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S.L & R.A - Stephen Barrett and Medical McCarthyism

(Concerned that those who engage in uncontested attacks against supporters of alternative health 
would misconstrue me and my co-author as such, we mean to clarify the following: we are not 
advocates of the alternative health movement, rather, we are advocates and supporters of truth. - S.L 
& R.A)
Dr. Stephen Barrett is a ubiquitous figure in the world of health and medicine with a unique talent. 
A talent, described by Health and Human Services official, Dr. Thomas R. Eng, as a gift for widely 
"[influencing] behavior change" via interactive media. Elaborating, Eng states that "[Barrett] tailors 
information and interactions to the individual," adding, "In print media, there is some kind of 
vetting. In interactive, anyone or their brother can slap a Web page together."
One assumes that Barrett, in his efforts and opinions, is authoritative and correct, speaking as a 
retired physician / psychiatrist who's been interviewed on innumerable occasions by CNN, The 
New York Times, has testified as an expert before congress, and, in a larger sense, has been 
adopted by mainstream media as the "consumer watchdog" du jour within the field of medicine. 
Well, alternative medicine, more specifically. 
He has authored reports on many of the most accomplished practitioners and experts in the 
alternative health movement and in doing so, has generated a fair amount of controversy and mixed 
media attention. So much, in fact, that the reports on his site have come to dominate web search 
engine results, and in effect, preemptively tainting the reputations of hundreds of legitimate, well 
credentialed alternative health practitioners. Upon discovering this, my curiosity was piqued and I 
felt compelled to conduct some independent research on the matter, and hopefully, reach a 
conclusion as to whether Barrett was, indeed, an expert, or guilty of what Dr. Eng describes as 
"medical McCarthyism".
My focus would be the history and relationship between Barrett and Dr. Gary Null. Null is 
arguably the most respected, prolific advocate and high-profile voice in the alternative heath 
movement, influencing a massively wide spectrum of people throughout a varied host of philanthropic efforts and causes. The purpose of this paper is to not to bring direct challenge to 
Barrett's work or ideology, but rather to present facts and convey reasoned, journalistic 
interrogation into the heart of this debate. To that end, we can look to Null's extensive work and 
research on the negative effects of fluoride, mercury, vaccines, sugar and caffeine, all of which, 
Barrett has called in to question. Research will demonstrate that science firmly supports all of 
Null's conclusions and solutions on these topics. Fact checking and research is the cornerstone of 
the journalistic process, yet, Barrett and those media outlets who would employ his subjective 
opinion as scientific fact, quite simply, have not done their homework here. 
In order to determine who is accurate Barrett or Null, I used only independent scientific, peer 
reviewed literature. Literally thousands of studies were examined.
My review finds that Dr. Barrett's claims against Null are unfounded, biased, personal attacks 
based on his own personal opinion. Every article of Null's that I have examined has had a 
preponderance of credible scientific research to support the conclusions.
Therefore, it is this journalist’s opinion that Dr. Gary Null is not only accurate in the substance of 
his articles and documentaries on topics such as the negative health effects of fluoride, sugar, and 
mercury in dental fillings, but also that Barrett has engaged in unprofessional and ad hominem
attacks on Dr. Null without scientific support. At the end of this discussion you will find samples 
from the peer reviewed literature from each of the topics that serve as the basis for Barrett's attacks, 
demonstrating that Barrett simply does not have scientific proof for his arguments; Gary Null does.
Who Is Stephen Barrett?
Stephen Barrett is a retired Psychiatrist who administers and operates, a website 
described by Donna Ladd of the Village Voice as "a skeptical psychiatrist's attempt to torpedo 
alternative and natural-health movements."
Barrett believes most alternative therapies simply should be disregarded without further research. 
"A lot of things don't need to be tested [because] they simply don't make any sense," he says, 
pointing specifically to homeopathy, chiropractic, and acupuncture. He believes that consumers should rely solely on established medical groups and studies, and that anyone who wants to 
consider info on both sides is "waiting to be quacked in a major way."
Is Barrett Credible?
The California State Superior Court would answer this question with an emphatic "no". Stephen 
Barrett has presented his opinion and has staked personal credibility before the courts, on several 
occasions. In each instance, he has been made to suffer an embarrassingly unfavorable ruling.
In 2003, The Quackwatch flagship, known as the National Council Against Health Fraud 
(NCAHF) brought suit against 43 "Alternative Medicine proponents" in California, claiming that 
they were engaging in health fraud "because what they were doing wasn't scientifically proven." 
The ruling, which arrived on April 22, 2003, bludgeoned the NCAHF, and ripped apart their 
argument concerning what constitutes legitimate and effective health care.
The Court also declared that Stephen Barrett "was found to be biased and unworthy of credibility." 
In, 2005, Stephen Barrett’s defamation lawsuit against Pennsylvania-based chiropractor, lecturer, 
researcher and publisher Ted Koren was tossed out by a judge just minutes before it was going to 
be considered by a local jury. The lawsuit, filed in August 2002, sought unspecified damages 
against Koren and his company, Koren Publications, Inc. for statements that he wrote in his 
newsletter in 2001 about Barrett.
In a landmark 2006 case, originally known as Barrett v. Clark, then for the appeals process 
renamed Barrett v. Rosenthal, the California Supreme Court voted unanimously to reject a libel 
claim filed by Barrett. His personal bias against alternative medicine was made unquestionably 
clear, as stated in the judge's ruling: "Plaintiffs Stephen Barrett and Terry Polevoy are physicians 
primarily engaged in combating the promotion and use of 'alternative' or 'nonstandard' healthcare 
practices and products."
Barrett's attacks on Gary Null, Ph.D
CNN, The New York Times, and other traditional, highly esteemed news outlets frequently cite 
Stephen Barrett as an expert in the discussion of the effectiveness and validity of Alternative 
Health, be it acupuncture, homeopathy, nutritional support, or chiropractic. Barrett's primary 
strategy in his campaign is to attack, and in certain cases, bring suit against, key members and pillars of the alternative health movement. One such target is Dr. Gary Null. Barrett's claims that 
Null “promotes hundreds of ideas that are inaccurate, unscientific, and/or unproven....” are plainly 
false. Amongst those ideas are that the intake of Fluoride is harmful and potentially deadly, and 
that mercury in dental fillings can have serious neurotoxic effects. Dr. Null has also consistently 
warned of the harmful impact of sugar and the negative effects of caffeine. All of his observations 
and conclusions are supported by extensive, peer reviewed research and hard-won scientific 
scholarship. This approach stands in stark contrast to Barrett's own fast and loose, "things don't 
need to be tested [because] they simply don't make any sense" methodology.
Barrett has stated outright that Null should not be trusted or believed in his statements because he 
lacks a qualified degree. On his site, Barrett attacks Null's academic history. Sufficient 
documentation exists demonstrating that The Union Institute is not only accredited (http:// and highly respected, but the 
university thought so highly of Null, that he was given the first Outstanding Alumni award ever 
offered by the college. At The Institute of Biology, he completed a landmark study on choleric 
restriction in rats, demonstrating a 22% extenuation of life span. Null has originated and completed 
dozens of studies in his nearly 30 year association with the institute. Additionally, Null has 
conducted more than 27 clinical trials on lifestyle and behavior modification and it's impact on 
health . Results of these studies, all of which were medically monitored, conclusively prove benefit 
to the top study group members, the results of which have all been published. Null is also a 
registered dietitian and nutritionist. To this journalist's amazement, after counseling tens of 
thousands, has never charged a penny to any person.
Barrett's Dilemma 
There is presently a concerted effort within the alternative health movement to take Barrett to task 
for his tendency to pass subjective opinion off as scientific fact. In a written correspondence 
between Barrett's attorney Michael K. Botts, and Null's attorney David Slater, Botts concedes that 
Barrett's statements against Null were simply "a matter of opinion."
"He seems to be putting down trying to be objective," says Peter Barry Chowka, a former adviser 
to the National Institutes of Health's Office of Alternative Medicine. " is 
consistently provocative and entertaining" Chowka added. "But I personally think he's running 
against the tide of history. But that's his problem, not ours."Final Conclusions
I can conclude that with absolute proof of an outstanding educational background, and his 
extensive clinical experience, that Gary Null is being attacked for what he represents: a viable 
challenge to the existing medical paradigm. 
Supporting Research Documentation and Sources
J Occup Med Toxicol. 2011 Jan 13;6(1):2.
Is dental amalgam safe for humans? The opinion of the scientific committee of 
the European Commission.
Mutter J.
Department of Environmental and integrative medicine Lohnerhofstraße 2, 78467 
It was claimed by the Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks 
(SCENIHR)) in a report to the EU-Commission that " risks of adverse systemic effects exist and 
the current use of dental amalgam does not pose a risk of systemic disease..." [1, available from:].SCENIHR 
disregarded the toxicology of mercury and did not include most important scientific studies in their 
review. But the real scientific data show that:(a) Dental amalgam is by far the main source of human 
total mercury body burden. This is proven by autopsy studies which found 2-12 times more mercury in 
body tissues of individuals with dental amalgam. Autopsy studies are the most valuable and most 
important studies for examining the amalgam-caused mercury body burden.(b) These autopsy studies 
have shown consistently that many individuals with amalgam have toxic levels of mercury in their 
brains or kidneys.(c) There is no correlation between mercury levels in blood or urine, and the levels 
in body tissues or the severity of clinical symptoms. SCENIHR only relied on levels in urine or blood.
(d) The half-life of mercury in the brain can last from several years to decades, thus mercury 
accumulates over time of amalgam exposure in body tissues to toxic levels. However, SCENIHR state 
that the half-life of mercury in the body is only "20-90 days".(e) Mercury vapor is about ten times more 
toxic than lead on human neurons and with synergistic toxicity to other metals.(f) Most studies cited 
by SCENIHR which conclude that amalgam fillings are safe have severe methodical flaws.
2. J Occup Med Toxicol. 2011 Jan 13;6(1):2.
Is dental amalgam safe for humans? The opinion of the scientific 
committee of the European Commission.
Mutter J.Source
Department of Environmental and integrative medicine Lohnerhofstraße 2, 
78467 Constance/Germany.
ABSTRACT: It was claimed by the Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health 
Risks (SCENIHR)) in a report to the EU-Commission that " risks of adverse systemic effects exist 
and the current use of dental amalgam does not pose a risk of systemic disease..." [1, available from:].SCENIHR 
disregarded the toxicology of mercury and did not include most important scientific studies in their 
review. But the real scientific data show that:(a) Dental amalgam is by far the main source of human 
total mercury body burden. This is proven by autopsy studies which found 2-12 times more mercury in 
body tissues of individuals with dental amalgam. Autopsy studies are the most valuable and most 
important studies for examining the amalgam-caused mercury body burden.(b) These autopsy studies 
have shown consistently that many individuals with amalgam have toxic levels of mercury in their 
brains or kidneys.(c) There is no correlation between mercury levels in blood or urine, and the levels 
in body tissues or the severity of clinical symptoms. SCENIHR only relied on levels in urine or blood.
(d) The half-life of mercury in the brain can last from several years to decades, thus mercury 
accumulates over time of amalgam exposure in body tissues to toxic levels. However, SCENIHR state 
that the half-life of mercury in the body is only "20-90 days".(e) Mercury vapor is about ten times more 
toxic than lead on human neurons and with synergistic toxicity to other metals.(f) Most studies cited 
by SCENIHR which conclude that amalgam fillings are safe have severe methodical flaws.
Swed Dent J. 1987;11(5):179-87.
3. Mercury concentrations in the human brain and kidneys in relation to 
exposure from dental amalgam fillings.
Nylander M, Friberg L, Lind B.
Source Department of Environmental Hygiene, Karolinska Institute, 
Samples from the central nervous system (occipital lobe cortex, cerebellar cortex and ganglia semilunare) and 
kidney cortex were collected from autopsies and analysed for total mercury content using neutron activation 
analyses. Results from 34 individuals showed a statistically significant regression between the number of tooth 
surfaces containing amalgam and concentration of mercury in the occipital lobe cortex (mean 10.9, range 
2.4-28.7 ng Hg/g wet weight). The regression equation y = 7.2 + 0.24x has a 95% confidence interval for the 
regression coefficient of 0.11-0.37. In 9 cases with suspected alcohol abuse mercury levels in the occipital lobe 
were, in most cases, somewhat lower than expected based on the regression line. The observations may be 
explained by an inhibition of oxidation of mercury vapour. The regression between amalgams and mercury levels 
remained after exclusion of these cases. The kidney cortex from 7 amalgam carriers (mean 433, range 48-810 ng 
Hg/g wet weight) showed on average a significantly higher mercury level than those of 5 amalgam-free individuals 
(mean 49, range 21-105 ng Hg/g wet weight). In 6 cases analysis of both inorganic and total mercury was carried 
out. A high proportion (mean 77% SD 17%) of inorganic mercury was found. It is concluded that the cause of the 
association between amalgam load and accumulation of mercury in tissues is the release of mercury vapour from 
amalgam fillings.
4. Zentralbl Hyg Umweltmed. 1996 Feb;198(3):275-91.
[Study on the significance of mercury accumulation in the brain from dental amalgam fillings through direct mouth-nose-brain transport].
[Article in German]
Maas C, Brück W, Haffner HT, Schweinsberg F.
Source Abteilung Allgemeine Hygiene und Umwelthygiene, Hygiene-Institut 
der Universität Tübingen.
The transport of mercury (Hg) from the oro-nasal to the cranial cavity via a direct route was investigated. In 55 
deceased persons, Hg concentrations were measured in the olfactory bulb and the trigeminal ganglion, and the 
number of dental amalgam fillings was assessed. For the purpose of comparison, Hg concentrations were also 
determined in the occipital lobe cortex, the pituitary gland and the kidney cortex. Quantitative Hg analysis was 
performed by cold vapor atomic absorption spectroscopy after acid digestion using high pressure microwave 
treatment. In the olfactory bulb (geom. mean 17.4 micrograms/kg w. w.), the Hg concentration was significantly 
higher than in the occipital lobe cortex (geom. mean 9.2 micrograms/kg w. w.) (p < 0.0001). No significant 
difference was found between the Hg concentration in the trigeminal ganglion (geom. mean 12 micrograms/kg w. 
w.) and the occipital lobe cortex (alpha = 0.005; p = 0.0342). Regression analysis did not reveal a statistically 
significant correlation between the number of dental amalgam fillings and the Hg content in the olfactory bulb and 
the trigeminal ganglion, respectively (alpha = 0.01). Therefore, these results do not support the hypothesis of a 
significant flow o Hg from dental amalgam fillings to the cranial cavity by a direct oro-nasal route. In contrast, a 
statistically significant correlation exists between the number of dental amalgam fillings and the Hg concentration 
in the kidney cortex (r2 = 0.317; p < 0.0001), and, to a lesser extent, the Hg concentration in the occipital lobe 
cortex (r2 = 0.17; p = 0.0016). The highest Hg concentrations (geom. mean 93.1 micrograms/kg w. w.) were 
detected in the kidney cortex, followed by the pituitary gland (geom. mean 30.0 micrograms/kg w. w.). In this 
study, Hg concentration in the pituitary gland did not correlate with the number of dental amalgam fillings.
5. Swed Dent J. 1989;13(6):235-43.
Mercury accumulation in tissues from dental staff and controls in relation 
to exposure.
Nylander M, Friberg L, Eggleston D, Björkman L.
Department of Environmental Hygiene, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, 
Samples, mainly from occipital cortex and pituitary gland, but also from rental cortex, olfactory bulbs, thyroid 
gland and liver were collected from autopsies of 8 dental staff cases and 27 controls. These samples were 
analysed for total mercury content using radiochemical neutron activation analyses. The results revealed high 
mercury concentrations (median 815, range 135-4,040 micrograms Hg/kg wet weight) in pituitaries from the dental 
staff cases compared to controls (N = 23, median 23 range 6-1, 170 micrograms Hg/kg). In occipital cortex, the 
cases had a median of 17, range of 4-300 micrograms Hg/kg and the controls (N = 20) had a median of 10, range 
2-29 micrograms Hg/kg. A few samples from olfactory bulbs show low mercury concentrations for both cases and 
controls. Renal cortex was analysed from three cases and contained clearly higher concentrations (945, 1,545, 
2,110 micrograms Hg/kg) compared to controls (N = 12, median 180, range 21-810 micrograms Hg/kg). There is 
no control material for the other analysed samples, but one thyroid sample had an extremely high concentration 
of 28,000 micrograms Hg/kg.
6. Environ Health. 2007 Oct 11;6:30.Mercury in human brain, blood, muscle and toenails in relation to 
exposure: an autopsy study.
Björkman L, Lundekvam BF, Laegreid T, Bertelsen BI, Morild I, Lilleng P, 
Lind B, Palm B, Vahter M.
Source Dental Biomaterials Adverse Reaction Unit, Department of Health/
UNIFOB, Arstadveien 17, NO-5009 Bergen, Norway.
The main forms of mercury (Hg) exposure in the general population are methylmercury (MeHg) from seafood, 
inorganic mercury (I-Hg) from food, and mercury vapor (Hg0) from dental amalgam restorations. While the 
distribution of MeHg in the body is described by a one compartment model, the distribution of I-Hg after exposure 
to elemental mercury is more complex, and there is no biomarker for I-Hg in the brain. The aim of this study was 
to elucidate the relationships between on the one hand MeHg and I-Hg in human brain and other tissues, 
including blood, and on the other Hg exposure via dental amalgam in a fish-eating population. In addition, the use 
of blood and toenails as biological indicator media for inorganic and organic mercury (MeHg) in the tissues was 
Samples of blood, brain (occipital lobe cortex), pituitary, thyroid, abdominal muscle and toenails were collected at 
autopsy of 30 deceased individuals, age from 47 to 91 years of age. Concentrations of total-Hg and I-Hg in blood 
and brain cortex were determined by cold vapor atomic fluorescence spectrometry and total-Hg in other tissues 
by sector field inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-SFMS).
The median concentrations of MeHg (total-Hg minus I-Hg) and I-Hg in blood were 2.2 and 1.0 microg/L, and in 
occipital lobe cortex 4 and 5 microg/kg, respectively. There was a significant correlation between MeHg in blood 
and occipital cortex. Also, total-Hg in toenails correlated with MeHg in both blood and occipital lobe. I-Hg in both 
blood and occipital cortex, as well as total-Hg in pituitary and thyroid were strongly associated with the number of 
dental amalgam surfaces at the time of death.
In a fish-eating population, intake of MeHg via the diet has a marked impact on the MeHg concentration in the 
brain, while exposure to dental amalgam restorations increases the I-Hg concentrations in the brain. 
Discrimination between mercury species is necessary to evaluate the impact on Hg in the brain of various 
sources of exposure, in particular, dental amalgam exposure.
7. Rev Environ Contam Toxicol. 2009;198:111-32.
Human health effects of methylmercury exposure.
Díez S.
Source Environmental Chemistry Department, IDAEA-CSIC, Jordi Girona, 
18-26, E-08034, Barcelona, Spain.
Mercury (Hg), and the organometallic compounds formed from it, are among the most toxic of substances to the 
global environment. Mercury is environmentally ubiquitous, and both wildlife and humans are exposed to the toxic effects of its environmental residues, primarily elemental mercury (Hg0), divalent mercury (Hg2+) and 
methylmercury (MeHg). Humans are exposed to different forms of Hg, and potential health risks have been 
reported from such exposures; examples of Hg exposure include mercury vapor from dental amalgams, 
occupational exposures and exposures during artisan and small-scale gold mining operations. Despite the 
significance of those foregoing Hg exposures, of particular concern is human and wildlife exposure to MeHg, a 
potent neurotoxicant. Once incorporated into the body, MeHg easily penetrates the blood-brain barrier and 
causes damage to the central nervous system, particularly in fetuses. It bioaacumulates and biomagnifies in the 
aquatic food chain; consequently, fish and seafood consumption is the major pathway by which humans are 
exposed to MeHg. MeHg is the focus of this review. It adversely affects humans and is currently the subject of 
intense public health interest and worldwide concern. In this review, I summarize the sources and cycling of 
global mercury in the environment, pathways of exposure, toxicity and exposure evaluation, toxicokinetics, the 
common biomarkers to evaluate exposure and effects in populations, and finally review the nutritional risks and 
benefits from fish consumption.
Ambio. 2007 Feb;36(1):3-11.
8. Methylmercury exposure and health effects in humans: a worldwide 
Mergler D, Anderson HA, Chan LH, Mahaffey KR, Murray M, Sakamoto M, 
Stern AH; Panel on Health Risks and Toxicological Effects of 
Source Department of Biological Sciences, Institute for Environmental 
Sciences, University of Québec, Montreal, Canada.
The paper builds on existing literature, highlighting current understanding and identifying unresolved issues about 
MeHg exposure, health effects, and risk assessment, and concludes with a consensus statement. 
Methylmercury is a potent toxin, bioaccumulated and concentrated through the aquatic food chain, placing at risk 
people, throughout the globe and across the socioeconomic spectrum, who consume predatory fish or for whom 
fish is a dietary mainstay. Methylmercury developmental neurotoxicity has constituted the basis for risk 
assessments and public health policies. Despite gaps in our knowledge on new bioindicators of exposure, factors 
that influence MeHg uptake and toxicity, toxicokinetics, neurologic and cardiovascular effects in adult 
populations, and the nutritional benefits and risks from the large number of marine and freshwater fish and fisheating species, the panel concluded that to preserve human health, all efforts need to be made to reduce and 
eliminate sources of exposure.
Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2010 Sep;7(9):3467-77. Epub 2010 Sep 16.
Research into mercury exposure and health education in subsistence fisheating communities of the Amazon basin: potential effects on public health 
Dórea JG.
Source Department of Nutrition, Universidade de Brasília, P.O. Box 04322, 
Brasília, DF 70919-970, Brasil.
The neurotoxic effects of fish-methylmercury (meHg) consumed regularly are considered hazardous to fetuses 
and newborn infants; as a result fish consumption advisories are an important asset to control meHg exposure in affluent societies. These concerns are now part of health promotion programs for Amazon subsistence villagers. 
While urban dwellers in affluent societies can choose an alternative nutritious diet, traditional and subsistence 
communities are caught up in controversial issues and lifestyle changes with unintended health consequences. 
Traditional fish-eating populations of industrialized and non-industrialized regions may be exposed to different 
neurotoxic substances: man-made pollutants and environmentally occurring meHg. Additionally, in nonindustrialized countries, pregnant women and infants are still being immunized with thimerosal-containing 
vaccines (TCVs) which degrade to ethylmercury (etHg). Therefore, the complexity involving fish-meHg associated 
with wild-fish choices and Hg exposure derived from TCVs is difficult to disentangle and evaluate: are villagers 
able to distinguish exposure to differently hazardous chemical forms of Hg (inorganic, fish-meHg, and injected 
etHg)? Is it possible that instead of helping to prevent a plausible (unperceived) fish-meHg associated 
neurocognitive delay we may inadvertently arouse panic surrounding Hg exposure and disrupt subsistence fisheating habits (necessary for survival) and life-saving vaccination programs (required by public health 
authorities)? These questions characterize the incompleteness of information related on the various chemical 
forms of Hg exposure and the need to convey messages that do not disrupt nutritional balance and disease 
prevention policies directed at Amazonian subsistence communities.
9. Methylmercury poisoning: Long-term clinical, radiological, toxicological, and 
pathological studies of an affected family
Annals of Neurology
Volume 35, Issue 6, pages 680–688, June 1994
Dr. Larry E. Davis MD1,6,*, Mario Kornfeld7, Herbert S. Mooney MD7, Kurt J. 
Fiedler MD2,6, Kathleen Y. Haaland PhD3,4,6,8, William W. Orrison MD5,9, Elsa 
Cernichiari MS10, Thomas W. Clarkson PhD10
Article first published online: 8 OCT 2004
DOI: 10.1002/ana.410350608
For 3 months in 1969 a family in the United States that included a pregnant mother consumed pork containing 
methylmercury. Children, aged 20, 13, and 8 years and a neonate, developed severe neurological signs. Twentytwo years later, the 2 oldest had cortical blindness or constricted visual fields, diminished hand proprioception, 
choreoathetosis, and atentional deficits. Magnetic resonance images showed tissue loss in the calcarine and 
parietal cortices and cerebellar folia. The youngest had quadriplegia, blindness, and severe mental retradation 
until their deaths. The brain of the 8-year-old who died at age 30 showed cortical atrophy, neuronal loss, and 
gliosis, most pronounced in the paracentral and parietooccipital regions. The total mercury level in formalin-fixed, 
left occipital cortex was 1,974 ng/gm as measured by atomic absorption. Regional brain mercury levels correlated 
with extent of brain damage. A control patient had 38.5 ng of mercury/gm in the occipital cortex. Systemic 
organs in the patient and a control subject had comparable mercury levels. In mercury-intoxicated rats, we found 
that only 5 to 10% of total brain mercury was lost by formalin fixation. Brain inorganic mercury in the patient 
ranged from 82 to 100%. Since inorganic mercury crosses the blood-brain barrier poorly, biotransformation of 
methyl to inorganic mercury may have occurred after methylmercury crossed the blood-brain barrier, accounting 
for its persistence in brain and causing part of the brain damage.
10. Acta Neuropathologica
Volume 20, Number 4, 316-334, DOI: 10.1007/BF00691749
Original Investigations
Ultrastructural studies of the nervous system after mercury intoxicationLouis W. Chang and Henrik A. Hartmann
Mercury was first detected histochemically in the Schwann cells between 12 and 24 h after the administration of 
organic or inorganic mercury compound. After 4 days of intoxication, mercury could be observed in the 
axoplasm. Pathological changes in the dorsal root fibers were observed 1 week after CH3HgCl and 2 weeks after 
HgCl2 intoxication.
After HgCl2 poisoning, a large axonal space was created in many axons as a result of detachment of the 
axolemma from the myelin sheath and axonal shrinkage. Axonal degeneration, vacuolation, and collapse were 
observed in many nerve fibers. Although myelin destruction could be observed occasionally, the regular 
lamination and periodicity of the myelin sheath were usually preserved.
After CH3HgCl poisoning, however, the myelin sheaths seemed to have lost their lamination and have a smudged 
or solid appearance. Extensive axoplasmic degeneration, axonal collapse, and myelin destruction were the most 
prominent lesions observed in these nerve fibers.
Pathological changes in the ventral root fibers and sciatic nerve were not observed until the second week of 
intoxication by either organic or inorganic mercury compound. While only limited damages were produced in the 
ventral root fibers, extensive degradation of the axons and demyelination of the nerve fibers were observed in 
the sciatic nerve.
Disoriented layering of myelin to form concentric myelin structures and active phagocytosis of the degenerative 
debris by the reactive Schwann cells were also observed.
Volume 56, Issue 4, Pages 462-471 (April 2001)
Autism: a novel form of mercury poisoning
S. Bernard, A. Enayati, L. Redwood, H. Roger, T. Binstock
Received 3 July 2000; accepted 22 December 2000.
Autism is a syndrome characterized by impairments in social relatedness and communication, repetitive 
behaviors, abnormal movements, and sensory dysfunction. Recent epidemiological studies suggest that autism 
may affect 1 in 150 US children. Exposure to mercury can cause immune, sensory, neurological, motor, and 
behavioral dysfunctions similar to traits defining or associated with autism, and the similarities extend to 
neuroanatomy, neurotransmitters, and biochemistry. Thimerosal, a preservative added to many vaccines, has 
become a major source of mercury in children who, within their first two years, may have received a quantity of 
mercury that exceeds safety guidelines. A review of medical literature and US government data suggests that: (i) 
many cases of idiopathic autism are induced by early mercury exposure from thimerosal; (ii) this type of autism 
represents an unrecognized mercurial syndrome; and (iii) genetic and non-genetic factors establish a 
predisposition whereby thimerosal’s adverse effects occur only in some children.
12. Neurobehavioral effects from exposure to dental amalgam Hgo: new 
distinctions between recent exposure and Hg body burden
Diana Echeverriaa,b,1, H. Vasken Aposhianc, James S. Woodsa,b, Nicholas 
J. Heyerb, Mary M. Aposhianc, Alvah C. Bittner, JR.a,b, Roderick K. 
Mahurin, and Margaret Cianciolad
a Battelle Centers for Public Health Research and Evaluation, Seattle, 
Washington 98105, USAb Department of Environmental Health, University of Washington, Seattle, 
Washington 98195, USA
c Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of Arizona, 
Tucson, Arizona 85721, USA
d Department of Psychiatry, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 
98195, USA
Potential toxicity from exposure to mercury vapor (Hgo) from dental amalgam fillings is the subject of current 
public health debate in many countries. We evaluated potential central nervous system (CNS) toxicity associated 
with handling Hg-containing amalgam materials among dental personnel with very low levels of Hgo exposure (i.e., 
urinary Hg <4 µg/l), applying a neurobehavioral test battery to evaluate CNS functions in relation to both recent 
exposure and Hg body burden. New distinctions between subtle preclinical effects on symptoms, mood, motor 
function, and cognition were found associated with Hg body burden as compared with those associated with 
recent exposure. The pattern of results, comparable to findings previously reported among subjects with urinary 
Hg >50 µg/l, presents convincing new evidence of adverse behavioral effects associated with low Hgo exposures 
within the range of that received by the general population.—Echeverria, D., Aposhian, H. V., Woods, J. S., 
Heyer, N. J., Aposhian, M. M., Bittner, A. C., Jr., Mahurin, R. K. Neurobehavioral effects from exposure to dental 
amalgam Hgo: new distinctions between recent exposure and Hg body burden. FASEB J. 12, 971–980 (1998)
13. J Toxicol Environ Health A. 2009;72(14):891-6.
Urinary porphyrin excretion in children with mercury amalgam treatment: 
findings from the Casa Pia Children's Dental Amalgam Trial.
Woods JS, Martin MD, Leroux BG, DeRouen TA, Bernardo MF, Luis HS, 
Leitão JG, Simmonds PL, Echeverria D, Rue TC.
Source Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, 
University of Wahington, Seattle, Washington 98105, USA.
Increases in the urinary concentrations of pentacarboxyl- and coproporphyrins and the appearance of the 
atypical precoproporphyrin have been defined in relation to mercury (Hg) body burden in animal studies, and this 
change in the porphyrin excretion pattern has been described as a biomarker of occupational Hg exposure and 
toxicity in adult human subjects. In the present studies, urinary porphyrins were determined in relation to Hg 
exposure in children and adolescents, 8-18 yr of age, over the 7-yr course of a clinical trial designed to evaluate 
the neurobehavioral and renal effects of dental amalgam in children. Subjects were randomized to either dental 
amalgam or composite resin treatments. Urinary porphyrins and creatinine concentrations were measured at 
baseline and annually in all subjects. Results were evaluated using linear regression analysis. No significant 
differences between treatment groups (amalgam versus composite) were found when comparing all subjects for 
any of the porphyrins of interest. However, incipent amalgam treatment-specific increases were observed in the 
mean concentrations of penta-, precopro- and coproporphyrins especially when the analyses were restricted to 
younger subjects (8 to 9 yr old at baseline), and these increases were most apparent during yr 2 through 3 of 
follow-up, the period of highest mercury exposure from amalgam treatment. Based on the mean number of 
amalgam fillings received by children in this group (17.8), the renal Hg concentration associated with incipient 
increases in urinary porphyrins was estimated to be approximately 2.7 microg/g renal cortex. This value 
corresponds to an observed mean urinary Hg concentration of 3.2 microg/g creatinine, which is approximately 
fivefold less than that at which renal damage from Hg exposure is estimated to occur in children. These findings 
are consistent with growing evidence supporting the sensitivity of urinary porphyrins as a biological indicator of 
subclinical Hg exposure in children.14. Environ Health Perspect. 2007 Oct;115(10):1527-31.
The contribution of dental amalgam to urinary mercury excretion in 
Woods JS, Martin MD, Leroux BG, DeRouen TA, Leitão JG, Bernardo MF, 
Luis HS, Simmonds PL, Kushleika JV, Huang Y.
Source Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, 
University of Washington, Seattle, Washington8105, USA.
Urinary mercury concentrations are widely used as a measure of mercury exposure from dental amalgam fillings. 
No studies have evaluated the relationship of these measures in a longitudinal context in children.
We evaluated urinary mercury in children 8-18 years of age in relation to number of amalgam surfaces and time 
since placement over a 7-year course of amalgam treatment.
Five hundred seven children, 8-10 years of age at baseline, participated in a clinical trial to evaluate the 
neurobehavioral effects of dental amalgam in children. Subjects were randomized to either dental amalgam or 
resin composite treatments. Urinary mercury and creatinine concentrations were measured at baseline and 
annually on all participants.
Treatment groups were comparable in baseline urinary mercury concentration (approximately 1.5 microg/L). Mean 
urinary mercury concentrations in the amalgam group increased to a peak of approximately 3.2 microg/L at year 
2 and then declined to baseline levels by year 7 of follow-up. There was a strong, positive association between 
urinary mercury and both number of amalgam surfaces and time since placement. Girls had significantly higher 
mean urinary mercury concentrations than boys throughout the course of amalgam treatment. There were no 
differences by race in urinary mercury concentration associated with amalgam exposure.
Urinary mercury concentrations are highly correlated with both number of amalgam fillings and time since 
placement in children. Girls excrete significantly higher concentrations of mercury in the urine than boys with 
comparable treatment, suggesting possible sex-related differences in mercury handling and susceptibility to 
mercury toxicity.
15. J Dent Res. 2003 Mar;82(3):243-6.
Neurotoxicity of dental amalgam is mediated by zinc.
Lobner D, Asrari M.
