Alert: All New Yorkers: Fracking Moratorium Expires on June 29, 2011
May 16, 2011
Gary Null in Environment, Gary Null, New York, environmental issues, franking, hydraulic fracture drilling, water

"We Want a Positive Future for NY State & Fracking Is Not a Part of It!"

In New York State, the moratorium on High Volume Slickwater Hydrofracking ends on June 29th 2011. Every New Yorker should be alarmed by this show their position to the governor and the government. We stand for a 100% BAN on hydraulic fracture drilling in our state. Let the will of the people be known!

Committing ecological suicide should NEVER have been considered a viable economic "solution" to our so-called energy needs. Some landowners have said "my land, my gas". We say, "OUR WATER," so don't destroy it for all of New York. Fracking does not work, is an economically, geologically, and environmentally unsound practice, and will have irreversible effects on the future of all life in New York State.

Article originally appeared on The Gary Null Blog (
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