contains sucrose, hydrolyzed gelatin, sodium chloride, monosodium L-glutamate, sodium phosphate dibasic, potassium phosphate monobasic, potassium chloride, residual components of MRC-5 (human diploid) cells including DNA and protein, and trace amounts of sodium phosphate monobasic, EDTA, neomycin, and fetal bovine serum. There is no preservative.[145]Noting that vaccines include a host of undisputed toxins, such as aluminum phosphate and formaldehyde, Alan Phillips reminds us that many of the ill effects of vaccines did not exist at anywhere near today's levels 30 years ago. He cites autism, ADD, hyperactivity, dyslexia, and a host of allergies as examples.[146]In his book What Every Parent Should Know About Childhood Immunization, Jamie Murphy seconds the views of Phillips: "What could formaldehyde, aluminum, phenol...or any number of other deadly chemical substances used in vaccines possibly have to do with preventing disease in children? The fact that they are needed at all in the vaccine formula argues that the product is toxic, unstable and unreliable with or without their presence."[147]The Use of Thimerosal. In July 1999, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) issued a statement urging the removal of the mercury-containing preservative thimerosal from vaccines.[148] The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that as of April 2001, all seven of the vaccines recommended for use in all children contained either no thimerosal or trace amounts only. These vaccines include hepatitis B, Haemophilus influenzae B, and DTaP (which formerly contained thimerosal as a preservative) and MMR, polio, varicella and pneumococcal (which have never contained thimerosal).[149]The FDA explains that the vaccines are now being produced as either thimerosal-free or thimerosal-reduced products. The term thimerosal-reduced, it says, usually indicates that trace amounts of mercury-less than 0.5 micrograms per 0.5 mL vaccine dose-may remain from the use of thimerosal in the manufacturing process, but that thimerosal is not added as a preservative. The term preservativefree means the vaccine does not have a preservative but, again, that trace amounts may remain from the manufacturing process.[150]The reason for the AAP's strong recommendation in 1999 was a growing concern about the risk of exposing the developing brains of infants to mercury. As more vaccines were being mandated for children, the cumulative level of mercury exceeded that deemed safe by guidelines. With the new pediatric vaccines, the FDA says, "the most likely maximum amount of ethyl mercury that an infant may be exposed to from the routine vaccination schedule has been reduced from approximately 187.5 mcg to <3 mcg."[151]While this change is certainly welcomed, we should ask why such a dangerous, known neurotoxin was allowed to be used in vaccines in the first place. Mercury exposure has been associated with nerve cell degeneration,[152] adverse behavioral effects,[153] and impaired brain development.[154] It has also been linked to degenerative chronic conditions such as Alzheimer's disease. The developing fetal nervous system is the most sensitive to its toxic effects, and prenatal exposure to high doses of mercury has been shown to cause mental retardation and cerebral palsy.[155]Yet the CDC recommends the influenza vaccine, which for the most part still contained mercury until late 2002, to all pregnant women, despite the 2001 urging from the Institute of Medicine that "full consideration be given to removing thimerosal from any biological product to which infants, children, and pregnant women are exposed." The CDC's homepage, today, September 6, 2006, quotes, "Today, with the exception of some Influenza (flu) vaccines, none of the vaccines used in the U.S. to protect preschool children against 12 infectious diseases contain thimerosal as a preservative."This means that some of the country's most vulnerable, are still receiving mercury in its shots, as the flu vaccine is recommended for those most at risk, including the elderly, those with weakened immune systems, and very young children.In 2001 the FDA was in discussions with manufacturers of influenza virus vaccines regarding the development of thimerosal-free or -reduced products.[156]According to the CDC, one manufacturer of influenza vaccine, Evans Vaccines, had reduced-thimerosal influenza vaccines available by the 2002-2003 flu season. This Fluvirin product had less than 1 mcg of thimerosal per dose; other influenza vaccines at the time had 25 mcg.[157] For the pediatric market, another manufacturer, Aventis Pasteur, announced in September 2002 that the FDA had approved a license to market a preservative-free influenza vaccine for infants aged six to 35 months. A supply of the preservative-free Fluzone was available for the 2002-2003 flu season.[158]Despite the change over, this still begs the question as to how many children are still suffering the effects of mercury-toxic injections from as late as the 2000 and 2001 flu seasons.It should also be noted that while the mercury content of childhood vaccines has been eliminated or greatly reduced, vaccines may still contain formaldehyde (a highly carcinogenic material used to embalm corpses) and/or aluminum.New vaccines continue to be approved: in 2003 the "first live attenuated influenza vaccine licenced for 5-49 year old persons"[159] was approved, and in 2004 "inactivated influenza vaccine was recommended for all children 6-23 months of age"[160]However, the CDC site does not state specifically which flu vaccinations contain the thimerosol: "certain Influenza (flu) vaccines and tetanusdiphtheria vaccines (Td) given to children age 7 and older contain thimerosal as a preservative."Unproven Vaccines, Unmonitored Medicine The widespread use of experimental vaccines during Desert Storm has often been cited as a possible cause of Gulf War syndrome. Dr. Garth Nicolson elaborates: "I'm not a big fan of experimental vaccines. There have been too many mistakes. Usually you find these things out years later. Often agents that we think innocuous turn out to be harmful." He explains that during the Gulf War, the established procedures of vaccination were ignored. Normally, only one inoculation should be given at a time, but the military insisted on giving multiple shots at once, which, according to Nicolson, is the worst thing you can do because it suppresses the immune system. [5]The troops immunized for the Gulf have been called guinea pigs, and for good reason. They received experimental vaccines, e.g., those for anthrax and botulinum that were not approved for use by the FDA and have since proven to cause potentially dangerous side effects. In 1991, "Anthrax vaccine was administered to about 150,000 troops in the [Gulf War] theater, about 1/5 of those deployed."[161] Soldiers who were given these experimental vaccines, without informed consent, have reported suffering from a variety of neurological problems and aberrant bleeding from all parts of their bodies. Because of these vaccines' experimental nature, many questions have arisen as to why our government dispensed them. Not the least of these questions is, what about the Nuremberg Code? Developed by the Allies after World War II in response to inhumane Nazi experimentation, the Nuremberg code says that voluntary and informed consent is absolutely essential from all human subjects who participate in research, whether during peace or war. [11]Vaccine Failures. According to Phillips, "The medical literature has a surprising number of studies documenting vaccine failure. Measles, mumps, smallpox, and polio outbreaks have all occurred in vaccinated populations. In 1989, the CDC reported: Among school-aged children, [measles] outbreaks have occurred in schools with vaccination levels of greater than 98 percent. They have occurred in all parts of the country, including areas that had not reported measles for years. The CDC even reported a measles outbreak in a documented 100 percentvaccinated population. A study examining this phenomenon concluded, 'The apparent paradox is that as measles immunization rates rise to high levels in a population, measles becomes a disease of immunized persons.'...These studies suggest that the goal of complete immunization is actually counterproductive, a notion underscored by instances in which epidemics followed complete immunization of entire countries....In the U.S. in 1986, 90 percent of 1,300 pertussis cases in Kansas were 'adequately vaccinated.' Seventy-two percent of pertussis cases in the 1993 Chicago outbreak were fully up to date with their vaccinations."[162], [163], [164], [165], [166], [167], [168], [169], [170]Effects of Specific VaccinesWith this section, we begin an examination of the effects of specific vaccines. Seven vaccines will be covered in this and the next two installments of this series: diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus, polio, chickenpox, hepatitis B, measles, mumps and rubella, smallpox, and the now-withdrawn rotavirus vaccine.DIPHTHERIA, PERTUSSIS, AND TETANUS VACCINESDiphtheria VaccineIn the 15 years following the introduction of the diphtheria vaccine in 1894, the number of deaths in England and Wales rose 20 percent. Between 1895 and 1907, there were 63,249 cases of diphtheria in individuals treated with anti-toxin; 8,917 people died, a fatality rate of 14 percent. In the same time period, there were 11,716 cases not treated with anti-toxin; only 703 died, a fatality rate of 6 percent.From a book by Greg Beattie, entitled, "Vaccination A Parent's Dilemma," we examine official charts taken from the Commonwealth of Australia, on the decline in death rates from Whooping Cough, Diptheria, measles, and Scarlet Fever. We see that in each case, the bulk of the death rates from each illness declined in large measure even before the vaccine for the illness had been given. Lest we think, however, that these may be figures unique to Australia, the author states that, "Graphical evidence on the decline in death rates from infectious disease for USA, England, New Zealand and many other countries shows the exact same scenario[s]" Whooping cough death rates, for example, when the vaccinations were given, between 1940 and 1960, had already declined to almost a tenth of their original rate at their height in 1880. During the decade between 1940 and 1950, when the Diptheria vaccine was originally given, death rates had declined to almost a quarter of their rate in 1880, and the measles deaths, at their height in the 1900's, had already declined to its modern low rates by the mid 1960's, when the first vaccine was given. The CDC's paper on reduction of illnesses in the 20th century mentions that one of illnesses that was reduced to zero by the year 2004, was diptheria, from an average of 21, 053 deaths per year in the 20th century.We know from Greg Beattie's work that the earliest vaccinations for childhood illnesses were given in the late 1930's for diptheria. When we examine the figures from the Union soldiers'study, mentioned earlier; we note that only the last of the children for the later cohort (1918-1927) would have been children when the Diptheria vaccinations were given. Although heart damage can occur in untreated Diptheria cases, most Diptheria onset occurs in adolescents and adults. Most of the later cohort would already have been adolescents at the time of the Diptheria vaccine, so it is unlikely that the onset of the Diptheria vaccination alone had an effect on the outcome of delayed onset of heart disease already noted in this group of people. 47 48 49 50Similarly, it may be true that childhood illnesses could have a role in the formation of joint inflammation later in life, but again, only the last children of the later cohort in the union soldiers' study would have received the Diptheria vaccine in later childhood, so this would have a negligible effect on the outcome of all joint pain in this cohort group. Acellular Pertussis VaccineUntil 1996 the whole-cell vaccine was the only whooping cough vaccine available in the U.S. for children in their first year of life. This vaccine included all the components of the bacterium Bordetella pertussis, including the toxic ones, and was associated with high rates of adverse reactions. In Japan, a lack of trust among the public of the whole-cell vaccine led to the development of a new, purified acellular vaccine that has been used exclusively in the country since 1981.[171]Even though a safer vaccine was widely used in Europe and Japan, it wasn't until 15 years later that the purified acellular pertussis vaccine was approved by the U.S. FDA for use in combination with the diphtheria and tetanus toxoids for all doses in the vaccination series.[172] A 1996 study showed that the rate of adverse reactions reported to VAERS in 1991 to 1993 dropped from 9.8 per 100,000 vaccine doses to 2.9 per 100,000 after substitution of the acellular pertussis vaccine for the whole-cell vaccine for the fourth and fifth dose of DPT vaccination.[173]Vaccine Failure. Ninety-one percent of pertussis cases in Nova Scotia, Canada, had received at least three doses of vaccine. Researchers concluded that "pertussis remains a significant health problem in Nova Scotia despite nearly universal vaccination."[174] In this case, the pertussis vaccination proved ineffective.Pertussis vaccination also has been shown to increase the susceptibility of certain individuals to the infection, as a 1997 report by the CDC clearly describes. In the Netherlands, 96 percent of children have received at least three shots of pertussis vaccine by the age of 12 months. Yet pertussis has been endemic in the country for the past two decades.[175]Increasing Cases of Pertussis in Infants and Adults. After the United States mandated pertussis vaccination in 1978, the incidence of the disease in the following eight years trebled. While cases of pertussis were increasingly seen among every age group, the highest incidence was registered in infants less than 1 year old, and the highest relative increase was seen in adolescents and adults. It is important to note that infants suffered from the most complications, with rates of hospitalization, pneumonia, convulsions, and encephalopathy being the highest in children 0 to 6 months old.[176]According to one article, the incidence of pertussis increased each year in England and Wales after an accelerated immunization schedule was introduced.[177]Since the immunity provided by the vaccine, unlike that derived from natural infection, is only temporary, more adults are now contracting the disease and are transmitting it to infants, where the infection manifests with particular severity and can often lead to death.Epidemics of pertussis striking infants have also been reported in Australia, despite extensive vaccination coverage.[178]DPT Safety. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services estimates that every year approximately half a million DPT shots are followed by reactions severe enough to contraindicate the administration of more pertussis vaccine. One in seven children should be turned away for further pertussis vaccine. In practice, though, this does not happen. [179], [180] And, as pointed out by Alan Phillips, "The FDA's VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting System) receives about 11,000 reports of serious adverse reactions to vaccination annually, some 1 percent (112+) of which are deaths from vaccine reactions. The majority of these deaths are attributed to the pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine, the 'P' in DPT. This figure alone is alarming, yet it is only the tip of the iceberg. The FDA estimates that only about 10 percent of adverse reactions are reported...."DPT Vaccination and Neurological Damage. The scientific literature contains documentation of the damaging effects of DPT vaccination on the nervous system. Neurological complications include convulsions, hypotonichyporesponsive episodes (a collapse-shock-like status), paralysis, and encephalopathy.FURTHER READINGS: Articles in the literature associate DPT vaccinations with neurological problems[181], [182]and convulsions.