16. Source Department of Biomedical Sciences, Marquette University, 561 
N. 15th Street, Rm. 426, Milwaukee, WI 53201, USA. 
The use of dental amalgam is controversial largely because it contains mercury. We tested whether amalgam 
caused toxicity in neuronal cultures and whether that toxicity was caused by mercury. In this study, we used 
cortical cell cultures to show for the first time that amalgam causes nerve cell toxicity in culture. However, the 
toxicity was not blocked by the mercury chelator, 2,3-dimercaptopropane-1-sulphonate (DMPS), but was blocked 
by the metal chelator, calcium disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate (CaEDTA). DMPS was an effective mercury 
chelator in this system, since it blocked mercury toxicity. Of the components that comprise amalgam (mercury, 
zinc, tin, copper, and silver), only zinc neurotoxicity was blocked by CaEDTA. These results indicate that 
amalgam is toxic to nerve cells in culture by releasing zinc. While zinc is known to be neurotoxic, ingestion of 
zinc is not a major concern because zinc levels in the body are tightly regulated.
(Circulation. 2009;120:1011-1020.)
© 2009 American Heart Association, Inc. AHA Scientific Statement
17. Dietary Sugars Intake and Cardiovascular Health
A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association
Rachel K. Johnson, PhD, MPH, RD, Chair; Lawrence J. Appel, MD, MPH, FAHA; 
Michael Brands, PhD, FAHA; Barbara V. Howard, PhD, FAHA; Michael Lefevre, 
PhD, FAHA; Robert H. Lustig, MD; Frank Sacks, MD, FAHA; Lyn M. Steffen, PhD, 
MPH, RD, FAHA; Judith Wylie-Rosett, EdD, RD, on behalf of the American Heart 
Association Nutrition Committee of the Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and 
Metabolism and the Council on Epidemiology and Prevention
High intakes of dietary sugars in the setting of a worldwide pandemic of obesity and cardiovascular disease have 
heightened concerns about the adverse effects of excessive consumption of sugars. In 2001 to 2004, the usual 
intake of added sugars for Americans was 22.2 teaspoons per day (355 calories per day). Between 1970 and 
2005, average annual availability of sugars/added sugars increased by 19%, which added 76 calories to 
Americans’ average daily energy intake. Soft drinks and other sugar-sweetened beverages are the primary 
source of added sugars in Americans’ diets. Excessive consumption of sugars has been linked with several 
metabolic abnormalities and adverse health conditions, as well as shortfalls of essential nutrients. Although trial 
data are limited, evidence from observational studies indicates that a higher intake of soft drinks is associated 
with greater energy intake, higher body weight, and lower intake of essential nutrients. National survey data also 
indicate that excessive consumption of added sugars is contributing to overconsumption of discretionary calories 
by Americans. On the basis of the 2005 US Dietary Guidelines, intake of added sugars greatly exceeds 
discretionary calorie allowances, regardless of energy needs. In view of these considerations, the American 
Heart Association recommends reductions in the intake of added sugars. A prudent upper limit of intake is half of 
the discretionary calorie allowance, which for most American women is no more than 100 calories per day and for 
most American men is no more than 150 calories per day from added sugars.
18. Sweet and salty: nutritional content and analysis of baby and toddler foods
Charlene D. Elliott, Associate Professor of Communication Studies
Author Affiliations
Faculty of Communication and Culture, University of Calgary, 2500 University Dr. 
NW, Calgary, Canada AB T2N 1N4
Address correspondence to Charlene D. Elliott, E-mail: 
Background To critically examine baby and toddler food products sold in Canada for their sugar and sodium 
content, and to assess these in light of current recommendations.
Methods Baby and toddler foods (n = 186) were coded for various attributes, including ‘Nutrition Facts’ label data. 
Four ‘categories’ of baby/toddler foods were analyzed against their ‘adult’ counterparts for sugar and salt to 
reveal whether a ‘halo effect’ attributed to baby/toddler food is warranted.
Results 63% of products have either high levels of sodium or an excessive proportion of calories coming from 
sugar. Over 12% of products had moderate or high levels of sodium; over 53% of products derive >20% of their 
calories from sugar. Baby and toddler foods were not found to be nutritionally superior—in terms of sodium or 
sugar—to their adult counterparts.
Conclusions Baby and toddler foods are currently overlooked in the public, and public policy, discussions 
pertaining to dietary sodium and sugar. Yet these products are clearly of concern and should be closely 
monitored, since they promote a taste for ‘sweet’ and ‘salty’ in our youngest consumers.
19. Effects of Serving High-Sugar Cereals on Children's Breakfast-Eating 
Jennifer L. Harris, PhD, MBAa, Marlene B. Schwartz, PhDa, Amy 
Ustjanauskas, BAa, Punam Ohri-Vachaspati, PhD, RDb, Kelly D. Brownell, 
Author Affiliations
aRudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity, Yale University, New Haven, 
Connecticut; and
bRobert Wood Johnson Foundation, Princeton, New Jersey
OBJECTIVES: To test (1) whether children will consume low-sugar ready-to-eat (RTE) cereals and (2) the effects 
of serving high- versus low-sugar cereals on the consumption of cereal, refined sugar, fresh fruit, and milk.
PARTICIPANTS AND METHODS: Using an experimental design, we randomly assigned children (n = 91) who were 
attending summer day camp to receive a breakfast that included either the choice of 1 of 3 high-sugar cereals 
(high-sugar condition) or low-sugar cereals (low-sugar condition), as well as low-fat milk, orange juice, bananas, 
strawberries, and sugar packets. Participants served themselves and completed a background questionnaire 
after eating. Researchers measured the amount and calories consumed of each food.
RESULTS: In both conditions, children reported “liking” or “loving” the cereal they chose. Children in the lowsugar cereal condition consumed, on average, slightly more than 1 serving of cereal (35 g), whereas children in 
the high-sugar condition consumed significantly more (61 g) and almost twice the amount of refined sugar in total 
(24.4 vs 12.5 g). Milk and total calories consumed did not differ significantly between conditions, but children in 
the low-sugar condition were more likely to put fruit on their cereal (54% vs 8%) and consumed a greater portion 
of total calories from fresh fruit (20% vs 13%).
CONCLUSIONS: Compared with serving low-sugar cereals, high-sugar cereals increase children's total sugar 
consumption and reduce the overall nutritional quality of their breakfast. Children will consume low-sugar cereals 
when offered, and they provide a superior breakfast option.
20. Hypertension. 2011;57:695-701
Published online before print February 28, 2011, doi: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.110.165456
Population Science/Epidemiology
Sugar-Sweetened Beverage, Sugar Intake of Individuals, and Their Blood Pressure
International Study of Macro/Micronutrients and Blood Pressure
Ian J. Brown; Jeremiah Stamler; Linda Van Horn; Claire E. Robertson; Queenie 
Chan; Alan R. Dyer; Chiang-Ching Huang; Beatriz L. Rodriguez; Liancheng Zhao; 
Martha L. Daviglus; Hirotsugu Ueshima; Paul Elliott for the International Study of 
Macro/Micronutrients and Blood Pressure Research Group
From the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health 
(I.J.B., Q.C., P.E.), and Medical Research Council-Health Protection Agency Centre 
for Environment and Health (P.E.), Imperial College London, London, United 
Kingdom; Department of Preventive Medicine (J.S., L.V.H., A.R.D., C.-C.H., M.L.D.), 
Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL; Department of 
Human and Health Sciences (C.E.R.), School of Biosciences, University of 
Westminster, London, United Kingdom; Pacific Health Research Institute (B.L.R.), 
Honolulu, HI; Cardiovascular Institute and Fuwai Hospital (L.Z.), Chinese Academy 
of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, Beijing, China; Department 
of Health Science (H.U.), Shiga University of Medical Science, Otsu, Shiga, Japan.
Correspondence to Ian J. Brown and Paul Elliott, Department of Epidemiology and 
Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Imperial College London, London W2 1PG, 
United Kingdom. E-mail and
The obesity epidemic has focused attention on relationships of sugars and sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) 
to cardiovascular risk factors. Here we report cross-sectional associations of SSBs, diet beverages, and sugars 
with blood pressure (BP) for United Kingdom and US participants of the International Study of Macro/
Micronutrients and Blood Pressure. Data collected include four 24-hour dietary recalls, two 24-hour urine 
collections, 8 BP readings, and questionnaire data for 2696 people ages 40 to 59 years of age from 10 US/United 
Kingdom population samples. Associations of SSBs, diet beverages, and sugars (fructose, glucose, and 
sucrose) with BP were assessed by multiple linear regression. SSB intake related directly to BP, with P values of 
0.005 to <0.001 (systolic BP) and 0.14 to <0.001 (diastolic BP). SSB intake higher by 1 serving per day (355 mL/
24 hours) was associated with systolic/diastolic BP differences of +1.6/+0.8 mm Hg (both P<0.001) and 
+1.1/+0.4 mm Hg (P<0.001/<0.05) with adjustment for weight and height. Diet beverage intake was inversely 
associated with BP (P 0.41 to 0.003). Fructose- and glucose-BP associations were direct, with significant sugarsodium interactions: for individuals with above-median 24-hour urinary sodium excretion, fructose intake higher 
by 2 SD (5.6% kcal) was associated with systolic/diastolic BP differences of +3.4/+2.2 mm Hg (both P<0.001) 
and +2.5/+1.7 mm Hg (both P=0.002) with adjustment for weight and height. Observed independent, direct 
associations of SSB intake and BP are consistent with recent trial data. These findings, plus adverse nutrient 
intakes among SSB consumers, and greater sugar-BP differences for persons with higher sodium excretion lend 
support to recommendations that intake of SSBs, sugars, and salt be substantially reduced.
20. Circulation. 2011;123:249-257
Published online before print January 10, 2011, doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.
Epidemiology and Prevention
Consumption of Added Sugars and Indicators of Cardiovascular Disease Risk Among US Adolescents
Jean A. Welsh, PhD, MPH, RN; Andrea Sharma, PhD, MPH; Solveig A. 
Cunningham, PhD; Miriam B. Vos, MD, MSPH
From the Nutrition and Health Science Program (J.A.W., A.S., M.B.V.) and 
Department of Pediatrics, Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition, Emory 
University School of Medicine (M.B.V.), Graduate Division of Biological and Medical 
Sciences, and Department of Global Health, Rollins Schools of Public Health 
(S.A.C.), Emory University, Atlanta, GA; Children's Healthcare of Atlanta (J.A.W., 
M.B.V.), Atlanta, GA; and Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity, 
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (A.S.), Atlanta, GA.
Correspondence to Jean A. Welsh, PhD, MPH, RN, 2015 Uppergate Dr NE, Atlanta, 
GA 30322. E-mail
Background— Whereas increased carbohydrate and sugar consumption has been associated with higher 
cardiovascular disease risk among adults, little is known about the impact of high consumption of added sugars 
(caloric sweeteners) among US adolescents.
Methods and Results— In a cross-sectional study of 2157 US adolescents in the National Health and Nutrition 
Examination Survey (NHANES) 1999 to 2004, dietary data from one 24-hour recall were merged with added sugar 
content data from the US Department of Agriculture MyPyramid Equivalents databases. Measures of 
cardiovascular disease risk were estimated by added sugar consumption level (<10%, 10 to <15%, 15 to <20%, 
20 to <25%, 25 to <30%, and 30% of total energy). Multivariable means were weighted to be representative of US 
adolescents and variances adjusted for the complex sampling methods. Daily consumption of added sugars 
averaged 21.4% of total energy. Added sugars intake was inversely correlated with mean high-density lipoprotein 
cholesterol levels (mmol/L) which were 1.40 (95% confidence interval [CI] 1.36 to 1.44) among the lowest 
consumers and 1.28 (95% CI 1.23 to 1.33) among the highest (P trend =0.001). Added sugars were positively 
correlated with low-density lipoproteins (P trend =0.01) and geometric mean triglycerides (P trend =0.05). Among 
the lowest and highest consumers, respectively, low-density lipoproteins (mmol/L) were 2.24 (95% CI 2.12 to 
2.37) and 2.44 (95% CI 2.34 to 2.53), and triglycerides (mmol/L) were 0.81 (95% CI 0.74, 0.88) and 0.89 (95% CI 
0.83 to 0.96). Among those overweight/obese (85th percentile body-mass-index), added sugars were positively 
correlated with the homeostasis model assessment (P linear trend =0.004).
Conclusion— Consumption of added sugars among US adolescents is positively associated with multiple 
measures known to increase cardiovascular disease risk.
21. Circulation. 2010;122:2470-2490
Published online before print November 8, 2010, doi: 10.1161/CIR.
AHA Conference Proceedings
Translation and Implementation of Added Sugars Consumption Recommendations
A Conference Report From the American Heart Association Added Sugars 
Conference 2010
Linda Van Horn, PhD, RD, FAHA, Chair; Rachel K. Johnson, PhD, MPH, RD, CoChair; Brent D. Flickinger, PhD, Co-Chair; Dorothea K. Vafiadis, MS; Shirley YinPiazza, MS, MBA*, on behalf of the Added Sugars Conference Planning GroupBackground— A 2-day forum was convened to (1) discuss ways to translate the 2009 American Heart 
Association added sugars recommendations into actions in areas such as regulation, food labeling, nutrient 
content claims, and practical application in the American diet; (2) review surveillance methodology and metrics 
for tracking and understanding the impact of reducing added sugars in the diet; and (3) initiate the development 
of a framework for future collaboration to help Americans implement science-based guidance relative to added 
Methods and Results— More than 100 multinational participants representing scientists from academia and 
government and stakeholders engaged in food production, development, and processing, food manufacturing and 
servicing, food and nutrition policy, and nutrition recommendations for the public attended the conference. 
Presentations included definitions and examples of added sugars, current US and international added sugars 
perspectives, added sugars in diets of individuals and in the food supply, food technology behind added sugars, 
added sugars and health, food manufacturer perspectives, added sugars food-labeling considerations, and 
examples of positive approaches to improve eating behaviors and the food environment. Facilitated breakout 
sessions were conducted after the plenary sessions to allow participants to contribute their expertise and 
Conclusion— The American Heart Association Added Sugars Conference is the first step in an important process 
that facilitates collaboration across science, public health, and industry to foster innovation, partnerships, policy, 
and implementation of new products and services for the benefit of the health and well-being of the American 
public. Science has advanced in the area of added sugars and health, creating mounting pressure to use better 
methods for translation and dissemination of the science for consumer education and for food companies to 
respond by producing foods and beverages with fewer added sugars. The new science also reinforces the 
importance of preventing, rather than simply treating diseases, especially overweight and obesity, diabetes 
mellitus, high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. Reducing added sugars consumption is a good target 
for addressing obesity, along with other sources of excess calories. However, the potential unintended 
consequences of substituting added sugars with ingredients that may not reduce calories and of increasing other 
macronutrients or food groups that may not result in a net health gain must be considered. Although there are 
many challenges to incorporating added sugars to the food label as was discussed during the conference, 
disclosure of added sugars content on food and beverage labels is an essential element in consumer education 
and can provide the information and motivation for making healthier food choices. This conference demonstrated 
the value of interactive dialogue among multiple sectors and disciplines. More disciplines should be at the table 
to bring expertise to discuss cross-cutting issues related to public policies and offer diverse insights to finding a 
The Standard American Diet and Its Relationship to the Health Status of 
David Grotto, RD, LDN1
Elisa Zied, MS, RD, CDN2
1Nutrition Housecall, LLC, Elmhurst, Illinois
2Zied Health Communications, LLC, New York City, New York
David Grotto, P.O. Box 311, Elmhurst, IL 60126; e-mail:
The Standard American Diet (SAD) has long been implicated in contributing to the health challenges experienced 
in the United States. Significant changes to the SAD have occurred since the 1950s, including a greater 
abundance and accessibility to calorie-dense and nutrient-poor food and beverage choices. The disparity of 
present consumption patterns to diet and nutrition recommendations from the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 
are addressed.
23. Sugar-Sweetened Beverages and Risk of Metabolic Syndrome and Type 2 Diabetes
A meta-analysis
Vasanti S. Malik, SCD1, Barry M. Popkin, PHD2, George A. Bray, MD3, Jean-Pierre 
Després, PHD4, Walter C. Willett, MD, DRPH1,5 and Frank B. Hu, MD, PHD1,5
Author Affiliations
1Departments of Nutrition and Epidemiology, Harvard School of Public Health, 
Boston, Massachusetts;
2Department of Nutrition, Gillings School of Global Public Health, University of 
North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina;
3Dietary Obesity Laboratory, Pennington Biomedical Research Center, Baton 
Rouge, Louisiana;
4Centre de Recherche de l'Institut Universitaire de Cardiologie et de Pneumologie 
de Québec, Québec City, Québec, Canada;
5Channing Laboratory, Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital 
and Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts.
Corresponding author: Frank B. Hu,
OBJECTIVE Consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs), which include soft drinks, fruit drinks, iced tea, 
and energy and vitamin water drinks has risen across the globe. Regular consumption of SSBs has been 
associated with weight gain and risk of overweight and obesity, but the role of SSBs in the development of 
related chronic metabolic diseases, such as metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes, has not been 
quantitatively reviewed.
RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS We searched the MEDLINE database up to May 2010 for prospective 
cohort studies of SSB intake and risk of metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes. We identified 11 studies (three 
for metabolic syndrome and eight for type 2 diabetes) for inclusion in a random-effects meta-analysis comparing 
SSB intake in the highest to lowest quantiles in relation to risk of metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.
RESULTS Based on data from these studies, including 310,819 participants and 15,043 cases of type 2 
diabetes, individuals in the highest quantile of SSB intake (most often 1–2 servings/day) had a 26% greater risk 
of developing type 2 diabetes than those in the lowest quantile (none or <1 serving/month) (relative risk [RR] 
1.26 [95% CI 1.12–1.41]). Among studies evaluating metabolic syndrome, including 19,431 participants and 
5,803 cases, the pooled RR was 1.20 [1.02–1.42].
CONCLUSIONS In addition to weight gain, higher consumption of SSBs is associated with development of 
metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes. These data provide empirical evidence that intake of SSBs should be 
limited to reduce obesity-related risk of chronic metabolic diseases.
24. Fructose: a highly lipogenic nutrient implicated in insulin resistance, hepatic 
steatosis, and the metabolic syndrome
Mark J. Dekker1, Qiaozhu Su1, Chris Baker1, Angela C. Rutledge1,2, and Khosrow 
Author Affiliations
1Molecular Structure and Function, Research Institute, The Hospital for Sick 
Children; and2Department of Biochemistry, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Address for reprint requests and other correspondence: K. Adeli, The Hospital for 
Sick Children, Rm 3652, 555 University Ave., Toronto, ON, M5G 1X8 Canada (email:
Submitted 10 May 2010. accepted in final form 31 August 2010.
As dietary exposure to fructose has increased over the past 40 years, there is growing concern that high 
fructose consumption in humans may be in part responsible for the rising incidence of obesity worldwide. Obesity 
is associated with a host of metabolic challenges, collectively termed the metabolic syndrome. Fructose is a 
highly lipogenic sugar that has profound metabolic effects in the liver and has been associated with many of the 
components of the metabolic syndrome (insulin resistance, elevated waist circumference, dyslipidemia, and 
hypertension). Recent evidence has also uncovered effects of fructose in other tissues, including adipose 
tissue, the brain, and the gastrointestinal system, that may provide new insight into the metabolic consequences 
of high-fructose diets. Fructose feeding has now been shown to alter gene expression patterns (such as 
peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ coactivator-1α/β in the liver), alter satiety factors in the brain, 
increase inflammation, reactive oxygen species, and portal endotoxin concentrations via Toll-like receptors, and 
induce leptin resistance. This review highlights recent findings in fructose feeding studies in both human and 
animal models with a focus on the molecular and biochemical mechanisms that underlie the development of 
insulin resistance, hepatic steatosis, and the metabolic syndrome.
Increased Fructose Intake as a Risk Factor For Dementia
B. C. M. Stephan1, J. C. K. Wells2, C. Brayne1, E. Albanese3 and M. 
Author Affiliations
1Institute of Public Health, University of Cambridge, UK
2Childhood Nutrition Research Centre, University College London, Institute 
of Child Health, UK
3Medical Research Council, Unit for Lifelong Health and Ageing, London, 
4Human Nutrition and Physiology Unit, University of Naples “Federico II,” 
Address correspondence to M. Siervo, MD, MSc, Human Nutrition and 
Physiology Unit, University of Naples “Federico II,” via Pansini 5, 80100, 
Naples, Italy.
Received February 8, 2010.
Accepted April 22, 2010.
The transition in the world age demographic toward older age is associated with an increased risk of 
neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease. Risk profiles for dementia may also be changing. 
Obesity and type 2 diabetes have increased in prevalence in the last half-century and have been associated with 
increased dementia risk. Specific changes in nutrition may also represent a direct risk. A diet transition in the United States has occurred in the intake of refined sugar, particularly high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) from a 
yearly estimate of 8.1 kg/person at the beginning of the XIX century to a current estimate of 65 kg/person. This 
article considers the association between refined sugar intake, markers of cardiovascular disease risk, and the 
possible promotion of the development of dementia.
27. Circulation. 2010;121:1356-1364
doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.109.876185
(Circulation. 2010;121:1356-1364.)
© 2010 American Heart Association, Inc.
Contemporary Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine
Sugar-Sweetened Beverages, Obesity, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, and 
Cardiovascular Disease Risk
Vasanti S. Malik, MSc; Barry M. Popkin, PhD; George A. Bray, MD; Jean-Pierre 
Després, PhD; Frank B. Hu, MD, PhD
From the Departments of Nutrition and Epidemiology, Harvard School of Public 
Health (V.S.M., F.B.H.), and Channing Laboratory, Department of Medicine, 
Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School (F.B.H.), Boston, 
Mass; Centre de Recherche de l’Institut Universitaire de Cardiologie et de 
Pneumologie de Québec, Québec City, Québec, Canada (J.P.D.); Dietary Obesity 
Laboratory, Pennington Biomedical Research Center, Baton Rouge, La (G.A.B.); 
and Department of Nutrition, Gillings School of Global Public Health, University of 
North Carolina, Chapel Hill (B.M.P.).
Correspondence to Frank B. Hu, Department of Nutrition, Harvard School of Public 
Health, 665 Huntington Ave, Boston, MA 02115. E-mail
Obesity has recently emerged as a major global health problem. According to World Health Organization 
estimates, 1.6 billion adults worldwide were overweight (body mass index [BMI] 25 kg/m2) and at least 400 million 
were obese (BMI 30 kg/m2) in 2005, numbers that are expected to reach 2.3 billion and 700 million, respectively, 
by 2015. In the United States, the percentage of overweight and obese adults increased markedly from 47% and 
15% in 1976 to 1980 to >66% and 33% in 2005 to 2006, with the greatest proportion of increase seen among 
non-Hispanic black and Mexican American women.1,2 The implications of excess body weight are far-reaching. 
Epidemiological studies indicate that overweight and obesity are important risk factors for type 2 diabetes 
mellitus (T2DM), cardiovascular disease, cancer, and premature death.3 In the United States, healthcare 
expenditures attributable to overweight and obesity are estimated to be $147 billion or 9.1% of total healthcare 
costs per year.4 Such excess costs could have serious repercussions for resource-poor countries, which must 
manage the dual burdens of chronic and infectious disease.
In the setting of a pandemic of obesity and related chronic diseases, the American Heart Association recently 
released a scientific statement recommending reductions in added-sugar intake to no more than 100 to 150 kcal/
d for most Americans.5 The statement identified sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) as the primary source of 
added sugars in the American diet.6 Although it has long been suspected that SSBs contribute at least in part to 
the obesity epidemic, only in recent years have large epidemiological studies been able to substantiate the 
relationship between SSB consumption and long-term weight gain, T2DM, and cardiovascular risk. It is thought 
that SSBs contribute to weight gain because of their high added-sugar content, low satiety, and potential incomplete compensation for total energy, leading to increased energy intake.7,8 In addition, because of their 
high amounts of rapidly absorbable carbohydrates such as various forms of sugar and high-fructose corn syrup 
(HFCS) and the large quantities consumed, SSBs may increase T2DM and cardiovascular risk independently of 
obesity as a contributor to a high dietary glycemic load (GL), leading to inflammation, insulin resistance, and 
impaired β-cell function.9 Fructose from any sugar or HFCS may also increase blood pressure and promote the 
accumulation of visceral adiposity, dyslipidemia, and ectopic fat deposition because of increased hepatic de 
novo lipogenesis.10 Here, we review temporal patterns in SSB consumption and clinically relevant effects on 
obesity, T2DM, and cardiovascular disease risk, emphasizing potential underlying biological mechanisms, clinical 
implications, and consideration of methodological issues inherent in the literature.
28. Circulation. 2010;121:586-613
Published online before print January 20, 2010, doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.
(Circulation. 2010;121:586-613.)
© 2010 American Heart Association, Inc.
AHA Special Report
Defining and Setting National Goals for Cardiovascular Health Promotion and 
Disease Reduction
The American Heart Association’s Strategic Impact Goal Through 2020 and 
Donald M. Lloyd-Jones, MD, ScM, FAHA, Chair; Yuling Hong, MD, MSc, PhD, 
FAHA*; Darwin Labarthe, MD, MPH, PhD, FAHA*; Dariush Mozaffarian, MD, DrPH, 
FAHA; Lawrence J. Appel, MD, MPH, FAHA; Linda Van Horn, PhD, RD, FAHA; Kurt 
Greenlund, PhD*; Stephen Daniels, MD, PhD, FAHA; Graham Nichol, MD, MPH, 
FAHA; Gordon F. Tomaselli, MD, PhD, FAHA; Donna K. Arnett, PhD, FAHA; Gregg 
C. Fonarow, MD, FAHA; P. Michael Ho, MD, PhD; Michael S. Lauer, MD, FAHA; 
Frederick A. Masoudi, MD, MPH; Rose Marie Robertson, MD, FAHA; Véronique 
Roger, MD, FAHA; Lee H. Schwamm, MD, FAHA; Paul Sorlie, PhD; Clyde W. Yancy, 
MD, FAHA; Wayne D. Rosamond, PhD, FAHA, on behalf of the American Heart 
Association Strategic Planning Task Force and Statistics Committee
This document details the procedures and recommendations of the Goals and Metrics Committee of the Strategic 
Planning Task Force of the American Heart Association, which developed the 2020 Impact Goals for the 
organization. The committee was charged with defining a new concept, cardiovascular health, and determining 
the metrics needed to monitor it over time. Ideal cardiovascular health, a concept well supported in the literature, 
is defined by the presence of both ideal health behaviors (nonsmoking, body mass index <25 kg/m2, physical 
activity at goal levels, and pursuit of a diet consistent with current guideline recommendations) and ideal health 
factors (untreated total cholesterol <200 mg/dL, untreated blood pressure <120/<80 mm Hg, and fasting blood 
glucose <100 mg/dL). Appropriate levels for children are also provided. With the use of levels that span the 
entire range of the same metrics, cardiovascular health status for the whole population is defined as poor, 
intermediate, or ideal. These metrics will be monitored to determine the changing prevalence of cardiovascular 
health status and define achievement of the Impact Goal. In addition, the committee recommends goals for 
further reductions in cardiovascular disease and stroke mortality. Thus, the committee recommends the following 
Impact Goals: "By 2020, to improve the cardiovascular health of all Americans by 20% while reducing deaths 
from cardiovascular diseases and stroke by 20%." These goals will require new strategic directions for the 
American Heart Association in its research, clinical, public health, and advocacy programs for cardiovascular 
health promotion and disease prevention in the next decade and beyond.
29. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN DENTAL ASSOCIATIONDiet, Cardiovascular Disease and Oral Health
Promoting Health and Reducing Risk
Riva Touger-Decker, PhD, RD, FADA
Background. Primary prevention of cardiovascular disease includes screening as well as education and riskreduction efforts.
Methods. The author reviewed diet and nutritional risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD), as well as 
dietary approaches to reduce the risk of developing CVD. The author also presented applications for use in 
dental practice.
Conclusions. The multifaceted relationship between diet/nutrition, CVD and oral health supports the role of CVD 
risk-reduction strategies in dental practice.
Clinical Implications. Reinforcement of healthful lifestyle principles may help reduce patients’ risk of developing 
CVD and improve their systemic and oral health.
Volume 94, Number 4, 437-451, DOI: 10.1007/BF00212836
30. Caffeine physical dependence: a review of human and 
laboratory animal studies
Roland R. Griffiths and Phillip P. Woodson
References (132)
Cited By (59)
Although caffeine is the most widely used behaviorally active drug in the world, caffeine physical dependence 
has been poorly characterized in laboratory animals and only moderately well characterized in humans. In 
humans, a review of 37 clinical reports and experimental studies dating back to 1833 shows that headache and 
fatigue are the most frequent withdrawal symptoms, with a wide variety of other signs and symptoms occurring at 
lower frequency (e.g. anxiety, impaired psychomotor performance, nausea/vomiting and craving). When caffeine 
withdrawal occurs, severity can vary from mild to extreme (i.e. incapacitating). The withdrawal syndrome has an 
onset at 12–24 h, peak at 20–48 h, and duration of about 1 week. The pharmacological specificity of caffeine 
withdrawal has been established. The proportion of heavy caffeine users who will experience withdrawal 
symptoms has been estimated from experimental studies to range from 25% to 100%. Withdrawal symptoms 
have been documented after relatively short-term exposure to high doses of caffeine (i.e. 6–15 days of 600 mg/
day). Although animal and human studies suggest that physical dependence may potentiate the reinforcing 
effects of caffeine, human studies also demonstrate that a history of substantial caffeine intake is not a 
necessary condition for caffeine to function as a reinforcer. The similarities and differences between caffeine and 
classic drugs of abuse are discussed.
Key words Caffeine - Caffeinism - Coffee - Tea - Physical dependence - Withdrawal - Reinforcer - Drug selfadministration - Subjective effects - Drug dependence - Drug abuse - Humans - Animals
31. Mutation Research/Fundamental and Molecular 
Mechanisms of Mutagenesis
Volume 33, Issues 2-3, December 1975, Pages 279-284
Cited By in Scopus (8)
Post-replication repair of DNA in chinese hamster 
cells treated with CIS platinum (II) diamine dichloride. 
Enhancement of toxicity and chromosome damage by 
H.W. Van Den Berga and J.J. Roberts
Institute of Cancer Research, Royal Cancer Hospital, Pollards Wood Research Station, Chalfont St. Giles, 
Bucks. England
Received 25 April 1975; revised 27 June 1975; accepted 25 July 1975. Available online 13 January 2003.
The anti-tumor agent cis platinum (II) diammine dichloride (cis Pt(II)) caused chromosomal abnormalities in 
Chinese hamster V79–379A cells. The time of appearance of these abnormalities suggested that they arise as a 
consequence of DNA synthesis on a damaged template. The yield and severity of chromosomal abnormalities 
was greatly enhanced by a non-toxic concentration of caffeine, and this enhancement was associated with a 
potentiation of cis Pt(II) induced cell death.
These results suggest that damage to DNA which arises from cis Pt(II) treatment can be repaired in this cell line 
by a caffeine-sensitive post-replication repair process.
Abbreviations: cis Pt(II), cis platinum (II) diammine dichloride; DMSO, dimethylsulphoxide
“Caffeine use can be associated with several distinct psychiatric syndromes: 
caffeine intoxication, caffeine withdrawal, caffeine dependence, caffeine-induced 
sleep disorder, and caffeine-induced anxiety disorder. Studies have not proven 
that caffeine produces significant life-threatening health risks such as cancer, 
heart disease, and human reproduction abnormalities. Nevertheless, individuals with various conditions such as generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, 
primary insomnia, gastroesophageal reflux, pregnancy and urinary incontinence 
are often advised to reduce or eliminate regular caffeine use. With regard to 
cardiovascular health, caffeine produces modest increases in blood pressure 
and studies have established that unfiltered caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee 
(including espresso and French Press) contain lipids which raise serum 
cholesterol. In addition, concerns have been raised about a role of caffeine in 
cardiovascular disease. Finally, studies suggest that there may be an 
association between high daily caffeine consumption and delayed conception 
and lower birth weight.”
Josef M. Peters, Eldon M. Boyd
Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 1967, 45:305-311, 10.1139/
Caffeine was given daily for 14 days in an oral dose of 185 mg/kg to male and 
female albino rats in groups of increasing body weight. The sensitivity of rats to 
the lethal effects of caffeine increased with increase in age. Psychotoxic (automutilation plus hemorrhage) deaths were most common in young rats, and 
hypokinetic–convulsive deaths in older animals. In survivors, the incidence of 
glycosuria and hydration of the kidneys was greater, and dehydration of the 
adrenal glands and gonads less, in older than in younger rats. Sublethal signs of 
toxicity in male survivors were greater than in female survivors. Anorexia and 
loss of body weight were greater in male than in female survivors, diuresis was 
less evident, loss of muscle weight was greater, and the relative gain in weight 
of the adrenal glands and gastrointestinal tract were greater. In brief, caffeine 
was found to be more toxic in older than in younger rata and in males than in 
34. Medscape: “Patients who become caffeine-toxic may 
not even realize it.”
“Too often, patients presenting with complaints of some form of anxiety do not 
have a careful caffeine history taken. Caffeinated beverages, particularly strong 
ones, have become immensely popular in social situations and need to be asked 
about. Television shows popularize sitting in coffeehouses for long periods of 
time drinking coffee. Multiple new beverages have entered the market place with 
increasing amounts of caffeine. Virtually none of the media associated with all of 
this mentions anything about caffeine toxicity. As a result, patients who become 
caffeine-toxic may not even realize it. They may need to be educated that the 
amount of caffeine they are ingesting simply to be social is making them feel 
Medscape: Dual Diagnoses, New Perspectives
Thousands are in mental institutions because of caffeine
“Thousands are in mental institutions today because of no greater matter than 
that of the use of caffeine. Psychiatrists are now publishing articles indicating 
that there are numerous cases of depression and anxiety in mental institutions 
who need no other treatment than to be taken off caffeine. It would seem that 
with such a simple remedy available, many thousands of people could be 
returned to their full usefulness promptly.
