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« Nutritionists Are Experts - They Shouldn't Need A Dietitian's License to Practice | Main | Anthony Gucciardi - Monsanto Investor Bill Gates Says GMO Crops Needed to Fight Starvation »

Too much television can give you diabetes

"The message is simple. Cutting back on TV watching can significantly reduce risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and premature mortality," said senior author Frank Hu, professor of nutrition and epidemiology at HSPH. 

"We should not only promote increasing physical activity levels but also reduce sedentary behaviour, especially prolonged TV watching," he added. 

Hu and first author Anders Grontved, a doctoral student and visiting researcher in the HSPH Department of Nutrition, conducted a meta-analysis, a systematic assessment of all published studies from 1970 to 2011 that linked TV viewing with increased risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and premature death. 

Eight large prospective cohort studies from the United States, Europe, and Australia met the researchers'' criteria and were included in the meta-analysis. 

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