[183], [184], [185], [186]DPT Vaccination and Asthma. In a 1994 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, Dr. Michel Odent found that children immunized against whooping cough were five times more likely to suffer from asthma than those who did not receive the vaccine.[187]Dr. Odent's is not a solitary voice. Another study, performed by Farooqi et al. on almost 2,000 children born between 1974 and 1984, showed that vaccination against whooping cough is associated with a 76 percent increased risk of developing asthma and other allergic diseases later in life.[188] DPT Vaccination and SIDS. Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is the unexpected death of a child occurring without any apparent explanation, and for which autopsy cannot reveal a determining cause. Every year, 5,000 to 6,000 children die from SIDS. The incidence peaks in infants aged 2-4 months, which correlates with the introduction of a majority of vaccine injections. It is worth noting that approximately 85 percent of SIDS cases occur during the first six months of life, and that the first three DPT shots were given to children at 2, 4, and 6 months of age when these studies were conducted.A study conducted by researchers at the Mayo Clinic looked at the incidence of SIDS in Olmsted County, Minnesota, over several decades and found that it increased steadily from a rate of 0.55 per 1,000 live births in 1953 to 128 in 1992. That's a great increase in this 40-year study period. However, when the authors compared mortality from SIDS to overall infant mortality, they came up with an even more distressing finding. The increase of SIDS as a percentage of total infant deaths increased from 2.5 in 1953 to 17.9 in 1992.[189] So from 1950 to 1990, a combination of lifestyle changes, improved sanitary conditions, and progress in medical technology resulted in a reduction of practically all causes of infant death except one-sudden infant death.In 1982, at the 34th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Pediatrics, Dr. W. Torch presented an abstract entitled "Diphtheria-PertussisTetanus (DPT) Immunization: A Potential Cause of the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)." Triggered by a report of 12 such deaths occurring within 3-1/2 to 19 hours of DPT vaccination, Torch's investigation looked at 70 SIDS cases. He found that two-thirds of the victims had been vaccinated from a half day to three weeks prior to death.[190]Torch reaffirmed a link between DPT and SIDS in 1986, when he presented 11 new cases of SIDS and one of near-miss syndrome (NMS) occurring within 24 hours of DPT injection. All cases presented with SIDS pathology, yet none were diagnosed as "postvaccinal" death.[191] Analysis of these and other more than 150 cases of DPT postvaccinal deaths reported in the literature-about half of which were sudden or anaphylactic-led Torch to conclude that "Although many feel that the DPT-SIDS relationship is temporal, this author and others maintain a casual relationship exists in a yet-to-be-determined SIDS fraction."[192] Other researchers also have uncovered a relationship between DTP immunization and SIDS.[193], [194]Tetanus Vaccination and Neurological Damage. The literature includes articles on neurological reactions to the tetanus vaccination[195], [196], [197], [198], [199], [200] and other adverse reactions.[201], [202], [203]In Part 2: The effects of vaccines for polio, chickenpox, hepatitis B, and measles, mumps and rubella.Vaccination: Pain, Profit, and Politics - Part 2By Gary Null, Ph.D., and Martin Feldman, M.D.In Part 1 of this series, we discussed the reasons why we should challenge our assumptions that vaccines are safe and effective. These reasons include the adverse effects associated with vaccines, the unsound principles on which they are based, questions about whether immunization really eliminates disease, the toxic ingredients used in vaccines, and vaccine failures. In Part 1 we also began to look at the effects of specific vaccines with a discussion of the diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus vaccine; we continue that process in Part 2 with a look at the polio, chickenpox, hepatitis B, and measles, mumps and rubella vaccines.Polio VaccineThree types of polio vaccines have been used throughout the world: 1) the OPV, or oral polio vaccine (Sabin vaccine), consisting of live, attenuated poliovirus; 2) the IPV, or inactivated polio vaccine (Salk vaccine), consisting of killed poliovirus and given by injection; and 3) the eIPV, an enhanced potency inactivated polio vaccine, consisting of killed poliovirus with high viral antigen content.Today, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommends exclusive use of the IPV for routine childhood polio vaccination in the U.S. (the enhanced-potency version is the only IPV in use in the U.S.). The ACIP changed its polio vaccine recommendation to the all-IPV schedule, effective January 2000, to eliminate the risk for vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis (VAPP), the condition caused by the previously recommended oral polio vaccine.[204]Until 1996, all children in the U.S., except those with a compromised immune system and their close contacts, were immunized with the live attenuated OPV vaccine. However, the vaccine actually caused polio in a small percentage of people. According to the CDC, the overall risk for VAPP is approximately one case in 2.4 million OPV doses distributed, while the first-dose risk is one case in 750,000 doses distributed. In fact, the only indigenous cases of polio reported in the U.S. since 1979 have been associated with the use of OPV. Between 1980 and 1998, 144 cases of VAPP were reported.[205]Despite these occurrences, the ACIP recommended the use of OPV in the U.S. because it believed the benefits of the oral vaccine outweighed the risk for VAPP. In 1996, the ACIP recommended a sequential schedule of IPV and OPV to "decrease the risk for VAPP but maintain the benefits of OPV." It then recommended the allIPV schedule as of January 2000, citing several reasons: the substantially reduced likelihood of poliovirus being imported into the U.S. due to rapid progress made in the global polio eradication initiative; the acceptance of the sequential schedule; and the lack of declines in childhood immunization coverage.[206]The CDC states that, "in 1955 the inactivated polio vaccination was licenced."[207] In 1954, the largest vaccination trial to date was undertaken across the country. Up to 600,000 children throughout the country were vaccinated due to efforts by parents, community activists, and teachers, both in the efforts of pursuing science and bettering public health. Children and their parents were told that they were 'pioneers' in an effort to eradicate a debilitating scourge. In homage to the passionate public effort, researchers stated that 95% of children received the three shots required by the trial. Whereas the design of the study was vigorous, there were complaints as to the follow through. The setup of the study was as follows: Each child received three vaccinations on a rigorous schedule, and the two arms of the study had differing control groups which would even out the counterbalancing effects of income, nutrition, and class; however, it was often reported that the entire dose was not given per child, or that in the control group which was to have received a placebo injection, liquid from the experimental group remained in the syringe, thereby giving the placebo child a weak inoculation. Despite the fact that the government review of the outcome of polio vaccination was to have been considered positive, critics said that there was not a huge difference between the observed and placebo control groups and the actual groups that received the vaccinations.In three of the trial groups, numbers of children in the study tested were between 200,000 and 225,000. In order to compare effectiveness, we will average the outcomes based on numbers tested at 200,000:Therefore, for in areas where a placebo shot was given, along with the vaccination, an average of 32.87 children came down with polio out of 200,000 who received the shots, whereas an average of 114.30 children out of 200,000 came down with the illness who did not receive the vaccination. In the next cohort group, an average of 34.24 children out of 200,000 came down with polio after receiving the vaccination whereas an average of 91.01 children out of 200,000 came down with polio in the control group who was just observed rather than actually receiving the shots. Although the numbers for the two arms of the study may be similar, it appears that the lower number in the observational control may be slightly more accurate for a couple of reasons: First, there were complaints that the actual givers of the vaccines contaminated the control groups with the active vaccine, and second, the control group of observed children was much larger than the control group who received a placebo [725, 123 as compared to 201, 229 in the placebo group]; it is well known that a larger cohort group is desired for better scientific accuracy.The one positive aspect of the placebo arm of the study as noted by author David Oshinsky was that the children were more likely to be of the same age, class, and upbringing, since those who were vaccinated tended to have parents who were better educated and more willing to commit their children to a scientific study for the 'betterment of scientific inquiry'. It is just such attitudes that we wish to examine closely in this paper, for these are the vulnerabilities that the mainstream medical community uses when coercing the public to use vaccinations.[208]After the auspicious start as seen by the CDC's National Immunization program, we will examine the timeline for the various vaccinations given in the US:Polio was seen originally as a mystery because the sanitation measures that had brought typhoid and cholera into abeyance did not seem to have an effect on polio. In fact children brought up in middle class homes were more likely to develop the paralyzing illness than those in poorer neighborhoods. For example: "[Franklin Roosevelt] had avoided the common illnesses until his arrival at boarding school as a teen. From that point forward, his medical history resembled an encyclopedia of contagious diseases. The list included typhoid fever, swollen sinuses, infected tonsils, stomach problems, endless sore throats."[209] We know that later he was said to have contracted polio but some have attributed his illness to Guillain Barre syndrome as well, which we see below, has an association with Polio.Originally, The Polio outbreaks were one of the first times it was suggested that a less-antiseptic environment may have had a protective effect upon the child. It was later found that polio was a viral infection, and was passed through the mouth,[210]but was an infection of the digestive tract that spread through the nerves to the brain and spinal cord. One of the early researchers on polio noticed that boys tended to get polio more often than girls, and during periods where they had stressed their bodies, such as playing outside on a hot day. Franklin Roosevelt was said to have contracted polio after playing rigorously in the water with his children. Whether rich or poor, however, author David Oshinsky points not to large issues of public sanitation, but to issues of personal hygiene: "the words 'American' and 'cleanliness' rarely graced the same sentence before the twentieth century. In 1900 toothbrushes were still rare in the United States, deodorants and shampoos almost unheard of. Few people bathed more than once a week or rinsed their hair more than once a month. Fewer still washed their hands before eating or after using the toilet. Spitting was almost universal. Travelers shared beds and chamber pots with complete strangers. Most houses, lacking screens, attracted swarms of insects in warm weather. Water supplies were unfiltered, and food was poorly refrigerated, if at all."[211]It is clear to anyone with a modicum of common sense that these would be ideal conditions to spread a virus of the digestive tract. In an article entitled Introduction to Contagion[212], we discover that it is important to note the way a disease is transmitted when examining the ways in which the epidemics have happened throughout the ages:For example: whether virus or bacteria, there are illnesses that are spread through droplets that are ingested, which are present in the air due to respiratory expulsion. There are also water borne illnesses, that can be picked up by a cut in the skin or when a person ingests quantities of water from an infected source. Other diseases can be transmitted through food, and still others through physical touching, such as through the hands, through the saliva, or through sexual contact.In an epidemic of cholera, for example, the CDC states that,"the source of the contamination is usually the feces of an infected person. The disease can spread rapidly in areas with inadequate treatment of sewage and drinking water."[213]David Oshinsky writes of non-polio outbreaks: "mortality rates had dropped dramatically since the 1870's, the result of better sanitation, a healthier diet, and stunning breakthroughs in research...Other epidemic diseases like cholera and typhoid fever had been tamed by better sanitation, attacking the filth that spread their deadly germs. In most places this involved the regulation of sewage, the purification of water, and the pasteurization of milk. It included public health campaigns to educate people about quarantining the sick and keeping their dwellings clean."[214]Guillain-Barre Syndrome and Polio Vaccine. Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) is a disease that involves the nervous system and is characterized by muscle weakness, numbness, loss of reflexes, and paralysis. In Finland in 1985 there was an increase in the incidence of Guillain-Barre syndrome that followed by a few weeks the implementation of a nationwide oral poliovirus vaccine campaign.[215], [216] And in Brazil, analysis of 38 cases of paralysis diagnosed as GBS led in all cases to the isolation of the vaccine strains of the poliovirus. All patients had been vaccinated with the oral polio vaccine months or years before the onset of symptoms.[217]Furthermore, vaccine viruses also have been isolated from patients with paralysis diagnosed as transverse myelitis (TM), and in patients with facial paralysis (FP).[218] Most individuals with TM and FP had received the oral polio vaccine months or years prior to the onset of disease, indicating that the virus may remain latent and revert to virulence later in time. It is noteworthy too that in Brazil, cases of wild-type poliomyelitis have not been reported since 1989, while vaccineassociated paralysis is still occurring.