50 Reasons to Protect Infants from Vaccines

Note: I have been corresponding with the Union Health Minister and his department on this subject since 2006. Neither the Minister nor the Ministry have any answer to these points.. Even when Dr Abdul Kalam, then President, raised the subject based on my inputs there was no sincere attempt to clarify the position. I have since then continuously educated the doctors on the subject. I have also written to the current President, Vice President, PM, Sonia, the NHRC, NCPCR, CM's of various states, MP's of various political parties and all the medical institutions I can think of. I have also written to the WHO, GAVI, UNICEF & PATH, premier institutions that promote this highly controversial medical intervention . Doctors sympathetic to the cause opine that unless the public realise the dangers from vaccines it will be very difficult to stop this industry sponsored menace. You will agree that there should be a public debate on vaccines, otherwise the unfortunate children do not stand a chance.