“However, the use of caffeine is so traditional and firmly entrenched that it is 
almost impossible to remove caffeinated drinks from the diet of patients in the 
mental institutions. Soft drink machines, coffee dispensers, and the traditional 
coffee break are common pastimes in mental institutions, and with those who 
are mentally ill at home.”
Calvin Thrash, M.D., Author, Food Allergies Made Simple
35. British Journal of Addiction: 1 in 10 people 
“Although infrequently diagnosed, caffeinism is thought to afflict as many as one 
person in ten of the population.”
JE James and KP Stirling, “Caffeine: A Summary of Some of the Known and Suspected Deleterious Habits of 
Habitual Use,”British Journal of Addiction, 1983;78:251-58.
Posted in : Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder
36. Johns Hopkins University School of 
Medicine: Patients may fail to recognize caffeineinduced symptoms
“The potential for caffeine intoxication to cause clinically significant distress is 
reflected by the inclusion of caffeine intoxication as a diagnosis in DSM-IV 
(Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition)(American 
Psychiatric Association, 1994) and in ICD-10 (International Statistical 
Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, Tenth Edition)(World 
Health Organization).”
“Studies have shown that high dietary doses of caffeine (200 mg or more) 
increase anxiety ratings and induce panic attacks in the general population. In 
the United States the average per capita daily intake among adult caffeine 
consumers is 280 milligrams (the equivalent of 17 ounces of brewed coffee).”
“Although highly anxious individuals tend to be more likely to limit their caffeine 
use, not all individuals with anxiety problems naturally avoid caffeine, and some 
may fail to recognize the role that caffeine is playing in their anxiety symptoms.”
“It has been noted that caffeine intoxication can occur in someone who has been 
using caffeine for many years with no prior apparent problems.”
Roland R. Griffiths, Ph.D, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Professor of Behavioral Biology, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
Professor of Neuroscience, Department of Neuroscience
37. Caffeinated persons are routinely 
“misdiagnosed as neurotic or even psychotic”
“In over a decade of practice as a clinical nutritionist, I have seen firsthand, with 
thousands of clients, that caffeine is a health hazard. Anxiety, muscle aches, 
PMS, headaches….However, if that’s all caffeine has done to you, you’re lucky. 
What about people misdiagnosed as neurotic or even psychotic, who spend 
years and small fortunes in psychotherapy–all because no one asked them 
about their caffeine intake?”
Nutritional biochemist Stephen Cherniske, in Caffeine Blues: Wake Up to the Dangers of America’s #1 Drug
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------38. Journal of the American Medical Association: 
Caffeine induces “psychological problems”
“The existence of a caffeine dependence syndrome, which includes evidence of 
continued caffeine consumption depite medical or psychological problems from 
caffeine consumption and unsuccessful efforts to quit caffeine use, provides a 
further similarity between caffeine and classic drugs of dependence.”
EC Strain, GK Mumford, K Silverman et al., “Caffeine Dependence Syndrome: Evidence from case histories 
and experimental evaluations.” Journal of the American Medical Association, 1995;273:1418-19.
39. “Psychosis can be induced in normal individuals 
ingesting caffeine at toxic doses.”
“Psychosis can be induced in normal individuals ingesting caffeine at toxic 
doses, and psychotic symptoms can also be worsened in schizophrenic patients 
using caffeine….Prevention of caffeine-induced psychiatric symptoms is 
possible by recognizing, educating, and treating patients using a tapering 
Broderick P, Benjamin AB, Caffeine and psychiatric symptoms: A Review; J Okla State Medical Assoc, 2004 
Dec; 97(12):538-42
40. Caffeine produces anxiety, psychotic states, 
toxic dementia
“An allergic reaction to caffeine manifests as anaphylaxis. During a state of 
caffeine anaphylaxis, the body enters the fight or flight mode, which may be 
mistaken as hyperactivity, anxiety, or panic disorder. Caffeine anaphylaxis 
causes cerebral vasculitis, leads to the breakdown of the blood brain barrier, and 
generates toxic dementia.”
“Symptoms range from minimal reactions to severe psychotic states, which may 
include irrational behavior, disruptions in attention, lack of focus and 
comprehension, mood changes, lack of organizational skills, abrupt shifting of 
activities, delusions, hallucinations, and paranoia.”
“An allergic reaction to caffeine results in poisoning of the prefrontal cortex. 
Damage to the underside area on the prefrontal cortex, above the eye sockets, 
generally renders a person absent minded and interferes with the ability to 
monitor personal activities (Carter, 1998). Injury results in loss of verbal and 
social inhibition….”“While others may notice menacing changes in behavior or personality changes, 
the victim may not.”
Ruth Whalen, MLT
41. Data Sheet on caffeine exposure: Hallucinations, 
nervousness, psychosis
While the FDA labels caffeine as GRAS (”Generally Regarded As Safe”), 
chemical manufacturers are required by law to label caffeine “potentially fatal if 
inhaled, swallowed or absorbed through the skin” when handling and transporting 
it. Following is an excerpt from one Material Data Safety Sheet, courtesy of the 
University of California:
 ACUTE EXPOSURE- Ingestion of large amounts may result in headache, 
lightheadedness, dizziness, chills, fever, excitement, restlessness, 
nervousness, insomnia, mild delirium, hallucinations, tinnitus, constricted pupils, 
decreased visual fields, amblyopia,diplopia, photophobia, and scintillating 
scotoma. Neurologic symptoms may persist for several days….Other effects 
may include alternating states of consciousness and muscle twitching, tremors, 
hyperesthesia, hypertonicity or hypotonicity, trismus, opisthotonus and 
convulsions. Seizures generally precede death.
 CHRONIC EXPOSURE- In addition to the effects detailed in acute exposure, 
agitation, disturbed sleep, caffeine-induced psychosis, heartburn and 
hyperventilation may occur. Prolonged use of high doses may result in 
tolerence, physical and psychological dependence. Symptoms of withdrawal 
may occur following abrupt cessation.
University of California Material Safety Data Sheet
42. Caffeine causes depression
“There is no doubt that the excitation of the central nervous system produced by 
large amounts of caffeine is followed by depression.”
J. Murdoch Ritchie, Professor Emeritus, Department of Pharmacology, Yale University School of Medicine, 
in The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, Goodman and Gilman eds.
43. Biochemist finds 50% of anxiety cases caffeineinduced“If a person were injected with 500 milligrams of caffeine [less than the dosage 
recently discovered in some 16-ounce Starbucks brews], within about an hour he 
or she would exhibit symptoms of severe mental illness, among them 
hallucinations, paranoia, panic, mania, and depression. But the same amount of 
caffeine administered over the course of a day only produces the milder forms of 
insanity for which we take tranquilizers and antidepressants.”
“For five years I worked in a team practice with physicians and 
psychotherapists. Often, the psychological evaluation would include one or more 
anxiety syndromes, and the recommendation was for counseling. I would point 
out that the person was consuming excessive amounts of caffeine and request a 
trial month off caffeine prior to therapy sessions. In about 50% of cases, the 
anxiety syndrome would resolve with caffeine withdrawal alone.”
Nutritional biochemist Stephen Cherniske, Author, Caffeine Blues: Wake Up 
to the Dangers of America’s #1 Drug
44. “Too many clinical histories fail to record caffeine 
“Diagnosis of any caffeine-related disorder begins with clinical awareness. Beverage caffeine is such a common 
component of social activity that its consideration as a psychostimulant often is neglected.”
“Too many clinical histories fail to record caffeine use. A complete caffeine history includes doses associated 
with beverages and medications….The observable signs associated with caffeine consumption are dose 
dependent. For most individuals who consume caffeine in the average range, the physical stigmata will include 
arousal signs. Expect to see nervousness, elevated heart rate, increased respiratory rate, flushed face, and an 
exaggerated startle response. Caffeine is a mild diuretic and may contribute to vague gastrointestinal complaints. 
In rare cases where an individual’s dose exceeds 1 gram per day, the picture changes. Gross muscle tremors, 
highly disorganized speech, and possible arrhythmias herald a more sinister outcome.” [CaffeineWeb note: One 
gram has long been considered the toxic dose of caffeine, but it may not be as rare as supposed. A recent 
study published in the Journal of Analytical Toxicology found that two 16 oz. Starbucks coffees may contain in 
excess of one gram.]
R. Gregory Lande, DO, FACN, Deputy and Director of Professional Services, Department of Clinical 
Administration, William S. Hall Psychiatric Institute, University of South Carolina
45. The New England Journal of Medicine: Patient’s mania 
a result of caffeine intake
Psychiatrists’ initial verdict on one caffeine-poisoned patient, in a case cited by 
Dr. Edward M. Brecher in the landmark “Consumers Union Report on Licit and 
Illicit Drugs”:
“Hysteria without question. When she failed to improve and remained wildly manic for several days, she was transferred to a psychiatric hospital, where she 
was at first kept tied to a bed. After almost two months in the hospital, during 
which she slowly recovered, a mild relapse occurred. Investigation showed that 
she was drinking coffee, four cups a day. At this point, suspicion for the first 
time turned to caffeine. Coffee and tea were removed from her vicinity and soon 
she again became entirely normal, and was dismissed from the hospital.”
“Caffeine Intoxication: Report of a Case the Symptoms of which Amounted to a Psychosis,” New England 
Journal of Medicine, 1936;215:616-620.
46. Journal of Affective Disorders: Woman’s bipolar 
disorder vanishes as caffeine intake is discontinued
“A longitudinal case report shows a sudden remission of the severe course of a seasonal bipolar disorder after 
10 years of psychopharmacological treatments. The discontinuation of heavy caffeine intake appears to have 
contributed to the outcome.”
Abstract of: L Tondo and N Rudas, “The course of a seasonal bipolar disorder influenced by caffeine,” 
Journal of Affective Disorders, 1991;22 (4):249-251
47. NASA’s Caffeine Findings
In 1995, NASA’s Dr. David Noever and his fellow researchers at the Marshall Space Flight Center studied the 
webs spun by common house spiders (Araneus diadematus) dosed with several drugs, including LSD, marijuana, 
benzedrine, chloral hydrate and caffeine. The more toxic the drug, the less organized the web the spider created.
The spider on marijuana drifted off before finishing the job. The spider on benzedrine, an upper, worked 
energetically but without much planning. The spider dosed with chloral hydrate, a sedative, soon fell asleep.
To the surprise of Dr. Noever et al, caffeine did the most damage of all the substances tested. The spider dosed 
with it proved incapable of creating even a single organized cell, and its web showed no sign of the “hub and 
spokes” pattern fundamental to conventional web design.
What does the web of a caffeinated spider (which can hardly be accustomed to the jolt of a morning latte) have 
to do with human behavior? Unlikely as it sounds, it may be the most vivid illustration of caffeine’s disorienting 
effect on caffeine-sensitive people, many of whom may be misdiagnosed as mentally ill:
“Caffeine-induced psychosis, whether it be delirium, manic depression, schizophrenia, or merely an anxiety 
syndrome, in most cases will be hard to differentiate from other organic or non-organic psychoses….The 
treatment for caffeine-induced psychosis is to withhold further caffeine.”
Clinical Management of Poisoning and Drug Overdose, 3rd ed., 1998
Michael W. Shannon, MD, MPH, Director, Lead and Toxicology Clinic, The Children’s Hospital; Associate 
Professor of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School; Staff Toxicologist, Massachusetts Poison Control System; 
Lester M. Haddad, MD, Clinical Professor in Family Medicine, Medical University of South Carolina; 
Emergency Physician and Active Staff, Bon Secours St. Francis Xavier Hospital; James F. Winchester, MD, 
Professor of Medicine, Division of Nephrology, Georgetown University Medical Center
J Public Health Dent. 1999 Fall;59(4):252-8.Overview of the history and current status of fluoride supplementation schedules.
Adair SM.
Source Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta 30912-1210, USA.
Clinical trials of dietary fluoride supplements began in the 1940s in an effort to bring the benefits of 
fluoride to those who did not receive it through their drinking water. Following the early success of 
these trials, the Council on Dental Therapeutics of the American Dental Association (ADA) published 
its first recommendations for fluoride supplementation in 1958. The American Academy of Pediatrics 
(AAP) followed with its own recommendations in 1972. During the 1970s a variety of alternative 
schedules appeared in the literature, most in reaction to the findings of unexpectedly high levels of 
enamel fluorosis in children being supplemented with the AAP schedule. In 1979 the ADA and AAP 
agreed on essentially identical schedules. During the 1980s, however, the prevalence of enamel 
fluorosis continued to increase, and fluoride supplements were found in some studies to be a risk 
factor for fluorosis. This finding prompted another round of dosage schedule recommendations in the 
early 1990s. This paper presents a history of fluoride dosage recommendations and reviews the 
recent proposals for reducing supplement dosage.
48. FEBS Lett. 1997 May 26;408(3):315-8.
Aluminum fluoride associates with the small guanine nucleotide binding 
Ahmadian MR, Mittal R, Hall A, Wittinghofer A.
Max-Planck-Institut für molekulare Physiologie, Dortmund, Germany.
AlF4- has long been known to associate with and activate the GDP-bound alpha 
subunits of heterotrimeric G-proteins. Recently the small guanine nucleotide binding 
protein Ras has also been shown to associate with AlF4- in the presence of 
stoichiometric amounts of its GTPase activating protein (GAP). Here we present the 
isolation of a stable Ras x GDP- x AlF4- x GAP ternary complex by gel filtration. In 
addition, we generalise the association of AlF4- with the small GTP-binding proteins 
by demonstrating ternary complex formation for the Cdc42, Rap and Ran proteins in 
the presence of their respective GAP proteins.
49. Mutat Res. 1989 Jun;223(2):191-203.
Sodium fluoride-induced chromosome aberrations in different stages of 
the cell cycle: a proposed mechanism.
Aardema MJ, Gibson DP, LeBoeuf RA.
Procter and Gamble Company, Miami Valley Laboratories, Cincinnati, OH 
45239.Erratum in Mutat Res 1989 Aug;223(4):417.
In an attempt to clarify the controversy about sodium fluoride (NaF) clastogenicity, the induction of chromosome 
aberrations in Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO) by NaF was investigated. Following a protocol used for 
screening chemicals for clastogenic activity, significant increases of aberrant cells were observed when cells 
were exposed to NaF for 4 h and harvested 8 h later. Cell-cycle kinetic studies demonstrated most cells were 
exposed in G2 of the cell cycle. Smaller increases in aberrant cells were observed when cells were harvested 20 
h later (most cells were exposed in G1/S). The sensitivity of G2 cells to NaF was investigated further, along with 
the induction of aberrations at low doses. The results indicated that G2 cells are sensitive to NaF and the 
percent of aberrant cells increased with dose and length of exposure. With a 3-h exposure until harvest, no 
statistically significant increase in aberrant cells was observed at doses below 10 micrograms/ml NaF. These 
data are consistent with a threshold for NaF-induced clastogenicity around 10 micrograms/ml, as has been 
proposed previously (Scott and Roberts, 1987). It thus may be predicted that clastogenic effects would not 
occur in humans exposed to the levels of fluoride that are present in drinking water or dentifrices. An 
understanding of the mechanism of NaF-induced clastogenicity would help to clarify this point. It has previously 
been reported that NaF inhibits DNA synthesis/repair. The types of aberrations, mostly deletions and gaps, the 
induction of endoreduplicated cells, the cell-cycle delay and the sensitivity of G2 cells to NaF observed are 
similar to that reported in the literature for DNA synthesis/repair inhibitors like aphidicolin (APC). Similarities in the 
induction of aberrations by NaF and APC were confirmed in experiments with G2 cells. Based on these results 
and those previously reported for NaF and APC, it is proposed that NaF-induced aberrations may occur by an 
indirect mechanism involving the inhibition of DNA synthesis/repair.
50. Clin Dent. 1995;6(1):117-9.
Serendipitous results of a pilot study: precaution indicated.
Heifetz SB, Proskin HM.
Dental Medicine and Public Health, School of Dentistry, University of 
Southern California, Los Angeles, USA.
A pilot study was conducted to estimate sample size for a clinical trial in a F area. In 1992, 98 children 14 years 
of age living in Fall River, MA were examined for dental caries: Fall River was fluoridated in 1973. Residence 
histories showed that 74% lived there from birth (B), 12% were residents from kindergarten or 1st grade (K1) and 
14% moved into the community at a later time (LT). Findings on caries prevalence showed an inverse relation 
between DMFS and initial age of residence; mean DMFS was 3.00 for Group B, 5.33 for Group K1 and 6.93 for 
Group LT. A one-way ANOVA indicated significant differences among the groups (p=0.05). Because residence 
from birth or from early life can be considered a proxy for systemic fluoride exposure, and because controversy 
currently surrounds the issue of topical versus systemic benefits in explaining the mechanism of action of 
fluoride, the results appeared to have importance. However, internal analyses of the data comparing surfacespecific (pit and fissure) results among the groups for early erupting teeth with varying systemic exposure to 
fluoridated water and for late erupting teeth, all with appreciable systemic exposure, showed comparable relative 
differences in DMFS scores. Lack of internal validity, therefore, discounted a conclusion from overall results of 
the role of systemic fluorides in providing decay preventive benefits. If there is any conclusion that can be drawn 
it is that serendipitous escapades with data from a pilot study, if not rigorously analyzed and cautiously 
interpreted, tend to further muddy the waters (fluoridated in this case) on controversial issues and should best 
be avoided.
51. Exposure to high fluoride concentrations in drinking water is associated with decreased birth rates
Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A: Current Issues
Volume 42, Issue 1, 1994, Pages 109 - 121
Author: Stan C. Frenia
DOI: 10.1080/15287399409531866
A review of fluoride toxicity showed decreased fertility in most animal species studied. The current study was to 
see whether fluoride would also affect human birth rates. A U.S. database of drinking water systems was used to 
identify index counties with water systems reporting fluoride levels of at least 3 ppm. These and adjacent 
counties were grouped in 30 regions spread over 9 states. For each county, two conceptionally different 
exposure measures were defined, and the annual total fertility rate (TFR) for women in the age range 10-49 yr 
was calculated for the period 1970-1988. For each region separately, the annual TFR was regressed on the 
fluoride measure and sociodemographic covariables. Most regions showed an association of decreasing TFR with 
increasing fluoride levels. Meta-ana/ysis of the region-specific results confirmed that the combined result was a 
negative TFR/fluoride association with a consensus combined p value of .0002-.0004, depending on the 
analytical scenario. There is no evidence that this outcome resulted from selection bias, inaccurate data, or 
improper analytical methods. However, the study is one that used population means rather than data on 
individual women. Whether or not the fluoride effect on the fertility rate found at the county level also applies to 
individual women remains to be investigated.
52. Reproductive Toxicology
Volume 8, Issue 2, March-April 1994, Pages 155-159
Copyright © 1994 Published by Elsevier Inc. Cited By in Scopus (27)
 Original contribution
In vitro fluoride toxicity in human spermatozoa
Niloufer J. Chinoy, a and Murakonda V. Narayanaa
aReproductive Endocrinology & Toxicology Unit, Department of Zoology, School of Sciences, Gujarat University, 
Ahmedabad, India
Available online 6 November 2002.
Effects of sodium fluoride (NaF) on washed, ejaculated human spermatozoa at doses of 25, 50, and 250 mM 
were investigated in vitro at intervals of 5, 10, and 20 min. Sodium fluoride (NaF) did not affect the extracellular 
pH of sperm, except that a slight acidification was caused by the 250 mM dose only. The treatment caused a 
significant enhancement in acid phosphatase (ACPase) and hyaluronidase activities after 5 and 10 min. However, 
the decrease in the lysosomal enzyme activity after 20 min treatment could have been due to the gradual 
increase in fluoride accumulation by spermatozoa leading to membrane damage. Silver nitrate staining of sperm 
revealed elongated heads, deflagellation, and loss of the acrosome together with coiling of the tail. Sperm 
glutathione levels also showed a time-dependent decrease with complete depletion after 20 min indicating rapid 
glutathione oxidation in detoxification of the NaF. The altered lysosomal enzyme activity and glutathione levels 
together with morphologic anomalies resulted in a significant decline in sperm motility with an effective dose of 
250 mM.Biological Trace Element Research
DOI: 10.1007/s12011-010-8847-2
53. Serum Parathyroid Hormone Levels in Chronic Endemic Fluorosis
Banu Kale Koroglu, Ismail Hakki Ersoy, Mert Koroglu, Ayşe Balkarli, Siddika Ersoy, Simge Varol and Mehmet 
Numan Tamer
Endemic waterborne fluorosis is a public health problem in Isparta, a city located in southern Turkey. Fluoride is 
a cumulative element that increases metabolic turnover of the bone and also affects the homeostasis of bone 
mineral metabolism. There are number of similarities between the effects of excess parathyroid hormone (PTH) 
and fluorosis on bone. So fluoride might show its effect via PTH. We aimed to determine PTH levels in patients 
with endemic fluorosis to estimate the possible toxic effects of chronic fluoride intake. Fifty-six patients with 
endemic fluorosis and 28 age-, sex-, and body-mass-index-matched healthy controls were included in this study. 
Endemic fluorosis was diagnosed according to the clinical diagnosis criteria of Wang. The urine fluoride levels of 
fluorosis patients were significantly higher than those of control subjects as expected (1.9 ±0.1 vs. 0.4 ±0.1 mg/
L, respectively; P<0.001). PTH levels in fluorosis group were significantly higher than control group (65.09 ±
32.91 versus 47.40 ±20.37, respectively; P=0.01). The results of our study demonstrate that serum PTH levels 
are increased in patients with endemic fluorosis. Fluoride, by interfering calcium balance, may be the cause of 
secondary hyperparathyroidism.
54. Indian Journal of Pediatrics
Volume 65, Number 3, 371-381, DOI: 10.1007/BF02761130
Symposium: Toxicology and Poisoning—II
Endemic chronic fluoride toxicity and dietary calcium deficiency 
interaction syndromes of metabolic bone diease and deformities in India: 
Year 2000
Epidemiological studies during 1963–1997 were conducted in 45,725 children exposed to high intake of endemic 
fluoride in the drinking water since their birth. Children with adequate (dietary calcium >800 mg/d) and inadequate 
(dietary calcium <300 mg/d) calcium nutrition and with comparable intakes of fluoride (mean 9.5±1.9 mg/d) were 
compared. The toxic effects of fluoride were severe and more complex and the incidence of metabolic bone 
disease (rickets, osteoporosis. PTH bone disease) and bony leg deformities (genu valgum, genu varum, bowing, 
rotational and wind-swept) was greater (>90%) in children with calcium deficiency as compared to <25% in 
children with adequate calcium who largely had osteosclerotic form of skeletal fluorosis with minimal secondary 
The syndrome of skeletal fluorosis and associated metabolic bone disease and deformity is a unique clinical 
entity classified as a variant of osteosclerotic form of skeletal fluorosis. This syndrome chiefly results from the 
biological impact of excess fluoride, low calcium, high PTH and 1,25 (OH)2D3 separately and through their 
interactions on bone structure and metabolism as studied by radiology, bone scanning, bone histomorphometry 
and relevant metabolic and endocrine laboratory investigations. Metabolically active and vascular bones of 
children accumulate fluoride at faster and greater rate than adults (at the sites of active growth). In calcium 
deficient children the toxic effects of fluoride manifest even at marginally high (> 2.5 mg/d) exposures to fluoride. 
Fluoride toxicity also exaggerates the metabolic effects of calcium deficiency on bone. The findings strongly 
suggest that children with calcium deficiency rickets reported in the literature should be re-investigated for 
possible fluoride interactions. Deep bore drinking water supply with fluoride <0.5 ppm and improvement of calcium 
nutrition provide 100% protection against the toxic effects of fluoride and are recommended as the cost effective and practical public health measures for the prevention and control of endemic fluorosis.
55. Excerpt from:
Adams PH, Jowsey J. (1965). Sodium Fluoride in the Treatment of 
Osteoporosis and Other Bone Diseases. Annals of Internal 
Medicine. 63(6): 1151-1155. pg. 1154:
"In some animals sodium fluoride causes severe renal damage; renal tubular damage and renal insufficiency have 
been reported in endemic fluorosis (16).These renal effects of fluorine may be important, particularly when longterm therapy is contemplated. The presence of pre-existing renal disease may also influence the response to the 
drug, because the kidney is the principal route of fluorine excretion. A patient with renal disease (probably 
chronic pyelonephritis) has been reported (17) whose bone contained fluorine in a concentration exceeding 5,000 
ppm. There was no history of exposures to fluorides, and her usual drinking water contained less than 0.5 ppm of 
fluorine. This is of interest because in a postmortem study in Utah (18) the highest concentrations of fluorine 
were found in those with chronic pyelonephritis; this was not true of those with chronic glomerulonephritis. It is 
hard to explain these findings but in chronic pyelonephritis there is commonly a defect of water conservation with 
polyuria and polydipsia, and this may be the important factor. Sauerbrunn and associates have reported in this 
issue of the ANNALS the development of skeletal fluorosis in a patient with chronic polydipsia; the fluorine 
content of his drinking water was high but it was not at a level generally associated with the production of 
skeletal disorder. It seems probable that in this patient and in those with chronic pyelonephritis the high 
concentrations of fluorine found in the bone are the result of a greater consumption of water, which leads to a 
greater intake of fluorine."
16. Singh, A., Jolly, S. S., Bansal, B.C., Mathur, C.C.: Endemic fluorosis. Epidemiological, clinical and 
biochemical study of chronic fluorine intoxication in Punjab (India). Medicine (Balt.) 43: 229, 1963.
17. Taves, D.R., Terry, R., Smith, F.A., Gardner, D.E.: Use of fluoridated water in long-term hemodialysis. Arch. 
Intern. Med. (Chicago) 115: 167, 1965.
18. Call., R.A., Greenwood, D.A., LeCheminant, W.H. Shupe, J.L., Nielsen, H.M., Olson, L.E., Lamborn, R.E., 
Mangelson, F.L., Davis R.V.: Histological and chemical studies in man on effects of fluoride. Public Health Rep. 
80: 529, 1965.
56. Zhonghua Bing Li Xue Za Zhi. 1992 Aug;21(4):218-20.
The effect of fluorine on the developing human brain
[Article in Chinese]
Du L.
Source Department of Pathology, Guiyang Medical College.
Fifteen therapeutically aborted fetuses at the 5th-8th gestation month from the endemic fluorosis area were 
compared with those from the non-endemic area. Stereological study of the brains showed that the numerical 
density of volume of the neurons and the undifferentiated neuroblasts as well as the nucleus-cytoplasm ratio of 
the neurons were increased. The mean volume of the neurons was reduced. The numerical density of volume, the 
volume density and the surface density of the mitochondria were significantly reduced. The results showed that 
chronic fluorosis in the course of intrauterine fetal life may produce certain harmful effects on the developing 
brain of the fetus.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------57. Toxicology. 2003 Feb 1;183(1-3):235-42.
Selective decreases of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in PC12 
cells exposed to fluoride.
Chen J, Shan KR, Long YG, Wang YN, Nordberg A, Guan ZZ.
Source Department of Pathology, Guiyang Medical College, Guiyang 
550004, Guizhou, PR China.
In an attempt to elucidate the mechanism by which excessive fluoride damages the central nervous system, the 
effects of exposure of PC12 cells to different concentrations of fluoride for 48 h on nicotinic acetylcholine 
receptors (nAChRs) were characterized here. Significant reductions in the number of binding sites for both [3H]
epibatidine and [125I]alpha-bungarotoxin, as well as a significant decrease in the B(max) value for the highaffinity of epibatidine binding site were observed in PC12 cells subjected to high levels of fluoride. On the protein 
level, the alpha 3 and alpha 7 subunits of nAChRs were also significantly decreased in the cells exposed to high 
concentrations of fluoride. In contrast, such exposure had no significant effect on the level of the beta 2 
subunit. These findings suggest that selective decreases in the number of nAChRs may play an important role in 
the mechanism(s) by which fluoride causes dysfunction of the central nervous system.
58. Indian J Exp Biol. 2002 May;40(5):546-54.
Neurotoxicity of fluoride: neurodegeneration in hippocampus of female 
Bhatnagar M, Rao P, Sushma J, Bhatnagar R.
Department of Zoology, M.L.S. University, Udaipur 313 001, India.
Light microscopic study of hippocampal sub-regions demonstrated significant number of degenerated nerve cell 
bodies in the CA3, CA4 and dentate gyrus(Dg) areas of sodium fluoride administered adult female mice. 
Ultrastructural studies revealed neurodegenrative characteristics like involution of cell membranes, swelling of 
mitochondria, clumping of chromatin material etc, can be observed in cell bodies of CA3, CA4 and dentate gyrus 
(Dg). Fluoride intoxicated animals also performed poorly in motor co-ordination tests and maze tests. Inability to 
perform well increased with higher fluoride concentration in drinking water.
59. Zhonghua Yu Fang Yi Xue Za Zhi. 2002 Jul;36(4):222-4.
[Studies on DNA damage and apoptosis in rat brain induced by fluoride].
[Article in Chinese]
Chen J, Chen X, Yang K, Xia T, Xie H.
Source Department of Environmental Health, Tongji Medical College, 
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430030, China.
OBJECTIVE:To explore the DNA damage effects and apoptosis in brain cells of rats induced by sodium fluoride.
SD rats were divided into two groups, i.e. control group and fluoride treated group, which were injected 
intraperitoneally with distilled water and sodium fluoride (20 respectively. On the hand, 5 mmol/L 
NaF were used in in vitro study. Single Cell Gel Electrophosis (SCGE or Comet Assay) was utilized to measured 
DNA damage and apoptosis was detected by the TUNEL method and Flow Cytometry (FCM).
The DNA damage in pallium neurons in rats of the fluoride group was much more serious compared with those of 
the control group, with the Ridit value being 0.351 and 0.639 respectively (P < 0.01) in vivo, and 0.384 4 and 
0.650 1 respectively (P < 0.01) in vitro. TUNEL positive cells were found in pallium, hippocampus and cerebellar 
granule cells in rats of fluoride group, whereas those in the control group were rare. It was demonstrated by FCM 
results that the percentages of apoptotic cells both in pallium and hippocampus were significantly higher (P < 
0.01) in rats of fluoride group (27.12 +/- 3.08, 34.97 +/- 5.46) than those in control group (4.63 +/- 0.98, 5.35 +/- 
0.79), (P < 0.01).
Sodium fluoride could induce DNA damage and apoptosis in rats brain.
60. Neurotoxicol Teratol. 2002 Nov-Dec;24(6):751-7.
Chronic fluoride toxicity decreases the number of nicotinic acetylcholine 
receptors in rat brain.
Long YG, Wang YN, Chen J, Jiang SF, Nordberg A, Guan ZZ.
Source Department of Pathology, Guiyang Medical College, Guizhou, PR 
In order to investigate the molecular mechanism(s) underlying brain dysfunction caused by chronic fluorosis, 
neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) in the brain of rats receiving either 30 or 100 ppm fluoride in 
their drinking water for 7 months were analyzed in the present study employing ligand binding and Western 
blotting. There was a significant reduction in the number of [3H]epibatidine binding sites in the brain of rats 
exposed 100 ppm of fluoride, but no alteration after exposed to 30 ppm. On the other hand, the number of [125I]
alpha-BTX binding sites was significantly decreased in the brains of rats exposed to both levels of fluoride. 
Western blotting revealed that the level of the nAChR alpha4 subunit protein in the brains of rats was 
significantly lowered by exposure to 100 ppm, but not 30 ppm fluoride; whereas the expression of the alpha7 
subunit protein was significantly decreased by both levels of exposure. In contrast, there was no significant 
change in the level of the beta2 subunit protein in the brains of rats administered fluoride. Since nAChRs play 
major roles in cognitive processes such as learning and memory, the decrease in the number of nAChRs caused 
by fluoride toxicity may be an important factor in the mechanism of brain dysfunction in the disorder.
61. Fluoride 2000; 33(1): 17-26
Effects of fluoride accumulation on some enzymes of brain and gastrocnemius 
muscle of mice
M Lakshmi Vani, K Pratap Reddy
Neurobiology Laboratory, Department of Zoology, Osmania University, Hyderabad 
- 500 007, Andhra Pradesh, India.SUMMARY: This study reports accumulation of fluoride and altered activities of some enzymes involved in freeradical metabolism and membrane function in whole brain and gastrocnemius muscle of female mice treated with 
NaF (20mg/kg/body weight) for 14 days. The body weight and somatic index were decreased, whereas fluoride 
levels were significantly increased (p<0.01) in both brain and gastrocnemius muscle. The enzymes SOD, GST, 
and catalase decreased significantly (p<0.01) in contrast to XOD activity, which moderately increased. SDH, 
LDH, AIAT, AAT, and CPK activities and membrane-bound enzymes, viz Na+ -K+ , Mg++ and Ca++ ATPase and 
AChE were decreased significantly (p<0.01) in both brain and gastrocnemius muscle. The effect of fluoride on 
enzymes of muscle was comparatively larger, which corroborates the greater accumulation of fluoride in muscle 
than brain. This study therefore shows that both brain and muscle are affected by fluoride with inhibition of some 
enzymes associated with free-radical metabolism, energy production and transfer, membrane transport, and 
synaptic transmission, but with an enhanced activity of XOD.
62. Toxicology. 2004 Aug 5;200(2-3):169-77.
Decreased nicotinic receptors in PC12 cells and rat brains influenced by 
fluoride toxicity--a mechanism relating to a damage at the level in posttranscription of the receptor genes.
Shan KR, Qi XL, Long YG, Nordberg A, Guan ZZ.
Source Department of Molecular Biology, Guiyang Medical College, 
550004, Guizhou, PR China.