[219]The Cancer Connection to the Polio Vaccine. In 1960 it was discovered that both the Salk and Sabin vaccines, which had been administered to millions of people, were contaminated with SV40 (simian virus 40), derived from the monkey kidney cells used to grow the vaccine viruses. The SV40 survived inactivation with formaldehyde, the method used to kill the poliovirus, and was therefore injected with the vaccine into 98 million people in the U.S.[220] and hundreds of millions worldwide. These individuals today have SV40 sequences integrated into their genetic code. Animal studies have demonstrated the ability of SV40 to integrate its DNA into that of the host cell and to induce malignancy. Unfortunately, a growing number of studies are showing that the virus retains these same properties in humans as well as in animals. Integration and replication of SV40 has been documented in 13 percent of non-Hodgkin's lymphomas,[221] 16 percent of Hodgkin's lymphomas,[222] 11 percent to 90 percent of different types of brain tumors,[223],[224],[225],[226] 83 percent of mesotheliomas (malignant tumors of the lining of the lungs),[227] 28 percent of bronchopulmonary carcinomas,[228] 50 percent of osteosarcomas,[229] and more than 33 percent of other types of bone tumors.[230], [231]Chickenpox VaccineIn 1995 the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the ACIP recommended universal chickenpox (varicella) vaccination of children aged 12 to 18 months. They also recommended that the vaccine be given to children aged 18 months to 12 years who have not been vaccinated or who lack a reliable history of the disease.The fact is that in the vast majority of cases, chickenpox is a benign, selflimiting disease in children. Natural immunity, derived from contracting the disease, is permanent. Vaccine-induced immunity, on the other hand, is only temporary, lasting an estimated six to 10 years. The temporary nature of vaccine-induced immunity can create a more dangerous situation by postponing the child's vulnerability until adulthood, when death from the disease is 30 times more likely.The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), Vienna, Va., advises parents to seriously consider not using the chickenpox vaccine on healthy children. Barbara Loe Fisher, cofounder and president of the NVIC, elaborates: "Our organization is questioning the recommendation...that all healthy children be vaccinated with the chickenpox vaccine...."...In children, chickenpox is, by and large, a very mild disease. The case/fatality ratio in healthy children is 1 death per 100,000 children. In adults it rises to 31 deaths per 100,000. So it basically is an experiment. That is really what happens with most of these vaccines that they bring out. They really don't know what the long-term effect is going to be. "The other thing about the chickenpox vaccine is that the vaccine virus could lie dormant in vaccinated individuals, and then reactivate later in life in the form of herpes zoster, which is also known as shingles, or perhaps [in the form of] other immune system disorders...." Fisher is not the only one to question the appropriateness of the official recommendations concerning this vaccination. According to the results of one survey, 58 percent of pediatricians interviewed did not recommend varicella vaccination of all infants.[232]Discounting the numerous concerns of doctors, researchers, and parents, in February 1999 the CDC expanded its guidelines for varicella vaccination and required that all children entering child care centers and elementary and middle schools receive varicella vaccination unless they have evidence of immunity.[233]In the meantime, 6,580 adverse events-including 14 deaths-were reported to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System in association with varicella vaccination between March 17, 1995 and July 25, 1998.[234] The actual number could be at least 10 times higher, if we take into consideration the proven fact that only 10 percent of adverse events are commonly reported.Another concern regards pregnant women. Normally, 90 percent of adult women are immune to varicella and transfer this immunity to their babies during pregnancy. But the immunity induced by vaccination, which lasts only five to 10 years, may be gone by the time a woman enters her reproductive stage, leaving pregnant women at risk of contracting the infection and transmitting it to the fetus. Fetal varicella syndrome is characterized by multiple congenital malformations and is often fatal for the fetus.[235] Thus, we need lifelong immunity from natural infection.In addition, children born from women whose vaccine-induced immunity has faded are unprotected during their first year of life, when their immune system is still developing, and may suffer fatal complications should they be exposed to the infection.Is the Chickenpox Vaccine Effective? If the effectiveness of the vaccine is measured by its ability to prevent the disease from occurring, the answer is simply no. As we read in an article published in Pediatrics, "In 1998, three years after vaccine licensure, child care centers in Los Angeles County continued to report varicella outbreaks." These outbreaks occurred in child care centers with high vaccine coverage as well as in those with low coverage, meaning that the infection spread regardless of child vaccination status.[236]An interesting article clearly shows how questionable the data are claiming reductions of diseases following immunization campaigns. This is what often happens: Reporting of a specific disease is encouraged until the start of a vaccination program. Thus, the disease appears to be present at certain rates. Then, after the vaccine enters the market, reporting is no longer required and therefore not done, and the rates of the disease seem to drop. But in reality the drop results from changes in reporting requirements and practices, not from an actual decline in the number of cases.Vaccination against chickenpox will not prevent a child from contracting the disease. Rates of infection in vaccinated individuals-so-called "breakthrough varicella"-range from 18 percent to 34 percent in the 10 years following immunization.[237], [238], [239] Furthermore, even if vaccination reduces the number of skin lesions, the duration of the infection, and the occurrence of fever in individuals who develop breakthrough disease, it does not reduce the rate of constitutional complaints and that of complications.[240]One study found that 18.6 percent of children who responded to varicella vaccination developed breakthrough disease after exposure to the infection in the five to 10 years following immunization.[241] Another study showed that 20-30 percent of vaccinees developed varicella in the 10 years following immunization.[242]In a third study, 34 percent of individuals vaccinated against chickenpox developed breakthrough disease in the seven to 10 years following immunization.[243]FURTHER READINGS: Articles discuss the potential downside to the mass use of the chickenpox vaccine and reactions associated with it.[244], [245], [246]Hepatitis B VaccineThe hepatitis B vaccine, commercially available in the United States since 1982, was supposed to be given to every American child within 12 hours of birth. In spite of this measure, "the incidence of acute hepatitis B in this country has risen from 55 per 100,000 in 1981 to 63 per 100,000 in 1987," according to the New England Journal of Medicine.[247] Additionally, strong side effects have been reported following the use of this vaccine. In 1990, the Journal of Pediatric Child Health had this to say on the subject: "There have...been reported six serious illnesses in a series of 200,000 hepatitis vaccinations, including aseptic meningitis, grand mal seizure, and possible transverse myelitis, as well as 56 minor illnesses considered likely due to the vaccine. These minor illnesses include neurological tremors, Bell's palsy, hives, herpes zoster, psoriasis, musculoskeletal generalized myalgia, joint inflammation...influenza-like syndrome, injection site reaction, diarrhea, vomiting, and headache." The authors conclude with these recommendations: "Until further evidence can be gathered on possible side-effects or complications from the hepatitis B vaccine, it may be worth considering only giving the vaccine to people at high risk, rather than to all the population." According to Barbara Loe Fisher, "Today, hepatitis B recombinant vaccine used in the U.S. is derived from hepatitis B surface antigens produced in yeast cells. A portion of the hepatitis B virus gene is cloned into the yeast (a common baker's yeast) and the vaccine is produced from cultures of this recombinant yeast strain. The vaccine is treated with formaldehyde and contains...hepatitis B virus surface antigen...yeast protein [and] aluminum hydroxide...."[248]The unfortunate reality is that vaccination against hepatitis B has played an uncertain role in preventing the spread of the infection in high-risk individuals. In fact, the incidence of hepatitis B infection has risen 37 percent since the introduction of the vaccine.[249] Despite the evidence of vaccine failure, though, in 1991 the CDC recommended universal hepatitis B immunization of infants.[250]Though substantial decrease in deaths were shown for various illnesses throughout the 20th century, many illnesses still show a significant number of deaths, which calls to question what is really causing the decreases in deaths from particular illnesses: For example, Hepatitis A was reduced from 117,333 average deaths in the 20th century to 24, 291 in 2004. Similarly, Hepatitis B went from 66, 232 per year during the entire 20th century to 17358 in 2004. What is misleading about the chart is that we do not know how many people throughout the 20th century had been vaccinated against hepatitis before they died, or that the apparent greater than 70% decrease in deaths for both Hep A and Hep B were due to vaccination or other health factors. It is also known that Hep B infection when untreated can cause liver cancer, so we may not know the final outcomes for some Hep B related mortality for those who were infected in the year 2004, for some time yet.Health care workers have not rushed to get this injection. A 1990 article in the British Medical Journal reports that 86 percent of 598 doctors questioned about hepatitis B vaccine believed all general practitioners should receive it, but 309 of these doctors had not been vaccinated themselves.[251] In another study, only 25 percent of nurses and 49 percent of doctors had been immunized, despite the fact that 87 percent of the medical staff and 57 percent of the nurses reported a history of needle stick injury.[252] And the reaction among family physicians is even less enthusiastic: Only 17 percent of 300 family physicians agreed that a recommendation of hepatitis B vaccination was warranted for all newborns in their practice.[253]Is the Hepatitis B Vaccine Safe? As we learn from a study published in thePediatric Infectious Diseases Journal, between 1991 and 1994, 12,520 adverse reactions to hepatitis B vaccination were reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, with 14 percent of these reactions involving newborns and infants.[254]The fact is that the number of reports of complications following hepatitis B vaccination is growing steadily. The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) reports, "About one-third of the reactions were serious enough to result in an emergency room visit or hospitalization, and there were 440 deaths, including about 180 attributed to sudden infant death syndrome or SIDS."[255]The purpose of vaccinations is to reduce the risks of complications associated with the diseases they are designed to prevent. Complications from a vaccine should not outweigh those derived from the disease. And yet, according to Dr. Philip Incao, who has studied vaccinations and the immune system for three decades, in the case of hepatitis B, "...the conclusion is obvious that the risks of hepatitis B vaccination far outweigh its benefits."[256]Dr. Jane M. Orient, executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, puts the facts plainly. According to a recent federal government study, she says, "children younger than 14 are three times more likely to die or suffer adverse reactions after receiving hepatitis B vaccines than to catch the disease."[257]Is the Hepatitis B Vaccine Effective? Vaccine supporters claim that the development of an antibody response to the virus contained in the vaccine equals protection against the disease. So we are now vaccinating millions of children against hepatitis B to prevent them from contracting the disease later in life. But for this to happen, the level of antibodies that are supposed to be protective has to remain high for very long periods. The evidence proves that this is not happening.A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine evaluated the persistence of anti-hepatitis-B antibodies in 773 homosexual men immunized against the virus. Of these, 635 produced antibodies. After five years, however, such antibodies no longer existed in 15 percent of the respondents, and their levels declined sharply-below levels deemed to be protective-in another 27 percent. In fact, hepatitis B developed in 55 men, and two individuals became carriers of the hepatitis B virus.[258] Another study shows that after three years, 36 percent of individuals who initially responded to the hepatitis B immunization lost anti-heptatitis-B antibodies.[259]Why then are we needlessly vaccinating millions of children if by the time they'll be adults and might be exposed to the virus, they won't have the antibodies that are supposed to protect them? And, in any case, are these antibodies offering protection against the disease? Adverse Reactions to Hepatitis B Vaccine. The National Vaccine Information Center, in its report on hepatitis B vaccination, cites 38 reports in the international medical literature presenting evidence that hepatitis B vaccination is causing chronic autoimmune and neurological disease in children and adults. Yet this is not information given in the vaccine manufacturer's literature.Tourbah et al. reported in a 1999 article published in the journal Neurology that eight patients developed encephalitis and central nervous system demyelinating disease within 10 weeks of receiving hepatitis B vaccination.[260] FURTHER READINGS: Articles in the medical literature associate the hepatitis B vaccine with complications affecting the nervous system[261], [262], [263], [264]and the joints[265], [266], [267], [268], [269] as well as other adverse effects.[270]Measles/Mumps/Rubella (MMR)VaccineAs with hepatitis B, physicians are notoriously reluctant to follow their own advice when it comes to measles vaccination. One study reported that obstetrician gynecologists had the lowest vaccination rate among doctors for the German measles vaccine. Pediatricians didn't fare much better. The authors attributed such findings to "fear of unforeseen vaccine reactions."[271]The fact that the MMR vaccine is particularly ineffective, with a high percentage of those inoculated getting the disease, is undoubtedly a factor here.[272], [273], [274], [275], [276], [277], [278], [279], [280], [281], [282], [283]According to The New England Journal of Medicine, 60 percent of all measles cases among American schoolchildren between 1985 and 1986 occurred in those who were vaccinated.