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Check out Big Green TV: Environmental Education for Kids!

Gary Null Award-Winning Documentaries That Make A Difference

Gary Null say NO to GMO!!! part 1.mp4

Gary Null In Huntington - Knocking On the Devil's Door Screening

Dr. Andrew Wakefield response to the measles outbreak in South Wales

Forging his way through the predictable UK media censorship: Dr Andrew Wakefield Responds to Measles Outbreak in Swansea

Entries in Gary Null (47)



“We must outlaw nuclear reactors.” – Admiral Hyman Rickover, the Father of the Nuclear Navy, to Congress in his farewell speech Gary Null, radio talk show host and author, with Producer Richard Gale, has produced a comprehensive indictment of nuclear power and weapons. The first thing the public needs to know is that it is not merely a debate about which way to go with policy. Rather, the nuclear issue is about life and death now. So a big public service is in exposing the nuclear industry’s lies that are killing people today at increasing rates. Premiered in August, Knocking on the Devil’s Door: Our Deadly Nuclear Legacy has taken on the political, financial, technical and other scientific aspects of a monstrously complicated and scary topic. In 135 minutes the film takes a semi-informed viewer from innocence to mind-blown amazement — and perhaps depression.

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Koala Rescue

It is not common for a Koala to bear twins and, regrettably in this instance, the Mum was struck and killed by a passing car. Fortunately, the driver stopped, and took the mother to the local vet, not knowing she was dead - where it was soon discovered that she had these twins in her pouch.
First photo: Tiny Koala being fed with tiny!!
Followed by a pictorial chronology of their growth...
"Thanks for saving my life!"

It is just so nice to see a story that has a happy ending

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Bent Objects

Have a look at this terrific series of art pieces derived from various common objects.

And visit the artist's site here -

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Why progressives should gladly vote for Ron Paul over any Democratic candidate including Obama

Ron Paul has proposed many unacceptable positions, such as criminalizing abortion, rejecting climate change as a global threat, withdrawing Government funding from social programs, refusal to tax the rich, support of unlimited corporate donations to election campaigns, and promoting prayer in the public schools. But my objections to these and other positions of Ron Paul pale into insignificance when weighed against his clear and unequivocal promise, if elected, not only to stop our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan IMMEDIATELY, but to bring home all American troops -- not only from Iraq and Afghanistan -- but also from Germany, Japan, Korea and the nearly 800 U.S. military bases maintained around the world.

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The Incredible Friendship of a Tortoise and a Hippo

Much of life can never be explained but only witnessed.

NAIROBI (AFP) - A baby hippopotamus that survived the tsunami waves on the Kenyan coast has formed a strong bond with a giant male century-old tortoise in an animal facility in the port city of Mombassa, officials said

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Dog For Sale!

Whether you own a dog or not, you must appreciate the efforts of this owner to sell her dog.    Read the sales pitch below!   

Dog  For Sale   
Free to good home. Excellent guard dog. Owner cannot afford to feed him anymore, as there are no more drug pushers, thieves, murderers, or molesters left in the  neighborhood for him to eat. Most of them knew Jethro only by his Asian street name, Ho Lee Schitt. 


A Progressive Stimulus Package for America’s Future Sustainability 

by Gary Null, PhD

There is no doubt that a stimulus package is direly needed during this global economic meltdown. But America needs much more than simply a budget that will induce economic recovery. She needs the minds of her citizens to be stimulated into a new way of thinking that will result in the reforming of the basic institutions overseeing our financial, health, political and social requirements. Consequently, we have solicited thoughts, critiques and comments from some of America’s most brilliant and progressive minds. These individuals see our nation and our governing financial and political bodies differently. They see beyond the limiting belief systems that empower these institutions as the sole arbiters of the critical decisions and policies affecting Americans.

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Video: The Power of Words

This short film illustrates the power of words to radically change your message and your effect upon the world.


Koch Bros - It's the evil thing

Tired of the Koch Brothers buying our political system?

Then join the campaign to push Koch money out and bring democracy back in - sign up at to join The Other 98% as we fight Koch money wherever it shows up - and maybe take part in some more awesome creative agitation.


Alert: All New Yorkers: Fracking Moratorium Expires on June 29, 2011

"We Want a Positive Future for NY State & Fracking Is Not a Part of It!"

In New York State, the moratorium on High Volume Slickwater Hydrofracking ends on June 29th 2011. Every New Yorker should be alarmed by this show their position to the governor and the government. We stand for a 100% BAN on hydraulic fracture drilling in our state. Let the will of the people be known!

Committing ecological suicide should NEVER have been considered a viable economic "solution" to our so-called energy needs. Some landowners have said "my land, my gas". We say, "OUR WATER," so don't destroy it for all of New York. Fracking does not work, is an economically, geologically, and environmentally unsound practice, and will have irreversible effects on the future of all life in New York State.