In order to reveal mechanisms of the decreased nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) resulted from fluoride 
toxicity, we treated PC12 cells by different concentrations of fluoride (0.1-100 ppm) for 48 h, and exposed rats to 
high doses of fluoride (30 and 100 ppm) in their drinking water for 7 months. The expression of nAChRs at mRNA 
and protein levels, neurotoxicity and oxidative stress were analyzed in the study. The results indicated that there 
were no significant changes at mRNA level of the nAChR alpha3, alpha7, beta2 subunits in PC12 cells, and 
alpha4, alpha7, beta2 subunits in rat brains between the groups with fluorosis and controls. A significant decline 
in 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) reduction, and increased levels of protein 
oxidation and lipid peroxidation were observe in PC12 cells treated with high doses of fluoride or rat brains with 
chronic fluorosis. The decreases of nAChR alpha3 and alpha7 subunit proteins in PC12 cells resulted from 
fluoride toxicity were mostly prevented by a pretreatment with antioxidant. The results suggest that the deficit of 
nAChRs induced by fluoride toxicity occurs at the level of post-transcription of the receptor gene, in which a 
mechanism might be involved in the damage by oxidative stress.
63. Brain Res. 1998 Feb 16;784(1-2):284-98.
Chronic administration of aluminum-fluoride or sodium-fluoride to rats in drinking 
water: alterations in neuronal and cerebrovascular integrity.
Varner JA, Jensen KF, Horvath W, Isaacson RL.
Source Psychology Department, Binghamton University, Binghamton, NY, USA.
This study describes alterations in the nervous system resulting from chronic administration of the 
fluoroaluminum complex (AlF3) or equivalent levels of fluoride (F) in the form of sodium-fluoride (NaF). Twenty 
seven adult male Long-Evans rats were administered one of three treatments for 52 weeks: the control group 
was administered double distilled deionized drinking water (ddw). The aluminum-treated group received ddw with 
0.5 ppm AlF3 and the NaF group received ddw with 2.1 ppm NaF containing the equivalent amount of F as in the 
AlF3 ddw. Tissue aluminum (Al) levels of brain, liver and kidney were assessed with the Direct Current Plasma 
(DCP) technique and its distribution assessed with Morin histochemistry. Histological sections of brain were 
stained with hematoxylin & eosin (H&E), Cresyl violet, Bielschowsky silver stain, or immunohistochemically for beta-amyloid, amyloid A, and IgM. No differences were found between the body weights of rats in the different 
treatment groups although more rats died in the AlF3 group than in the control group. The Al levels in samples of 
brain and kidney were higher in both the AlF3 and NaF groups relative to controls. The effects of the two 
treatments on cerebrovascular and neuronal integrity were qualitatively and quantitatively different. These 
alterations were greater in animals in the AlF3 group than in the NaF group and greater in the NaF group than in 
Copyright 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.
64. The Effect of Fluoride on the Physiology of the Pineal Gland
Luke J.
Ph.D Dissertation, School of Biological Sciences, University of Surrey, UK. 
The purpose was to discover whether fluoride (F) accumulates in the pineal gland and thereby affects pineal 
physiology during early development. The [F] of 11 aged human pineals and corresponding muscle were 
determined using the F-electrode following HMDS/acid diffusion. The mean [F] of pineal gland was significantly 
higher (p < 0.001) than muscle: 296 + 257 vs 0.5 + 0.4 mg/kg respectively. Secondly, a controlled longitudinal 
experimental study was carried out to discover whether F affects the biosynthesis of melatonin, (MT), during 
pubertal development using the excretion rate of urinary 6-sulphatoxymelatonin, (aMT6s), as the index of pineal 
MT synthesis. Urine was collected at 3-hourly intervals over 48 hours from two groups of gerbils, (Meriones 
unguiculatus), low-F (LF) and high-F (HF) (12 f, 12 m/group): under LD: 12 12, from prepubescence to 
reproductive maturity (at 9-12 weeks) to adulthood, i.e., at 7, 9, 11 1/2 and 16 weeks. The HF pups received 2.3 
ug F/g BW/day from birth until 24 days whereafter HF and LF groups received food containing 37 and 7 mg F/kg 
respectively and distilled water. Urinary aMT6s levels were measured by radioimmunoassay. The HF group 
excreted significantly less aMT6s than the LF group until the age of sexual maturation. At 11 1/2 weeks, the 
circadian profile of aMT6s by the HF males was significantly diminished but, by 16 weeks, was equivalent to the 
LF males. In conclusion, F inhibits pineal MT synthesis in gerbils up until the time of sexual maturation. Finally, F 
was associated with a significant acceleration of pubertal development in female gerbils using body weights, age 
of vaginal opening and accelerated development of the ventral gland. At 16 weeks, the mean testes weight of HF 
males was significantly less (p < 0.002) than that of the LF males. The results suggest that F is associated with 
low circulating levels of MT and this leads to an accelerated sexual maturation in female gerbils. The results 
strengthen the hypothesis that the pineal has a role in pubertal development.
65. Caries Res. 2001 Mar-Apr;35(2):125-8.
Fluoride deposition in the aged human pineal gland.
Luke J.
Source School of Biological Sciences, University of Surrey, 
Guildford, UK.
The purpose was to discover whether fluoride (F) accumulates in the aged human pineal gland. The aims were to 
determine (a) F-concentrations of the pineal gland (wet), corresponding muscle (wet) and bone (ash); (b) calciumconcentration of the pineal. Pineal, muscle and bone were dissected from 11 aged cadavers and assayed for F 
using the HMDS-facilitated diffusion, F-ion-specific electrode method. Pineal calcium was determined using 
atomic absorption spectroscopy. Pineal and muscle contained 297+/-257 and 0.5+/-0.4 mg F/kg wet weight, 
respectively; bone contained 2,037+/-1,095 mg F/kg ash weight. The pineal contained 16,000+/-11,070 mg Ca/kg 
wet weight. There was a positive correlation between pineal F and pineal Ca (r = 0.73, p<0.02) but no correlation 
between pineal F and bone F. By old age, the pineal gland has readily accumulated F and its F/Ca ratio is higher 
than bone.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
When Dr.Null asserts that ".....Phosphatidyl Serine, herbs, 
amino acids, anti-oxidants and B-vitamins can help 
achieve optimal brain function....", Dr. Barrett asks: [How 
has he (Dr. Null - italics mine) determined that this can 
help people improve brain function?]
Cognitive decline in the elderly: a double-blind, placebocontrolled multicenter study on efficacy of 
phosphatidylserine administration.
Cenacchi T, Bertoldin T, Farina C, Fiori MG, Crepaldi G.
Aging (Milano). 1993 Apr;5(2):123-33.
Fidia Research Laboratories, Abano Terme (Padova), Italy.
This double-blind study assesses the therapeutic efficacy and the safety of oral treatment with 
phosphatidylserine (BC-PS) vs placebo (300 mg/day for 6 months) in a group of geriatric patients with cognitive 
impairment. A total of 494 elderly patients (age between 65 and 93 years), with moderate to severe cognitive 
decline, according to the Mini Mental State Examination and Global Deterioration Scale, were recruited in 23 
Geriatric or General Medicine Units in Northeastern Italy. Sixty-nine patients dropped out within the 6-month trial 
period. Patients were examined just before starting therapy, and 3 and 6 months thereafter. The efficacy of 
treatment compared to placebo was measured on the basis of changes occurring in behavior and cognitive 
performance using the Plutchik Geriatric Rating Scale and the Buschke Selective Reminding Test. Statistically 
significant improvements in the phosphatidylserine-treated group compared to placebo were observed both in 
terms of behavioral and cognitive parameters. In addition, clinical evaluation and laboratory tests demonstrated 
that BC-PS was well tolerated. These results are clinically important since the patients were representative of the 
geriatric population commonly met in clinical practice.
Clin Interv Aging. 2010 Nov 2;5:313-6.
67. The effect of phosphatidylserine-containing omega-3 fatty acids 
on memory abilities in subjects with subjective memory complaints: 
a pilot study.
Richter Y, Herzog Y, Cohen T, Steinhart Y.
Source Enzymotec LTD, Migdal-HaEmeq, Israel.
To evaluate for the first time the efficacy of safe-sourced phosphatidylserine-containing omega-3 long chain 
polyunsaturated fatty acid (PS-omega-3) in improving memory abilities.
PS-omega-3 was administered daily for 6 weeks to eight elderly volunteers with subjective memory complaints. 
The Cognitive Drug Research test battery was used to assess the effect on their cognitive abilities.
PS-omega-3 supplementation resulted in 42% increase in the ability to recall words in the delayed condition.
PS-omega-3 may have a favorable effect on memory in subjects with subjective memory complaints. PS-omega-3 
may serve as a safe alternative to phosphatidylserine extracted from bovine cortex.
PMID: 21103402 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] PMCID: PMC2981104
68. Effects of phosphatidylserine therapy in geriatric 
patients with depressive disorders
M. Maggioni1, G.B. Picotti2, G.P. Bondiolotti3, A. Panerai3, T. Cenacchi4, P. 
Nobile5, F. Brambilla5,*
Article first published online: 23 AUG 2007
DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0447.1990.tb06494.x
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica
Volume 81, Issue 3, pages 265–270, March 1990
The effects of phosphatidylserine (BC-PS) on cognitive, affective and 
behavioural symptoms were studied in a group of 10 elderly women with 
depressive disorders. Patients were treated with placebo for 15 days, followed 
by BC-PS (300 mg/day) for 30 days. The Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression, 
Gottfries-Bråne-Steen Rating Scale, Nurse's Observation Scale for Inpatient Evaluation and Buschke Selective Reminding Test were administered before and 
after placebo and after BC-PS therapy, to monitor changes in depression, 
memory and general behaviour. At the same time, basal plasma levels of 
noradrenaline, MHPG, DOPAC, HVA and 5-HIAA, and GH/β-endorphin/β-
lipotropin responses to clonidine stimulation were measured. BC-PS induced 
consistent improvement of depressive symptoms, memory and behaviour. No 
changes in amine metabolite levels or in hormonal responses to α2-adrenoceptor 
stimulation were observed.
1. Amaducci, L and the SMID Group. Phosphatidylserine in the treatment of 
Alzheimers disease: results of a multicenter study. Psychopharmacol. Bulletin, 1988, 
24: 130-4.
2. Cenacchi, B, Bertoldin T, Farina C, Fiori M.G., Crepaldi G. Cognitive decline in the 
elderly: a double-blind, placebo-controlled multicenter study on efficacy of 
phosphatidylserine administration. Aging (Clin. Exp. Res.), 1993, 5: 123-33.
3. Crook, T.H., Tinklenburg, J, Yesavage J, Petrie W, Nunzie M.G., and Massari, D.C. 
Effects of phosphatidylserine in age-associated memory impairment. Neurol, 1991. 41: 
4. Crook, T.H., Petrie W, Wells C, Massari, D.C. Effects of phosphatidylserine in 
Alzheimers disease. Psychopharmacol. Bulletin,, 1992. 28: 61-6.
5. Dean, W., Morgenthaler, J. Fowkes, S. 1993 Phosphatidylserine Smart Drugs II, The 
Next Generation, Health Freedom Publications. Menlo Park, CA. pp. 75 - 80.
6. Delwaide, P.J., Gyselynk-Mambourg A.M., Hurlet A. and Ylieff M. Double-blind 
randomized controlled study of phosphatidylserine in demented patients. Acta Neurol. 
Scand, 1986. 73:136-40.
7. Engel, R.R., Satzger W, Gunther W, Kathmann N, Bove D, Gerkes, Munch U and 
Hippius H. Double-blind cross-over study of phosphatidylserine vs. placebo in 
subjects with early cognitive deterioration of the Alzheimer type. Eur. 
Neuropsychopharmacol, 1992. 2: 149-55.
8. Funfgeld, E.W., Baggen, M, Nedwidek,P, et al. Double-blind study with 
phosphatidylserine (PS) in Parkinsonian patients with senile dementia of Alzheimers 
type (SDAT). Progr. Clin. Biol. Res, 1989. 317: 1235-46.
9. Gindin, J, et al., 1995. The Effect of Plant Phosphatidylserine on Age-Associated 
Memory Impairment and Mood in the Functioning Elderly. Rehovot, Israel: Geriatric 
Institute for Education and Research, and Department of Geriatrics, Kaplan Hospital.
10. Hershowitz M, et al. Long-term treatment of dementia Alzheimer type with phosphatidylserine: effect on cognitive functioning and performance in daily life. In, 
Bazan NG, et al (eds) Phospholipids in the Nervous System: Biochemical and 
Molecular Pathology, 1989. Padua, Italy: Liviana Press.
11. Maggioni, M, Picotti, G.B., Bondiolotti ,G.P., Panerai, A. Cenacchi, T. Nobil, P. 
and Brambilla, F. Effects of phosphatidylserine therapy in geriatric patients with 
depressive disorders. Acta Psychiatr. Scand. 1990. 81: 265-70.
12. Monteleone, P, Beinat, L, Tanzillo,C, Maj, M, and Kemali, D. Effects of 
phosphatidylserine on the neuroendocrine response to physical stress in humans. 
Neuroendocrinol, 1990. 52: 243-8.
13. Monteleone, P, Maj,M, Beinat,L, Natale,M, and Kemali,D. Blunting by chronic 
phosphatidylserine administration of the stress-induced activation of the 
hypothalamos-pituitary-adrenal axis in healthy men. Eur. J. Clin.Pharmacol ,1992. 41: 
14. Nerozzi, D., et al. Phosphatidylserine and impaired memory in the elderly. La 
Clinica Terapeutica, 1989. 120: 399-404. [Translated from the Italian]
15. Palmieri, G, Palmieri, R, Inzoli, M.R., et al. Double-blind controlled trial of 
phosphatidylserine in patients with senile mental deterioration. Clin. Trials J., 1987. 
24: 73-83.
16. Ransmayr, G, Plorer, S, Gerstenbrand,F, and Bauer,G. Double-blind placebocontrolled trial of phosphatidylserine in elderly patients with arteriosclerotic 
encephalopathy. Clin. Trials J., 1987. 24: 62-72.
17. Rosadini, G, Sannita ,W.G., Nobili, F, and Cenacchi, T. Phosphatidylserine: 
quantitative EEG effects in healthy volunteers. Neuropsychobiol, 1991. 24: 42-8.
18. Villardita, C, Griolis, S, Salmeri, G,et al.Multicentre clinical trial of brain 
phosphatidylserine in elderly patients with intellectual deterioration. Clin. Trials J., 
1987. 24: 84-93.
19. Kidd, P., 1995. Phosphatidylserine (PS), A Remarkable Brain Cell Nutrient. Lucas 
Meyer, Inc, Decator, Il.
69. Homocysteine-Lowering by B Vitamins Slows the 
Rate of Accelerated Brain Atrophy in Mild Cognitive 
Impairment: A Randomized Controlled Trial
A. David Smith1,2#*, Stephen M. Smith3, Celeste A. de Jager1, Philippa Whitbread1, 
Carole Johnston1,2, Grzegorz Agacinski1, Abderrahim Oulhaj1, Kevin M. Bradley4, 
Robin Jacoby5, Helga Refsum1,2,6#1 Oxford Project to Investigate Memory and Ageing (OPTIMA), University of Oxford, 
Oxford, United Kingdom, 2 University Department of Pharmacology and Department of 
Physiology, Anatomy & Genetics, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 3 
Department of Clinical Neurology, Oxford Centre for Functional Magnetic Resonance 
Imaging of the Brain, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 4 Department of 
Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals NHS Trust, Oxford, 
United Kingdom, 5 University Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford, Oxford, 
United Kingdom, 6 Department of Nutrition, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, 
University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
An increased rate of brain atrophy is often observed in older subjects, in particular 
those who suffer from cognitive decline. Homocysteine is a risk factor for brain atrophy, 
cognitive impairment and dementia. Plasma concentrations of homocysteine can be 
lowered by dietary administration of B vitamins.
To determine whether supplementation with B vitamins that lower levels of plasma 
total homocysteine can slow the rate of brain atrophy in subjects with mild cognitive 
impairment in a randomised controlled trial (VITACOG, ISRCTN 94410159).
Methods and Findings
Single-center, randomized, double-blind controlled trial of high-dose folic acid, 
vitamins B6 and B12 in 271 individuals (of 646 screened) over 70 y old with mild 
cognitive impairment. A subset (187) volunteered to have cranial MRI scans at the start 
and finish of the study. Participants were randomly assigned to two groups of equal 
size, one treated with folic acid (0.8 mg/d), vitamin B12 (0.5 mg/d) and vitamin B6 (20 
mg/d), the other with placebo; treatment was for 24 months. The main outcome 
measure was the change in the rate of atrophy of the whole brain assessed by serial 
volumetric MRI scans.
A total of 168 participants (85 in active treatment group; 83 receiving placebo) 
completed the MRI section of the trial. The mean rate of brain atrophy per year was 
0.76% [95% CI, 0.63–0.90] in the active treatment group and 1.08% [0.94–1.22] in the 
placebo group (P = 0.001). The treatment response was related to baseline 
homocysteine levels: the rate of atrophy in participants with homocysteine >13 µmol/L 
was 53% lower in the active treatment group (P = 0.001). A greater rate of atrophy was 
associated with a lower final cognitive test scores. There was no difference in serious 
adverse events according to treatment category.Conclusions and Significance
The accelerated rate of brain atrophy in elderly with mild cognitive impairment can be 
slowed by treatment with homocysteine-lowering B vitamins. Sixteen percent of those 
over 70 y old have mild cognitive impairment and half of these develop Alzheimer's 
disease. Since accelerated brain atrophy is a characteristic of subjects with mild 
cognitive impairment who convert to Alzheimer's disease, trials are needed to see if 
the same treatment will delay the development of Alzheimer's disease.
Trial Registration ISRCTN94410159
70. The Lancet, Volume 369, Issue 9557, Pages 208 - 216, 
20 January 2007
Effect of 3-year folic acid supplementation on cognitive 
function in older adults in the FACIT trial: a randomised, 
double blind, controlled trial
Dr Jane Durga PhD a b , Martin PJ van Boxtel PhD c, Prof Evert G 
Schouten PhD a, Prof Frans J Kok PhD a, Prof Jelle Jolles PhD c, Martijn 
B Katan PhD b, Petra Verhoef PhD a b
Low folate and raised homocysteine concentrations in blood are 
associated with poor cognitive performance in the general population. As 
part of the FACIT trial to assess the effect of folic acid on markers of 
atherosclerosis in men and women aged 50—70 years with raised plasma 
total homocysteine and normal serum vitamin B12 at screening, we report 
here the findings for the secondary endpoint: the effect of folic acid 
supplementation on cognitive performance.
MethodsOur randomised, double blind, placebo controlled study took place between 
November, 1999, and December, 2004, in the Netherlands. We randomly 
assigned 818 participants 800 µg daily oral folic acid or placebo for 3 years. The 
effect on cognitive performance was measured as the difference between the 
two groups in the 3-year change in performance for memory, sensorimotor 
speed, complex speed, information processing speed, and word fluency. 
Analysis was by intention-to-treat. This trial is registered with 
with trial number NCT00110604.
Serum folate concentrations increased by 576% (95% CI 539 to 614) and 
plasma total homocysteine concentrations decreased by 26% (24 to 28) in 
participants taking folic acid compared with those taking placebo. The 3-year 
change in memory (difference in Z scores 0·132, 95% CI 0·032 to 0·233), 
information processing speed (0·087, 0·016 to 0·158) and sensorimotor speed 
(0·064, −0·001 to 0·129) were significantly better in the folic acid group than in 
the placebo group.
Folic acid supplementation for 3 years significantly improved domains of 
cognitive function that tend to decline with age.E!ect of 3-year folic acid 
supplementation on cognitive
function in older adults in the FACIT trial: a randomised, double blind, 
controlled trial
71. Improvement in Cognition and Mood With Multivitamin/
Mineral in Healthy Males
Tina Kaczor, ND, FABNO
Cognitive and Mood improvements seen as soon as one month 
after beginning vitamin/mineral supplementation.
Wednesday, December 01, 2010
by: Tina Kaczor, ND, FABNO
Section: Abstracts & Commentary
Tina Kaczor, ND, FABNO, is a naturopathic physician, board certified in naturopathic 
oncology. She received her naturopathic doctorate from National College of Natural Medicine, and completed her residency in naturopathic oncology at Cancer Treatment 
Centers of America in Tulsa, Okla. Dr. Kaczor received undergraduate degrees from 
the State University of New York at Buffalo. She is the current treasurer of the 
Oncology Association of Naturopathic Physicians and secretary of the American Board 
of Naturopathic Oncology. She is adjunct faculty at National College of Natural 
Medicine as well as the Helfgott Research Institute in Portland, Ore. She has been 
published in several peer-reviewed journals. For more information visit: Clinic of 
Natural Medicine
Kennedy D, Veasey R, Watson A, et al. Effects of high-dose B vitamin complex with 
vitamin C and minerals on subjective mood and performance in healthy males
Psychopharmacology. 2010;211:55-68.
Randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind trial
215 healthy male volunteers ages 30–55 were recruited. 210 completed the study 
(placebo group = 107, multivitamin/mineral group = 103).
1 tablet daily of a multivitamin/mineral (Berocca®). Each tablet contained: B1 (15 mg), 
B2 (15 mg), B6 (10 mg), B12 (10 mcg), vitamin C (500 mg), biotin (150 mcg), folic acid 
(400 mcg), nicotinamide (50 mg) pantothenic acid (23 mg), calcium (100 mg), 
magnesium (100 mg), and zinc (10 mg).
Primary Outcome Measures
Cognitive assessment was done 1 day prior and 1 day following 33 days of 
intervention or placebo. A Profile of Mood States (POMS), Perceived Stress Scale 
(PSS), and the General Health Questionaire-12 (GHQ-12) were used. A 60-minute 
cognitive demand battery was also performed at baseline and study conclusion.
Key Findings
The intervention group had significant improvements in the PSS, the GHQ-12 and the 
“vigour” subscale of the POMS questionnaire. In addition, the intervention group 
performed better on the serial 3 subtraction test and reported they were less “mentally 
tired” both before and after the cognitive testing at the study’s conclusion.
Clinical Implications
The use of vitamin/mineral supplementation in healthy adults is growing in popularity. 
Whether this is beneficial in populations assumed to be nutrient-replete and without any pathology is not known. This study, while small, suggests that cognitive and mood 
improvements may be seen as soon as 1 month after beginning a B complex with 
vitamin C and calcium/magnesium/zinc.
As with any nutrient intervention study, the question of nutrient deficiency in 
participants prior to the intervention must be asked. This Swiss study is notable for its 
recruitment of healthy, fully employed males, a population presumed to be adequately 
nourished. While adequate nutrient status was assumed, no serum measurements 
were performed. Intake of fruits and vegetables was 3.71 servings on average in the 
intervention group. In a 2005 U.S. survey of fruit and vegetable consumption, only 
27.2% of adults ate 3 or more servings of vegetables per day.1The significant 
improvement in cognitive ability and mood from the supplemental intervention in this 
trial implies that participants had suboptimal levels of one or more of the nutrients 
contained in the supplement. Since these participants’ intake is higher than that of the 
majority of Americans, one can presume that suboptimal levels may also exist in our 
patients who are otherwise “healthy.”
This is not the first study that demonstrates mood improvement with B complex/vitamin 
C/mineral formula. Schlebusch et al showed that after 28 days of supplementation 
there was significantly decreased anxiety and improved sense of well-being.2 In 
another trial of 28 days, Carroll et al found that supplementation led to improved GHQ 
scores and a decreased perception of stress as assessed by the PSS scale.3 In a 
study assessing 12 months of supplementation, Benton et al showed that there was a 
significant improvement in mood in females.4
For the practitioner of natural medicines, these results are not surprising. B complex is 
a foundational supplement in most protocols for our patients feeling “highly stressed.” 
Indeed, B vitamins’ reputation in helping to cope with stress is well established in the 
public domain as well, as evidenced by product names such as “Stress B Complex.” 
But to what extent is supplementing with B vitamins, vitamin C, and minerals such as 
calcium, magnesium, and zinc a good idea for otherwise healthy adults?
What is clear is that the risk of supplementing these nutrients is negligible, but comes 
with significant potential benefit.
The answer to this question is unclear. What is clear is that the risk of supplementing 
these nutrients is negligible, but comes with significant potential benefit. While it is 
often espoused that a nutrient-rich diet should be able to provide all the vitamins and 
minerals one needs to function optimally, this study suggests otherwise. There is little 
debate that it is prudent for everyone to increase their intake of fruit and vegetables in 
an effort to consume adequate nutrients through diet. This study, along with the others 
that corroborate it, may be impetus for us to hedge this assumption of adequate intake 
with a little supplementation as well.References
1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Fruit and vegetable consumption 
among adults—United States, 2005. MMWR Weekly Report. 2007;56(10);213-217. Accessed December 1, 
2010 2. Schlebusch L, Bosch BA, Polglase G, Kleinschmidt I, Pillay BJ, Cassimjee MH. 
A double-blind, placebo-controlled, double-centre study of the effects of an oral multivitamin/mineral combination on stress. S Afr Med J. 2000;90:1216-1223.
3. Carroll D, Ring C, Suter M, Willemsen G. The effects of an oral multivitamin 
combination with calcium, magnesium, and zinc on psychological well-being in 
healthy young male volunteers: a double-blind placebo-controlled trial. 
Psychopharmacology. 2000;150:220-225.
4. Benton D, Haller J, Fordy J. Vitamin supplementation for 1 year improves mood. 
Neuropsychobiology. 1995;32:98-105.
Polyphenols: antioxidants and beyond
Augustin Scalbert, Ian T Johnson and Mike Saltmarsh
1 From Laboratoire des Maladies Métaboliques et Micronutriments, Institut National de la Recherche 
Agronomique, Saint-Genes-Champanelle, France (AS); Institute of Food Research, Colney, United Kingdom (ITJ); 
and Inglehurst Foods, Alton, United Kingdom (MS)
Research on the effects of dietary polyphenols on human health has developed considerably in the past 10 y. It 
strongly supports a role for polyphenols in the prevention of degenerative diseases, particularly cardiovascular 
diseases and cancers. The antioxidant properties of polyphenols have been widely studied, but it has become 
clear that the mechanisms of action of polyphenols go beyond the modulation of oxidative stress. This 
supplemental issue of The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, published on the occasion of the 1st 
International Conference on Polyphenols and Health, offers an overview of the experimental, clinical, and 
epidemiologic evidence of the effects of polyphenols on health.
Key Words: Polyphenols • flavonoids • antioxidants • health • cardiovascular diseases • cancers
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 81, No. 1, 215S-217S, January 2005
© 2005 American Society for Clinical Nutrition
U.S INSTITUTES OF HEALTHA Healthy Diet May Be Important to Brain Health as Well as 
Body Health
“A nutritious diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and that is low in fat and 
added sugar can reduce the risks of many chronic conditions, including heart disease, 
diabetes, obesity, and some forms of cancer. In recent years, investigators have used 
epidemiologic, animal, and test tube studies and clinical trials to explore whether diet 
can play a role in preserving cognitive function or even reducing risk of AD.
A long-held theory about aging suggests that, over time, damage from free radicals 
(molecules that chemically react easily with other molecules) can build up in neurons, 
causing loss of function. This damage is called oxidative damage. The brain’s unique 
characteristics, including its high rate of metabolism and its long-lived neurons, may 
make it particularly vulnerable to oxidative damage. Previous epidemiologic and 
laboratory studies have suggested that fruits and vegetables that are high in 
antioxidants might protect the brain against this kind of damage. A group of Harvard 
Medical School researchers explored this possibility by examining data from more 
than 13,000 Nurses’ Health Study participants aged 70 and older (Kang et al., 2005).
They found that the women who ate the most vegetables—especially green leafy 
vegetables (like spinach and romaine lettuce) and cruciferous vegetables (like 
broccoli and cauliflower)—experienced a slower rate of cognitive decline than did 
women who ate the least vegetables. The scientists were careful to account for other 
factors that might influence the results, such as use of vitamin supplements, physical 
activity, smoking and alcohol use, and educational attainment. Interestingly, fruit 
consumption did not appear to be associated with any change in cognitive ability. The 
scientists speculate that the abundant antioxidant and folate (a nutrient that appears to 
be important for proper neural activity and cognitive function) content of the green leafy 
and cruciferous vegetables was responsible for these results.”
Role of Antioxidants in Health Maintenance
Vishwanath M. Sardesai
Department of Biochemistry and Surgery, Wayne State University, Detroit
Free radicals are produced in the body as by products of normal metabolism and as a result of exposure to radiation and some environmental pollutants. Because they are 
highly reactive, they can damage cellular components and are implicated in a variety 
of diseases. Free radicals are normally neutralized by efficient systems in the body that 
include the antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione 
peroxidase) and the nutrient-derived antioxidant small molecules (vitamin E, vitamin 
C, carotenes, flavonoids, glutathione, uric acid, and taurine). In healthy individuals, a 
delicate balance exists between free radicals and antioxidants. In some pathologic 
conditions such as diabetes, and in critically ill patients, oxidative stress causes the 
level of antioxidants to fall below normal. Antioxidant supplements for such conditions 
are expected to be of benefit. As a preventive measure against certain diseases, the 
best approach for healthy individuals is to regularly consume adequate amounts of 
antioxidant-rich foods, eg, fruits and vegetables.
75. Free radicals and grape seed 
proanthocyanidin extract: importance in 
human health and disease prevention
Debasis Bagchia, , , Manashi Bagchia, Sidney J Stohsa, Dipak K Dasb, Sidhartha D 
Rayc, Charles A Kuszynskid, Shantaram S Joshid and Harry G Pruesse
a Department of Pharmaceutical and Administrative Sciences, Creighton University 
School of Pharmacy & Allied Health Professions, 2500 California Plaza, Omaha, NE 
68178, USA
b Department of Surgery, University of Connecticut School of Medicine, Farmington, 
CT 06030, USA
c Department of Pharmacology, Toxicology and Medicinal Chemistry, Arnold & Marie 
Schwarz College of Pharmacy, Long Island University, Brooklyn, NY 11201, USA
d Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy, University of Nebraska Medical Center, 
Omaha, NE 68198, USA
e Department of Medicine, Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington, DC 
20007, USA
Accepted 29 July 1999. Available online 24 August 2000.Abstract
Free radicals have been implicated in over a hundred disease conditions in humans, 
including arthritis, hemorrhagic shock, atherosclerosis, advancing age, ischemia and 
reperfusion injury of many organs, Alzheimer and Parkinson’s disease, 
gastrointestinal dysfunctions, tumor promotion and carcinogenesis, and AIDS. 
Antioxidants are potent scavengers of free radicals and serve as inhibitors of 
neoplastic processes. A large number of synthetic and natural antioxidants have been 
demonstrated to induce beneficial effects on human health and disease prevention. 
However, the structure-activity relationship, bioavailability and therapeutic efficacy of 
the antioxidants differ extensively. Oligomeric proanthocyanidins, naturally occurring 
antioxidants widely available in fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, flowers and bark, have 
been reported to possess a broad spectrum of biological, pharmacological and 
therapeutic activities against free radicals and oxidative stress. We have assessed the 
concentration- or dose-dependent free radical scavenging ability of a novel IH636 
grape seed proanthocyanidin extract (GSPE) both in vitro and in vivo models, and 
compared the free radical scavenging ability of GSPE with vitamins C, E and β-
carotene. These experiments demonstrated that GSPE is highly bioavailable and 
provides significantly greater protection against free radicals and free radical-induced 
lipid peroxidation and DNA damage than vitamins C, E and β-carotene. GSPE was 
also shown to demonstrate cytotoxicity towards human breast, lung and gastric 
adenocarcinoma cells, while enhancing the growth and viability of normal human 
gastric mucosal cells. The comparative protective effects of GSPE, vitamins C and E 
were examined on tobacco-induced oxidative stress and apoptotic cell death in 
human oral keratinocytes. Oxidative tissue damage was determined by lipid 
peroxidation and DNA fragmentation, while apoptotic cell death was assessed by flow 
cytometry. GSPE provided significantly better protection as compared to vitamins C 
and E, singly and in combination. GSPE also demonstrated excellent protection 
against acetaminophen overdose-induced liver and kidney damage by regulating bclXL gene, DNA damage and presumably by reducing oxidative stress. GSPE 
demonstrated excellent protection against myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury and 
myocardial infarction in rats. GSPE was also shown to upregulate bcl2 gene and 
downregulate the oncogene c-myc. Topical application of GSPE enhances sun 
protection factor in human volunteers, as well as supplementation of GSPE 
ameliorates chronic pancreatitis in humans. These results demonstrate that GSPE 
provides excellent protection against oxidative stress and free radical-mediated tissue 
Keywords: Free radicals; Human diseases; Grape seed proanthocyanidin
76. Oxidants, antioxidants, and the degenerative diseases of aging
B N Ames, M K Shigenaga, and T M Hagen
Author Affiliations
Division of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of California, Berkeley 
Metabolism, like other aspects of life, involves tradeoffs. Oxidant by-products of normal 
metabolism cause extensive damage to DNA, protein, and lipid. We argue that this 
damage (the same as that produced by radiation) is a major contributor to aging and to 
degenerative diseases of aging such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, immunesystem decline, brain dysfunction, and cataracts. Antioxidant defenses against this 
damage include ascorbate, tocopherol, and carotenoids. Dietary fruits and vegetables 
are the principal source of ascorbate and carotenoids and are one source of 
tocopherol. Low dietary intake of fruits and vegetables doubles the risk of most types of 
cancer as compared to high intake and also markedly increases the risk of heart 
disease and cataracts. Since only 9% of Americans eat the recommended five 
servings of fruits and vegetables per day, the opportunity for improving health by 
improving diet is great.