[284] Scientist Trevor Gunn also points out that for several reasons, there is underreporting of illness caused by vaccination. These include: financial backlash from vaccination producers, and the restricted length of time for which adverse symptoms must occur-In England "72 hours for whooping cough and 8-20 hours for the MMRP" vaccines.The Journal of the American Medical Association published a study indicating that among 235 cases of student measles reported in Dane County, Wisconsin, in 1986, more than 96 percent had received a measles vaccine.[285]A study reported in Morbidity and Mortality Weekly found that 58 percent of 1,600 cases of measles in Quebec, Canada, in 1989 occurred in those who had already been vaccinated.[286]And the World Health Organization has conceded that those administered the measles vaccine have a 14 times greater likelihood of contracting the disease than those who remain unvaccinated.[287]Jamie Murphy, author of What Every Parent Should Know About Childhood Immunization, believes that the vaccine may in fact be causing the illness. "In one Chicago study," he says, "90 percent of people vaccinated for measles got measles. Another group did not get vaccinated and had a very low percentage of measles." Murphy believes that this information should serve as a red flag, causing people to realize that vaccines are not working.[288]Murphy's observation raises a question that no one has answered: Why are people who are vaccinated for these conditions getting them? He thinks the answer is that the vaccine does not provide true immunization."The vaccine can never duplicate the kind of immunity that we get from nature. Back in the 1950s, when I got the measles and 80 percent of children got either measles or strengthened your immune system....Also, when a natural epidemic of measles occurs, as it does every three to four years in the United States, those children who have been vaccinated, because they did not get a true immunity from the vaccine, become susceptible to measles."The CDC states that there has been a resurgence of measles in the United states in the past few years, but attributes the problem to the rise in un-vaccinated children.Murphy argues that rather than preventing measles, the vaccine may simply be suppressing it, only to have it manifest as other forms of disease with age.[289] He asserts that quite a few diseases are associated with the measles vaccine, including "encephalopathies (brain damage), aseptic meningitis, cranial nerve palsy, learning disabilities, hyperkinesis and severe mental retardation...."[290] Results of two separate studies by the Institute of Medicine, one in 1991 and another in 1994, showed there to be strong evidence that the MMR vaccine can cause acute arthritis, anaphylaxis, thrombocytopenia, and even death.[291]Even the package insert accompanying the MMR vaccine says that the vaccine may lead to arthritis or arthralgia, either long-term or temporary.[292] Meryl Dorey, editor of the Australian publication Vaccination? The Choice is Yours and president of the Australian Vaccination Network, points out that the MMR vaccine is also associated with Guillain-Barre paralysis, multiple sclerosis, and aseptic meningitis, a swelling of the lining of the brain, which can be fatal. "According to Japanese studies," she notes, "one in 1,044 children who get this vaccine can get aseptic meningitis. It's one of the reasons why Japan withdrew the use of the MMR vaccine in 1994."[293]Viera Scheibner, a retired research scientist, reports that "In April 1993, the Ministry of Health and Welfare in Japan decided to discontinue the use of measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine (Sawada et al., 1993). This decision was prompted by published reports of vaccinated children and their (unvaccinated) contacts contracting mumps from the MMR vaccine, and reports of one in 1,044 vaccinees developing encephalitis."[294], [295]Dorey highlights the problem of shed vaccine virus, noting that it is incorrect to say that the MMR vaccine viruses are not infectious. "According to a study published in the British Medical Journal, July 4, 1987, immunocompromised children should be kept away from MMR vaccinated children for two weeks after vaccination due to the...[possible shedding] of the virus."These events of infection occur because the vaccines contain live virus which can grow in the body and are excreted by the body."[296], [297] The CDC tells us that in 1967 the "mumps vaccination was licenced." [298] However, 22 years later, in 1989, the Urabe strain of the Mumps virus was removed from Canadian vaccines because of a meningitis outbreak. Trevor Gunn cites that during this time in the UK:"cross linking laboratory and hospital reports to vaccination records records, the [perceived low risk from meningitis from this particular vaccine] rose to between 1 in 4000 and 1 in 21,000."These figures led to the removal of this strain in the UK by 1992. (From the Parliamentary office of Science and technology, "Vaccines and their future role in public health, July 1995, and Dawbarns, Solicitors, Kyngs Lynn, MMR and MR Factsheet)Measles VaccineA study published in 1994 in the Archives of Internal Medicine evaluated all U.S. and Canadian articles reporting measles outbreaks in schools and found that, on average, 77 percent of all measles cases in these outbreaks were occurring among vaccinated individuals. The authors concluded that "the apparent paradox is that as measles immunization rates rise to high levels in a population, measles becomes a disease of immunized persons."[299]One of the reasons for the resurgence of measles infection is that the antibody response to the vaccine virus is only temporary. One study shows that four years after MMR vaccination, measles antibodies fall below the putative protective levels in 28 percent of children and are no longer present in another 3 percent of vaccinees.[300] Experimenting with high-potency vaccines produced even poorer results.[301]These are just samples of the numerous studies showing that the supposed protection offered by the vaccine is short-lasting. By contrast, natural immunity-that derived from contracting the disease-is permanent and is transferred from mothers to the babies in utero through the placenta. At birth, babies born from mothers who have had the disease are protected from the infection during their first year of life by the presence of a high concentration of natural antibodies circulating in their blood. Measles vaccination, on the other hand, induces lower antibody titers than does natural infection. Neutralizing measles antibodies passed by vaccinated women on to their newborns disappear rapidly, leaving the babies susceptible to the infection in their first year of life, when they are more at risk of complications.This difference in infants' immunity levels is reflected in a 1995 study published in the journal Pediatrics. Researchers found that 71 percent of 9-monthold infants and 95 percent of 12-month-olds had no detectable neutralizing measles antibodies in their blood. All infants with detectable measles antibodies at 9 or 12 months had mothers born before 1963, before the vaccine era.[302]Measles infection is still a severe disease in adults. A study published in theAmerican Journal of Medicine in 1993 shows that, of 68 patients over 14 years old who developed measles, 33 required hospitalization. Of these, nine were admitted to the intensive care unit, six required mechanical ventilation, and two died. The authors concluded: "Measles in adults may result in severe, life-threatening complications that utilize substantial medical resources. Physicians need to appreciate the clinical presentations and manifestations of severe measles in adults and to provide measles vaccine to nonimmune adults during community-wide outbreaks."[303] Again, immunization has failed to protect children from infection and has created a vulnerable population of infants and adults who are at risk of developing severe complications. What is the remedy proposed? Again-more vaccination!Another problem found with measles vaccination, documented in several studies, is that it produces immune suppression that contributes to an increased susceptibility to other infections.[304] One study shows that immunization with live measles virus vaccine produces transient immune depression in vaccine recipients.[305]Trevor Gunn, BSc, wrote an article to the World Health Organization on the inadequacies he feels regarding the safety claims made by vaccine administrators particularly with regards to measles vaccinations around the world:[306]Mr. Gunn felt he was misunderstood in his letter, by the WHO representative who responded to him, CJ Clements, saying that Mr. Gunn claimed that vaccines provided no safety, when, in fact, Mr. Gunn was only demonstrating the shortcomings in the studies that the WHO used to 'prove' effectiveness of vaccines when he requested that the World Health Organization prove the effectiveness of vaccines before continuing to give them.First of all, he pointed out that studies on effectiveness use sero-conversion, or antibody presence in the blood stream to indicate effectiveness of vaccines. Mr. Gunn points out that the amount of antibody presence the blood does not correlate with the body's ability to fight illness. Mr Gunn states, "in the UK the government health authority quotes figures of the measles vaccine as being 90% effective."[307]Mr. Gunn points out that this does not mean that the vaccine is 90% effective in preventing illness, but it means that it produces antibodies in the patients 90% of the time. Mr. Gunn calls for more accurate studies that measure the level of disease protection afforded to populations, after they've been inoculated, using cohort groups matched for age, population and disease exposure similarities, etc. A 1991 Press Release by the CDC entitled: Immunization Initiative, praises the benefits of immunization and gives a basis for the quoted figure of 90% effectiveness of vaccinations mentioned in the above Trevor Gunn article:The CDC's evidence for "saving countless lives and preventing untold illness and suffering" is as follows: First, they cite a figure that before the use of the measles vaccine in 1963 , between half and one million people had measles per year, from which 500-1000 people succumbed mortally. We remember here, however, David Francis' point that "improved nutrition and public health measures in children were more important than medical intervention in 1900", at the height of the measles outbreak in America, and although the author claims that measles is making a comeback in recent years, he does not give the figures on how he infers that the number spiked in the late 1980s as compared to the vaccine's effectiveness in first the two decades since its use.He does state, however, "a number of urban epidemics of measles [happened] during 1989 and 1990." It is important that we examine the numbers of measles cases that were reduced, however, after the introduction of the measles vaccine. From the Greg Beattie book, "Vaccination A Parent's Dilemma", from 1960-1970, the death rate from measles remains essentially flat. The CDC report, however, stated that, "in the last 2 years, 45,000 cases of measles and over 100 deaths occurred." The author cites that, "Almost one-half of all cases have occurred in unvaccinated preschool children." We do not, however, learn in this article, how many deaths occurred in the un-vaccinated group.The author seems to be using this figure to bolster his argument that measles cases rose as a result of lack of vaccinations. However, if half of all cases of measles occurred in children who were un-vaccinated, then according to his reasoning measles should not have occurred in a significant number of children who were in fact vaccinated. Public health officials tend to use the counter intuitive claim that the un-vaccinated children provide a contagious health risk to those who are in fact vaccinated. This seems to belie the whole premise that the vaccination is supposed to protect the child who has been inoculated. There seems to be some magical thinking with some public health officials regarding the so called, herd immunity-that it only works if all or most children are vaccinated.We note here especially, the two year period following the 1963 introduction of the measles vaccine, that David Francis stated that the childhood decline in mortality rate was still, "essentially flat," as noted in our paragraph above. The CDC is proud of the figure that measles deaths were reduced from 4 million per year throughout the 20th century to 37 in 2004.[1] Trevor Gunn notes, however, that other public health factors play a significant role in outcomes of disease in third world countries.In another report from the WHO on a previously mentioned project in Bangladesh, Gunn points out that in one area, the study showed 36% effectiveness, and another area showed 46% effectiveness. This was due, the WHO said, to a local epidemic of diarrea which affected the outcome of mortality. In addition to Mr Gunn's assertions, the WHO's defense also points out the weakness of a one -point solution to a region where childhood mortality is caused by a host of factors, including the main one, (which is lack of nutrition and clean drinking water.) Another study, E. Holt, et al from the Journal of Pediatrics, Vol. 85, No 2 pp188-194, February 1990[308] studied measles outbreaks in a particular area in Tahiti. Although the study was nine months in length as opposed to the 10 months in the previous study, it showed greater effectiveness in death reduction than the previous Bangladeshi study. Dr. Gunn suggests that the paper may be manifesting the common trait among many vaccine cohort studies that he quotes from the Lancet, "gains in survival of a vaccinated group tend to diminish over time to approach a survival rate of unvaccinated individuals"[309]. (The Lancet April 4, 1981 765).Mr. Gunn points out the difficulties with several of the third world studies with regards to vaccine effectiveness in measles and other illnesses: In the study, P. Aby, et Al, Pediat Infec DisJ 8: 197-200, 1989[310], Gunn tries to answer whether the measles vaccination would lead to greater or fewer deaths, due to the benefits provided by measles in the form of natural immunity in developing countries. While this is a good question ideally, points out Mr. Gunn, the experiment was poorly carried out: Although the study claims that the vaccine prevented 30% of measles death, the methods of the paper reveal that the control group was not a nonvaccinated group, but included children who did not sero-convert, and so were assumed to have no immune response to the vaccine. In this case, then, we would not know whether deaths in the control group were due directly to the vaccine, due to lack of effectiveness of the vaccine, or due to lack of natural immunity provided by the measles itself.In another group of people in this study, 15 out of 123 did not have antibody conversion after vaccination, so their results were excluded as well. Three of this group actually died. In this case, then, we do not know the cause of death of those who died, and we still do not find out if those remaining 12 who did not register measles antibodies in their blood, were prevented from getting measles at all.In referring to a paper by Clemens et al, American Journal of Epidemiology, Vol 128, No. 6 1330-39[311], Mr. Gunn complains that the cohort group of the study was cherry picked for people who did not have a history of measles. Mr. Gunn pointed out that this group may have been less likely to die either from measles in general, or may in general be heartier than the people who were selected against in the study.Gunn points out that : "In the UK, over 95% of the mortality had occurred before the introduction of the measles vaccine." In addition, therefore, in a developed country, it is difficult to assess the particular role in health prevention vaccination plays, because specific tests have not been developed to test vaccination related disease prevention. He also states that it must be important to assess the risks of any new medical product administered to the children of an entire population. He points out the hypocrisy of such organizations as the American Academy of Pediatrics, whose officials claim that, "the benefits of immunization far outweigh the risks," without in reality examining the actual safety of these vaccines.Gunn points out that there is evidence which links inoculation with illness: The Lancet, Vol. 345, April 29, 1995, shows that there is a link between Crohn's Disease and the Measles vaccination: the manufacturer's label includes the possible adverse effects: "fever, rash, coryza, pharyngitis, bronchitis, convulsions, encephalitis, thrombocytic purpura, and even death." Although some researchers point to good news, "specifically it has been shown that children contracting measles were less likely to suffer from allergic conditions such as asthma, eczema, and hayfever," (Lancet June 29, 1996) Gunn also points out that infection may cause deleterious effects without the usual measles rash, causing, "sebaceous skin diseases, degenerative diseases of bone and cartilage, and certain tumours." He states that the Lancet study, January 5, 1985 suggests that interference with the body's own symptomology by repressing measles rash symptoms could in fact, interfere with the body's ability to fight the illness altogether. Gunn's rationale for bolstering this idea is the study he mentions from the (American Journal of Medicine, Volume 68, pps 344-355, 1980) that people are more likely to die from an infection if they are unable to produce a fever in response to it. Mumps VaccineAseptic meningitis has been epidemiologically associated with receipt of the mumps vaccine.