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« Congress Should Force Big Banks to Stop Gambling With Our Money | Main | Mystery Disease Linked to Missing Israeli Scientist »

We need a Clean Earth Act


It’s time for a push to pass the first major national ecological protection legislation in decades.

We need swift action to prevent disasters, like the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, caused by corporations that offload their huge financial, ecological and human costs on us.

Tell President Obama and your members of Congress to support a Clean Earth Act today.

A Clean Earth Act would:

-Prevent disasters by banning new offshore drilling, new nuclear plants, and mountaintop removal mining;

-Hold corporations responsible with strict liability (full financial liability) for oil spills, nuclear meltdowns and other environmental disasters;

-Crack down on polluters with tough enforcement of environmental laws; and

-Prevent climate change-caused disasters with science-based greenhouse emissions reduction targets.

It’s past time for strong government action to prevent environmental disasters – including climate change.

Corporations must be held accountable for the financial, ecological, and human costs of their negligence.


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