Again, where Dr. Null states that“ chlorophyll-rich 
foods .... are also sources of phytonutrients, essential fatty 
acids, amino acids, anti-oxidants and trace minerals....” Dr. 
Barrett comments that: [Chlorophyll has no health-related 
value for humans}.
© 2005 The American Society for Nutritional Sciences J. Nutr. 135:1995-2000, 
August 2005
Nutrition and Cancer
77. Natural Chlorophyll but Not Chlorophyllin Prevents 
Heme-Induced Cytotoxic and Hyperproliferative Effects in 
Rat ColonJohan de Vogel*,†,**, Denise S. M. L. Jonker-Termont*,†, Martijn B. Katan*,** 
and Roelof van der Meer*,†,3
* Wageningen Centre for Food Sciences (WCFS), Nutrition and Health 
Programme, 6700 AN, Wageningen, The Netherlands;; † NIZO food research, 
6710 BA, Ede, The Netherlands; and; ** Wageningen University, 6703 HD, 
Wageningen, The Netherlands 3
To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:
Diets high in red meat and low in green vegetables are associated with an 
increased risk of colon cancer. In rats, dietary heme, mimicking red meat, 
increases colonic cytotoxicity and proliferation of the colonocytes, whereas 
addition of chlorophyll from green vegetables inhibits these heme-induced 
effects. Chlorophyllin is a water-soluble hydrolysis product of chlorophyll that 
inhibits the toxicity of many planar aromatic compounds. The present study 
investigated whether chlorophyllins could inhibit the heme-induced luminal 
cytotoxicity and colonic hyperproliferation as natural chlorophyll does. Rats were 
fed a purified control diet, the control diet supplemented with heme, or a heme 
diet with 1.2 mmol/kg diet of chlorophyllin, copper chlorophyllin, or natural 
chlorophyll for 14 d (n = 8/group). The cytotoxicity of fecal water was determined 
with an erythrocyte bioassay and colonic epithelial cell proliferation was 
quantified in vivo by [methyl-3H]thymidine incorporation into newly synthesized 
DNA. Exfoliation of colonocytes was measured as the amount of rat DNA in 
feces using quantitative PCR analysis. Heme caused a >50-fold increase in the 
cytotoxicity of the fecal water, a nearly 100% increase in proliferation, and 
almost total inhibition of exfoliation of the colonocytes. Furthermore, the addition 
of heme increased TBARS in fecal water. Chlorophyll, but not the chlorophyllins, 
completely prevented these heme-induced effects. In conclusion, inhibition of 
the heme-induced colonic cytotoxicity and epithelial cell turnover is specific for 
natural chlorophyll and cannot be mimicked by water-soluble chlorophyllins.
KEY WORDS: • diet • red meat • green vegetables • prevention • colon cancer
78. Nutrition Research
Volume 27, Issue 1, January 2007, Pages 1-12doi:10.1016/j.nutres.2006.12.003
Copyright © 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Cited By in 
Scopus (30)
Digestion, absorption, and cancer preventative activity of 
dietary chlorophyll derivatives
Mario G. Ferruzzia, , and Joshua Blakesleeb
aDepartment of Food Science, Purdue University, 745 Agriculture Mall Dr, West 
Lafayette, IN 47907
bDepartment of Molecular Biology, Cell Biology and Biochemistry, Brown 
University, J Walter Wilson Laboratory, Providence, RI 02912
Received 8 June 2006; revised 11 December 2006; accepted 14 December 
2006. Available online 31 January 2007.
The growing body of epidemiological and experimental evidence associating 
diets rich in fruits and vegetables with prevention of chronic diseases such as 
cancer has stimulated interest in plant food phytochemicals as physiologically 
active dietary components. Chlorophyll and its various derivatives are believed 
to be among the family of phytochemical compounds that are potentially 
responsible for such associations. Dietary chlorophyll is predominantly 
composed of lipophilic derivatives including chlorophyll a and b (fresh fruits and 
vegetables), metal-free pheophytins and pyropheophytins (thermally processed 
fruits and vegetables), as well as Zn-pheophytins and Zn-pyropheophytins 
(thermally processed green vegetables). Water-soluble derivatives including 
chlorophyllides, pheophorbides, as well as a commercial-grade derivative known 
as sodium copper chlorophyllin (SCC) also contribute to the diversity of dietary 
chlorophyll derivatives. Although the use of chlorophyll derivatives, especially 
SCC, in traditional medical applications is well documented, it is perhaps the 
potential of chlorophyll as a cancer preventative agent that has drawn significant 
attention recently. Biological activities attributed to chlorophyll derivatives 
consistent with cancer prevention include antioxidant and antimutagenic activity, 
mutagen trapping, modulation of xenobiotic metabolism, and induction of 
apoptosis. Although most research has focused on commercial-grade SCC, the 
extent to which natural chlorophyll derivatives modulate biomarkers of cancer 
risk is also being explored. Recent research efforts have also included 
investigation of the impact of digestive factors on chlorophyll structure and 
bioaccessibility as a means to better understand the extent to which these pigments may be bioavailable in humans and therefore have more systemic 
impact in the prevention of cancer.
Keywords: Chlorophyll; Chlorophyllin; Cancer prevention; Antimutagenic; 
Antioxidant; Xenobiotic metabolism; Apoptosis; Bioavailability
79. Food Research International
Volume 38, Issues 8-9, October-November 2005, Pages 
Third International Congress on Pigments in 
Copyright © 2005 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved. Cited By 
in Scopus (21)
Antioxidant activity of chlorophylls and their derivatives
Ursula M. Lanfer-Marquez, , Rosa M.C. Barros and Patricia Sinnecker
Department of Food and Experimental Nutrition, Faculty of Pharmaceutical 
Sciences, University of São Paulo, Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes, 580, 05508-900, 
SP, Brazil
Received 1 June 2004; accepted 22 February 2005. Available online 5 July 
The antioxidant activity of six natural isolated chlorophyll derivatives and Cuchlorophyllin was investigated by measuring their protective action against lipid 
oxidation. For this, the β-carotene bleaching method and the stable radical 2,2-
diphenyl-1-picryldrazyl (DPPH) scavenging assay were employed. The results 
obtained by the β-carotene bleaching method showed that all chlorophyll 
derivatives presented a dose-dependent response. Pheophorbide b and 
pheophytin b were the strongest natural antioxidant compounds, whose activities were comparable to BHT. The high antioxidant activity found for pheophorbide b, 
in comparison to pheophorbide a, demonstrated the importance of the aldehyde 
group for functionality. On the other hand, by the DPPH assay, all natural 
pigments showed low antioxidant activity when compared to Trolox. Cuchlorophyllin, tested by both methods, presented a higher antioxidant activity 
than that of natural chlorophylls, showing the importance of the nature of the 
chelated metal in the porphyrin ring. The mechanism of antioxidant activity 
displayed by the natural chlorophyll derivatives does not seem to be based on 
the ability to donate hydrogen but maybe, on the protection of linoleic acid 
against oxidation and/or preventing decomposition of hydroperoxides.
Keywords: Antioxidant activity; Chlorophyll derivatives; β-carotene bleaching 
method; DPPH
80. Oxford Journals
Life Sciences & Medicine
Volume26, Issue7
Pp. 1247-1255.
Chlorophyll, chlorophyllin and related tetrapyrroles are 
significant inducers of mammalian phase 2 
cytoprotective genes
Jed W. Fahey1,2,*, Katherine K. Stephenson1, Albena T. Dinkova-Kostova1, 
Patricia A. Egner3, Thomas W. Kensler3 and Paul Talalay
Author Affiliations
1Lewis B. and Dorothy Cullman Cancer Chemoprotection Center, Department of 
Pharmacology and Molecular Sciences, School of Medicine, 2Center for Human 
Nutrition and 3Department of Environmental Health Sciences, Bloomberg School 
of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA
*To whom correspondence should be addressed at: Department of 
Pharmacology and Molecular Sciences, The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, 
725 N. Wolfe Street, Baltimore, MD 21205-2185, USA. Tel: +410 614 2607; Fax: 
+410 614 3248; Email:
Received August 10, 2004.Accepted March 4, 2005.
Revision received February 25, 2005.
Plant chlorophylls and carotenoids are highly colored, conjugated polyenes that 
play central roles in photosynthesis. Other porphyrins (tetrapyrroles), such as 
cytochromes, which are structurally related to chlorophyll, participate in redox 
reactions in many living systems. An unexpected new property of tetrapyrroles, 
including tetramethyl coproporphyrin III, tetrabenzoporphine, copper chlorin e4 
ethyl ester, and of carotenoids including zeaxanthin and α-cryptoxanthin is their 
ability to induce mammalian phase 2 proteins that protect cells against oxidants 
and electrophiles. The capacity of these compounds to induce the phase 2 
response depends upon their ability or that of their metabolites to react with thiol 
groups, a property shared with all other classes of phase 2 inducers, which show 
few other structural similarities. Pseudo second-order rate constants of these 
inducers are correlated with their potency in inducing the phase 2 enzyme NAD
(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase 1 (NQO1) in murine hepatoma cells. One of the 
most potent inducers was isolated from chlorophyllin, a semisynthetic watersoluble chlorophyll derivative. Although chlorophyll itself is low in inducer 
potency, it may nevertheless account for some of the disease-protective effects 
attributed to diets rich in green vegetables because it occurs in much higher 
concentrations in those plants than the widely studied ‘phytochemicals’.
And finally, Dr. Null believes that Chromium 
Picolinate can be be helpful when a weight loss diet 
is indicated, while Barrett considers such 
supplementation a waste of time and money. The 
following abstracts may help you determine who is 
telling the truth:
Current Therapeutic ResearchVolume 59, Issue 6, June 1998, Pages 379-388
Copyright © 1998 Published by Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved. Cited By in Scopus (31)
81. A randomized, double-masked, placebo-controlled study of 
the effects of chromium picolinate supplementation on body 
composition: A replication and extension of a previous study
Gilbert R. Kaatsa, , Kenneth Blumb, Dennis Pullinc, Samuel C. Keitha and Robert Woodd
a Health and Medical Research Foundation, San Antonio, Texas U.S.A.
b Department of Biological Sciences, University of North Texas, Denton, Texas U.S.A.
c Sports Medicine Institute, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, U.S.A.
d Department of Computing Resources, University of Texas Health Sciences Center at San Antonio, San Antonio, 
Texas U.S.A.
Received 6 January 1998. Available online 10 October 2001.
A previous study using a randomized, double-masked, placebo-controlled design found that supplementation with 
a minimum of 200 µ;g of chromium (in the form of chromium picolinate [CrP]) per day can lead to significant 
improvement in body composition (as measured by underwater testing using the displacement method). The 
present study used a similar design in which 122 subjects were randomized to receive either CrP 400 µ;g (n = 62) 
or placebo (n = 60). To control caloric intake and expenditure (which was not done in the first study), participants 
were required to monitor and maintain a log of their daily physical activity and caloric intake. Dual energy x-ray 
absorptiometry measurements were taken before and after the 90-day period. Analysis of the prestudy data for 
the two groups revealed no significant differences in any of the initial body composition variables studied. After 
controlling for differences in caloric intake and expenditure, as compared with the placebo group, subjects in the 
active treatment group lost significantly more weight (7.79 kg vs 1.81 kg, respectively) and fat mass (7.71 kg vs 
1.53 kg, respectively), and had a greater reduction in percent body fat (6.30% vs 1.20%, respectively) without 
any loss of fat-free mass. A more conservative analysis of covariance revealed similar and statistically 
significant reductions in percent body fat and fat mass without any loss of fat-free mass. It was concluded that 
this study replicated earlier findings that supplementation with CrP can lead to significant improvements in body 
Author Keywords: chromium picolinate; body composition; fat mass; fat-free mass; dual energy x-ray 
Current Therapeutic Research
Volume 57, Issue 10, 1996, Pages 747-756
Copyright © 1996 Published by Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved. Cited By in Scopus (49)
82. Effects of chromium picolinate supplementation on 
body composition: a randomized, double-masked, placebo-controlled study
Gilbert R. Kaatsa, Kenneth Blumb, , Jeffrey A. Fisherc and Jack A. Adelmana
a Health and Medical Research Foundation, San Antonio, Texas USA
b Department of Behavioral Sciences, University of Texas Health Science Center-Houston, School of Public 
Health, San Antonio, Texas USA
c The Right Angle Inc., Rutherford, New Jersey USA
Received 22 July 1996. Available online 10 October 2001.
To examine the effect of chromium picolinate (CrP) on body composition, a randomized, double-masked, placebocontrolled study was conducted. A total of 154 patients received either a placebo or 200 µg or 400 µg of CrP per 
day. Subjects were asked to consume at least two servings of a protein/carbohydrate nutritional drink a day that 
contained the different amounts of CrP. Subjects were free-living and were not provided with weight loss, dietary, 
or exercise guidance. Body composition was measured before and after the 72-day test period by using 
underwater testing (displacement method) with residual lung volumes determined by helium dilution. On 
completion of the posttest, a body composition improvement (BCI) index was calculated for each subject by 
adding the loss of body fat and gain in nonfat mass and subtracting fat gained and lean lost. Analysis of the 
prestudy data revealed that there were no significant differences in body composition between the three groups. 
After the test period, both the 200-µg and 400-µg groups had significantly higher positive changes in BCIs 
compared with placebo. A single-factor analysis of variance weighted linear trend was also highly significant. No 
significant differences in BCI were found between the 200- and 400-µg groups. Supplementation with a minimum 
of 200 µg/d of chromium (as CrP) can lead to significant improvement in body composition.
Chromium Picolinate Supplementation Attenuates Body Weight Gain and 
Increases Insulin Sensitivity in Subjects With Type 2 Diabetes
Julie Martin, MS, RD1, Zhong Q. Wang, MD2, Xian H. Zhang, BS2, Deborah Wachtel, NP, MPH1, Julia Volaufova, 
PHD3, Dwight E. Matthews, PHD1 and William T. Cefalu, MD2
Author Affiliations
1Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont
2Division of Nutrition and Chronic Diseases, Pennington Biomedical Research Center, Louisiana State University 
System, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
3Biostatistics Program, School of Public Health, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, New 
Orleans, Louisiana
Address correspondence and reprint requests to William T. Cefalu, MD, Pennington Biomedical Research Center, 
6400 Perkins Rd., Baton Rouge, LA 80808. E-mail:
OBJECTIVE—Chromium picolinate (CrPic) supplementation has been suggested to improve glycemia, but there 
are conflicting reports on efficacy. We sought to determine the effect of CrPic on insulin sensitivity, glycemic 
control, and body composition in subjects with type 2 diabetes.
RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS—Thirty-seven subjects with type 2 diabetes were evaluated. After baseline, 
subjects were placed on a sulfonylurea (glipizide gastrointestinal therapeutic system 5 mg/day) with placebo for 3 
months. Subjects were then randomized in a double-blind fashion to receive either the sulfonylurea plus placebo 
(n = 12) or the sulfonylurea plus 1,000 µg Cr as CrPic (n = 17) for 6 months. Body composition, insulin 
sensitivity, and glycemic control were determined at baseline, end of the 3-month single-blind placebo phase, and 
end of study.
RESULTS—Subjects randomized to sulfonylurea/placebo, as opposed to those randomized to sulfonylurea/CrPic, had a significant increase in body weight (2.2 kg, P < 0.001 vs. 0.9 kg, P = 0.11), percent body fat (1.17%, P < 
0.001 vs. 0.12%, P = 0.7), and total abdominal fat (32.5 cm2, P < 0.05 vs. 12.2 cm2, P < 0.10) from baseline. 
Subjects randomized to sulfonylurea/CrPic had significant improvements in insulin sensitivity corrected for fatfree mass (28.8, P < 0.05 vs. 15.9, P = 0.4), GHb (−1.16%, P < 0.005 vs. −0.4%, P = 0.3), and free fatty acids 
(−0.2 mmol/l, P < 0.001 vs. −0.12 mmol/l, P < 0.03) as opposed to sulfonylurea/placebo.
CONCLUSIONS—This study demonstrates that CrPic supplementation in subjects with type 2 diabetes who are 
taking sulfonylurea agents significantly improves insulin sensitivity and glucose control. Further, CrPic 
supplementation significantly attenuated body weight gain and visceral fat accumulation compared with the 
placebo group.
83. Chromium Research from a Distance: From 1959 
to 1980
Walter Mertz, MD
Author Affiliations
Former Director of the Human Nutrition Center, USDA, Beltsville, 
Maryland (Retired)
More than 50 years of work have led to the recognition of trivalent 
chromium as an essential element. Shortly after its identification as an 
essential element in 1959, its interaction with insulin in vitro and in vivo 
was established, and the site of action identified as the insulin-sensitive 
cell membrane. Despite other early clinical successes with chromium 
supplementation, four major problems have influenced the rate of 
progress since then: 1) chromium analysis; 2) interaction of chromium 
with other dietary factors; 3) diagnosis of chromium status; and 4) other 
controversies, such as the carcinogenic potential of chromium (since 
disproved) and the lack of an effect on glucose tolerance even in 
chromium deficient organisms (now explained). These controversies have 
mostly dissipated as new knowledge integrated seemingly irreconcilable 
facts and opinions. It is now known that chromium may potentiate the 
action of insulin either by an effect on insulin dependent functions, or by 
maintaining these functions with less insulin, or by a combination of both. 
Despite much progress in the last 30 years, major challenges in 
chromium research remain, such as the development of practical 
methods for diagnosing chromium deficiency. Of several approaches for 
solving this problem, the most feasible might be to standardize the urinary chromium response following an insulinogenic challenge, such as an oral 
load of glucose or of glucose plus fructose (for maximal stimulation) with 
urine collection before and during the 2-hour test.
Current Therapeutic Research
Volume 59, Issue 6, June 1998, Pages 379-388
Copyright © 1998 Published by Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved. Cited By in Scopus (31)
 84. A randomized, double-masked, placebo-controlled study of 
the effects of chromium picolinate supplementation on body 
composition: A replication and extension of a previous study
Gilbert R. Kaatsa, , Kenneth Blumb, Dennis Pullinc, Samuel C. Keitha and Robert Woodd
a Health and Medical Research Foundation, San Antonio, Texas U.S.A.
b Department of Biological Sciences, University of North Texas, Denton, Texas U.S.A.
c Sports Medicine Institute, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, U.S.A.
d Department of Computing Resources, University of Texas Health Sciences Center at San Antonio, San Antonio, 
Texas U.S.A.
Received 6 January 1998. Available online 10 October 2001.
A previous study using a randomized, double-masked, placebo-controlled design found that supplementation with 
a minimum of 200 µ;g of chromium (in the form of chromium picolinate [CrP]) per day can lead to significant 
improvement in body composition (as measured by underwater testing using the displacement method). The 
present study used a similar design in which 122 subjects were randomized to receive either CrP 400 µ;g (n = 62) 
or placebo (n = 60). To control caloric intake and expenditure (which was not done in the first study), participants 
were required to monitor and maintain a log of their daily physical activity and caloric intake. Dual energy x-ray 
absorptiometry measurements were taken before and after the 90-day period. Analysis of the prestudy data for 
the two groups revealed no significant differences in any of the initial body composition variables studied. After 
controlling for differences in caloric intake and expenditure, as compared with the placebo group, subjects in the 
active treatment group lost significantly more weight (7.79 kg vs 1.81 kg, respectively) and fat mass (7.71 kg vs 
1.53 kg, respectively), and had a greater reduction in percent body fat (6.30% vs 1.20%, respectively) without 
any loss of fat-free mass. A more conservative analysis of covariance revealed similar and statistically 
significant reductions in percent body fat and fat mass without any loss of fat-free mass. It was concluded that 
this study replicated earlier findings that supplementation with CrP can lead to significant improvements in body 
Author Keywords: chromium picolinate; body composition; fat mass; fat-free mass; dual energy x-ray 
Current Therapeutic Research
Volume 57, Issue 10, 1996, Pages 747-756
Copyright © 1996 Published by Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
Cited By in Scopus (49)
85. Effects of chromium picolinate supplementation on 
body composition: a randomized, double-masked, 
placebo-controlled study
Gilbert R. Kaatsa, Kenneth Blumb, , Jeffrey A. Fisherc and Jack A. Adelmana
a Health and Medical Research Foundation, San Antonio, Texas USA
b Department of Behavioral Sciences, University of Texas Health Science Center-Houston, School of Public 
Health, San Antonio, Texas USA
c The Right Angle Inc., Rutherford, New Jersey USA
Received 22 July 1996. Available online 10 October 2001.
To examine the effect of chromium picolinate (CrP) on body composition, a randomized, double-masked, placebocontrolled study was conducted. A total of 154 patients received either a placebo or 200 µg or 400 µg of CrP per 
day. Subjects were asked to consume at least two servings of a protein/carbohydrate nutritional drink a day that 
contained the different amounts of CrP. Subjects were free-living and were not provided with weight loss, dietary, 
or exercise guidance. Body composition was measured before and after the 72-day test period by using 
underwater testing (displacement method) with residual lung volumes determined by helium dilution. On 
completion of the posttest, a body composition improvement (BCI) index was calculated for each subject by 
adding the loss of body fat and gain in nonfat mass and subtracting fat gained and lean lost. Analysis of the 
prestudy data revealed that there were no significant differences in body composition between the three groups. 
After the test period, both the 200-µg and 400-µg groups had significantly higher positive changes in BCIs 
compared with placebo. A single-factor analysis of variance weighted linear trend was also highly significant. No 
significant differences in BCI were found between the 200- and 400-µg groups. Supplementation with a minimum 
of 200 µg/d of chromium (as CrP) can lead to significant improvement in body composition.
Chromium Picolinate Supplementation Attenuates Body Weight Gain and 
Increases Insulin Sensitivity in Subjects With Type 2 Diabetes
Julie Martin, MS, RD1, Zhong Q. Wang, MD2, Xian H. Zhang, BS2, Deborah Wachtel, NP, MPH1, Julia Volaufova, 
PHD3, Dwight E. Matthews, PHD1 and William T. Cefalu, MD2
Author Affiliations
1Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont
2Division of Nutrition and Chronic Diseases, Pennington Biomedical Research Center, Louisiana State University 
System, Baton Rouge, Louisiana3Biostatistics Program, School of Public Health, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, New 
Orleans, Louisiana
Address correspondence and reprint requests to William T. Cefalu, MD, Pennington Biomedical Research Center, 
6400 Perkins Rd., Baton Rouge, LA 80808. E-mail:
OBJECTIVE—Chromium picolinate (CrPic) supplementation has been suggested to improve glycemia, but there 
are conflicting reports on efficacy. We sought to determine the effect of CrPic on insulin sensitivity, glycemic 
control, and body composition in subjects with type 2 diabetes.
RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS—Thirty-seven subjects with type 2 diabetes were evaluated. After baseline, 
subjects were placed on a sulfonylurea (glipizide gastrointestinal therapeutic system 5 mg/day) with placebo for 3 
months. Subjects were then randomized in a double-blind fashion to receive either the sulfonylurea plus placebo 
(n = 12) or the sulfonylurea plus 1,000 µg Cr as CrPic (n = 17) for 6 months. Body composition, insulin 
sensitivity, and glycemic control were determined at baseline, end of the 3-month single-blind placebo phase, and 
end of study.
RESULTS—Subjects randomized to sulfonylurea/placebo, as opposed to those randomized to sulfonylurea/CrPic, 
had a significant increase in body weight (2.2 kg, P < 0.001 vs. 0.9 kg, P = 0.11), percent body fat (1.17%, P < 
0.001 vs. 0.12%, P = 0.7), and total abdominal fat (32.5 cm2, P < 0.05 vs. 12.2 cm2, P < 0.10) from baseline. 
Subjects randomized to sulfonylurea/CrPic had significant improvements in insulin sensitivity corrected for fatfree mass (28.8, P < 0.05 vs. 15.9, P = 0.4), GHb (−1.16%, P < 0.005 vs. −0.4%, P = 0.3), and free fatty acids 
(−0.2 mmol/l, P < 0.001 vs. −0.12 mmol/l, P < 0.03) as opposed to sulfonylurea/placebo.
CONCLUSIONS—This study demonstrates that CrPic supplementation in subjects with type 2 diabetes who are 
taking sulfonylurea agents significantly improves insulin sensitivity and glucose control. Further, CrPic 
supplementation significantly attenuated body weight gain and visceral fat accumulation compared with the 
placebo group.
August 30, 2006
Eur J Med Res (2006) 11: 343-350 © I. Holzapfel Publishers 2006
T. Opala1, P. Rzymski1, I. Pischel2, M. Wilczak3, J. Wozniak1
1 Department of Mother’s and Child’s Health, Poznan University of Medical Science, Poznan, Poland
2 Finzelberg GmbH & Co. KG, Andernach, Germany
3 Department of Educational Medicine, Poznan University of Medical Science, Poznan, Poland
Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of 
composite extracts in reducing weight, as the main outcome measure. 
Secondary measures of the study were body composition change.
Design: Randomised, double blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial.Setting: Tertiary university clinic.
Subjects: hundred and five subjects, 5 of them withdrawn consent, 2 drop-outs 
not related to study preparation.
Two tablet per meal concept supposed to generate a “psychological” therapy-like 
approach during 12 weeks supported by measured physical activity. The tablets 
1 (one hour before meals, comprises extracts of Asparagus, Green tea, Black 
tea, Guarana, Mate and Kidney beans) and 2 (taken half an hour after meals, 
comprises extracts of Kidney bean pods, Garcinia cambogia, and Chromium 
yeast) are taken twice daily with two main meals.
A significant change of the Body Composition Improvement Index (BCI) was 
observed in the active extract group compared to placebo (p = 0.012). Weight, 
BMI, waist-to- hip ratio was not statistically different between groups.
Body fat loss was greater in active group (p = 0.011) compared to placebo. A 
weight loss parameter corrected for exercise was introduced and found to be 
higherin active group (p = 0.046) than in placebo, meaning that the formula was 
more efficacious, due to a concurrently performed exercise program – a 
recommended strategy for life style modification.
A significant change of the Body Composition Improvement Index and the 
decrease in body fat was
statistically significant in active extract subjects compared to placebo. A change 
in some outcome measures like: weight, BMI failed to produce significant difference between groups.
87. Chromium Research from a Distance: From 1959 
to 1980
Walter Mertz, MD
Author Affiliations
Former Director of the Human Nutrition Center, USDA, Beltsville, 
Maryland (Retired)Abstract
More than 50 years of work have led to the recognition of trivalent 
chromium as an essential element. Shortly after its identification as an 
essential element in 1959, its interaction with insulin in vitro and in vivo 
was established, and the site of action identified as the insulin-sensitive 
cell membrane. Despite other early clinical successes with chromium 
supplementation, four major problems have influenced the rate of 
progress since then: 1) chromium analysis; 2) interaction of chromium 
with other dietary factors; 3) diagnosis of chromium status; and 4) other 
controversies, such as the carcinogenic potential of chromium (since 
disproved) and the lack of an effect on glucose tolerance even in 
chromium deficient organisms (now explained). These controversies have 
mostly dissipated as new knowledge integrated seemingly irreconcilable 
facts and opinions. It is now known that chromium may potentiate the 
action of insulin either by an effect on insulin dependent functions, or by 
maintaining these functions with less insulin, or by a combination of both. 
Despite much progress in the last 30 years, major challenges in 
chromium research remain, such as the development of practical 
methods for diagnosing chromium deficiency. Of several approaches for 
solving this problem, the most feasible might be to standardize the urinary 
chromium response following an insulinogenic challenge, such as an oral 
load of glucose or of glucose plus fructose (for maximal stimulation) with 
urine collection before and during the 2-hour test.