[312] In 1989, it was finally determined that it was the strain of virus used in the vaccine that caused mumps meningitis. The virus isolated from patients who developed meningitis 21 days after injection was identical to that used in the vaccine. Aypical mumps contracted after receipt of the vaccine is another problem. In 1980, reports surfaced of atypical mumps in previously vaccinated children, with symptoms including fever, appetite loss, nausea, and a generalized rash. The atypical mumps occurred when wild natural mumps virus circulated among unvaccinated children-a normal event associated with immune system development in humans. All the children contracting atypical mumps had been injected with viral vaccine five to seven years earlier.Concerning the mumps vaccine's effectiveness, the scenario with mumps is very similar to that with measles. There are several studies reporting outbreaks of mumps occurring in populations with virtually complete vaccine coverage. Cheek et al., for example, writing in the Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, report a measles outbreak in a highly vaccinated (more than 95 percent) high school population. Fifty-three of 54 students who got the disease were vaccinated.[313]Another study reported an outbreak of mumps in a Tennessee school with 98 percent vaccine coverage, where 67 of 68 students who got mumps had been previously vaccinated. Thus, mumps cases in this instance were attributed mostly to vaccine failure.[314]While mumps infection is a largely benign disease when contracted during childhood, it becomes more dangerous in older children and adults, who are more susceptible to severe neurological, testicular, and ovarian complications from the infection. It is alarming to see that vaccination is clearly shifting the occurrence of this disease from young children toward those who are older.[315]Perhaps the boldest statement on the efficacy of the mumps vaccine in preventing the disease comes from the authors of a study conducted in Switzerland. They conducted an epidemiological analysis of mumps cases there and found a fivefold increase in the number of mumps cases from 1990 to 1993, especially in vaccinated children. Among the authors' conclusions was: "The Rubini [mumps] strain vaccines, which are the most commonly used in Switzerland, seem to have played an important role in the clear increase in mumps cases since 1990."[316]Rubella VaccineUnfortunately, rubella vaccination is similar to measles and mumps immunization in terms of lack of efficacy in preventing the targeted disease. A study published in the European Journal of Epidemiology shows that after the Swiss began a rubella mass vaccination campaign in 1985, the incidence of rubella remained unchanged during the period from 1987 to 1992. The authors concluded: "MMR mass vaccination has not interrupted the circulation of rubella virus in Switzerland."[317]Also, a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 1981 shows that 15 years after receiving rubella vaccination, one in 11 children lost protection from the vaccine and became susceptible to re-infection.[318] This is particularly worrisome because rubella infection is especially dangerous when contracted during pregnancy, since the fetus may develop malformations if exposed to the virus. Again, the lack of permanent immunity offered by vaccination is creating serious problems down the line.Viera Scheibner has looked in depth into the research on rubella, and informs us: "As Cherry (1980) wrote, despite distribution of over 83 million doses of rubella vaccine since 1969, there were periodic upswings in incidence. There was also a shift in the age groups susceptible to rubella. 'Essentially, we have controlled the disease in persons 14 years of age or younger but have given it a free hand in those 15 or older.' "[319], [320]Scheibner adds: "In August 1991, the Institute of Medicine released a report on adverse effects of pertussis and rubella vaccines. The evidence indicated a causal relationship between RA 27/3 rubella vaccine and acute arthritis in 13 percent to 15 percent of adult women. Also some individuals were shown to go on to develop chronic arthritis."[321]FURTHER READINGS: Articles associate the MMR vaccine with adverse reactions affecting the nervous system,[322], [323], [324], [325], [326]the GI tract,[327] and joints.[328], [329], [330]In Part 3: The smallpox and rotavirus vaccines, provocation diseases associated with vaccines, economic, political and legal issues, and the right to refuse vaccination.Vaccination: Pain, Profit, and Politics - Part 3By Gary Null, Ph.D., and Martin Feldman, M.D.In Parts 1 and 2 of this series, we examined factors countering our beliefs that vaccines are safe and effective. We also discussed the effects of specific vaccines, including those for diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus, polio, chickenpox, hepatitis B, and measles, mumps and rubella. In this final installment, we look at the smallpox vaccine, the withdrawn rotavirus vaccine, and the provocation diseases associated with vaccines. Finally, we discuss the economic, political and legal issues of vaccination, the right to refuse vaccination, and the need to achieve freedom of choice.The Smallpox VaccineSmallpox was the impetus for the invention of the vaccine in the New World. It "was introduced into the Americas in the 16th Century and Australia in the 18th Century. It had been present in Africa, Asia and Europe since at least 400 BCE."[331] It was said to have traveled along trade routes and to have erupted every ten years. Variolation, the process of sharing a small bit of infected matter with an uninfected person started in Africa and was present in Europe in the 18th century. From the US National library of Medicine, "In contrast to Asians and Africans who inoculated by blowing dried smallpox scabs up the nose, Europeans and their American cousins tended to inoculate through a puncture in the skin."[332] Some, however, died as a result of the procedure, and epidemics were also started this way. It is also widely known that measles infections in families were 'gotten through with' by making sure that if one child got telltale signs of swollen glands and fever, the other children in the home or the neighborhood were invited to share a bedroom, in order to spread the infection and get it over all at once. Even in the late 20th century, well into the 1970's, chickenpox was shared in much the same way, allowing children in a family or a neighborhood to get through the infection, with the assumption that it could cause greater complications as an adult, and that infection would not likely occur twice. It was Jenner who first popularized the vaccine program with his smallpox vaccine. A close look at history reveals that the procedure never worked, however. Neil Miller, a medical research journalist, natural health advocate and author of Immunization Theory Vs. Reality: Expos on Vaccinations,[333] summarizes the story, as follows: "In 1796, Jenner came on the scene saying that when dairy maids caught cowpox they could no longer catch smallpox. His medical colleagues disputed his claims, as the research of the times indicated numerous cases of dairy maids and other individuals catching cowpox and coming down with smallpox. Yet Jenner persisted, and he published a treatise on this idea in 1798. He called his treatise Inquiry, and became famous for it."Edward Jenner, a country doctor and a Fellow of the Royal Society formulated the idea of vaccines fashioned after the old country tale that those who got cowpox were protected from smallpox. In order to test this theory, on May 14, 1796, he removed some fluid from Sarah Nelmes' hand which had cow pox lesions, and injected it into the arm of James Phipps, who was a healthy eight year old boy. Later, Jenner injected the boy with smallpox.[334] When James did not come down with smallpox, Jenner concluded "that the cow-pox protectsthe human constitution from the infection of smallpox"[335] He subsequently self-published An Inquiry into the Causes and Effects of the Variola Vaccine in June 1798 detailing the James Phipps experiment along with other observations. Jenner's cowpox vaccine consisted of dry or liquid pus taken from the ulcers of cows or humans with cowpox or from the pustules of horses with horse-grease, an infection of the heel. Inoculation involved cutting a small hole into the skin and inserting the virus from the pus into the arms of the patients with a lancet. Then Jenner's method of transferring a small amount of infected smallpox material from one person to another, as we learned earlier, is called variolation, and there were many variations of this procedure. Critics noted that variolous inoculation, however, could cause bad cases of smallpox, so intricate methods were developed to administer it: Typically, a lancet was used to insert variolous material into a small cut of the skin. The variolous matter was taken from someone going through the earliest stage of a mild smallpox vesicle growth in which there was barely any fluid. This material was then inserted into one patient. Subsequently when mild symptoms occurred, new material was taken from that patient and then used on other patients. The process of collecting variolous matter was continued from arm to arm.[336] A smallpox epidemic in France revealed that the inoculation failed badly to protect the patients of Dr. Gatti in France. As a result, Paris outlawed these inoculation practices. [337]Jenner, however, espoused a milder technique of variolation: "I have the strongest reason for supposing that if either the punctures or incisions be made so deep as to go through it and wound the adipose membrane, that the risk of bringing on a violent disease is greatly increased. I have known an inoculator whose practice was to cut deep enough (to use his own expression) to see a bit of fat," and there to lodge the matter. The great number of bad cases, independent of inflammations and abscesses on the arms, and the fatality, which attended this practice, was almost inconceivable; and I cannot account for it on any other principle than that of the matter being placed in this situation instead of the skin. It was the doctor's practice to make as slight an incision as possible upon the skin, and there to lodge a thread saturated with the variolous matter... it has been proved that variolous matter, when much diluted with water and applied to the skin in the usual manner, will produce the disease." Creighton, a 19th century historian put it this way, "The matter for inoculation was not taken from a natural or accidental eruption of smallpox; it was taken from the local pustule alone of an artificial inoculation, and it was taken from the very earliest period of the local pustule at which any fluid could be got at all, or "just before the commencement of the eruptive fever."[338]Critics of variolation cite that over scrupulous variolators could actually fail to give any inoculation at all: By that means, as [Salmade], a French variolator of the time reports, " the smallpox becomes at length weakened to the point of nullity, so that the last inoculations are without effect."[339] Thus, weakened variolation might not cause any illness, but it also might not engender any immunity, either.[340]Jenner's early efforts to coerce his colleagues to his way of thinking were "ineffectual; his brethren were acquainted with the rumor, but they looked upon it as one of those vague notions from which no accurate or valuable information could be gathered, especially as most of them had met with cases in which those who were supposed to have had cowpox had subsequently been affected with smallpox."[341]Creighton added, "Certainly for those who knew by inspection what the pox of the cows' teats was, and most of all for those who had suffered the painful and often obdurate ulcers on their own hands, there would be no suggestion of real likeness to smallpox, or of the one disease being in any way related to the other. It was the jingle of the names that brought the two together in the first instance."[342] The "diseases themselves were totally unlike. It was just because Jenner had no profound sense of these empirical realities that he went blundering into visionary nonsense in the first instance, and at length into systematic mystification and chicane[ry]."[343] "In the monograph by Nicholas Massa, of Venice, he says they [smallpox pustules] occurred over the whole body-on the limbs, on the face and head, and amongst the roots of the hair. In his particular description we find such terms as elevated, tumid, moist; red, livid, whitish; small, dry, itching ; broad, flat, soft. They came out comparatively early in the disease (second or third week even), and their outbreak was often the signal for the notorious pains in the head and limbs to abate."[344] Cowpox, on the other hand, was the ulcerous pox of the cows' teats, which can infest the skin, namely the hands, of those who milk the cows. Those infected will also feel a flu-like illness often accompanied with swollen and painful glands in the armpits. Horse-grease, another illness which Jenner conflated into his smallpox theory affected the hocks of horses causing inflammation and swelling. Contact with the diseased heels created an infection with burning white blisters which later become painful corroding ulcers.