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Song Writer Says He Wants to be a Pirate

A very humerous satire! - Gary


Ed Waters lives in Phoenix. He’s in the upholstery cleaning business.

On the side, he writes songs. In 2007, he wrote one about the political economy in the USA.

Waters hired country singer Nick Nicholson to sing his song.

He dropped about $10,000 on making a music video.

And he put up a web site –

“A few years ago I heard a story about a regular guy who, through no fault of his own, kept losing jobs due to outsourcing and insourcing,” Waters says. “That story is what prompted me to write this song. This man’s factory was shut down and the manufacturing was sent to China – probably with the help of your tax dollars. So he went back to school and got an IT degree. Guess what? He lost that job too because there is a visa program that brings folks into this country who will generally work for less than Americans. That’s what it’s like to be an American worker today. This started under President Reagan, but really took off under the Clinton and Bush administrations. That’s right – no one party is to blame. Mark Bello, an attorney I met online, reminds me that, while many Americans are losing their jobs, many more Americans are being damaged from tainted products being imported from China, etc. So we lose our jobs and are then rewarded with cheap, dangerous products.”

He’s also got a beef with what President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned about — the military industrial complex.

“I don’t have enough room to list all of the defense contractors and subcontractors that have and will continue to make fortunes while our young men and women are killed, maimed, and psychologically scarred forever,” he says.

When asked about his political philosophy, he says he belongs to no political party.

“If such a thing existed as an anti-incumbent party, I guess that’s where I would belong,” Waters said. “We need to get involved, stay involved and, come every election, if they don’t listen to us, we’ll just have to make them walk the plank.”