Stephen Barrett and Medical McCarthyism By S.L & R.A(Concerned that those who engage in uncontested attacks against supporters of alternative health would misconstrue me and my co-author as such, we mean to clarify the following: we are not advocates of the alternative health movement, rather, we are advocates and supporters of truth. - S.L & R.A)IntroductionDr. Stephen Barrett is a ubiquitous figure in the world of health and medicine with a unique talent. A talent, described by Health and Human Services official, Dr. Thomas R. Eng, as a gift for widely "[influencing] behavior change" via interactive media. Elaborating, Eng states that "[Barrett] tailors information and interactions to the individual," adding, "In print media, there is some kind of vetting. In interactive, anyone or their brother can slap a Web page together."One assumes that Barrett, in his efforts and opinions, is authoritative and correct, speaking as a retired physician / psychiatrist who's been interviewed on innumerable occasions by CNN, The New York Times, has testified as an expert before congress, and, in a larger sense, has been adopted by mainstream media as the "consumer watchdog" du jour within the field of medicine. Well, alternative medicine, more specifically. He has authored reports on many of the most accomplished practitioners and experts in the alternative health movement and in doing so, has generated a fair amount of controversy and mixed media attention. So much, in fact, that the reports on his site have come to dominate web search engine results, and in effect, preemptively tainting the reputations of hundreds of legitimate, well credentialed alternative health practitioners. Upon discovering this, my curiosity was piqued and I felt compelled to conduct some independent research on the matter, and hopefully, reach a conclusion as to whether Barrett was, indeed, an expert, or guilty of what Dr. Eng describes as "medical McCarthyism".My focus would be the history and relationship between Barrett and Dr. Gary Null. Null is arguably the most respected, prolific advocate and high-profile voice in the alternative heath movement, influencing a massively wide spectrum of people throughout a varied host of philanthropic efforts and causes. The purpose of this paper is to not to bring direct challenge to Barrett's work or ideology, but rather to present facts and convey reasoned, journalistic interrogation into the heart of this debate. To that end, we can look to Null's extensive work and research on the negative effects of fluoride, mercury, vaccines, sugar and caffeine, all of which, Barrett has called in to question. Research will demonstrate that science firmly supports all of Null's conclusions and solutions on these topics. Fact checking and research is the cornerstone of the journalistic process, yet, Barrett and those media outlets who would employ his subjective opinion as scientific fact, quite simply, have not done their homework here. MethodologyIn order to determine who is accurate Barrett or Null, I used only independent scientific, peer reviewed literature. Literally thousands of studies were examined.Conclusions My review finds that Dr. Barrett's claims against Null are unfounded, biased, personal attacks based on his own personal opinion. Every article of Null's that I have examined has had a preponderance of credible scientific research to support the conclusions.Therefore, it is this journalist’s opinion that Dr. Gary Null is not only accurate in the substance of his articles and documentaries on topics such as the negative health effects of fluoride, sugar, and mercury in dental fillings, but also that Barrett has engaged in unprofessional and ad hominemattacks on Dr. Null without scientific support. At the end of this discussion you will find samples from the peer reviewed literature from each of the topics that serve as the basis for Barrett's attacks, demonstrating that Barrett simply does not have scientific proof for his arguments; Gary Null does.Who Is Stephen Barrett?Stephen Barrett is a retired Psychiatrist who administers and operates, a website described by Donna Ladd of the Village Voice as "a skeptical psychiatrist's attempt to torpedo alternative and natural-health movements."Barrett believes most alternative therapies simply should be disregarded without further research. "A lot of things don't need to be tested [because] they simply don't make any sense," he says, pointing specifically to homeopathy, chiropractic, and acupuncture. He believes that consumers should rely solely on established medical groups and studies, and that anyone who wants to consider info on both sides is "waiting to be quacked in a major way."Is Barrett Credible?The California State Superior Court would answer this question with an emphatic "no". Stephen Barrett has presented his opinion and has staked personal credibility before the courts, on several occasions. In each instance, he has been made to suffer an embarrassingly unfavorable ruling.In 2003, The Quackwatch flagship, known as the National Council Against Health Fraud (NCAHF) brought suit against 43 "Alternative Medicine proponents" in California, claiming that they were engaging in health fraud "because what they were doing wasn't scientifically proven." The ruling, which arrived on April 22, 2003, bludgeoned the NCAHF, and ripped apart their argument concerning what constitutes legitimate and effective health care.The Court also declared that Stephen Barrett "was found to be biased and unworthy of credibility." In, 2005, Stephen Barrett’s defamation lawsuit against Pennsylvania-based chiropractor, lecturer, researcher and publisher Ted Koren was tossed out by a judge just minutes before it was going to be considered by a local jury. The lawsuit, filed in August 2002, sought unspecified damages against Koren and his company, Koren Publications, Inc. for statements that he wrote in his newsletter in 2001 about Barrett.In a landmark 2006 case, originally known as Barrett v. Clark, then for the appeals process renamed Barrett v. Rosenthal, the California Supreme Court voted unanimously to reject a libel claim filed by Barrett. His personal bias against alternative medicine was made unquestionably clear, as stated in the judge's ruling: "Plaintiffs Stephen Barrett and Terry Polevoy are physicians primarily engaged in combating the promotion and use of 'alternative' or 'nonstandard' healthcare practices and products."Barrett's attacks on Gary Null, Ph.DCNN, The New York Times, and other traditional, highly esteemed news outlets frequently cite Stephen Barrett as an expert in the discussion of the effectiveness and validity of Alternative Health, be it acupuncture, homeopathy, nutritional support, or chiropractic. Barrett's primary strategy in his campaign is to attack, and in certain cases, bring suit against, key members and pillars of the alternative health movement. One such target is Dr. Gary Null. Barrett's claims that Null “promotes hundreds of ideas that are inaccurate, unscientific, and/or unproven....” are plainly false. Amongst those ideas are that the intake of Fluoride is harmful and potentially deadly, and that mercury in dental fillings can have serious neurotoxic effects. Dr. Null has also consistently warned of the harmful impact of sugar and the negative effects of caffeine. All of his observations and conclusions are supported by extensive, peer reviewed research and hard-won scientific scholarship. This approach stands in stark contrast to Barrett's own fast and loose, "things don't need to be tested [because] they simply don't make any sense" methodology.Barrett has stated outright that Null should not be trusted or believed in his statements because he lacks a qualified degree. On his site, Barrett attacks Null's academic history. Sufficient documentation exists demonstrating that The Union Institute is not only accredited ( and highly respected, but the university thought so highly of Null, that he was given the first Outstanding Alumni award ever offered by the college. At The Institute of Biology, he completed a landmark study on choleric restriction in rats, demonstrating a 22% extenuation of life span. Null has originated and completed dozens of studies in his nearly 30 year association with the institute. Additionally, Null has conducted more than 27 clinical trials on lifestyle and behavior modification and it's impact on health . Results of these studies, all of which were medically monitored, conclusively prove benefit to the top study group members, the results of which have all been published. Null is also a registered dietitian and nutritionist. To this journalist's amazement, after counseling tens of thousands, has never charged a penny to any person.Barrett's Dilemma There is presently a concerted effort within the alternative health movement to take Barrett to task for his tendency to pass subjective opinion off as scientific fact. In a written correspondence between Barrett's attorney Michael K. Botts, and Null's attorney David Slater, Botts concedes that Barrett's statements against Null were simply "a matter of opinion.""He seems to be putting down trying to be objective," says Peter Barry Chowka, a former adviser to the National Institutes of Health's Office of Alternative Medicine. " is consistently provocative and entertaining" Chowka added. "But I personally think he's running against the tide of history. But that's his problem, not ours."Final ConclusionsI can conclude that with absolute proof of an outstanding educational background, and his extensive clinical experience, that Gary Null is being attacked for what he represents: a viable challenge to the existing medical paradigm. Supporting Research Documentation and SourcesREGARDING MERCURY, AMALGAM FILLINGS AND THYMEROSAL1. MERCURY IN FILLINGS AND IMMUNIZATIONSJ Occup Med Toxicol. 2011 Jan 13;6(1):2.Is dental amalgam safe for humans? The opinion of the scientific committee of the European Commission.Mutter J.SourceDepartment of Environmental and integrative medicine Lohnerhofstraße 2, 78467 Constance/Germany. was claimed by the Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR)) in a report to the EU-Commission that " risks of adverse systemic effects exist and the current use of dental amalgam does not pose a risk of systemic disease..." [1, available from:].SCENIHR disregarded the toxicology of mercury and did not include most important scientific studies in their review. But the real scientific data show that:(a) Dental amalgam is by far the main source of human total mercury body burden. This is proven by autopsy studies which found 2-12 times more mercury in body tissues of individuals with dental amalgam. Autopsy studies are the most valuable and most important studies for examining the amalgam-caused mercury body burden.(b) These autopsy studies have shown consistently that many individuals with amalgam have toxic levels of mercury in their brains or kidneys.(c) There is no correlation between mercury levels in blood or urine, and the levels in body tissues or the severity of clinical symptoms. SCENIHR only relied on levels in urine or blood.(d) The half-life of mercury in the brain can last from several years to decades, thus mercury accumulates over time of amalgam exposure in body tissues to toxic levels. However, SCENIHR state that the half-life of mercury in the body is only "20-90 days".(e) Mercury vapor is about ten times more toxic than lead on human neurons and with synergistic toxicity to other metals.(f) Most studies cited by SCENIHR which conclude that amalgam fillings are safe have severe methodical flaws.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. J Occup Med Toxicol. 2011 Jan 13;6(1):2.Is dental amalgam safe for humans? The opinion of the scientific committee of the European Commission.Mutter J.SourceDepartment of Environmental and integrative medicine Lohnerhofstraße 2, 78467 Constance/Germany. It was claimed by the Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR)) in a report to the EU-Commission that " risks of adverse systemic effects exist and the current use of dental amalgam does not pose a risk of systemic disease..." [1, available from:].SCENIHR disregarded the toxicology of mercury and did not include most important scientific studies in their review. But the real scientific data show that:(a) Dental amalgam is by far the main source of human total mercury body burden. This is proven by autopsy studies which found 2-12 times more mercury in body tissues of individuals with dental amalgam. Autopsy studies are the most valuable and most important studies for examining the amalgam-caused mercury body burden.(b) These autopsy studies have shown consistently that many individuals with amalgam have toxic levels of mercury in their brains or kidneys.(c) There is no correlation between mercury levels in blood or urine, and the levels in body tissues or the severity of clinical symptoms. SCENIHR only relied on levels in urine or blood.(d) The half-life of mercury in the brain can last from several years to decades, thus mercury accumulates over time of amalgam exposure in body tissues to toxic levels. However, SCENIHR state that the half-life of mercury in the body is only "20-90 days".(e) Mercury vapor is about ten times more toxic than lead on human neurons and with synergistic toxicity to other metals.(f) Most studies cited by SCENIHR which conclude that amalgam fillings are safe have severe methodical flaws.Swed Dent J. 1987;11(5):179-87.3. Mercury concentrations in the human brain and kidneys in relation to exposure from dental amalgam fillings.Nylander M, Friberg L, Lind B.Source Department of Environmental Hygiene, Karolinska Institute, Sweden.AbstractSamples from the central nervous system (occipital lobe cortex, cerebellar cortex and ganglia semilunare) and kidney cortex were collected from autopsies and analysed for total mercury content using neutron activation analyses. Results from 34 individuals showed a statistically significant regression between the number of tooth surfaces containing amalgam and concentration of mercury in the occipital lobe cortex (mean 10.9, range 2.4-28.7 ng Hg/g wet weight). The regression equation y = 7.2 + 0.24x has a 95% confidence interval for the regression coefficient of 0.11-0.37. In 9 cases with suspected alcohol abuse mercury levels in the occipital lobe were, in most cases, somewhat lower than expected based on the regression line. The observations may be explained by an inhibition of oxidation of mercury vapour. The regression between amalgams and mercury levels remained after exclusion of these cases. The kidney cortex from 7 amalgam carriers (mean 433, range 48-810 ng Hg/g wet weight) showed on average a significantly higher mercury level than those of 5 amalgam-free individuals (mean 49, range 21-105 ng Hg/g wet weight). In 6 cases analysis of both inorganic and total mercury was carried out. A high proportion (mean 77% SD 17%) of inorganic mercury was found. It is concluded that the cause of the association between amalgam load and accumulation of mercury in tissues is the release of mercury vapour from amalgam fillings.4. Zentralbl Hyg Umweltmed. 1996 Feb;198(3):275-91.[Study on the significance of mercury accumulation in the brain from dental amalgam fillings through direct mouth-nose-brain transport].[Article in German]Maas C, Brück W, Haffner HT, Schweinsberg F.Source Abteilung Allgemeine Hygiene und Umwelthygiene, Hygiene-Institut der Universität Tübingen.AbstractThe transport of mercury (Hg) from the oro-nasal to the cranial cavity via a direct route was investigated. In 55 deceased persons, Hg concentrations were measured in the olfactory bulb and the trigeminal ganglion, and the number of dental amalgam fillings was assessed. For the purpose of comparison, Hg concentrations were also determined in the occipital lobe cortex, the pituitary gland and the kidney cortex. Quantitative Hg analysis was performed by cold vapor atomic absorption spectroscopy after acid digestion using high pressure microwave treatment. In the olfactory bulb (geom. mean 17.4 micrograms/kg w. w.), the Hg concentration was significantly higher than in the occipital lobe cortex (geom. mean 9.2 micrograms/kg w. w.) (p < 0.0001). No significant difference was found between the Hg concentration in the trigeminal ganglion (geom. mean 12 micrograms/kg w. w.) and the occipital lobe cortex (alpha = 0.005; p = 0.0342). Regression analysis did not reveal a statistically significant correlation between the number of dental amalgam fillings and the Hg content in the olfactory bulb and the trigeminal ganglion, respectively (alpha = 0.01). Therefore, these results do not support the hypothesis of a significant flow o Hg from dental amalgam fillings to the cranial cavity by a direct oro-nasal route. In contrast, a statistically significant correlation exists between the number of dental amalgam fillings and the Hg concentration in the kidney cortex (r2 = 0.317; p < 0.0001), and, to a lesser extent, the Hg concentration in the occipital lobe cortex (r2 = 0.17; p = 0.0016). The highest Hg concentrations (geom. mean 93.1 micrograms/kg w. w.) were detected in the kidney cortex, followed by the pituitary gland (geom. mean 30.0 micrograms/kg w. w.). In this study, Hg concentration in the pituitary gland did not correlate with the number of dental amalgam fillings.5. Swed Dent J. 1989;13(6):235-43.Mercury accumulation in tissues from dental staff and controls in relation to exposure.Nylander M, Friberg L, Eggleston D, Björkman L.SourceDepartment of Environmental Hygiene, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden.AbstractSamples, mainly from occipital cortex and pituitary gland, but also from rental cortex, olfactory bulbs, thyroid gland and liver were collected from autopsies of 8 dental staff cases and 27 controls. These samples were analysed for total mercury content using radiochemical neutron activation analyses. The results revealed high mercury concentrations (median 815, range 135-4,040 micrograms Hg/kg wet weight) in pituitaries from the dental staff cases compared to controls (N = 23, median 23 range 6-1, 170 micrograms Hg/kg). In occipital cortex, the cases had a median of 17, range of 4-300 micrograms Hg/kg and the controls (N = 20) had a median of 10, range 2-29 micrograms Hg/kg. A few samples from olfactory bulbs show low mercury concentrations for both cases and controls. Renal cortex was analysed from three cases and contained clearly higher concentrations (945, 1,545, 2,110 micrograms Hg/kg) compared to controls (N = 12, median 180, range 21-810 micrograms Hg/kg). There is no control material for the other analysed samples, but one thyroid sample had an extremely high concentration of 28,000 micrograms Hg/kg.6. Environ Health. 2007 Oct 11;6:30.Mercury in human brain, blood, muscle and toenails in relation to exposure: an autopsy study.Björkman L, Lundekvam BF, Laegreid T, Bertelsen BI, Morild I, Lilleng P, Lind B, Palm B, Vahter M.Source Dental Biomaterials Adverse Reaction Unit, Department of Health/UNIFOB, Arstadveien 17, NO-5009 Bergen, Norway. Lars.Bjorkman@odont.uib.noAbstractBACKGROUND:The main forms of mercury (Hg) exposure in the general population are methylmercury (MeHg) from seafood, inorganic mercury (I-Hg) from food, and mercury vapor (Hg0) from dental amalgam restorations. While the distribution of MeHg in the body is described by a one compartment model, the distribution of I-Hg after exposure to elemental mercury is more complex, and there is no biomarker for I-Hg in the brain. The aim of this study was to elucidate the relationships between on the one hand MeHg and I-Hg in human brain and other tissues, including blood, and on the other Hg exposure via dental amalgam in a fish-eating population. In addition, the use of blood and toenails as biological indicator media for inorganic and organic mercury (MeHg) in the tissues was evaluated.METHODS:Samples of blood, brain (occipital lobe cortex), pituitary, thyroid, abdominal muscle and toenails were collected at autopsy of 30 deceased individuals, age from 47 to 91 years of age. Concentrations of total-Hg and I-Hg in blood and brain cortex were determined by cold vapor atomic fluorescence spectrometry and total-Hg in other tissues by sector field inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-SFMS).RESULTS:The median concentrations of MeHg (total-Hg minus I-Hg) and I-Hg in blood were 2.2 and 1.0 microg/L, and in occipital lobe cortex 4 and 5 microg/kg, respectively. There was a significant correlation between MeHg in blood and occipital cortex. Also, total-Hg in toenails correlated with MeHg in both blood and occipital lobe. I-Hg in both blood and occipital cortex, as well as total-Hg in pituitary and thyroid were strongly associated with the number of dental amalgam surfaces at the time of death.CONCLUSION:In a fish-eating population, intake of MeHg via the diet has a marked impact on the MeHg concentration in the brain, while exposure to dental amalgam restorations increases the I-Hg concentrations in the brain. Discrimination between mercury species is necessary to evaluate the impact on Hg in the brain of various sources of exposure, in particular, dental amalgam exposure.7. Rev Environ Contam Toxicol. 2009;198:111-32.Human health effects of methylmercury exposure.Díez S.Source Environmental Chemistry Department, IDAEA-CSIC, Jordi Girona, 18-26, E-08034, Barcelona, Spain.AbstractMercury (Hg), and the organometallic compounds formed from it, are among the most toxic of substances to the global environment. Mercury is environmentally ubiquitous, and both wildlife and humans are exposed to the toxic effects of its environmental residues, primarily elemental mercury (Hg0), divalent mercury (Hg2+) and methylmercury (MeHg). Humans are exposed to different forms of Hg, and potential health risks have been reported from such exposures; examples of Hg exposure include mercury vapor from dental amalgams, occupational exposures and exposures during artisan and small-scale gold mining operations. Despite the significance of those foregoing Hg exposures, of particular concern is human and wildlife exposure to MeHg, a potent neurotoxicant. Once incorporated into the body, MeHg easily penetrates the blood-brain barrier and causes damage to the central nervous system, particularly in fetuses. It bioaacumulates and biomagnifies in the aquatic food chain; consequently, fish and seafood consumption is the major pathway by which humans are exposed to MeHg. MeHg is the focus of this review. It adversely affects humans and is currently the subject of intense public health interest and worldwide concern. In this review, I summarize the sources and cycling of global mercury in the environment, pathways of exposure, toxicity and exposure evaluation, toxicokinetics, the common biomarkers to evaluate exposure and effects in populations, and finally review the nutritional risks and benefits from fish consumption.Ambio. 2007 Feb;36(1):3-11.8. Methylmercury exposure and health effects in humans: a worldwide concern.Mergler D, Anderson HA, Chan LH, Mahaffey KR, Murray M, Sakamoto M, Stern AH; Panel on Health Risks and Toxicological Effects of Methylmercury.Source Department of Biological Sciences, Institute for Environmental Sciences, University of Québec, Montreal, Canada. mergler.donna@uqam.caAbstractThe paper builds on existing literature, highlighting current understanding and identifying unresolved issues about MeHg exposure, health effects, and risk assessment, and concludes with a consensus statement. Methylmercury is a potent toxin, bioaccumulated and concentrated through the aquatic food chain, placing at risk people, throughout the globe and across the socioeconomic spectrum, who consume predatory fish or for whom fish is a dietary mainstay. Methylmercury developmental neurotoxicity has constituted the basis for risk assessments and public health policies. Despite gaps in our knowledge on new bioindicators of exposure, factors that influence MeHg uptake and toxicity, toxicokinetics, neurologic and cardiovascular effects in adult populations, and the nutritional benefits and risks from the large number of marine and freshwater fish and fisheating species, the panel concluded that to preserve human health, all efforts need to be made to reduce and eliminate sources of exposure.Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2010 Sep;7(9):3467-77. Epub 2010 Sep 16.Research into mercury exposure and health education in subsistence fisheating communities of the Amazon basin: potential effects on public health policy.Dórea JG.Source Department of Nutrition, Universidade de Brasília, P.O. Box 04322, Brasília, DF 70919-970, Brasil. neurotoxic effects of fish-methylmercury (meHg) consumed regularly are considered hazardous to fetuses and newborn infants; as a result fish consumption advisories are an important asset to control meHg exposure in affluent societies. These concerns are now part of health promotion programs for Amazon subsistence villagers. While urban dwellers in affluent societies can choose an alternative nutritious diet, traditional and subsistence communities are caught up in controversial issues and lifestyle changes with unintended health consequences. Traditional fish-eating populations of industrialized and non-industrialized regions may be exposed to different neurotoxic substances: man-made pollutants and environmentally occurring meHg. Additionally, in nonindustrialized countries, pregnant women and infants are still being immunized with thimerosal-containing vaccines (TCVs) which degrade to ethylmercury (etHg). Therefore, the complexity involving fish-meHg associated with wild-fish choices and Hg exposure derived from TCVs is difficult to disentangle and evaluate: are villagers able to distinguish exposure to differently hazardous chemical forms of Hg (inorganic, fish-meHg, and injected etHg)? Is it possible that instead of helping to prevent a plausible (unperceived) fish-meHg associated neurocognitive delay we may inadvertently arouse panic surrounding Hg exposure and disrupt subsistence fisheating habits (necessary for survival) and life-saving vaccination programs (required by public health authorities)? These questions characterize the incompleteness of information related on the various chemical forms of Hg exposure and the need to convey messages that do not disrupt nutritional balance and disease prevention policies directed at Amazonian subsistence communities.9. Methylmercury poisoning: Long-term clinical, radiological, toxicological, and pathological studies of an affected familyAnnals of NeurologyVolume 35, Issue 6, pages 680–688, June 1994Dr. Larry E. Davis MD1,6,*, Mario Kornfeld7, Herbert S. Mooney MD7, Kurt J. Fiedler MD2,6, Kathleen Y. Haaland PhD3,4,6,8, William W. Orrison MD5,9, Elsa Cernichiari MS10, Thomas W. Clarkson PhD10Article first published online: 8 OCT 2004DOI: 10.1002/ana.410350608AbstractFor 3 months in 1969 a family in the United States that included a pregnant mother consumed pork containing methylmercury. Children, aged 20, 13, and 8 years and a neonate, developed severe neurological signs. Twentytwo years later, the 2 oldest had cortical blindness or constricted visual fields, diminished hand proprioception, choreoathetosis, and atentional deficits. Magnetic resonance images showed tissue loss in the calcarine and parietal cortices and cerebellar folia. The youngest had quadriplegia, blindness, and severe mental retradation until their deaths. The brain of the 8-year-old who died at age 30 showed cortical atrophy, neuronal loss, and gliosis, most pronounced in the paracentral and parietooccipital regions. The total mercury level in formalin-fixed, left occipital cortex was 1,974 ng/gm as measured by atomic absorption. Regional brain mercury levels correlated with extent of brain damage. A control patient had 38.5 ng of mercury/gm in the occipital cortex. Systemic organs in the patient and a control subject had comparable mercury levels. In mercury-intoxicated rats, we found that only 5 to 10% of total brain mercury was lost by formalin fixation. Brain inorganic mercury in the patient ranged from 82 to 100%. Since inorganic mercury crosses the blood-brain barrier poorly, biotransformation of methyl to inorganic mercury may have occurred after methylmercury crossed the blood-brain barrier, accounting for its persistence in brain and causing part of the brain damage.10. Acta NeuropathologicaVolume 20, Number 4, 316-334, DOI: 10.1007/BF00691749Original InvestigationsUltrastructural studies of the nervous system after mercury intoxicationLouis W. Chang and Henrik A. HartmannAbstractMercury was first detected histochemically in the Schwann cells between 12 and 24 h after the administration of organic or inorganic mercury compound. After 4 days of intoxication, mercury could be observed in the axoplasm. Pathological changes in the dorsal root fibers were observed 1 week after CH3HgCl and 2 weeks after HgCl2 intoxication.After HgCl2 poisoning, a large axonal space was created in many axons as a result of detachment of the axolemma from the myelin sheath and axonal shrinkage. Axonal degeneration, vacuolation, and collapse were observed in many nerve fibers. Although myelin destruction could be observed occasionally, the regular lamination and periodicity of the myelin sheath were usually preserved.After CH3HgCl poisoning, however, the myelin sheaths seemed to have lost their lamination and have a smudged or solid appearance. Extensive axoplasmic degeneration, axonal collapse, and myelin destruction were the most prominent lesions observed in these nerve fibers.Pathological changes in the ventral root fibers and sciatic nerve were not observed until the second week of intoxication by either organic or inorganic mercury compound. While only limited damages were produced in the ventral root fibers, extensive degradation of the axons and demyelination of the nerve fibers were observed in the sciatic nerve.Disoriented layering of myelin to form concentric myelin structures and active phagocytosis of the degenerative debris by the reactive Schwann cells were also observed.11. MEDICAL HYPOTHESESVolume 56, Issue 4, Pages 462-471 (April 2001)Autism: a novel form of mercury poisoningS. Bernard, A. Enayati, L. Redwood, H. Roger, T. BinstockReceived 3 July 2000; accepted 22 December 2000.AbstractAutism is a syndrome characterized by impairments in social relatedness and communication, repetitive behaviors, abnormal movements, and sensory dysfunction. Recent epidemiological studies suggest that autism may affect 1 in 150 US children. Exposure to mercury can cause immune, sensory, neurological, motor, and behavioral dysfunctions similar to traits defining or associated with autism, and the similarities extend to neuroanatomy, neurotransmitters, and biochemistry. Thimerosal, a preservative added to many vaccines, has become a major source of mercury in children who, within their first two years, may have received a quantity of mercury that exceeds safety guidelines. A review of medical literature and US government data suggests that: (i) many cases of idiopathic autism are induced by early mercury exposure from thimerosal; (ii) this type of autism represents an unrecognized mercurial syndrome; and (iii) genetic and non-genetic factors establish a predisposition whereby thimerosal’s adverse effects occur only in some children.12. Neurobehavioral effects from exposure to dental amalgam Hgo: new distinctions between recent exposure and Hg body burdenDiana Echeverriaa,b,1, H. Vasken Aposhianc, James S. Woodsa,b, Nicholas J. Heyerb, Mary M. Aposhianc, Alvah C. Bittner, JR.a,b, Roderick K. Mahurin, and Margaret Cianciolada Battelle Centers for Public Health Research and Evaluation, Seattle, Washington 98105, USAb Department of Environmental Health, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USAc Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721, USAd Department of Psychiatry, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USAPotential toxicity from exposure to mercury vapor (Hgo) from dental amalgam fillings is the subject of current public health debate in many countries. We evaluated potential central nervous system (CNS) toxicity associated with handling Hg-containing amalgam materials among dental personnel with very low levels of Hgo exposure (i.e., urinary Hg <4 µg/l), applying a neurobehavioral test battery to evaluate CNS functions in relation to both recent exposure and Hg body burden. New distinctions between subtle preclinical effects on symptoms, mood, motor function, and cognition were found associated with Hg body burden as compared with those associated with recent exposure. The pattern of results, comparable to findings previously reported among subjects with urinary Hg >50 µg/l, presents convincing new evidence of adverse behavioral effects associated with low Hgo exposures within the range of that received by the general population.—Echeverria, D., Aposhian, H. V., Woods, J. S., Heyer, N. J., Aposhian, M. M., Bittner, A. C., Jr., Mahurin, R. K. Neurobehavioral effects from exposure to dental amalgam Hgo: new distinctions between recent exposure and Hg body burden. FASEB J. 12, 971–980 (1998)13. J Toxicol Environ Health A. 2009;72(14):891-6.Urinary porphyrin excretion in children with mercury amalgam treatment: findings from the Casa Pia Children's Dental Amalgam Trial.Woods JS, Martin MD, Leroux BG, DeRouen TA, Bernardo MF, Luis HS, Leitão JG, Simmonds PL, Echeverria D, Rue TC.Source Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, University of Wahington, Seattle, Washington 98105, USA. jwoods@u.washington.eduAbstractIncreases in the urinary concentrations of pentacarboxyl- and coproporphyrins and the appearance of the atypical precoproporphyrin have been defined in relation to mercury (Hg) body burden in animal studies, and this change in the porphyrin excretion pattern has been described as a biomarker of occupational Hg exposure and toxicity in adult human subjects. In the present studies, urinary porphyrins were determined in relation to Hg exposure in children and adolescents, 8-18 yr of age, over the 7-yr course of a clinical trial designed to evaluate the neurobehavioral and renal effects of dental amalgam in children. Subjects were randomized to either dental amalgam or composite resin treatments. Urinary porphyrins and creatinine concentrations were measured at baseline and annually in all subjects. Results were evaluated using linear regression analysis. No significant differences between treatment groups (amalgam versus composite) were found when comparing all subjects for any of the porphyrins of interest. However, incipent amalgam treatment-specific increases were observed in the mean concentrations of penta-, precopro- and coproporphyrins especially when the analyses were restricted to younger subjects (8 to 9 yr old at baseline), and these increases were most apparent during yr 2 through 3 of follow-up, the period of highest mercury exposure from amalgam treatment. Based on the mean number of amalgam fillings received by children in this group (17.8), the renal Hg concentration associated with incipient increases in urinary porphyrins was estimated to be approximately 2.7 microg/g renal cortex. This value corresponds to an observed mean urinary Hg concentration of 3.2 microg/g creatinine, which is approximately fivefold less than that at which renal damage from Hg exposure is estimated to occur in children. These findings are consistent with growing evidence supporting the sensitivity of urinary porphyrins as a biological indicator of subclinical Hg exposure in children.14. Environ Health Perspect. 2007 Oct;115(10):1527-31.The contribution of dental amalgam to urinary mercury excretion in children.Woods JS, Martin MD, Leroux BG, DeRouen TA, Leitão JG, Bernardo MF, Luis HS, Simmonds PL, Kushleika JV, Huang Y.Source Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington8105, USA. jwoods@u.washington.eduAbstractBACKGROUND:Urinary mercury concentrations are widely used as a measure of mercury exposure from dental amalgam fillings. No studies have evaluated the relationship of these measures in a longitudinal context in children.OBJECTIVE:We evaluated urinary mercury in children 8-18 years of age in relation to number of amalgam surfaces and time since placement over a 7-year course of amalgam treatment.METHODS:Five hundred seven children, 8-10 years of age at baseline, participated in a clinical trial to evaluate the neurobehavioral effects of dental amalgam in children. Subjects were randomized to either dental amalgam or resin composite treatments. Urinary mercury and creatinine concentrations were measured at baseline and annually on all participants.RESULTS:Treatment groups were comparable in baseline urinary mercury concentration (approximately 1.5 microg/L). Mean urinary mercury concentrations in the amalgam group increased to a peak of approximately 3.2 microg/L at year 2 and then declined to baseline levels by year 7 of follow-up. There was a strong, positive association between urinary mercury and both number of amalgam surfaces and time since placement. Girls had significantly higher mean urinary mercury concentrations than boys throughout the course of amalgam treatment. There were no differences by race in urinary mercury concentration associated with amalgam exposure.CONCLUSIONS:Urinary mercury concentrations are highly correlated with both number of amalgam fillings and time since placement in children. Girls excrete significantly higher concentrations of mercury in the urine than boys with comparable treatment, suggesting possible sex-related differences in mercury handling and susceptibility to mercury toxicity.15. J Dent Res. 2003 Mar;82(3):243-6.Neurotoxicity of dental amalgam is mediated by zinc.Lobner D, Asrari M.16. Source Department of Biomedical Sciences, Marquette University, 561 N. 15th Street, Rm. 426, Milwaukee, WI 53201, USA. Doug.Lobner@marquette.eduAbstractThe use of dental amalgam is controversial largely because it contains mercury. We tested whether amalgam caused toxicity in neuronal cultures and whether that toxicity was caused by mercury. In this study, we used cortical cell cultures to show for the first time that amalgam causes nerve cell toxicity in culture. However, the toxicity was not blocked by the mercury chelator, 2,3-dimercaptopropane-1-sulphonate (DMPS), but was blocked by the metal chelator, calcium disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate (CaEDTA). DMPS was an effective mercury chelator in this system, since it blocked mercury toxicity. Of the components that comprise amalgam (mercury, zinc, tin, copper, and silver), only zinc neurotoxicity was blocked by CaEDTA. These results indicate that amalgam is toxic to nerve cells in culture by releasing zinc. While zinc is known to be neurotoxic, ingestion of zinc is not a major concern because zinc levels in the body are tightly regulated.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------REGARDING SUGAR CONSUMPTION(Circulation. 2009;120:1011-1020.)© 2009 American Heart Association, Inc. AHA Scientific Statement17. Dietary Sugars Intake and Cardiovascular HealthA Scientific Statement From the American Heart AssociationRachel K. Johnson, PhD, MPH, RD, Chair; Lawrence J. Appel, MD, MPH, FAHA; Michael Brands, PhD, FAHA; Barbara V. Howard, PhD, FAHA; Michael Lefevre, PhD, FAHA; Robert H. Lustig, MD; Frank Sacks, MD, FAHA; Lyn M. Steffen, PhD, MPH, RD, FAHA; Judith Wylie-Rosett, EdD, RD, on behalf of the American Heart Association Nutrition Committee of the Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism and the Council on Epidemiology and PreventionHigh intakes of dietary sugars in the setting of a worldwide pandemic of obesity and cardiovascular disease have heightened concerns about the adverse effects of excessive consumption of sugars. In 2001 to 2004, the usual intake of added sugars for Americans was 22.2 teaspoons per day (355 calories per day). Between 1970 and 2005, average annual availability of sugars/added sugars increased by 19%, which added 76 calories to Americans’ average daily energy intake. Soft drinks and other sugar-sweetened beverages are the primary source of added sugars in Americans’ diets. Excessive consumption of sugars has been linked with several metabolic abnormalities and adverse health conditions, as well as shortfalls of essential nutrients. Although trial data are limited, evidence from observational studies indicates that a higher intake of soft drinks is associated with greater energy intake, higher body weight, and lower intake of essential nutrients. National survey data also indicate that excessive consumption of added sugars is contributing to overconsumption of discretionary calories by Americans. On the basis of the 2005 US Dietary Guidelines, intake of added sugars greatly exceeds discretionary calorie allowances, regardless of energy needs. In view of these considerations, the American Heart Association recommends reductions in the intake of added sugars. A prudent upper limit of intake is half of the discretionary calorie allowance, which for most American women is no more than 100 calories per day and for most American men is no more than 150 calories per day from added sugars.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------18. Sweet and salty: nutritional content and analysis of baby and toddler foodsCharlene D. Elliott, Associate Professor of Communication StudiesAuthor AffiliationsFaculty of Communication and Culture, University of Calgary, 2500 University Dr. NW, Calgary, Canada AB T2N 1N4Address correspondence to Charlene D. Elliott, E-mail: charlene.elliott@ucalgary.caAbstractBackground To critically examine baby and toddler food products sold in Canada for their sugar and sodium content, and to assess these in light of current recommendations.Methods Baby and toddler foods (n = 186) were coded for various attributes, including ‘Nutrition Facts’ label data. Four ‘categories’ of baby/toddler foods were analyzed against their ‘adult’ counterparts for sugar and salt to reveal whether a ‘halo effect’ attributed to baby/toddler food is warranted.Results 63% of products have either high levels of sodium or an excessive proportion of calories coming from sugar. Over 12% of products had moderate or high levels of sodium; over 53% of products derive >20% of their calories from sugar. Baby and toddler foods were not found to be nutritionally superior—in terms of sodium or sugar—to their adult counterparts.Conclusions Baby and toddler foods are currently overlooked in the public, and public policy, discussions pertaining to dietary sodium and sugar. Yet these products are clearly of concern and should be closely monitored, since they promote a taste for ‘sweet’ and ‘salty’ in our youngest consumers.