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« "Mark Hennessy" - Oxfam Warns of Mass Hunger Over Food Prices | Main | “Dr. Mercola” - Study Found Toxin from GM Crops is Showing up in Human Blood »

“UPI” - 'Good Gut Bacteria' May Help Fight Obesity

Daily intake of a specific form of lactic acid bacteria could help prevent obesity and reduce low-level inflammation.

Rats who were given the bacterium from before birth until adulthood put on significantly less weight than other rats, even though both groups of rats ate a similar diet.

UPI reports:

“The study ... found the rats given lactobacilli had a richer and better composition of the bacteria which occur naturally in the intestines. A healthy gut flora should contain a large proportion of ‘good bacteria,’ such as lactic acid bacteria -- found in yogurt, cheese, sauerkraut, pickles, beer, wine, cider, chocolate and other fermented foods”.


  UPI May 25, 2011