By Danny Schechter |
"The shock, grief and loss were overwhelming.My colleague Mike Whitney asks: “So, what are the chances that Strauss-Kahn will get a fair trial now that he's been blasted as a serial sex offender in about 3,000 articles and in all the televised news reports?
Do you remember any Wall Street bankers being dragged off in handcuffs when they blew up the financial system and bilked people out of trillions of dollars?"
The answer to both questions is certainly Non in French or No in English, but there’s more to the connection between Sex and Wall Street. Without commenting on the evidence in this case—which has been asserted, not proven-- there is a deeper context that is being ignored.
I call it the Testosterone Factor in The Crime of Our Time, my book about how Wall Street criminally engineered the financial crisis.
Interesting isn’t it that have been so few references to the link
between the pervasiveness of salacious sex and the highly-charged
life of a class of “entitled” wealthy bankers who live off of others
with few rules or restraints.
There is also often no news about that or the practices of the IMF
which is often accused of raping poor and vulnerable countries
with unfair structural adjustment programs.
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