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19. Effects of Serving High-Sugar Cereals on Children's Breakfast-Eating BehaviorJennifer L. Harris, PhD, MBAa, Marlene B. Schwartz, PhDa, Amy Ustjanauskas, BAa, Punam Ohri-Vachaspati, PhD, RDb, Kelly D. Brownell, PhDaAuthor AffiliationsaRudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut; andbRobert Wood Johnson Foundation, Princeton, New JerseyAbstractOBJECTIVES: To test (1) whether children will consume low-sugar ready-to-eat (RTE) cereals and (2) the effects of serving high- versus low-sugar cereals on the consumption of cereal, refined sugar, fresh fruit, and milk.PARTICIPANTS AND METHODS: Using an experimental design, we randomly assigned children (n = 91) who were attending summer day camp to receive a breakfast that included either the choice of 1 of 3 high-sugar cereals (high-sugar condition) or low-sugar cereals (low-sugar condition), as well as low-fat milk, orange juice, bananas, strawberries, and sugar packets. Participants served themselves and completed a background questionnaire after eating. Researchers measured the amount and calories consumed of each food.RESULTS: In both conditions, children reported “liking” or “loving” the cereal they chose. Children in the lowsugar cereal condition consumed, on average, slightly more than 1 serving of cereal (35 g), whereas children in the high-sugar condition consumed significantly more (61 g) and almost twice the amount of refined sugar in total (24.4 vs 12.5 g). Milk and total calories consumed did not differ significantly between conditions, but children in the low-sugar condition were more likely to put fruit on their cereal (54% vs 8%) and consumed a greater portion of total calories from fresh fruit (20% vs 13%).CONCLUSIONS: Compared with serving low-sugar cereals, high-sugar cereals increase children's total sugar consumption and reduce the overall nutritional quality of their breakfast. Children will consume low-sugar cereals when offered, and they provide a superior breakfast option.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------20. Hypertension. 2011;57:695-701Published online before print February 28, 2011, doi: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.110.165456Population Science/EpidemiologySugar-Sweetened Beverage, Sugar Intake of Individuals, and Their Blood PressureInternational Study of Macro/Micronutrients and Blood PressureIan J. Brown; Jeremiah Stamler; Linda Van Horn; Claire E. Robertson; Queenie Chan; Alan R. Dyer; Chiang-Ching Huang; Beatriz L. Rodriguez; Liancheng Zhao; Martha L. Daviglus; Hirotsugu Ueshima; Paul Elliott for the International Study of Macro/Micronutrients and Blood Pressure Research GroupFrom the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health (I.J.B., Q.C., P.E.), and Medical Research Council-Health Protection Agency Centre for Environment and Health (P.E.), Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom; Department of Preventive Medicine (J.S., L.V.H., A.R.D., C.-C.H., M.L.D.), Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL; Department of Human and Health Sciences (C.E.R.), School of Biosciences, University of Westminster, London, United Kingdom; Pacific Health Research Institute (B.L.R.), Honolulu, HI; Cardiovascular Institute and Fuwai Hospital (L.Z.), Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, Beijing, China; Department of Health Science (H.U.), Shiga University of Medical Science, Otsu, Shiga, Japan.Correspondence to Ian J. Brown and Paul Elliott, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Imperial College London, London W2 1PG, United Kingdom. E-mail and obesity epidemic has focused attention on relationships of sugars and sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) to cardiovascular risk factors. Here we report cross-sectional associations of SSBs, diet beverages, and sugars with blood pressure (BP) for United Kingdom and US participants of the International Study of Macro/Micronutrients and Blood Pressure. Data collected include four 24-hour dietary recalls, two 24-hour urine collections, 8 BP readings, and questionnaire data for 2696 people ages 40 to 59 years of age from 10 US/United Kingdom population samples. Associations of SSBs, diet beverages, and sugars (fructose, glucose, and sucrose) with BP were assessed by multiple linear regression. SSB intake related directly to BP, with P values of 0.005 to <0.001 (systolic BP) and 0.14 to <0.001 (diastolic BP). SSB intake higher by 1 serving per day (355 mL/24 hours) was associated with systolic/diastolic BP differences of +1.6/+0.8 mm Hg (both P<0.001) and +1.1/+0.4 mm Hg (P<0.001/<0.05) with adjustment for weight and height. Diet beverage intake was inversely associated with BP (P 0.41 to 0.003). Fructose- and glucose-BP associations were direct, with significant sugarsodium interactions: for individuals with above-median 24-hour urinary sodium excretion, fructose intake higher by 2 SD (5.6% kcal) was associated with systolic/diastolic BP differences of +3.4/+2.2 mm Hg (both P<0.001) and +2.5/+1.7 mm Hg (both P=0.002) with adjustment for weight and height. Observed independent, direct associations of SSB intake and BP are consistent with recent trial data. These findings, plus adverse nutrient intakes among SSB consumers, and greater sugar-BP differences for persons with higher sodium excretion lend support to recommendations that intake of SSBs, sugars, and salt be substantially reduced.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------20. Circulation. 2011;123:249-257Published online before print January 10, 2011, doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.110.972166Epidemiology and PreventionConsumption of Added Sugars and Indicators of Cardiovascular Disease Risk Among US AdolescentsJean A. Welsh, PhD, MPH, RN; Andrea Sharma, PhD, MPH; Solveig A. Cunningham, PhD; Miriam B. Vos, MD, MSPHFrom the Nutrition and Health Science Program (J.A.W., A.S., M.B.V.) and Department of Pediatrics, Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition, Emory University School of Medicine (M.B.V.), Graduate Division of Biological and Medical Sciences, and Department of Global Health, Rollins Schools of Public Health (S.A.C.), Emory University, Atlanta, GA; Children's Healthcare of Atlanta (J.A.W., M.B.V.), Atlanta, GA; and Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (A.S.), Atlanta, GA.Correspondence to Jean A. Welsh, PhD, MPH, RN, 2015 Uppergate Dr NE, Atlanta, GA 30322. E-mail jwelsh1@emory.eduBackground— Whereas increased carbohydrate and sugar consumption has been associated with higher cardiovascular disease risk among adults, little is known about the impact of high consumption of added sugars (caloric sweeteners) among US adolescents.Methods and Results— In a cross-sectional study of 2157 US adolescents in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 1999 to 2004, dietary data from one 24-hour recall were merged with added sugar content data from the US Department of Agriculture MyPyramid Equivalents databases. Measures of cardiovascular disease risk were estimated by added sugar consumption level (<10%, 10 to <15%, 15 to <20%, 20 to <25%, 25 to <30%, and 30% of total energy). Multivariable means were weighted to be representative of US adolescents and variances adjusted for the complex sampling methods. Daily consumption of added sugars averaged 21.4% of total energy. Added sugars intake was inversely correlated with mean high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels (mmol/L) which were 1.40 (95% confidence interval [CI] 1.36 to 1.44) among the lowest consumers and 1.28 (95% CI 1.23 to 1.33) among the highest (P trend =0.001). Added sugars were positively correlated with low-density lipoproteins (P trend =0.01) and geometric mean triglycerides (P trend =0.05). Among the lowest and highest consumers, respectively, low-density lipoproteins (mmol/L) were 2.24 (95% CI 2.12 to 2.37) and 2.44 (95% CI 2.34 to 2.53), and triglycerides (mmol/L) were 0.81 (95% CI 0.74, 0.88) and 0.89 (95% CI 0.83 to 0.96). Among those overweight/obese (85th percentile body-mass-index), added sugars were positively correlated with the homeostasis model assessment (P linear trend =0.004).Conclusion— Consumption of added sugars among US adolescents is positively associated with multiple measures known to increase cardiovascular disease risk.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------21. Circulation. 2010;122:2470-2490Published online before print November 8, 2010, doi: 10.1161/CIR.0b013e3181ffdcb0AHA Conference ProceedingsTranslation and Implementation of Added Sugars Consumption RecommendationsA Conference Report From the American Heart Association Added Sugars Conference 2010Linda Van Horn, PhD, RD, FAHA, Chair; Rachel K. Johnson, PhD, MPH, RD, CoChair; Brent D. Flickinger, PhD, Co-Chair; Dorothea K. Vafiadis, MS; Shirley YinPiazza, MS, MBA*, on behalf of the Added Sugars Conference Planning GroupBackground— A 2-day forum was convened to (1) discuss ways to translate the 2009 American Heart Association added sugars recommendations into actions in areas such as regulation, food labeling, nutrient content claims, and practical application in the American diet; (2) review surveillance methodology and metrics for tracking and understanding the impact of reducing added sugars in the diet; and (3) initiate the development of a framework for future collaboration to help Americans implement science-based guidance relative to added sugars.Methods and Results— More than 100 multinational participants representing scientists from academia and government and stakeholders engaged in food production, development, and processing, food manufacturing and servicing, food and nutrition policy, and nutrition recommendations for the public attended the conference. Presentations included definitions and examples of added sugars, current US and international added sugars perspectives, added sugars in diets of individuals and in the food supply, food technology behind added sugars, added sugars and health, food manufacturer perspectives, added sugars food-labeling considerations, and examples of positive approaches to improve eating behaviors and the food environment. Facilitated breakout sessions were conducted after the plenary sessions to allow participants to contribute their expertise and thoughts.Conclusion— The American Heart Association Added Sugars Conference is the first step in an important process that facilitates collaboration across science, public health, and industry to foster innovation, partnerships, policy, and implementation of new products and services for the benefit of the health and well-being of the American public. Science has advanced in the area of added sugars and health, creating mounting pressure to use better methods for translation and dissemination of the science for consumer education and for food companies to respond by producing foods and beverages with fewer added sugars. The new science also reinforces the importance of preventing, rather than simply treating diseases, especially overweight and obesity, diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. Reducing added sugars consumption is a good target for addressing obesity, along with other sources of excess calories. However, the potential unintended consequences of substituting added sugars with ingredients that may not reduce calories and of increasing other macronutrients or food groups that may not result in a net health gain must be considered. Although there are many challenges to incorporating added sugars to the food label as was discussed during the conference, disclosure of added sugars content on food and beverage labels is an essential element in consumer education and can provide the information and motivation for making healthier food choices. This conference demonstrated the value of interactive dialogue among multiple sectors and disciplines. More disciplines should be at the table to bring expertise to discuss cross-cutting issues related to public policies and offer diverse insights to finding a solution.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SAGE JOURNALS ONLINE22. NUTRITION IN CLINICAL PRACTICEThe Standard American Diet and Its Relationship to the Health Status of AmericansDavid Grotto, RD, LDN1Elisa Zied, MS, RD, CDN21Nutrition Housecall, LLC, Elmhurst, Illinois2Zied Health Communications, LLC, New York City, New YorkDavid Grotto, P.O. Box 311, Elmhurst, IL 60126; e-mail: Standard American Diet (SAD) has long been implicated in contributing to the health challenges experienced in the United States. Significant changes to the SAD have occurred since the 1950s, including a greater abundance and accessibility to calorie-dense and nutrient-poor food and beverage choices. The disparity of present consumption patterns to diet and nutrition recommendations from the Dietary Guidelines for Americans are addressed.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AMERICAN DIABETES ASSOCIATIONDIABETES CARE23. Sugar-Sweetened Beverages and Risk of Metabolic Syndrome and Type 2 DiabetesA meta-analysisVasanti S. Malik, SCD1, Barry M. Popkin, PHD2, George A. Bray, MD3, Jean-Pierre Després, PHD4, Walter C. Willett, MD, DRPH1,5 and Frank B. Hu, MD, PHD1,5Author Affiliations1Departments of Nutrition and Epidemiology, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts;2Department of Nutrition, Gillings School of Global Public Health, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina;3Dietary Obesity Laboratory, Pennington Biomedical Research Center, Baton Rouge, Louisiana;4Centre de Recherche de l'Institut Universitaire de Cardiologie et de Pneumologie de Québec, Québec City, Québec, Canada;5Channing Laboratory, Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts.Corresponding author: Frank B. Hu, Consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs), which include soft drinks, fruit drinks, iced tea, and energy and vitamin water drinks has risen across the globe. Regular consumption of SSBs has been associated with weight gain and risk of overweight and obesity, but the role of SSBs in the development of related chronic metabolic diseases, such as metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes, has not been quantitatively reviewed.RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS We searched the MEDLINE database up to May 2010 for prospective cohort studies of SSB intake and risk of metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes. We identified 11 studies (three for metabolic syndrome and eight for type 2 diabetes) for inclusion in a random-effects meta-analysis comparing SSB intake in the highest to lowest quantiles in relation to risk of metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.RESULTS Based on data from these studies, including 310,819 participants and 15,043 cases of type 2 diabetes, individuals in the highest quantile of SSB intake (most often 1–2 servings/day) had a 26% greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes than those in the lowest quantile (none or <1 serving/month) (relative risk [RR] 1.26 [95% CI 1.12–1.41]). Among studies evaluating metabolic syndrome, including 19,431 participants and 5,803 cases, the pooled RR was 1.20 [1.02–1.42].CONCLUSIONS In addition to weight gain, higher consumption of SSBs is associated with development of metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes. These data provide empirical evidence that intake of SSBs should be limited to reduce obesity-related risk of chronic metabolic diseases.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGYENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLISM24. Fructose: a highly lipogenic nutrient implicated in insulin resistance, hepatic steatosis, and the metabolic syndromeMark J. Dekker1, Qiaozhu Su1, Chris Baker1, Angela C. Rutledge1,2, and Khosrow Adeli1,2Author Affiliations1Molecular Structure and Function, Research Institute, The Hospital for Sick Children; and2Department of Biochemistry, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, CanadaAddress for reprint requests and other correspondence: K. Adeli, The Hospital for Sick Children, Rm 3652, 555 University Ave., Toronto, ON, M5G 1X8 Canada (email: 10 May 2010. accepted in final form 31 August 2010.AbstractAs dietary exposure to fructose has increased over the past 40 years, there is growing concern that high fructose consumption in humans may be in part responsible for the rising incidence of obesity worldwide. Obesity is associated with a host of metabolic challenges, collectively termed the metabolic syndrome. Fructose is a highly lipogenic sugar that has profound metabolic effects in the liver and has been associated with many of the components of the metabolic syndrome (insulin resistance, elevated waist circumference, dyslipidemia, and hypertension). Recent evidence has also uncovered effects of fructose in other tissues, including adipose tissue, the brain, and the gastrointestinal system, that may provide new insight into the metabolic consequences of high-fructose diets. Fructose feeding has now been shown to alter gene expression patterns (such as peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ coactivator-1α/β in the liver), alter satiety factors in the brain, increase inflammation, reactive oxygen species, and portal endotoxin concentrations via Toll-like receptors, and induce leptin resistance. This review highlights recent findings in fructose feeding studies in both human and animal models with a focus on the molecular and biochemical mechanisms that underlie the development of insulin resistance, hepatic steatosis, and the metabolic syndrome.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------26. THE JOURNALS OF GERONTOLOGYSERIES AIncreased Fructose Intake as a Risk Factor For DementiaB. C. M. Stephan1, J. C. K. Wells2, C. Brayne1, E. Albanese3 and M. Siervo4Author Affiliations1Institute of Public Health, University of Cambridge, UK2Childhood Nutrition Research Centre, University College London, Institute of Child Health, UK3Medical Research Council, Unit for Lifelong Health and Ageing, London, UK4Human Nutrition and Physiology Unit, University of Naples “Federico II,” ItalyAddress correspondence to M. Siervo, MD, MSc, Human Nutrition and Physiology Unit, University of Naples “Federico II,” via Pansini 5, 80100, Naples, Italy.Received February 8, 2010.Accepted April 22, 2010.AbstractThe transition in the world age demographic toward older age is associated with an increased risk of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease. Risk profiles for dementia may also be changing. Obesity and type 2 diabetes have increased in prevalence in the last half-century and have been associated with increased dementia risk. Specific changes in nutrition may also represent a direct risk. A diet transition in the United States has occurred in the intake of refined sugar, particularly high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) from a yearly estimate of 8.1 kg/person at the beginning of the XIX century to a current estimate of 65 kg/person. This article considers the association between refined sugar intake, markers of cardiovascular disease risk, and the possible promotion of the development of dementia.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------27. Circulation. 2010;121:1356-1364doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.109.876185(Circulation. 2010;121:1356-1364.)© 2010 American Heart Association, Inc.Contemporary Reviews in Cardiovascular MedicineSugar-Sweetened Beverages, Obesity, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, and Cardiovascular Disease RiskVasanti S. Malik, MSc; Barry M. Popkin, PhD; George A. Bray, MD; Jean-Pierre Després, PhD; Frank B. Hu, MD, PhDFrom the Departments of Nutrition and Epidemiology, Harvard School of Public Health (V.S.M., F.B.H.), and Channing Laboratory, Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School (F.B.H.), Boston, Mass; Centre de Recherche de l’Institut Universitaire de Cardiologie et de Pneumologie de Québec, Québec City, Québec, Canada (J.P.D.); Dietary Obesity Laboratory, Pennington Biomedical Research Center, Baton Rouge, La (G.A.B.); and Department of Nutrition, Gillings School of Global Public Health, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (B.M.P.).Correspondence to Frank B. Hu, Department of Nutrition, Harvard School of Public Health, 665 Huntington Ave, Boston, MA 02115. E-mail has recently emerged as a major global health problem. According to World Health Organization estimates, 1.6 billion adults worldwide were overweight (body mass index [BMI] 25 kg/m2) and at least 400 million were obese (BMI 30 kg/m2) in 2005, numbers that are expected to reach 2.3 billion and 700 million, respectively, by 2015. In the United States, the percentage of overweight and obese adults increased markedly from 47% and 15% in 1976 to 1980 to >66% and 33% in 2005 to 2006, with the greatest proportion of increase seen among non-Hispanic black and Mexican American women.1,2 The implications of excess body weight are far-reaching. Epidemiological studies indicate that overweight and obesity are important risk factors for type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), cardiovascular disease, cancer, and premature death.3 In the United States, healthcare expenditures attributable to overweight and obesity are estimated to be $147 billion or 9.1% of total healthcare costs per year.4 Such excess costs could have serious repercussions for resource-poor countries, which must manage the dual burdens of chronic and infectious disease.In the setting of a pandemic of obesity and related chronic diseases, the American Heart Association recently released a scientific statement recommending reductions in added-sugar intake to no more than 100 to 150 kcal/d for most Americans.5 The statement identified sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) as the primary source of added sugars in the American diet.6 Although it has long been suspected that SSBs contribute at least in part to the obesity epidemic, only in recent years have large epidemiological studies been able to substantiate the relationship between SSB consumption and long-term weight gain, T2DM, and cardiovascular risk. It is thought that SSBs contribute to weight gain because of their high added-sugar content, low satiety, and potential incomplete compensation for total energy, leading to increased energy intake.7,8 In addition, because of their high amounts of rapidly absorbable carbohydrates such as various forms of sugar and high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and the large quantities consumed, SSBs may increase T2DM and cardiovascular risk independently of obesity as a contributor to a high dietary glycemic load (GL), leading to inflammation, insulin resistance, and impaired β-cell function.9 Fructose from any sugar or HFCS may also increase blood pressure and promote the accumulation of visceral adiposity, dyslipidemia, and ectopic fat deposition because of increased hepatic de novo lipogenesis.10 Here, we review temporal patterns in SSB consumption and clinically relevant effects on obesity, T2DM, and cardiovascular disease risk, emphasizing potential underlying biological mechanisms, clinical implications, and consideration of methodological issues inherent in the literature.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------28. Circulation. 2010;121:586-613Published online before print January 20, 2010, doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.109.192703(Circulation. 2010;121:586-613.)© 2010 American Heart Association, Inc.AHA Special ReportDefining and Setting National Goals for Cardiovascular Health Promotion and Disease ReductionThe American Heart Association’s Strategic Impact Goal Through 2020 and BeyondDonald M. Lloyd-Jones, MD, ScM, FAHA, Chair; Yuling Hong, MD, MSc, PhD, FAHA*; Darwin Labarthe, MD, MPH, PhD, FAHA*; Dariush Mozaffarian, MD, DrPH, FAHA; Lawrence J. Appel, MD, MPH, FAHA; Linda Van Horn, PhD, RD, FAHA; Kurt Greenlund, PhD*; Stephen Daniels, MD, PhD, FAHA; Graham Nichol, MD, MPH, FAHA; Gordon F. Tomaselli, MD, PhD, FAHA; Donna K. Arnett, PhD, FAHA; Gregg C. Fonarow, MD, FAHA; P. Michael Ho, MD, PhD; Michael S. Lauer, MD, FAHA; Frederick A. Masoudi, MD, MPH; Rose Marie Robertson, MD, FAHA; Véronique Roger, MD, FAHA; Lee H. Schwamm, MD, FAHA; Paul Sorlie, PhD; Clyde W. Yancy, MD, FAHA; Wayne D. Rosamond, PhD, FAHA, on behalf of the American Heart Association Strategic Planning Task Force and Statistics CommitteeThis document details the procedures and recommendations of the Goals and Metrics Committee of the Strategic Planning Task Force of the American Heart Association, which developed the 2020 Impact Goals for the organization. The committee was charged with defining a new concept, cardiovascular health, and determining the metrics needed to monitor it over time. Ideal cardiovascular health, a concept well supported in the literature, is defined by the presence of both ideal health behaviors (nonsmoking, body mass index <25 kg/m2, physical activity at goal levels, and pursuit of a diet consistent with current guideline recommendations) and ideal health factors (untreated total cholesterol <200 mg/dL, untreated blood pressure <120/<80 mm Hg, and fasting blood glucose <100 mg/dL). Appropriate levels for children are also provided. With the use of levels that span the entire range of the same metrics, cardiovascular health status for the whole population is defined as poor, intermediate, or ideal. These metrics will be monitored to determine the changing prevalence of cardiovascular health status and define achievement of the Impact Goal. In addition, the committee recommends goals for further reductions in cardiovascular disease and stroke mortality. Thus, the committee recommends the following Impact Goals: "By 2020, to improve the cardiovascular health of all Americans by 20% while reducing deaths from cardiovascular diseases and stroke by 20%." These goals will require new strategic directions for the American Heart Association in its research, clinical, public health, and advocacy programs for cardiovascular health promotion and disease prevention in the next decade and beyond.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------29. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN DENTAL ASSOCIATIONDiet, Cardiovascular Disease and Oral HealthPromoting Health and Reducing RiskRiva Touger-Decker, PhD, RD, FADAAbstractBackground. Primary prevention of cardiovascular disease includes screening as well as education and riskreduction efforts.Methods. The author reviewed diet and nutritional risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD), as well as dietary approaches to reduce the risk of developing CVD. The author also presented applications for use in dental practice.Conclusions. The multifaceted relationship between diet/nutrition, CVD and oral health supports the role of CVD risk-reduction strategies in dental practice.Clinical Implications. Reinforcement of healthful lifestyle principles may help reduce patients’ risk of developing CVD and improve their systemic and oral health.REGARDING CAFFEINE 94, Number 4, 437-451, DOI: 10.1007/BF00212836Reviews30. Caffeine physical dependence: a review of human and laboratory animal studiesRoland R. Griffiths and Phillip P. WoodsonReferences (132)Cited By (59)AbstractAlthough caffeine is the most widely used behaviorally active drug in the world, caffeine physical dependence has been poorly characterized in laboratory animals and only moderately well characterized in humans. In humans, a review of 37 clinical reports and experimental studies dating back to 1833 shows that headache and fatigue are the most frequent withdrawal symptoms, with a wide variety of other signs and symptoms occurring at lower frequency (e.g. anxiety, impaired psychomotor performance, nausea/vomiting and craving). When caffeine withdrawal occurs, severity can vary from mild to extreme (i.e. incapacitating). The withdrawal syndrome has an onset at 12–24 h, peak at 20–48 h, and duration of about 1 week. The pharmacological specificity of caffeine withdrawal has been established. The proportion of heavy caffeine users who will experience withdrawal symptoms has been estimated from experimental studies to range from 25% to 100%. Withdrawal symptoms have been documented after relatively short-term exposure to high doses of caffeine (i.e. 6–15 days of 600 mg/day). Although animal and human studies suggest that physical dependence may potentiate the reinforcing effects of caffeine, human studies also demonstrate that a history of substantial caffeine intake is not a necessary condition for caffeine to function as a reinforcer. The similarities and differences between caffeine and classic drugs of abuse are discussed.Key words Caffeine - Caffeinism - Coffee - Tea - Physical dependence - Withdrawal - Reinforcer - Drug selfadministration - Subjective effects - Drug dependence - Drug abuse - Humans - Animals------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mutation Research/Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of MutagenesisVolume 33, Issues 2-3, December 1975, Pages 279-284Cited By in Scopus (8)Post-replication repair of DNA in chinese hamster cells treated with CIS platinum (II) diamine dichloride. Enhancement of toxicity and chromosome damage by caffeineH.W. Van Den Berga and J.J. RobertsInstitute of Cancer Research, Royal Cancer Hospital, Pollards Wood Research Station, Chalfont St. Giles, Bucks. EnglandReceived 25 April 1975; revised 27 June 1975; accepted 25 July 1975. Available online 13 January 2003.AbstractThe anti-tumor agent cis platinum (II) diammine dichloride (cis Pt(II)) caused chromosomal abnormalities in Chinese hamster V79–379A cells. The time of appearance of these abnormalities suggested that they arise as a consequence of DNA synthesis on a damaged template. The yield and severity of chromosomal abnormalities was greatly enhanced by a non-toxic concentration of caffeine, and this enhancement was associated with a potentiation of cis Pt(II) induced cell death.These results suggest that damage to DNA which arises from cis Pt(II) treatment can be repaired in this cell line by a caffeine-sensitive post-replication repair process.Abbreviations: cis Pt(II), cis platinum (II) diammine dichloride; DMSO, dimethylsulphoxide---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JOHNS HOPKINSBAYVIEWMEDICAL CENTERINFORMATION ABOUT CAFFEINE DEPENDENCECAFFEINE AND HEALTH (excerpt)“Caffeine use can be associated with several distinct psychiatric syndromes: caffeine intoxication, caffeine withdrawal, caffeine dependence, caffeine-induced sleep disorder, and caffeine-induced anxiety disorder. Studies have not proven that caffeine produces significant life-threatening health risks such as cancer, heart disease, and human reproduction abnormalities. Nevertheless, individuals with various conditions such as generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, primary insomnia, gastroesophageal reflux, pregnancy and urinary incontinence are often advised to reduce or eliminate regular caffeine use. With regard to cardiovascular health, caffeine produces modest increases in blood pressure and studies have established that unfiltered caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee (including espresso and French Press) contain lipids which raise serum cholesterol. In addition, concerns have been raised about a role of caffeine in cardiovascular disease. Finally, studies suggest that there may be an association between high daily caffeine consumption and delayed conception and lower birth weight.”------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE INFLUENCE OF SEX AND AGE IN ALBINO RATS GIVEN A DAILY ORAL DOSE OF CAFFEINE AT AHIGH DOSE LEVELJosef M. Peters, Eldon M. BoydCanadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 1967, 45:305-311, 10.1139/y67-033AbstractCaffeine was given daily for 14 days in an oral dose of 185 mg/kg to male and female albino rats in groups of increasing body weight. The sensitivity of rats to the lethal effects of caffeine increased with increase in age. Psychotoxic (automutilation plus hemorrhage) deaths were most common in young rats, and hypokinetic–convulsive deaths in older animals. In survivors, the incidence of glycosuria and hydration of the kidneys was greater, and dehydration of the adrenal glands and gonads less, in older than in younger rats. Sublethal signs of toxicity in male survivors were greater than in female survivors. Anorexia and loss of body weight were greater in male than in female survivors, diuresis was less evident, loss of muscle weight was greater, and the relative gain in weight of the adrenal glands and gastrointestinal tract were greater. In brief, caffeine was found to be more toxic in older than in younger rata and in males than in females.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------from Medscape: “Patients who become caffeine-toxic may not even realize it.”“Too often, patients presenting with complaints of some form of anxiety do not have a careful caffeine history taken. Caffeinated beverages, particularly strong ones, have become immensely popular in social situations and need to be asked about. Television shows popularize sitting in coffeehouses for long periods of time drinking coffee. Multiple new beverages have entered the market place with increasing amounts of caffeine. Virtually none of the media associated with all of this mentions anything about caffeine toxicity. As a result, patients who become caffeine-toxic may not even realize it. They may need to be educated that the amount of caffeine they are ingesting simply to be social is making them feel uncomfortable.”-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Medscape: Dual Diagnoses, New PerspectivesThousands are in mental institutions because of caffeine“Thousands are in mental institutions today because of no greater matter than that of the use of caffeine. Psychiatrists are now publishing articles indicating that there are numerous cases of depression and anxiety in mental institutions who need no other treatment than to be taken off caffeine. It would seem that with such a simple remedy available, many thousands of people could be returned to their full usefulness promptly.“However, the use of caffeine is so traditional and firmly entrenched that it is almost impossible to remove caffeinated drinks from the diet of patients in the mental institutions. Soft drink machines, coffee dispensers, and the traditional coffee break are common pastimes in mental institutions, and with those who are mentally ill at home.”Calvin Thrash, M.D., Author, Food Allergies Made Simple--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------35. British Journal of Addiction: 1 in 10 people caffeine-intoxicated“Although infrequently diagnosed, caffeinism is thought to afflict as many as one person in ten of the population.”----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JE James and KP Stirling, “Caffeine: A Summary of Some of the Known and Suspected Deleterious Habits of Habitual Use,”British Journal of Addiction, 1983;78:251-58.Posted in : Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------36. Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine: Patients may fail to recognize caffeineinduced symptoms“The potential for caffeine intoxication to cause clinically significant distress is reflected by the inclusion of caffeine intoxication as a diagnosis in DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition)(American Psychiatric Association, 1994) and in ICD-10 (International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, Tenth Edition)(World Health Organization).”“Studies have shown that high dietary doses of caffeine (200 mg or more) increase anxiety ratings and induce panic attacks in the general population. In the United States the average per capita daily intake among adult caffeine consumers is 280 milligrams (the equivalent of 17 ounces of brewed coffee).”“Although highly anxious individuals tend to be more likely to limit their caffeine use, not all individuals with anxiety problems naturally avoid caffeine, and some may fail to recognize the role that caffeine is playing in their anxiety symptoms.”“It has been noted that caffeine intoxication can occur in someone who has been using caffeine for many years with no prior apparent problems.”Roland R. Griffiths, Ph.D, The Johns Hopkins University School of MedicineProfessor of Behavioral Biology, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral SciencesProfessor of Neuroscience, Department of Neuroscience-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------37. Caffeinated persons are routinely “misdiagnosed as neurotic or even psychotic”“In over a decade of practice as a clinical nutritionist, I have seen firsthand, with thousands of clients, that caffeine is a health hazard. Anxiety, muscle aches, PMS, headaches….However, if that’s all caffeine has done to you, you’re lucky. What about people misdiagnosed as neurotic or even psychotic, who spend years and small fortunes in psychotherapy–all because no one asked them about their caffeine intake?”Nutritional biochemist Stephen Cherniske, in Caffeine Blues: Wake Up to the Dangers of America’s #1 Drug-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------38. Journal of the American Medical Association: Caffeine induces “psychological problems”“The existence of a caffeine dependence syndrome, which includes evidence of continued caffeine consumption depite medical or psychological problems from caffeine consumption and unsuccessful efforts to quit caffeine use, provides a further similarity between caffeine and classic drugs of dependence.”EC Strain, GK Mumford, K Silverman et al., “Caffeine Dependence Syndrome: Evidence from case histories and experimental evaluations.” Journal of the American Medical Association, 1995;273:1418-19.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------39. “Psychosis can be induced in normal individuals ingesting caffeine at toxic doses.”“Psychosis can be induced in normal individuals ingesting caffeine at toxic doses, and psychotic symptoms can also be worsened in schizophrenic patients using caffeine….Prevention of caffeine-induced psychiatric symptoms is possible by recognizing, educating, and treating patients using a tapering approach.”Broderick P, Benjamin AB, Caffeine and psychiatric symptoms: A Review; J Okla State Medical Assoc, 2004 Dec; 97(12):538-42----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------40. Caffeine produces anxiety, psychotic states, toxic dementia“An allergic reaction to caffeine manifests as anaphylaxis. During a state of caffeine anaphylaxis, the body enters the fight or flight mode, which may be mistaken as hyperactivity, anxiety, or panic disorder. Caffeine anaphylaxis causes cerebral vasculitis, leads to the breakdown of the blood brain barrier, and generates toxic dementia.”“Symptoms range from minimal reactions to severe psychotic states, which may include irrational behavior, disruptions in attention, lack of focus and comprehension, mood changes, lack of organizational skills, abrupt shifting of activities, delusions, hallucinations, and paranoia.”“An allergic reaction to caffeine results in poisoning of the prefrontal cortex. Damage to the underside area on the prefrontal cortex, above the eye sockets, generally renders a person absent minded and interferes with the ability to monitor personal activities (Carter, 1998). Injury results in loss of verbal and social inhibition….”“While others may notice menacing changes in behavior or personality changes, the victim may not.”Ruth Whalen, MLT--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------41. Data Sheet on caffeine exposure: Hallucinations, nervousness, psychosisWhile the FDA labels caffeine as GRAS (”Generally Regarded As Safe”), chemical manufacturers are required by law to label caffeine “potentially fatal if inhaled, swallowed or absorbed through the skin” when handling and transporting it. Following is an excerpt from one Material Data Safety Sheet, courtesy of the University of California:CAFFEINE: TOXIC. ACUTE EXPOSURE- Ingestion of large amounts may result in headache, lightheadedness, dizziness, chills, fever, excitement, restlessness, nervousness, insomnia, mild delirium, hallucinations, tinnitus, constricted pupils, decreased visual fields, amblyopia,diplopia, photophobia, and scintillating scotoma. Neurologic symptoms may persist for several days….Other effects may include alternating states of consciousness and muscle twitching, tremors, hyperesthesia, hypertonicity or hypotonicity, trismus, opisthotonus and convulsions. Seizures generally precede death. CHRONIC EXPOSURE- In addition to the effects detailed in acute exposure, agitation, disturbed sleep, caffeine-induced psychosis, heartburn and hyperventilation may occur. Prolonged use of high doses may result in tolerence, physical and psychological dependence. Symptoms of withdrawal may occur following abrupt cessation.University of California Material Safety Data Sheet---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------42. Caffeine causes depression“There is no doubt that the excitation of the central nervous system produced by large amounts of caffeine is followed by depression.”J. Murdoch Ritchie, Professor Emeritus, Department of Pharmacology, Yale University School of Medicine, in The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, Goodman and Gilman eds.