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Swine flu vaccine linked to 900 percent increased risk of developing narcolepsy

By Ethan A. Huff

(NaturalNews) The World Health Organization (WHO) is currently investigating reports from 12 different countries claiming that the H1N1 (swine flu) vaccination is responsible for causing narcolepsy, a disorder involving extreme chronic fatigue and the tendency to fall asleep suddenly and without warning. One of the reports from Finland, for instance, found that children who received the swine flu vaccine were 900 percent more likely to develop narcolepsy than non-vaccinated children.

"Since August 2010, following widespread use of vaccines against influenza (H1N1) 2009, cases of narcolepsy, especially in children and adolescents, have been reported from at least 12 countries," said WHO. " Officials admit the concerns are valid and say they will look into them further, but WHO continues to recommend swine flu vaccines anyway, including GlaxoSmithKline's (GSK) Pandemrix.

The Finnish study, which was released by Finland's National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL), stopped short of fully blaming the vaccines, adding a caveat about a possible "joint effect of the vaccine and some other factor(s)." But the vaccine is clearly correlated to the condition, and by all preliminary appearances, seems to be a primary causative factor.

Considering WHO's lead role in promoting the swine flu "pandemic" that led to mass vaccination campaigns in the first place, it is highly unlikely that this corrupt agency will ever come out and condemn swine flu vaccines, no matter how many reports and studies emerge. After all, admission that the vaccines were not all they were claimed to be would expose the agency as a purveyor of lies.

Early in 2010, the truth came out that WHO's pandemic was nothing more than an organized farce to generate fear and reap obscene profits. Drug companies were exposed for putting pressure on WHO to declare a pandemic in order to push their vaccines. GlaxoSmithKline's Pandemix raked in over $1.4 billion as a result of the scare campaign

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