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Entries in Libya (9)


"Gary Null" - The New American Folly in Libya

What happens when we extend the logic and beliefs of Ed Schultz and others, including Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O’Donnell, who accept Obama’s rationale for intervening militarily in Libya, which mirror those of the neocons and personalities like O’Reilly and Hannity on the radical right? For the reason that Gaddafi was responsible for the bombing of the Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie Scotland, killing 259 passengers, we are being told that arming, funding and training any opposition factions in Libya is perfectly justified. But then, is it not also true by that same logic that any civilians or innocent bystanders that were killed, tortured or disappeared as a direct result of America’s interventions in other nations are also justified to attack Americans and US interests globally? It is this old adage of “an eye for an eye” reactionary posturing that repeatedly leads us into multiple disasters, wars, revolutions, regime changes and a trail of failed foreign policies.

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Obama Raises American Hypocrisy To A Higher Level

What does the world think? Obama has been using air strikes and drones against civilians in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, and probably Somalia. In his March 28 speech, Obama justified his air strikes against Libya on the grounds that the embattled ruler, Gadhafi, was using air strikes to put down a rebellion.

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Hark The Angel Speaks -- Obama Explains War To Nation Tonight

President Obama is slated to give a big speech to the Nation tonight celebrating the great Libyan offensive. As you may recall, the President already has cast the mission solely in humanitarian terms on his Saturday radio show, as the LA Times reported: "President Obama said Saturday that he sent U.S. warplanes into Libya a week ago to avert a 'humanitarian catastrophe' and a 'blood bath', and he denied that the U.S. is being drawn into a wider war there.

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India #1 for Arms Imports Over Last 5 Years

Arms importers: You would probably be surprised to know that over the last five years, the most weapons have been imported by India.

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Mideast Turmoil Rocks Western Reputations

NMS International has taken to hiding its website behind a password and director Louis Oliver gives a false name when he answers his phone.

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World Food Prices Hit Record Highs Amid Oil Jitters

World food prices have hit record highs and oil price spikes could push them even higher, the UN food agency warned on Thursday, as increasing violence in Libya sent jitters through commodity markets.

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The World Cheers as the CIA Plunges Libya Into Chaos 

How was Libya doing under the rule of Gadaffi? How bad did the people have it? Were they oppressed as we now commonly accept as fact? Let us look at the facts for a moment.

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World Oil prices Soar, Stocks Tumble on Fears of Widening Unrest in North Africa and Middle East

Global stock values fell broadly for the second day on Tuesday and crude oil prices surged as the social upheaval in Libya disrupted petroleum exports and ongoing protests in Bahrain and Yemen threatened to spread to Saudi Arabia. All of the major Western oil companies operating in Libya reported cutting back or suspending their operations Monday, reportedly causing a decline of more than 8 percent in the country’s normal output of 1.6 million barrels per day. In addition, Libya’s ports were closed.

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A New Sense of Populist Empowerment Grips the Middle East

Across the Middle East, protesters clashed with pro-government mobs and security forces Wednesday and Thursday, the latest sign that the tools of repression that leaders in the region have relied on for years are now, instead, propelling more people to the streets.

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