[345] Clayton, a veterinarian in Jenner's county spoke of the separate nature of horse grease from cowpox: He wrote that he was "extensively employed, particularly in curing the [horse-]grease" and also elaborated that "the grease is most prevalent in the winter, at which time he has never known the cowpox to occur... [also] he could not recollect ever to have had horses with the grease and cows with the cowpox under care at the same farm... [Furthermore] he is very certain he has frequently had cows with the cowpox, where no horses whatever have been kept."[346] However, Jenner did not see it that way. In the opening of the first chapter of his Inquiry, he wrote that horse-grease "is an inflammation and swelling in the heel, from which issues matter possessing properties of a very peculiar kind, which seems capable of generating a disease in the human body,...which bears so strong a resemblance to the smallpox that I think it highly probable it may be the source of the disease.Jenner's Inquiry paved the way for universal acceptance of vaccination as a gold standard of modern medicine's ability to protect us from disease. Jenner's previous "medical papers" however, were spurious. Previous to his papers on cow-pox, one was on the subject of preparing a tartar emetic, and an another was on the observation of calcified coronary arteries of the heart in a case of someone who suffered from angina pectoris. His "philosophical papers " are represented solely as observations on the cuckoo, in the Philosophical Transactions for 1788." [347] It was this paper on the cuckoo, which was essentially a piece of fantasy, that propelled Jenner into the Royal Society which was chaired at that time by Sir Joseph Banks, a friend of Jenner's, a year later.[348]Jenner's Inquiry paper involved about 2 years of research and one single experiment involving cowpox and smallpox inoculations on the one patient, James Phipps. His status as a fellow of the Royal Society and his strength as a salesman were the reasons for his success in twisting myth into science. Dr. Baron, Jenner's own biographer, wrote that Jenner frequently mentioned cowpox innoculation immunity to smallpox in the meeting at the Society which involved Fewster of Thornbury, the chief authority on cow-pox. Dr. Charles Creighton M.A. M.D, professor of Microscopic Anatomy at Cambridge, wrote the section on 'Vaccination' in the ninth edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica, published in 1888. A year later, he also wrote JENNER AND VACCINATION - A Strange Chapter of Medical History, a detailed history of Edward Jenner's professional life. Creighton stressed that one danger in using variolous inoculation as a measuring stick for smallpox infection was that the cowpox vaccine "caused a swelling and obstruction of the absorbent glands in the armpit and neck, and to that extent made them incapable for the time, and in some cases for long after, of taking up and passing into the lymphatic circulation another virus inoculated under the skin at the same place... Apart from the swollen and clogged state of the absorbent glands after cowpox [inoculation], the mere presence of a sore of any kind on the arm served to divert and obviate the full action of a new infection"[349]Many of the children used as test subjects were from poor households, orphanages and foundling hospitals. These children often have chronic swelling of the lymphatic glands. Even Jenner noticed the tendency to resist variolous inoculation. He said in his Inquiry, "There are many who, from some peculiarity in the habit, resist the common effects of variolous matter inserted into the skin."[350]He did not mention who these people are, nor did he feel the need to stop using the variolous test as barometer for smallpox immunity since he discovered some people are immune to the variolous test. James Phipps, living proof of Jenner's smallpox immunity, very likely fell into this category. After writing the Inquiry, Jenner noted that James "has been very unwell lately, I am afraid that he got tubercles in the lungs. He was recently inoculated for the smallpox... for the twentieth time, all without effect."[351] Being a test subject with numerous cowpox and variolous inoculations and having tubercles in the lungs are signs that James Phipps likely had swollen lymphatic glands too. Creighton elaborates in that "an eruption after cowpox has the same significance as an eruption after the pox proper; it is a secondary effect, or a sign that the constitution has been touched by the infection. A person still under the influence of the secondaries of cowpox would not be a likely subject for smallpox engrafted on the top of it... [Furthermore,] the mere presence on the skin of spots or pimples or vesicles or blebs would hinder the full evolution of smallpox by inoculation... The presence of any common eruption, even itch, was well known to prevent the cowpox itself from taking. Jenner began, about the year 1804, to explain the failure of cowpox by an ambitious doctrine of "herpes"... it had this grain of truth in it, that an infection inserted under the skin would not have a fair chance of being absorbed if the skin were already engaged with an eruption even of the most ordinary kind. In so far as that was a plea for the failure of cowpox, it was a plea for the failure of inoculated smallpox." [352]Ironically, the variolous inoculation was later used as one of the many excuses for cowpox vaccine failure and subsequently played a part in creating the first English mandatory vaccination program in 1853. The idea is that variolous inoculations were, in addition to causing the smallpox revival, encouraged people to ignore the 'true protector', cowpox vaccine. In 1840, England, spurred on by the Medical Society, passed a law to protect the public from variolous inoculation under penalty of imprisonment. The strict penalty was made by Mr. Wakley, editor of The Lancet. He blamed variolous inoculation for 17,000 smallpox deaths in one year, and he also added that smallpox would disappear if variolations were prevented and vaccination adopted.[353]There was, however a general revival of variolous inoculations over cowpox vaccination. Despite the fact that the public had 40 years of Jenner's vaccination, smallpox was still a continuous plague. Creighton wrote, "In the disastrous epidemic among children at Norwich in 1819, ...due to overcrowding of the town by a great influx of families from the country while trade was brisk, the failures of vaccination were so obvious to those directly concerned that the common people insisted on having their children inoculated in the old way to save them from the contagion."[354]In 1853, the Compulsory Vaccination Act was instituted, mandating vaccination for children. Built on the precedent of the law that made variolation illegal in Great Britain in 1840, the new idea, propagated by the Vaccination Committee, was that preventing smallpox required the cowpox vaccine.[355]Yet despite the vaccinations, from 1857 to 1859, the smallpox epidemic killed 14,244 people. From 1863 to 1865, a second outbreak claimed 20,059 lives. A more stringent compulsory vaccination law was passed in 1867, and those who evaded inoculation were prosecuted. An intensive four-year effort to vaccinate all people between the ages of 2 and 50 resulted in 97.5 percent of the population being vaccinated. The following year, though, England experienced its worst-ever smallpox epidemic; 44,840 lives were lost. Overall, from 1871 to 1880, during this period of compulsory vaccination, the death rate from smallpox leapt from 28 to 46 per 100,000.The early years of the 19th century in Europe saw a noticeable reduction of the epidemic outbreaks of the all disease including smallpox. This fact gave ammunition to the vaccine establishment. In 1904, Dr. Charles Ruata, M.D. pointed out the specifics in the rise and fall of diseases in England in the period before and after the turn of the 19th century. Using data from the Reports of the Royal Commission, who have a pro-vaccination view, and from the annual reports of the Registrar-General, he made twelve charts, "each showing the comparative rise or fall of small-pox mortality and other diseases in various places and under different conditions; and all these without exception demonstrate either that vaccination has no effect whatever, or that it tends to increase rather than decrease small-pox mortality."[356] His smallpox diagram of London shows that the disease "decreased during the ten years before vaccination at very nearly the same rate as it did in the ten years after vaccination...General mortality also decreased after 1800 more rapidly than before 1800. Yet the Royal Commissioners declare that there was nothing but vaccination to produce the decrease of small-pox, and that there was no improvement in sanitation in the beginning of the nineteenth century, as compared with the latter part of the eighteenth century, to account for the difference."[357]Ruata cited five primary reasons for the decline of most diseases in London after the 1700's. First, diseases, especially during epidemics, are much higher in cities. Many city dwellers moved to newly built "West-end squares and suburbs." Secondly, sanitation on the streets was improved, while the roads were better maintained. That lead to the third reason; better roads allowed more fresh meat, vegetables and milk to be brought into the city, which gave the inhabitants better nutrition. The fourth reason was an improved water supply. Finally, the dead were not rotting in the city anymore as cemeteries were built outside London while many city graveyards were permanently closed. He added that these results strikingly decreased, "the death-rate in a number of the most fatal diseases (as recorded in a Table by Dr. Farr, reprinted in the Third Report of the Royal Commission) to fully one-half in 1801-10 as compared with 1771-80; an amount of improvement which has never occurred in any similar period during the whole of the 270 years for which we have official statistics."[358] One of the greatest smallpox epidemics in Europe happened between 1870 and 1872. By this time, cowpox vaccination was established with many countries adopting mandatory vaccination in at least some form. In German Prussia the official death count was 124, 948. No records were kept for the vaccinated or unvaccinated although there was some evidence that the vaccinated were at least comparable to the unvaccinated.[359] In England and Wales, the official registration report showed 42,210 deaths from 1871 to 1872. This is a staggering figure considering the fact that England established a mandatory children's vaccination program in 1853 under the strict penalty of imprisonment for violators.[360] Leicester, a manufacturing town in England with 200,000 inhabitants, offers us a great insight into the nature of cowpox vaccination. Having suffered greatly in previous epidemics, Leicester was one of the most completely vaccinated towns in all of England up to 1872. According to Ruata, in 1871, the "small-pox deaths during that year...[were] more than 3,500 per million of the population, or about one thousand per million more than the mortality in London during the same epidemic. Here an almost completely vaccinated community suffered more than unvaccinated and terribly unsanitary London, on the average of the last forty years of the eighteenth century." After their horrible experiences, Leicesterians refused vaccination even under the threat of imprisonment. By 1890, their ratio of vaccinated versus unvaccinated was reversed to only 5 percent vaccinated. Doctors scolded them: "that once small-pox was introduced it would run through the town like wildfire and decimate the population. Yet it has been introduced again and again, but it has never spread; and from that day to this [1904], no town in the kingdom of approximately equal population has had such a very low small-pox mortality as this almost completely unvaccinated and--as the doctors say--unprotected population!"[361]Modern smallpox vaccinations include the following ingredients: " live vaccinia virus, with 'some microbial contaminants,' according to the Working Group on Civilian Biodefense, polymyxcin B sulfate, streptomycin sulfate, chlortetracycline hydrochloride, and neomycin sulfate, glycerin, and phenol -a compound obtained by distillation of coal tar, and vesicle fluid from calf skins."[362]The CDC website admits that the smallpox vaccine is not made from smallpox virus: "The vaccinia virus is the 'live virus' used in the smallpox vaccine. It is a 'pox'-type virus related to smallpox. When given to humans as a vaccine, it helps the body to develop immunity to smallpox. The smallpox vaccine does not contain the smallpox virus and it cannot cause smallpox."[363] Juniors at Stanford University, Jennifer Aguayo and Jessica Caldern, write, "Vaccinia virus is a big mystery in virology. It is not known whether vaccinia virus is the product of genetic recombination, or if it is a species derived from cowpox virus or variola virus by prolonged serial passage, or if it is the living representative of a now extinct virus." The university of Florida College of medicine information page writes something similar: "Vaccinia is the virus that was used for vaccination against smallpox. Its exact origin is unknown, however, as it does not appear to be related to any other known pox virus. Some people think that it is a recombinant of smallpox and cowpox, while others think that it may be a derivative of horsepox, a virus that no longer exists (if it ever did)."Historians cite improvements in America in the 20th century to the smallpox vaccine which included the pedal injection system for mass injections, a special 'bifurcated needle' in 1961 that penetrated the skin twice in one injection, and the all out mass eradication effort, called E2 which was considered to have wiped out smallpox on a grand scale in Sierra Leone.[364] The CDC notes that smallpox was reduced from an average of 29,005 deaths per year during the 20th century to 0 cases on 2004. In 1971 the CDC states that "small pox vaccination was ended in the United States." [365]Despite this fact, in 2001 as a result of terrorist threats, "the United States established a plan to reintroduce Smallpox vaccine if necessary."[366]Edward Jenner is indeed a man who changed the world. The current history displays a Renaissance man of great integrity, but with the bogus variolous tests and cries of spurious cowpox, Jenner managed to create a myth of smallpox immunity from his cowpox vaccines. That myth became a Teflon medical dogma. In spite of the overwhelming evidence of cowpox vaccination failures during the many smallpox epidemics, vaccination was still propped up as a gold standard of medicine by an industry that would not let it die. The result of the vaccine establishment's tenacity is the resurgence of the boast that vaccination eliminated smallpox today. A vaccine is created only for one purpose and one alone; that is to provide immunity to the vaccinated from the attack of the single disease that it was made to defend against. If cowpox vaccine works, there should not even be one death from smallpox in the vaccinated. Jenner stated in his Inquiry, unequivocally, "that the person who has been thus affected [by vaccination] is forever after secure from the infection of the smallpox." The number of smallpox deaths in the vaccinated in the past 200 years is also unequivocal; truthfulness aside. Proper hygiene, sanitation and better living conditions are the true conquerors of smallpox.Rotavirus Vaccine Rotavirus is a common virus that usually causes mild and selflimiting diarrhea in children. In 1998 Wyeth Laboratories, Inc., of American Home Products, released RotaShield, a new vaccine against the infection. Since four major types of rotavirus cause disease in humans, the vaccine was tetravalent, consisting of genes from four viral strains. