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Gary Null Award-Winning Documentaries That Make A Difference

Gary Null say NO to GMO!!! part 1.mp4

Gary Null In Huntington - Knocking On the Devil's Door Screening

Dr. Andrew Wakefield response to the measles outbreak in South Wales

Forging his way through the predictable UK media censorship: Dr Andrew Wakefield Responds to Measles Outbreak in Swansea


Gary Null and Jeremy Stillman – SOLAR FLARES ARE COMING: How Prepared Are YOU to Survive?

In the five days leading up to Hurricane Katrina making its landfall, I issued a warning on my radio show advising the residents of the Gulf coast to evacuate their homes. I encouraged them to pack their valuables, leave their homes behind and head at least 50 to 100 miles North by bus, train, car, bicycle or even walking, as I realized that many people had no means of transportation. I also challenged the Army Corps of Engineers on the safety of the old and deteriorating levees located throughout New Orleans. However, approximately 80% of the people remained as they were told by local authorities that the levees would hold and they would survive. Katrina struck Louisiana on August 29, 2005 as a Category 3 hurricane, and began its path of utter devastation that left thousands of people dead and tens of thousands homeless. On a trip to New Orleans’ Lower Ninth Ward district shortly after Katrina hit, I witnessed hundreds of homes that were inundated after nearby levees were breached during the storm. I saw holes in roofs that people had created to escape the deluge that caused the water line to reach 9 feet or higher. Five minutes away in an upscale neighborhood, the flooding was equally as overwhelming. New Orleans had become the portrait of a disaster zone.

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Gary Null: Why You Should NOT Get A Flu Shot

Increasingly over the years, we are witnessing the appearance of “scientific” studies that are little more than commercials, public relation sound bytes, to promote vaccination’s efficacy. Today a highly flawed medical trial conducted by a pharmaceutical corporation has a greater chance of being published in a more prestigious medical journal than does medical designed research conducted by an independent scientist without conflicts of interest with government or private industries. When we question why this would be the case, we can only draw the conclusion that such research is more often than not promotional spin designed to support the financial interests of the corporate party. This is particularly true of vaccine science, and is solely published in order to influence the nation’s health policy makers and physicians, and to relieve doubts concerning their vaccine’s efficacy and safety. The nation’s health agencies then rely on these fabrications to convince the larger public healthcare community and citizens about the importance of vaccination. And this scenario is particularly true for the flu vaccine.

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Gary Null: The Causes of Violence

The recent mass shootings at schools and colleges, shopping malls, theaters, and a Sikh temple have unleashed a psychological terror on Americans, reminding us that murder can happen anywhere. One of the most urgent questions we are faced with in the wake of these events is which discussion we should be having. Should discussions be limited to the issue of access to assault weapons, the apparent American preference for mass shootings? Or do we focus on the ease of obtaining a weapon without a mental health screening? Or is it possible that the actual violence is far more pernicious and systemic and we are unwilling to acknowledge and confront it? Could it be that only the most overt forms of violence that occur in our backyards draw our attention and demand immediate dialogue? If this is so, then is it even worth considering the inability of the US to shed a tear or demand a public outcry over the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of native peoples, or confess to the abysmal treatment of minority groups, especially African Americans? And where is the national remorse for the indiscriminate bombing campaigns that took the lives of an estimated 3.8 million Vietnamese and an additional 300,000-500,000 Cambodians and Laotians, according new figures published by the British Medical Journal? Would Americans have been equally as outraged and equally as loud in their cries for gun control if the carnage had not occurred in the prosperous community of Newtown, but instead had happened in Camden, New Jersey, or a Detroit ghetto? And finally, as a nation, are we capable of separating out the means of violence (e.g., guns) from the underlying cause of violence?

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Gulf War Syndrome: Killing Our Own Part 12 of 12


Vaccination: An Analysis of the Health Risks By: Gary Null, Ph.D., and Martin Feldman, M.D.

For more than a hundred years, two basic assumptions have been put forth by public health officials. One is that vaccines are safe. The second is that vaccines are effective for the conditions for which they're given. The public and our legislators have, by and large, accepted these assumptions as true, and as a result it is now compulsory in many states that children have as many as 33 separate inoculations before entering school. Some of these are given as early as the first few weeks of life. We've been told that the end of polio, for example, as a serious health threat is due to mass inoculation programs, and again we have accepted the official dogma without question. But as we shall see, this is not exactly the truth. What's more, a disturbing reality that generally has gone unrecognized is the ever-growing number of people suffering adverse reactions to vaccinations. These individuals are predominantly infants and children, and the problems they've incurred as a result of vaccination go far beyond sore arms and transitory fever: Conditions such as autism, attention deficit disorder, minimal brain dysfunction, and other biochemical and neurological abnormalities have been linked to the effects of vaccines. Most tragically, so has SIDS-Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

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Gulf War Syndrome: Killing Our Own Part 10 of 12


The Pain, Profit and Politics of AIDS

In the May 4, 1984 issue of the prestigious journal Science, one of the most important research papers of the last quarter century was published. “Frequent Detection and Isolation of Cytopathic Retroviruses (HTLV-III) from Patients with AIDS and at Risk for AIDS” would rapidly become the medical Magna Carta for the entire gold rush to develop diagnostic methods to identify the presence of HIV in human blood and to invent pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines in a global war againstAIDS. This paper, along with three others published in the same issue of Science, was written by Dr. Robert Gallo, then head of the Laboratory of Tumor Cell Biology (LTCB) at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) inBethesda,Maryland, and his lead researcher Dr. Mikulas Popovic. To this day, this article continues to document the most cited research to prove the HIV hypothesis in scientific papers and places like the nation’s Centers of Disease Control (CDC) website.

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The Gary Null Menopause/Andropause Study

Menopause can be defined as the conclusion of the female reproductive phase of life. In most women, the onset of menopause occurs between the ages of 45 and 50, but it has been known to occur anywhere from age 40 to 60. In addition, menopause can be provoked at an earlier time due to uterine ovarian surgery, or certain types of illnesses. Menopause is characterized by the decreased functioning of the ovaries, which results in reduced quantities of the hormone estrogen in the body. Not just a discrete event, menopause is actually a process, one that lasts several years, or even a decade.

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Gulf War Syndrome: Killing Our Own Part 8


Gary Null: The Poultry Explosion

The Poultry Explosion. Chicken and turkey have become highly over-rated foods in recent years as handy replacements for fatty red meat. The exposure of the many health risks of eating red meat led us to seek alternatives. Poultry has since enjoyed a popularity wildly surpassing its reserved 1950s image as “Sunday chicken dinner,” or as annual Thanksgiving turkey dinner. (Note that cancer rates have soared since those days, and many believe our contaminated poultry supply may be partly responsible.) Americans now eat turkey or chicken every day, even several times a day.

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