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) recommended universal use of RotaShield for healthy infants at 2, 4, and 6 months of age. (Although the AAFP had been in favor of voluntary vaccination or vaccination of high-risk infants only, the ACIP had wanted the universal recommendation.) A year later, though, the vaccine was removed from the market after 99 cases of bowel intussusception-a bowel obstruction in which one segment of the intestine telescopes inwardly into another-and two deaths were reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.Bowel intussusception is a severe condition that often requires surgical intervention and can lead to death in the absence of prompt treatment. For example, of the first 15 reported infants who developed bowel intussusception, eight had to have surgical reduction, including one infant who had 7 inches of intestine removed. (1) These 15 cases, it should be noted, constituted but a small fraction of the actual number of intussusception cases caused by RRV-TV, as the new vaccine was called. According to the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report of July 16, 1999, "because reporting to VAERS of adverse events following vaccination is incomplete, the actual number of intussusception cases among RRV-TV recipients may be substantially greater than that reported."[367], [368] And so it was. As soon as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) began warning doctors about the possibility of this complication, cases of bowel intussusception started being reported around the country. This is yet another important example of how vaccine complications, unless specifically looked for, go unnoticed by the medical community and thus by society at large.After it was approved, an estimated 1 million U.S. infants were vaccinated with RotaShield. What is even worse about the history of the rotavirus vaccine is not only the fact that it caused the hospitalization and deaths of several children, but the fact that prelicensure trials had already demonstrated that it caused bowel intussusception at rates 30 times higher than those expected. This is what emerged from analysis of prelicensure trial data by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS).[369]Is the Approval Process Tainted? So here is the question: If the fact that the vaccine could cause a potentially lethal complication was already known, why did the FDA approve it? Why had nobody warned doctors to watch for this complication? Indeed, these and more questions prompted the AAPS to request a Congressional investigation of the vaccine approval process. As Dr. Jane Orient, executive director of the AAPS, writes in a letter to Representative Dan Burton, "The situation with the rotavirus vaccine may be a clue to a far more serious problem with the vaccine approval process."Dr. Orient makes the important point that "Decisions about vaccines given to children should be made by parents in consultation with the child's attending physician, not mandated by a small group of 'experts' with minimal accountability."[370]Lessons of HistoryAs we've seen again and again, there has been a direct relationship between vaccinations and an increased incidence of the diseases they supposedly prevent. This contradiction has prompted several researchers to conclude that vaccines are neither safe nor effective. In a 1926 British Medical Journal article, a Dr. Parry asks why vaccine statistics reveal a higher death rate among the vaccinated: "How is it that smallpox is five times as likely to be fatal in the vaccinated as in the unvaccinated? How is it that in some of our best vaccinated towns, for example, Bombay and Calcutta, smallpox is rife, while in some of our worst vaccinated towns, such as Leicester, it is almost unknown? How is it that something like 80 percent of the cases admitted into the smallpox hospitals have been vaccinated, while only 20 percent have not been vaccinated? How is it that in Germany, the best vaccinated country in the world, there are more deaths in proportion to the population than in England? For example, 28 deaths in England in 1919 per 100,000, and 707 in Germany? What is the explanation?"[371]Tuberculosis. Trevor Gunn makes the point that "Improvements in living standards have almost as much an effect on reducing mortality as that predicted vaccination." Mr. Gunn responded to the allegations by the World Health Organization that double blind studies were unethical because they limit the control group from receiving the benefits of life saving immunity. First of all, he pointed out that double blind placebo controlled trials of tuberculosis vaccine were initiated after some children died after receiving inoculations from a contaminated batch of vaccines. The results of the double blind study showed no increase in immunity from receiving the vaccination, and possible increase in actual tuberculosis cases for the cohort that did in fact receive the inocculations. Despite this fact, Gunn says the vaccine has continued to be used. Gunn also points out other flaws in the tuberculosis studies, which he feels ought to be taken into account in all studies on vaccination effectiveness:1)That there were not standards for diagnosis, so that before and after comparisons of illness were not accurate.2)Studies did not take into account the importance of public health factors when examining illness related causes. In addition, those who take issue with universal immunization programs point out that the programs don't discriminate between children who may benefit from a certain vaccine and those who might be hurt by it. Babies are given blanket immunization regardless of their previous or current state of health and regardless of their varying susceptibilities to side effects. Ideally, there should be a much more selective vaccination system, with parents given complete information so they can make up their own minds as to whether the risks associated with a particular procedure outweigh its potential benefits. Just as different races are known to suffer disproportionately from various allergies and food sensitivities, studies also indicate that they may experience different reactions to vaccines.Provocation DiseaseOne of the most hazardous and insidious effects of vaccination lies in its potential to induce other forms of disease, a phenomenon known as provocation disease.[372], [373], [374], [375], [376], [377] The mechanisms that cause this to happen are unclear, although many scientists believe that latent viruses-those already existing within a person-may be stimulated by vaccinations, and that this may be enough to activate a particular illness. Vaccination, therefore, may not be the sole cause but rather the final trigger for an illness.In his book Vaccination and Immunization: Dangers, Delusions & Alternatives,[378]Leon Chaitow states that there is no way of knowing when such latent or incubating situations may be operating, and therefore no way of knowing when a vaccination may produce this sort of provocation.[379] He goes on to warn that provocation of a latent virus is a potentially dangerous possibility with every vaccination procedure.Many diseases thought to be caused at least partially by vaccinations do not surface until years later, by which time it is difficult to prove a connection. Some of the relationships between vaccines and the specific conditions they provoke are discussed below.Allergies. According to Dr. Harris Coulter, co-author of A Shot in the Dark[380] and author of Vaccinations, Social Violence, and Criminality, among other experts,[381]says that vaccines and allergies are clearly connected. "What does allergy mean? It means that your body is ready to react very, very quickly when exposed a second time to a substance to which it is allergic. If you are allergic to ragweed, [a small amount] of ragweed will start you sneezing. Now, if you vaccinate a person against pertussis or some other bacillus, you are making that person allergic to that bacillus. That's what being vaccinated actually means. It means you are allergic to that bacillus, in the sense that your body will react very, very rapidly if exposed to that bacillus a second time."Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Sadly, many studies have shown vaccination to be a cause of sudden infant death syndrome. Reports Alan Phillips, founding director of Citizens for Healthcare Freedom, Durham, N.C.: "One study found the peak incidence of SIDS occurred at the ages of 2 and 4 months in the U.S., precisely when the first two routine immunizations are given, while another found a clear pattern of correlation extending three weeks after immunization. Another study found that 3,000 children die within four days of vaccination each year in the U.S. (amazingly, the authors reported no SIDS/vaccine relationship), while yet another researcher's studies led to the conclusion that half of SIDS cases-that would be 2,500 to 5,000 infant deaths in the U.S. each year-are caused by vaccines."[382], [383], [384], [385] According to Viera Scheibner, a retired research scientist, "Baraff et al. (1983) investigated 145 SIDS victims who died in Los Angeles County between January 1979 and August 1980: Fifty-three of these babies had received a DPT immunization, 27 within 28 days of death. Six deaths occurred within 24 hours and 17 occurred within 1 week of DPT immunization. These sudden infant deaths were 'significantly more than expected were there no association between DPT immunization and SIDS.' "[386], [387]Immunosuppression and Autoimmune Disease. The body needs to experience a full inflammatory response to create immunity, and vaccines do not allow this to happen. Instead, a chronic condition is created that can set the stage for autoimmune disease.In Immunization: The Reality Behind the Myth, author Walene James describes the mechanics involved in vaccines inducing autoimmune disorders: "Live viruses, the primary antigenic material of [some] vaccines, are capable of surviving or remaining latent in the host cell for years, without provoking acute disease."[388] Cynthia Cournoyer, author of What About Immunizations?, believes that a key principle involved in understanding the many negative effects of vaccines is the fact that the immune system can only tolerate so many challenges, especially before it is given a chance to develop to maturity. "Every child," she writes, "is born with a finite ability to combat disease. This is his total immune capacity. Once a child experiences a particular disease, permanent immunity is extremely efficient, using probably 3 percent to 7 percent of the total immune capacity of an individual. In the case of routine childhood vaccination, it is likely that as much as 30 percent to 70 percent of total immune capacity becomes committed. "These findings could indicate that a child's immunological reserves are substantially reduced due to standard vaccine programs. Far from producing a genuine immunity, a vaccine may actually interfere with or suppress the immune response as a whole, in much the same way that radiation, chemotherapy and corticosteroids and other antiinflammatory drugs do."[389], [390], [391] Cournoyer continues, "Although the body will not make antibodies against its own tissues, viruses becoming part of the genetic make-up may cause cells to appear foreign to the immune system, making them a fair target for antibody production.... "Under proper conditions these latent pro viruses could become activated and cause a variety of diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, lupus erythematosus...and cancer."[392]Activists Speak Out on Vaccine DangersBarbara Loe Fisher, cofounder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), Vienna, Va., has advocated the right of individuals to make informed, independent vaccination decisions for themselves and their children for two decades. She shares her concerns about a number of issues, as do some of her colleagues engaged in the fight against government-mandated vaccines.Problems with Temporary Immunity and Benefits of Childhood Disease. Vaccines provide only temporary immunity, whereas when you get the natural disease you have permanent immunity most of the time. Viera Scheibner writes that "generations of children with this inadequate immunity would grow into adults with no placental immunity to pass on to their children, who would then contract measles at an age when babies are normally protected by maternal antibody.... "Perhaps the most unfortunate thing about the idea of eliminating infectious diseases by vaccination is that indeed there is no need to do so. As pointed out by the group of Swiss doctors opposing the U.S.-inspired policy of mass vaccination against measles, mumps and rubella in Switzerland, 'We have lost the common sense and the wisdom that used to prevail in the approach to childhood diseases. Too often, instead of reinforcing the organism's defenses, fever and symptoms are relentlessly suppressed. This is not always without consequences...' "[393], [394], [395] Lastly, Scheibner states, "There is no need to artificially immunize our children and ourselves. The body has proper, natural mechanisms to create immunity to diseases. The diseases themselves are the priming and challenging mechanisms of the maturation process leading to the competence of the immune system....[396]The EZ Measles Medical Fiasco. In the mid-1980s researchers from the CDC and Johns Hopkins University started vaccinating babies as young as 4 months old with the experimental high-titer Edmonston-Zagreb (EZ) measles vaccine. Targets were more than 1,500 black and Hispanic babies in Los Angeles and thousands of babies in several Third World countries. The experiment was halted in 1991, after results of several studies showed that female babies receiving the high-potency vaccine had a 95 percent increased mortality rate compared to those injected with the standard measles vaccine.[397], [398]Economic, Political, and Legal IssuesCynthia Cournoyer has noted that vaccines are the only products in the U.S. that are legally mandated to be used by every person born.[399]Barbara Loe Fisher paints an ominous picture of things to come: "As consumers, we can bring very little economic pressure on the system to have that product improved or removed, because all of us are required by law to use it. It's a dream for the pharmaceutical industry involved in making vaccines, because there's no way anybody can say no. It's a stable, ready-made market, and the enactment of the compensation law in 1986 has removed almost all liability for drug companies...."What concerns us most is that there is an electronic monitoring system being put in place by state public health departments with federal funding-they're trying to get it in every child born and monitor his or her vaccination status.... "...If we don't act now, the public health infrastructure is going to get more power to intrude in our lives, intrude in our health care choices. It all comes down to whether or not we, as individuals, are going to fight for the right to make informed health care choices, including vaccination choices, for ourselves and our children, and whether we are going to hold the drug companies and government health officials accountable for the injuries, deaths, and chronic illnesses caused by vaccines they produce, sell, and promote for mass use."[400] One interesting financial aspect of vaccines involves the federal ACT Compensation Program. An excise tax of $23.50 was tacked onto the price of vaccines in 1988 to fund this compensation program. What this means is that consumers are footing the bill for any injuries or deaths that may result from medical procedures that they are required by law to undergo.[401], [402], [403] Alan Phillips notes: "[Pharmaceutical companies] have been allowed to use gag orders as a leverage tool in vaccine damage legal settlements to prevent disclosure of information to the public about vaccination dangers. Such arrangements are clearly unethical; they force a nonconsenting American public to pay for vaccine manufacturers' liabilities, while attempting to ensure that this same public will remain ignorant of the dangers of their products."[404], [405] Vaccine critic Randall Neustaedter concurs: "Profit has always been the goal of vaccine manufacturers. When lawsuits leveled at drug companies began wiping out profits gleaned from the pertussis vaccine, the manufacturers simply stopped production of the vaccine. The United States government stepped in to pay these vaccine-damage claims. Only then did the drug companies agree to resume vaccine production...."[406]Right to Refuse VaccinationA question frequently asked of advocates on the front lines of the freedom-fromvaccines movement concerns legal rights of refusal. According to Fisher, whose book The Consumer's Guide to Childhood Vaccines provides information on this topic, "It is common for hospital and clinic or emergency room staff to ask you about your child's vaccination status. You don't have to provide them with written proof. A verbal answer is satisfactory. However, if you are being questioned closely and feel that you are being pressured into vaccinating your sick child without your consent, you should understand that you have the right to refuse to give permission to have your sick child vaccinated if you believe vaccination at the time will endanger your child's health or life. You may choose to reassure medical personnel that you will consult a private pediatrician for further guidance about vaccination."[407] One special precaution, Fisher notes, involves pregnant women. "When pregnant women are admitted to a hospital to have a baby, many times while in active labor, the hospital will require that the mother or father sign a paper agreeing to have the baby treated by medical personnel while in the hospital. Signing this paper may also constitute your consent to having your newborn vaccinated with hepatitis B vaccine shortly after birth. Many parents have reported that their newborns are being vaccinated without their knowledge and, when they ask why, they are told they signed a consent form prior to admission agreeing to medical treatment the hospital determined was necessary. Read any consent form you sign carefully. If you do not want your newborn vaccinated shortly after birth, you have the right to sign it after writing in an exception, such as, 'I do not consent to have my child given any vaccinations prior to discharge from the hospital.' Bring this to the attention of the person admitting you and the nursery supervisor and ask to have it printed on the outside of your chart. Some parents take the extra precaution of not leaving the newborn alone with hospital personnel without being able to observe the baby."[408] In the unfortunate case of an adverse vaccine reaction resulting in medical bills totaling more than $1,000 or injuries lasting longer than six months, parents qualify for benefits under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (PL 99-660).[409] Through fiscal year 2001, the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program had paid $1.3 billion in total awards (petitioner's awards and attorney's fees) for approximately 1,660 compensable petitions.[410]What the Future May HoldFisher believes that if we are concerned about our health and our freedoms, we should be worrying about the future. "I truly believe that unless the public wakes up to what is happening, and starts standing up for their right to be fully informed about vaccines, and their right to make informed independent vaccine decisions, the day will come when we won't have that right. We will be forcibly vaccinated by law without exception."[411] Fisher urges everyone to stop being complacent, to start becoming informed about vaccines and diseases and to act. Specifically, she states, "You are going to have to work to amend your state's laws. If you would like to be better informed and to help get the truth out, please join our grassroots vaccine safety movement."Holistic Health and Freedom of ChoiceFisher adds, "The alternative health care movement in this country is going to play a vital role in the vaccine safety movement.[412] Those who are looking into chiropractic, osteopathic medicine, naturopathic, homeopathic, vitamin therapy, etc., are looking for ways to boost the immune system through more natural means in order to be able to naturally deal with viruses and bacteria that they come in contact with. This is a very important movement."Dr. Dean Black, author of Immunizations: Compulsion or Choice, agrees. He sees vaccinations as only a shortcut for those people in our society who have not taken full responsibility for their health. "It's a way of saying, don't look at the more natural holistic way of helping the body. Medicine believes disease is the enemy....Medicine fights disease. Natural health care works with it...."Medicine believes symptoms are evil. Natural health care believes symptoms are the body's efforts to rid itself of disease."[413]Curtis Cost, author of Vaccines Are Dangerous: A Warning to the Black Community,adds, "We know through...studies that the incidences of various diseases have been declining steadily prior to the advent of various vaccines. We see declines up to 90 percent, and these declines result from improvements in sanitation and nutrition...."My point is that parents do not need to be terrified into believing that the only way to protect themselves and their children from disease is through vaccines. We know that if parents breastfeed their babies, the risk of death and disease is dramatically reduced because the breast milk contains all the natural nutrients that the mother will naturally give to her child as she breastfeeds. We know that diet has a tremendous effect on disease. If you are not eating a proper diet your risk of getting various diseases is much greater. So we need to focus on taking control of our focus on eating more organically grown fresh fruits and vegetables, on drinking pure water, and on exercising. These actions build up the immune system."[414]Finally, the point is that individuals need the freedom to choose. They should not be forced in one direction or another. Barbara Loe Fisher stresses this: "Our organization does not tell a parent what to do.[415] I want to make that clear. We are an information clearinghouse and we believe in education. We believe that parents should take the responsibility for making their own decision. In this society, we ought to have the right to make the right decisions without being bullied and harassed and threatened into vaccinating if we do not believe that it is in the best interest of our child."Alan Phillips reminds us that we are kept in the dark about our freedom to choose. "Most states currently allow for medical and religious exemptions. You are not told this when you go to a pediatrician or when you enter a university. You are simply told that you have to vaccinate. But that is not usually true. Probably 15 to 20 states have a philosophical or personal exemption option that you don't even have to tie to your religion."I don't advocate that people do or do not vaccinate. I say that there's a lot of information that people should investigate before they make a decision one way or the other. We're so steeped in what I would now call the myth of vaccination that it seems nonsensical and counterintuitive to even raise the question. In fact, the first time that I raised the question with a pediatrician I got yelled at. While I think that was unprofessional of the pediatrician, it does demonstrate the degree to which assumptions about vaccinations are held."[416]Dr. Black states, "As a parent, there might be times I choose to immunize my child. Maybe I would find scientific evidence to back its validity in a case where a disease is so fraught with risk that I dare not expose my child. Maybe then I would choose [to vaccinate]. But I would do so having thoroughly thought about it....What I believe we cannot tolerate as a free nation is to have government bureaucrats come in and saybased upon false statistics-if you don't immunize your child, you will suffer penalty of law. That, to me, is a gross injustice that simply has to be changed."[417]It stands to reason, then, that our approach might be better directed to bolstering the effects of natural immunity, by strengthening the body's own disease fighting capability, rather than trying to manipulate a carefully balanced system which may or may not tip to the detriment of the future individual. The old adage, 'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger', describes the credo of the vaccine industry. The problem is that we do not yet know a single silver bullet remedy for all childhood illnesses, that are known to cause no harm to the future adult.To this argument, Trevor Gunn states, "for example, Vitamin A supplementation has been shown to reduce the mortality rate due to measles, in under 2 year olds, by seven times. (From the British Medical Journal, 1987, p 294) "Many studies show increased eye problems and deaths in children with vitamin A deficiency." In addition he cites the WHO's doctor Clements with regards to prevention of Cholera: "the first line of defense should be providing safe clean water and proper waste disposal."The culmination of a review of a larger study that we mentioned earlier, which compared over 15,000 data sets for Union Army Soldiers over two distinct time periods (1830-1845) and (1918-1927), showed that length of life was improved in the 20th century, and in addition age of onset of chronic illness was also delayed. The reviewer Robert Fogel noted that there were two distinct explanations: The first, combining several outcomes, mentions reduction in debilitating chronic illness by eliminating causes of childhood illness, and the second, "increases in birth weight and adult frame size, which are likely the result of better nutrition, have been important in reducing mortality among infants and adults." (from the How the Aging Process Changed During the 20th Century, "Changes in the Process of Aging during the 20thCentury: Findings and Procedures of the Early Indicators project) ResourcesAdvisory Committee on Immunization PracticesCenters for Disease Control and PreventionNational Immunization ProgramDivision of Epidemiology and SurveillanceMail Stop E611600 Clifton Road, NEAtlanta, GA 30333Tel: 404-639-8096Web site: This is a pro-immunization site. To access the NIP's"Locating Information on Vaccine Safety"guide, go to of American Physicians and Surgeons1601 N. Tucson Blvd., Suite 9Tucson, AZ 85716-3450Tel: 800-635-1196Web site: www.aapsonline.orgCitizens for Healthcare FreedomP.O. Box 62282Durham, NC 27715Web site: To read "Dispelling Vaccination Myths," by CHF director Alan Phillips, go to Parents for Vaccine Safety8216 192nd St., Ct ESpanaway, WA 98387Web site: Null's Web SiteWeb site: www.garynull.comGlobal Vaccine Awareness League25422 Trabuco Road, Suite 105-230Lake Forest, CA 92630-2797Web site:"Homeopathic Disease Prevention" This article by homeopathic practitioner Isaac Golden is availableat Homeopathy Online, a Journal of Homeopathic MedicineWeb site: Action Coalition1573 Selby AvenueSt. Paul, MN 55104Tel: 651-647-9009Web site: This is a pro-immunization site. For information on "State mandates on vaccination and vaccine-preventable disease," go to for Vaccine SafetyBloomberg School of Public HealthJohns Hopkins University Web site: www.vaccinesafety.eduNational Network for Immunization Information66 Canal Center Plaza, Suite 600Alexandria, VA 22314Tel.: 877-341-6644Fax: 703-299-0204Web site: This is a pro-immunization site.National Vaccine Information Center 421-E Church St.Vienna, VA 22180Tel.: 1-800-909-SHOTFax: 703-938-5768 Web site: www.909shot.comParents Requesting Open Vaccine Education (PROVE)P.O. Box 91566Austin, TX 78709-1566Web site: www.vaccineinfo.netThe Phyllis Schlafly ReportP.O. Box 618Alton, IL 62002Tel.: 618-462-5415Web site: This site contains a number of articles on vaccine topics.Thinktwice Global Vaccine InstituteP.O. Box 9638Santa Fe, NM 87504Web site: Also includes the Thijnktwice/New Atlantean Press bookstore,with a catalog of books on vaccination topicsVaccination Information Service To order the video "Vaccination: The Hidden Truth."Web site: LiberationP.O. Box 1444Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83816Tel.: 208-255-2307Web site: www.vaclib.orgVaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)P.O. Box 1100Rockville, MD 20849-1100Tel: 800-822-7967Fax: 877-721-0366Web site: A more usable version of the VAERS data is available on a databasedeveloped by Steven Rubin. Go to Information and Awareness Web siteTel.: 858-484-3197Web site: To access a list of pro-information groups, go to To access state links, including information on state exemptions,go to resources by stateWeb site:"Vaccines: The Risks, the Benefits, the Choices"Doctor's Reference Manual (2001-02)Presented by Sherri J. Tenpenny, D.O.New Medical Awareness Seminars, LLC14761 Pearl Road #263Strongsville, OH 44136Tel: 440-572-1136Web site: www.osteomed.comVaccine Policy Institute251 W. Ridgeway DriveDayton, OH 45459Tel: 937-435-4750Web site: www.vaccinepolicy.orgVaccineWebsite.comWeb site:"Alternative Approach to Disease" (video)By Gary Null"Building the Immune System Naturally" (video)By Gary NullThe Consumer's Guide to Childhood VaccinesBy Barbara Loe FisherNational Vaccine Information CenterImmunization Theory vs. Reality: Expos on VaccinationsBy Neil Z. MillerThe Atlantean Press, 1996Immunization: The Reality Behind the MythBy Walene JamesGreenwood Publishing Group, 2nd Edition, 1995Reverse the Aging Process NaturallyBy Gary Null and Martin Feldman, M.D.Villard Books, a division of Random House, 1993"Seven Steps to Perfect Health" (video)By Gary NullA Shot in the DarkBy Harris L. Coulter and Barbara Loe FisherAvery Publishing Group, 1991"Supercharge Your Immune System" (video)By Gary Null"Total Health" series, Steps 1 - 7 (videos)By Gary NullVaccination and Immunization: Dangers, Delusions & AlternativesBy Leon ChaitowBeekman Publishing, 1996Vaccines Are Dangerous: A Warning to the Black CommunityBy Curtis CostA & B Distributors & Publishers Group, 1992What Every Parent Should Know About Childhood ImmunizationBy Jamie MurphyEarth Healing Products, 1993Correspondence:Gary Null, PhDP.O. Box 918Planetarium StationNew York, New York 10024 USA646-505-4660/ Fax 212-472-5139e-mail: precisemd@aol.comReferences[1] [1]Clin Infect Dis. 2006 Mar 1;42 Suppl 3:S141-4 A response to strategy #2: streamlining the regulatory process.Glezen WP. [2]Expert Rev Vaccines. 2003 Feb;2(1):15-9 Designing pediatric vaccine formularies and pricing pediatric combination vaccines using operations research models and algorithms. 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