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------43. Biochemist finds 50% of anxiety cases caffeineinduced“If a person were injected with 500 milligrams of caffeine [less than the dosage recently discovered in some 16-ounce Starbucks brews], within about an hour he or she would exhibit symptoms of severe mental illness, among them hallucinations, paranoia, panic, mania, and depression. But the same amount of caffeine administered over the course of a day only produces the milder forms of insanity for which we take tranquilizers and antidepressants.”“For five years I worked in a team practice with physicians and psychotherapists. Often, the psychological evaluation would include one or more anxiety syndromes, and the recommendation was for counseling. I would point out that the person was consuming excessive amounts of caffeine and request a trial month off caffeine prior to therapy sessions. In about 50% of cases, the anxiety syndrome would resolve with caffeine withdrawal alone.”Nutritional biochemist Stephen Cherniske, Author, Caffeine Blues: Wake Up to the Dangers of America’s #1 Drug--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------44. “Too many clinical histories fail to record caffeine use.”“Diagnosis of any caffeine-related disorder begins with clinical awareness. Beverage caffeine is such a common component of social activity that its consideration as a psychostimulant often is neglected.”“Too many clinical histories fail to record caffeine use. A complete caffeine history includes doses associated with beverages and medications….The observable signs associated with caffeine consumption are dose dependent. For most individuals who consume caffeine in the average range, the physical stigmata will include arousal signs. Expect to see nervousness, elevated heart rate, increased respiratory rate, flushed face, and an exaggerated startle response. Caffeine is a mild diuretic and may contribute to vague gastrointestinal complaints. In rare cases where an individual’s dose exceeds 1 gram per day, the picture changes. Gross muscle tremors, highly disorganized speech, and possible arrhythmias herald a more sinister outcome.” [CaffeineWeb note: One gram has long been considered the toxic dose of caffeine, but it may not be as rare as supposed. A recent study published in the Journal of Analytical Toxicology found that two 16 oz. Starbucks coffees may contain in excess of one gram.]R. Gregory Lande, DO, FACN, Deputy and Director of Professional Services, Department of Clinical Administration, William S. Hall Psychiatric Institute, University of South Carolina-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------45. The New England Journal of Medicine: Patient’s mania a result of caffeine intakePsychiatrists’ initial verdict on one caffeine-poisoned patient, in a case cited by Dr. Edward M. Brecher in the landmark “Consumers Union Report on Licit and Illicit Drugs”:“Hysteria without question. When she failed to improve and remained wildly manic for several days, she was transferred to a psychiatric hospital, where she was at first kept tied to a bed. After almost two months in the hospital, during which she slowly recovered, a mild relapse occurred. Investigation showed that she was drinking coffee, four cups a day. At this point, suspicion for the first time turned to caffeine. Coffee and tea were removed from her vicinity and soon she again became entirely normal, and was dismissed from the hospital.”“Caffeine Intoxication: Report of a Case the Symptoms of which Amounted to a Psychosis,” New England Journal of Medicine, 1936;215:616-620.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------46. Journal of Affective Disorders: Woman’s bipolar disorder vanishes as caffeine intake is discontinued“A longitudinal case report shows a sudden remission of the severe course of a seasonal bipolar disorder after 10 years of psychopharmacological treatments. The discontinuation of heavy caffeine intake appears to have contributed to the outcome.”Abstract of: L Tondo and N Rudas, “The course of a seasonal bipolar disorder influenced by caffeine,” Journal of Affective Disorders, 1991;22 (4):249-251-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------47. NASA’s Caffeine FindingsIn 1995, NASA’s Dr. David Noever and his fellow researchers at the Marshall Space Flight Center studied the webs spun by common house spiders (Araneus diadematus) dosed with several drugs, including LSD, marijuana, benzedrine, chloral hydrate and caffeine. The more toxic the drug, the less organized the web the spider created.The spider on marijuana drifted off before finishing the job. The spider on benzedrine, an upper, worked energetically but without much planning. The spider dosed with chloral hydrate, a sedative, soon fell asleep.To the surprise of Dr. Noever et al, caffeine did the most damage of all the substances tested. The spider dosed with it proved incapable of creating even a single organized cell, and its web showed no sign of the “hub and spokes” pattern fundamental to conventional web design.What does the web of a caffeinated spider (which can hardly be accustomed to the jolt of a morning latte) have to do with human behavior? Unlikely as it sounds, it may be the most vivid illustration of caffeine’s disorienting effect on caffeine-sensitive people, many of whom may be misdiagnosed as mentally ill:“Caffeine-induced psychosis, whether it be delirium, manic depression, schizophrenia, or merely an anxiety syndrome, in most cases will be hard to differentiate from other organic or non-organic psychoses….The treatment for caffeine-induced psychosis is to withhold further caffeine.”Clinical Management of Poisoning and Drug Overdose, 3rd ed., 1998Michael W. Shannon, MD, MPH, Director, Lead and Toxicology Clinic, The Children’s Hospital; Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School; Staff Toxicologist, Massachusetts Poison Control System; Lester M. Haddad, MD, Clinical Professor in Family Medicine, Medical University of South Carolina; Emergency Physician and Active Staff, Bon Secours St. Francis Xavier Hospital; James F. Winchester, MD, Professor of Medicine, Division of Nephrology, Georgetown University Medical Center---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------REGARDING WATER FLUORIDATIONJ Public Health Dent. 1999 Fall;59(4):252-8.Overview of the history and current status of fluoride supplementation schedules.Adair SM.Source Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta 30912-1210, USA. sadair@mail.mcg.eduAbstractClinical trials of dietary fluoride supplements began in the 1940s in an effort to bring the benefits of fluoride to those who did not receive it through their drinking water. Following the early success of these trials, the Council on Dental Therapeutics of the American Dental Association (ADA) published its first recommendations for fluoride supplementation in 1958. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) followed with its own recommendations in 1972. During the 1970s a variety of alternative schedules appeared in the literature, most in reaction to the findings of unexpectedly high levels of enamel fluorosis in children being supplemented with the AAP schedule. In 1979 the ADA and AAP agreed on essentially identical schedules. During the 1980s, however, the prevalence of enamel fluorosis continued to increase, and fluoride supplements were found in some studies to be a risk factor for fluorosis. This finding prompted another round of dosage schedule recommendations in the early 1990s. This paper presents a history of fluoride dosage recommendations and reviews the recent proposals for reducing supplement dosage.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------48. FEBS Lett. 1997 May 26;408(3):315-8.Aluminum fluoride associates with the small guanine nucleotide binding proteins.Ahmadian MR, Mittal R, Hall A, Wittinghofer A.SourceMax-Planck-Institut für molekulare Physiologie, Dortmund, Germany.AbstractAlF4- has long been known to associate with and activate the GDP-bound alpha subunits of heterotrimeric G-proteins. Recently the small guanine nucleotide binding protein Ras has also been shown to associate with AlF4- in the presence of stoichiometric amounts of its GTPase activating protein (GAP). Here we present the isolation of a stable Ras x GDP- x AlF4- x GAP ternary complex by gel filtration. In addition, we generalise the association of AlF4- with the small GTP-binding proteins by demonstrating ternary complex formation for the Cdc42, Rap and Ran proteins in the presence of their respective GAP proteins.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------49. Mutat Res. 1989 Jun;223(2):191-203.Sodium fluoride-induced chromosome aberrations in different stages of the cell cycle: a proposed mechanism.Aardema MJ, Gibson DP, LeBoeuf RA.SourceProcter and Gamble Company, Miami Valley Laboratories, Cincinnati, OH 45239.Erratum in Mutat Res 1989 Aug;223(4):417.AbstractIn an attempt to clarify the controversy about sodium fluoride (NaF) clastogenicity, the induction of chromosome aberrations in Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO) by NaF was investigated. Following a protocol used for screening chemicals for clastogenic activity, significant increases of aberrant cells were observed when cells were exposed to NaF for 4 h and harvested 8 h later. Cell-cycle kinetic studies demonstrated most cells were exposed in G2 of the cell cycle. Smaller increases in aberrant cells were observed when cells were harvested 20 h later (most cells were exposed in G1/S). The sensitivity of G2 cells to NaF was investigated further, along with the induction of aberrations at low doses. The results indicated that G2 cells are sensitive to NaF and the percent of aberrant cells increased with dose and length of exposure. With a 3-h exposure until harvest, no statistically significant increase in aberrant cells was observed at doses below 10 micrograms/ml NaF. These data are consistent with a threshold for NaF-induced clastogenicity around 10 micrograms/ml, as has been proposed previously (Scott and Roberts, 1987). It thus may be predicted that clastogenic effects would not occur in humans exposed to the levels of fluoride that are present in drinking water or dentifrices. An understanding of the mechanism of NaF-induced clastogenicity would help to clarify this point. It has previously been reported that NaF inhibits DNA synthesis/repair. The types of aberrations, mostly deletions and gaps, the induction of endoreduplicated cells, the cell-cycle delay and the sensitivity of G2 cells to NaF observed are similar to that reported in the literature for DNA synthesis/repair inhibitors like aphidicolin (APC). Similarities in the induction of aberrations by NaF and APC were confirmed in experiments with G2 cells. Based on these results and those previously reported for NaF and APC, it is proposed that NaF-induced aberrations may occur by an indirect mechanism involving the inhibition of DNA synthesis/repair.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------50. Clin Dent. 1995;6(1):117-9.Serendipitous results of a pilot study: precaution indicated.Heifetz SB, Proskin HM.SourceDental Medicine and Public Health, School of Dentistry, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA.AbstractA pilot study was conducted to estimate sample size for a clinical trial in a F area. In 1992, 98 children 14 years of age living in Fall River, MA were examined for dental caries: Fall River was fluoridated in 1973. Residence histories showed that 74% lived there from birth (B), 12% were residents from kindergarten or 1st grade (K1) and 14% moved into the community at a later time (LT). Findings on caries prevalence showed an inverse relation between DMFS and initial age of residence; mean DMFS was 3.00 for Group B, 5.33 for Group K1 and 6.93 for Group LT. A one-way ANOVA indicated significant differences among the groups (p=0.05). Because residence from birth or from early life can be considered a proxy for systemic fluoride exposure, and because controversy currently surrounds the issue of topical versus systemic benefits in explaining the mechanism of action of fluoride, the results appeared to have importance. However, internal analyses of the data comparing surfacespecific (pit and fissure) results among the groups for early erupting teeth with varying systemic exposure to fluoridated water and for late erupting teeth, all with appreciable systemic exposure, showed comparable relative differences in DMFS scores. Lack of internal validity, therefore, discounted a conclusion from overall results of the role of systemic fluorides in providing decay preventive benefits. If there is any conclusion that can be drawn it is that serendipitous escapades with data from a pilot study, if not rigorously analyzed and cautiously interpreted, tend to further muddy the waters (fluoridated in this case) on controversial issues and should best be avoided.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------51. Exposure to high fluoride concentrations in drinking water is associated with decreased birth ratesJournal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A: Current IssuesVolume 42, Issue 1, 1994, Pages 109 - 121Author: Stan C. FreniaDOI: 10.1080/15287399409531866AbstractA review of fluoride toxicity showed decreased fertility in most animal species studied. The current study was to see whether fluoride would also affect human birth rates. A U.S. database of drinking water systems was used to identify index counties with water systems reporting fluoride levels of at least 3 ppm. These and adjacent counties were grouped in 30 regions spread over 9 states. For each county, two conceptionally different exposure measures were defined, and the annual total fertility rate (TFR) for women in the age range 10-49 yr was calculated for the period 1970-1988. For each region separately, the annual TFR was regressed on the fluoride measure and sociodemographic covariables. Most regions showed an association of decreasing TFR with increasing fluoride levels. Meta-ana/ysis of the region-specific results confirmed that the combined result was a negative TFR/fluoride association with a consensus combined p value of .0002-.0004, depending on the analytical scenario. There is no evidence that this outcome resulted from selection bias, inaccurate data, or improper analytical methods. However, the study is one that used population means rather than data on individual women. Whether or not the fluoride effect on the fertility rate found at the county level also applies to individual women remains to be investigated.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reproductive ToxicologyVolume 8, Issue 2, March-April 1994, Pages 155-159Copyright © 1994 Published by Elsevier Inc. Cited By in Scopus (27) Original contributionIn vitro fluoride toxicity in human spermatozoaNiloufer J. Chinoy, a and Murakonda V. NarayanaaaReproductive Endocrinology & Toxicology Unit, Department of Zoology, School of Sciences, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, IndiaAvailable online 6 November 2002.AbstractEffects of sodium fluoride (NaF) on washed, ejaculated human spermatozoa at doses of 25, 50, and 250 mM were investigated in vitro at intervals of 5, 10, and 20 min. Sodium fluoride (NaF) did not affect the extracellular pH of sperm, except that a slight acidification was caused by the 250 mM dose only. The treatment caused a significant enhancement in acid phosphatase (ACPase) and hyaluronidase activities after 5 and 10 min. However, the decrease in the lysosomal enzyme activity after 20 min treatment could have been due to the gradual increase in fluoride accumulation by spermatozoa leading to membrane damage. Silver nitrate staining of sperm revealed elongated heads, deflagellation, and loss of the acrosome together with coiling of the tail. Sperm glutathione levels also showed a time-dependent decrease with complete depletion after 20 min indicating rapid glutathione oxidation in detoxification of the NaF. The altered lysosomal enzyme activity and glutathione levels together with morphologic anomalies resulted in a significant decline in sperm motility with an effective dose of 250 mM.Biological Trace Element ResearchDOI: 10.1007/s12011-010-8847-2---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------53. Serum Parathyroid Hormone Levels in Chronic Endemic FluorosisBanu Kale Koroglu, Ismail Hakki Ersoy, Mert Koroglu, Ayşe Balkarli, Siddika Ersoy, Simge Varol and Mehmet Numan TamerAbstractEndemic waterborne fluorosis is a public health problem in Isparta, a city located in southern Turkey. Fluoride is a cumulative element that increases metabolic turnover of the bone and also affects the homeostasis of bone mineral metabolism. There are number of similarities between the effects of excess parathyroid hormone (PTH) and fluorosis on bone. So fluoride might show its effect via PTH. We aimed to determine PTH levels in patients with endemic fluorosis to estimate the possible toxic effects of chronic fluoride intake. Fifty-six patients with endemic fluorosis and 28 age-, sex-, and body-mass-index-matched healthy controls were included in this study. Endemic fluorosis was diagnosed according to the clinical diagnosis criteria of Wang. The urine fluoride levels of fluorosis patients were significantly higher than those of control subjects as expected (1.9 ±0.1 vs. 0.4 ±0.1 mg/L, respectively; P<0.001). PTH levels in fluorosis group were significantly higher than control group (65.09 ±32.91 versus 47.40 ±20.37, respectively; P=0.01). The results of our study demonstrate that serum PTH levels are increased in patients with endemic fluorosis. Fluoride, by interfering calcium balance, may be the cause of secondary hyperparathyroidism.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------54. Indian Journal of PediatricsVolume 65, Number 3, 371-381, DOI: 10.1007/BF02761130Symposium: Toxicology and Poisoning—IIEndemic chronic fluoride toxicity and dietary calcium deficiency interaction syndromes of metabolic bone diease and deformities in India: Year 2000AbstractEpidemiological studies during 1963–1997 were conducted in 45,725 children exposed to high intake of endemic fluoride in the drinking water since their birth. Children with adequate (dietary calcium >800 mg/d) and inadequate (dietary calcium <300 mg/d) calcium nutrition and with comparable intakes of fluoride (mean 9.5±1.9 mg/d) were compared. The toxic effects of fluoride were severe and more complex and the incidence of metabolic bone disease (rickets, osteoporosis. PTH bone disease) and bony leg deformities (genu valgum, genu varum, bowing, rotational and wind-swept) was greater (>90%) in children with calcium deficiency as compared to <25% in children with adequate calcium who largely had osteosclerotic form of skeletal fluorosis with minimal secondary hyperparathyroidism.The syndrome of skeletal fluorosis and associated metabolic bone disease and deformity is a unique clinical entity classified as a variant of osteosclerotic form of skeletal fluorosis. This syndrome chiefly results from the biological impact of excess fluoride, low calcium, high PTH and 1,25 (OH)2D3 separately and through their interactions on bone structure and metabolism as studied by radiology, bone scanning, bone histomorphometry and relevant metabolic and endocrine laboratory investigations. Metabolically active and vascular bones of children accumulate fluoride at faster and greater rate than adults (at the sites of active growth). In calcium deficient children the toxic effects of fluoride manifest even at marginally high (> 2.5 mg/d) exposures to fluoride. Fluoride toxicity also exaggerates the metabolic effects of calcium deficiency on bone. The findings strongly suggest that children with calcium deficiency rickets reported in the literature should be re-investigated for possible fluoride interactions. Deep bore drinking water supply with fluoride <0.5 ppm and improvement of calcium nutrition provide 100% protection against the toxic effects of fluoride and are recommended as the cost effective and practical public health measures for the prevention and control of endemic fluorosis.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------55. Excerpt from:Adams PH, Jowsey J. (1965). Sodium Fluoride in the Treatment of Osteoporosis and Other Bone Diseases. Annals of Internal Medicine. 63(6): 1151-1155. pg. 1154:"In some animals sodium fluoride causes severe renal damage; renal tubular damage and renal insufficiency have been reported in endemic fluorosis (16).These renal effects of fluorine may be important, particularly when longterm therapy is contemplated. The presence of pre-existing renal disease may also influence the response to the drug, because the kidney is the principal route of fluorine excretion. A patient with renal disease (probably chronic pyelonephritis) has been reported (17) whose bone contained fluorine in a concentration exceeding 5,000 ppm. There was no history of exposures to fluorides, and her usual drinking water contained less than 0.5 ppm of fluorine. This is of interest because in a postmortem study in Utah (18) the highest concentrations of fluorine were found in those with chronic pyelonephritis; this was not true of those with chronic glomerulonephritis. It is hard to explain these findings but in chronic pyelonephritis there is commonly a defect of water conservation with polyuria and polydipsia, and this may be the important factor. Sauerbrunn and associates have reported in this issue of the ANNALS the development of skeletal fluorosis in a patient with chronic polydipsia; the fluorine content of his drinking water was high but it was not at a level generally associated with the production of skeletal disorder. It seems probable that in this patient and in those with chronic pyelonephritis the high concentrations of fluorine found in the bone are the result of a greater consumption of water, which leads to a greater intake of fluorine."References:16. Singh, A., Jolly, S. S., Bansal, B.C., Mathur, C.C.: Endemic fluorosis. Epidemiological, clinical and biochemical study of chronic fluorine intoxication in Punjab (India). Medicine (Balt.) 43: 229, 1963.17. Taves, D.R., Terry, R., Smith, F.A., Gardner, D.E.: Use of fluoridated water in long-term hemodialysis. Arch. Intern. Med. (Chicago) 115: 167, 1965.18. Call., R.A., Greenwood, D.A., LeCheminant, W.H. Shupe, J.L., Nielsen, H.M., Olson, L.E., Lamborn, R.E., Mangelson, F.L., Davis R.V.: Histological and chemical studies in man on effects of fluoride. Public Health Rep. 80: 529, 1965.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------56. Zhonghua Bing Li Xue Za Zhi. 1992 Aug;21(4):218-20.The effect of fluorine on the developing human brain[Article in Chinese]Du L.Source Department of Pathology, Guiyang Medical College.AbstractFifteen therapeutically aborted fetuses at the 5th-8th gestation month from the endemic fluorosis area were compared with those from the non-endemic area. Stereological study of the brains showed that the numerical density of volume of the neurons and the undifferentiated neuroblasts as well as the nucleus-cytoplasm ratio of the neurons were increased. The mean volume of the neurons was reduced. The numerical density of volume, the volume density and the surface density of the mitochondria were significantly reduced. The results showed that chronic fluorosis in the course of intrauterine fetal life may produce certain harmful effects on the developing brain of the fetus.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------57. Toxicology. 2003 Feb 1;183(1-3):235-42.Selective decreases of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in PC12 cells exposed to fluoride.Chen J, Shan KR, Long YG, Wang YN, Nordberg A, Guan ZZ.Source Department of Pathology, Guiyang Medical College, Guiyang 550004, Guizhou, PR China.AbstractIn an attempt to elucidate the mechanism by which excessive fluoride damages the central nervous system, the effects of exposure of PC12 cells to different concentrations of fluoride for 48 h on nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) were characterized here. Significant reductions in the number of binding sites for both [3H]epibatidine and [125I]alpha-bungarotoxin, as well as a significant decrease in the B(max) value for the highaffinity of epibatidine binding site were observed in PC12 cells subjected to high levels of fluoride. On the protein level, the alpha 3 and alpha 7 subunits of nAChRs were also significantly decreased in the cells exposed to high concentrations of fluoride. In contrast, such exposure had no significant effect on the level of the beta 2 subunit. These findings suggest that selective decreases in the number of nAChRs may play an important role in the mechanism(s) by which fluoride causes dysfunction of the central nervous system.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------58. Indian J Exp Biol. 2002 May;40(5):546-54.Neurotoxicity of fluoride: neurodegeneration in hippocampus of female mice.Bhatnagar M, Rao P, Sushma J, Bhatnagar R.SourceDepartment of Zoology, M.L.S. University, Udaipur 313 001, India. mbhatnagar@yahoo.comAbstractLight microscopic study of hippocampal sub-regions demonstrated significant number of degenerated nerve cell bodies in the CA3, CA4 and dentate gyrus(Dg) areas of sodium fluoride administered adult female mice. Ultrastructural studies revealed neurodegenrative characteristics like involution of cell membranes, swelling of mitochondria, clumping of chromatin material etc, can be observed in cell bodies of CA3, CA4 and dentate gyrus (Dg). Fluoride intoxicated animals also performed poorly in motor co-ordination tests and maze tests. Inability to perform well increased with higher fluoride concentration in drinking water.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------59. Zhonghua Yu Fang Yi Xue Za Zhi. 2002 Jul;36(4):222-4.[Studies on DNA damage and apoptosis in rat brain induced by fluoride].[Article in Chinese]Chen J, Chen X, Yang K, Xia T, Xie H.Source Department of Environmental Health, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430030, China.AbstractOBJECTIVE:To explore the DNA damage effects and apoptosis in brain cells of rats induced by sodium fluoride.METHODS:SD rats were divided into two groups, i.e. control group and fluoride treated group, which were injected intraperitoneally with distilled water and sodium fluoride (20 respectively. On the hand, 5 mmol/L NaF were used in in vitro study. Single Cell Gel Electrophosis (SCGE or Comet Assay) was utilized to measured DNA damage and apoptosis was detected by the TUNEL method and Flow Cytometry (FCM).RESULTS:The DNA damage in pallium neurons in rats of the fluoride group was much more serious compared with those of the control group, with the Ridit value being 0.351 and 0.639 respectively (P < 0.01) in vivo, and 0.384 4 and 0.650 1 respectively (P < 0.01) in vitro. TUNEL positive cells were found in pallium, hippocampus and cerebellar granule cells in rats of fluoride group, whereas those in the control group were rare. It was demonstrated by FCM results that the percentages of apoptotic cells both in pallium and hippocampus were significantly higher (P < 0.01) in rats of fluoride group (27.12 +/- 3.08, 34.97 +/- 5.46) than those in control group (4.63 +/- 0.98, 5.35 +/- 0.79), (P < 0.01).CONCLUSION:Sodium fluoride could induce DNA damage and apoptosis in rats brain.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------60. Neurotoxicol Teratol. 2002 Nov-Dec;24(6):751-7.Chronic fluoride toxicity decreases the number of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in rat brain.Long YG, Wang YN, Chen J, Jiang SF, Nordberg A, Guan ZZ.Source Department of Pathology, Guiyang Medical College, Guizhou, PR China.AbstractIn order to investigate the molecular mechanism(s) underlying brain dysfunction caused by chronic fluorosis, neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) in the brain of rats receiving either 30 or 100 ppm fluoride in their drinking water for 7 months were analyzed in the present study employing ligand binding and Western blotting. There was a significant reduction in the number of [3H]epibatidine binding sites in the brain of rats exposed 100 ppm of fluoride, but no alteration after exposed to 30 ppm. On the other hand, the number of [125I]alpha-BTX binding sites was significantly decreased in the brains of rats exposed to both levels of fluoride. Western blotting revealed that the level of the nAChR alpha4 subunit protein in the brains of rats was significantly lowered by exposure to 100 ppm, but not 30 ppm fluoride; whereas the expression of the alpha7 subunit protein was significantly decreased by both levels of exposure. In contrast, there was no significant change in the level of the beta2 subunit protein in the brains of rats administered fluoride. Since nAChRs play major roles in cognitive processes such as learning and memory, the decrease in the number of nAChRs caused by fluoride toxicity may be an important factor in the mechanism of brain dysfunction in the disorder.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------61. Fluoride 2000; 33(1): 17-26Effects of fluoride accumulation on some enzymes of brain and gastrocnemius muscle of miceM Lakshmi Vani, K Pratap ReddyNeurobiology Laboratory, Department of Zoology, Osmania University, Hyderabad - 500 007, Andhra Pradesh, India.SUMMARY: This study reports accumulation of fluoride and altered activities of some enzymes involved in freeradical metabolism and membrane function in whole brain and gastrocnemius muscle of female mice treated with NaF (20mg/kg/body weight) for 14 days. The body weight and somatic index were decreased, whereas fluoride levels were significantly increased (p<0.01) in both brain and gastrocnemius muscle. The enzymes SOD, GST, and catalase decreased significantly (p<0.01) in contrast to XOD activity, which moderately increased. SDH, LDH, AIAT, AAT, and CPK activities and membrane-bound enzymes, viz Na+ -K+ , Mg++ and Ca++ ATPase and AChE were decreased significantly (p<0.01) in both brain and gastrocnemius muscle. The effect of fluoride on enzymes of muscle was comparatively larger, which corroborates the greater accumulation of fluoride in muscle than brain. This study therefore shows that both brain and muscle are affected by fluoride with inhibition of some enzymes associated with free-radical metabolism, energy production and transfer, membrane transport, and synaptic transmission, but with an enhanced activity of XOD.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------62. Toxicology. 2004 Aug 5;200(2-3):169-77.Decreased nicotinic receptors in PC12 cells and rat brains influenced by fluoride toxicity--a mechanism relating to a damage at the level in posttranscription of the receptor genes.Shan KR, Qi XL, Long YG, Nordberg A, Guan ZZ.Source Department of Molecular Biology, Guiyang Medical College, 550004, Guizhou, PR China.AbstractIn order to reveal mechanisms of the decreased nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) resulted from fluoride toxicity, we treated PC12 cells by different concentrations of fluoride (0.1-100 ppm) for 48 h, and exposed rats to high doses of fluoride (30 and 100 ppm) in their drinking water for 7 months. The expression of nAChRs at mRNA and protein levels, neurotoxicity and oxidative stress were analyzed in the study. The results indicated that there were no significant changes at mRNA level of the nAChR alpha3, alpha7, beta2 subunits in PC12 cells, and alpha4, alpha7, beta2 subunits in rat brains between the groups with fluorosis and controls. A significant decline in 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) reduction, and increased levels of protein oxidation and lipid peroxidation were observe in PC12 cells treated with high doses of fluoride or rat brains with chronic fluorosis. The decreases of nAChR alpha3 and alpha7 subunit proteins in PC12 cells resulted from fluoride toxicity were mostly prevented by a pretreatment with antioxidant. The results suggest that the deficit of nAChRs induced by fluoride toxicity occurs at the level of post-transcription of the receptor gene, in which a mechanism might be involved in the damage by oxidative stress.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------63. Brain Res. 1998 Feb 16;784(1-2):284-98.Chronic administration of aluminum-fluoride or sodium-fluoride to rats in drinking water: alterations in neuronal and cerebrovascular integrity.Varner JA, Jensen KF, Horvath W, Isaacson RL.Source Psychology Department, Binghamton University, Binghamton, NY, USA.AbstractThis study describes alterations in the nervous system resulting from chronic administration of the fluoroaluminum complex (AlF3) or equivalent levels of fluoride (F) in the form of sodium-fluoride (NaF). Twenty seven adult male Long-Evans rats were administered one of three treatments for 52 weeks: the control group was administered double distilled deionized drinking water (ddw). The aluminum-treated group received ddw with 0.5 ppm AlF3 and the NaF group received ddw with 2.1 ppm NaF containing the equivalent amount of F as in the AlF3 ddw. Tissue aluminum (Al) levels of brain, liver and kidney were assessed with the Direct Current Plasma (DCP) technique and its distribution assessed with Morin histochemistry. Histological sections of brain were stained with hematoxylin & eosin (H&E), Cresyl violet, Bielschowsky silver stain, or immunohistochemically for beta-amyloid, amyloid A, and IgM. No differences were found between the body weights of rats in the different treatment groups although more rats died in the AlF3 group than in the control group. The Al levels in samples of brain and kidney were higher in both the AlF3 and NaF groups relative to controls. The effects of the two treatments on cerebrovascular and neuronal integrity were qualitatively and quantitatively different. These alterations were greater in animals in the AlF3 group than in the NaF group and greater in the NaF group than in controls.Copyright 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------64. The Effect of Fluoride on the Physiology of the Pineal GlandLuke J.Ph.D Dissertation, School of Biological Sciences, University of Surrey, UK. 1997.The purpose was to discover whether fluoride (F) accumulates in the pineal gland and thereby affects pineal physiology during early development. The [F] of 11 aged human pineals and corresponding muscle were determined using the F-electrode following HMDS/acid diffusion. The mean [F] of pineal gland was significantly higher (p < 0.001) than muscle: 296 + 257 vs 0.5 + 0.4 mg/kg respectively. Secondly, a controlled longitudinal experimental study was carried out to discover whether F affects the biosynthesis of melatonin, (MT), during pubertal development using the excretion rate of urinary 6-sulphatoxymelatonin, (aMT6s), as the index of pineal MT synthesis. Urine was collected at 3-hourly intervals over 48 hours from two groups of gerbils, (Meriones unguiculatus), low-F (LF) and high-F (HF) (12 f, 12 m/group): under LD: 12 12, from prepubescence to reproductive maturity (at 9-12 weeks) to adulthood, i.e., at 7, 9, 11 1/2 and 16 weeks. The HF pups received 2.3 ug F/g BW/day from birth until 24 days whereafter HF and LF groups received food containing 37 and 7 mg F/kg respectively and distilled water. Urinary aMT6s levels were measured by radioimmunoassay. The HF group excreted significantly less aMT6s than the LF group until the age of sexual maturation. At 11 1/2 weeks, the circadian profile of aMT6s by the HF males was significantly diminished but, by 16 weeks, was equivalent to the LF males. In conclusion, F inhibits pineal MT synthesis in gerbils up until the time of sexual maturation. Finally, F was associated with a significant acceleration of pubertal development in female gerbils using body weights, age of vaginal opening and accelerated development of the ventral gland. At 16 weeks, the mean testes weight of HF males was significantly less (p < 0.002) than that of the LF males. The results suggest that F is associated with low circulating levels of MT and this leads to an accelerated sexual maturation in female gerbils. The results strengthen the hypothesis that the pineal has a role in pubertal development.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------65. Caries Res. 2001 Mar-Apr;35(2):125-8.Fluoride deposition in the aged human pineal gland.Luke J.Source School of Biological Sciences, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK. jenniluke@compuserve.comAbstractThe purpose was to discover whether fluoride (F) accumulates in the aged human pineal gland. The aims were to determine (a) F-concentrations of the pineal gland (wet), corresponding muscle (wet) and bone (ash); (b) calciumconcentration of the pineal. Pineal, muscle and bone were dissected from 11 aged cadavers and assayed for F using the HMDS-facilitated diffusion, F-ion-specific electrode method. Pineal calcium was determined using atomic absorption spectroscopy. Pineal and muscle contained 297+/-257 and 0.5+/-0.4 mg F/kg wet weight, respectively; bone contained 2,037+/-1,095 mg F/kg ash weight. The pineal contained 16,000+/-11,070 mg Ca/kg wet weight. There was a positive correlation between pineal F and pineal Ca (r = 0.73, p<0.02) but no correlation between pineal F and bone F. By old age, the pineal gland has readily accumulated F and its F/Ca ratio is higher than bone.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------When Dr.Null asserts that ".....Phosphatidyl Serine, herbs, amino acids, anti-oxidants and B-vitamins can help achieve optimal brain function....", Dr. Barrett asks: [How has he (Dr. Null - italics mine) determined that this can help people improve brain function?]66. REGARDING PHOSPHATIDYL SERINE decline in the elderly: a double-blind, placebocontrolled multicenter study on efficacy of phosphatidylserine administration.Cenacchi T, Bertoldin T, Farina C, Fiori MG, Crepaldi G.SourceAging (Milano). 1993 Apr;5(2):123-33.Fidia Research Laboratories, Abano Terme (Padova), Italy.AbstractThis double-blind study assesses the therapeutic efficacy and the safety of oral treatment with phosphatidylserine (BC-PS) vs placebo (300 mg/day for 6 months) in a group of geriatric patients with cognitive impairment. A total of 494 elderly patients (age between 65 and 93 years), with moderate to severe cognitive decline, according to the Mini Mental State Examination and Global Deterioration Scale, were recruited in 23 Geriatric or General Medicine Units in Northeastern Italy. Sixty-nine patients dropped out within the 6-month trial period. Patients were examined just before starting therapy, and 3 and 6 months thereafter. The efficacy of treatment compared to placebo was measured on the basis of changes occurring in behavior and cognitive performance using the Plutchik Geriatric Rating Scale and the Buschke Selective Reminding Test. Statistically significant improvements in the phosphatidylserine-treated group compared to placebo were observed both in terms of behavioral and cognitive parameters. In addition, clinical evaluation and laboratory tests demonstrated that BC-PS was well tolerated. These results are clinically important since the patients were representative of the geriatric population commonly met in clinical practice.------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interv Aging. 2010 Nov 2;5:313-6.67. The effect of phosphatidylserine-containing omega-3 fatty acids on memory abilities in subjects with subjective memory complaints: a pilot study.Richter Y, Herzog Y, Cohen T, Steinhart Y.Source Enzymotec LTD, Migdal-HaEmeq, Israel.AbstractOBJECTIVE:To evaluate for the first time the efficacy of safe-sourced phosphatidylserine-containing omega-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid (PS-omega-3) in improving memory abilities.METHODS:PS-omega-3 was administered daily for 6 weeks to eight elderly volunteers with subjective memory complaints. The Cognitive Drug Research test battery was used to assess the effect on their cognitive abilities.RESULTS:PS-omega-3 supplementation resulted in 42% increase in the ability to recall words in the delayed condition.CONCLUSION:PS-omega-3 may have a favorable effect on memory in subjects with subjective memory complaints. PS-omega-3 may serve as a safe alternative to phosphatidylserine extracted from bovine cortex.PMID: 21103402 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] PMCID: PMC2981104----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Effects of phosphatidylserine therapy in geriatric patients with depressive disordersM. Maggioni1, G.B. Picotti2, G.P. Bondiolotti3, A. Panerai3, T. Cenacchi4, P. Nobile5, F. Brambilla5,*Article first published online: 23 AUG 2007DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0447.1990.tb06494.xIssueActa Psychiatrica ScandinavicaVolume 81, Issue 3, pages 265–270, March 1990Keywords:aging;depression;phosphatidylserine;adrenoceptor;noradrenaline;amine metaboliteThe effects of phosphatidylserine (BC-PS) on cognitive, affective and behavioural symptoms were studied in a group of 10 elderly women with depressive disorders. Patients were treated with placebo for 15 days, followed by BC-PS (300 mg/day) for 30 days. The Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression, Gottfries-Bråne-Steen Rating Scale, Nurse's Observation Scale for Inpatient Evaluation and Buschke Selective Reminding Test were administered before and after placebo and after BC-PS therapy, to monitor changes in depression, memory and general behaviour. At the same time, basal plasma levels of noradrenaline, MHPG, DOPAC, HVA and 5-HIAA, and GH/β-endorphin/β-lipotropin responses to clonidine stimulation were measured. BC-PS induced consistent improvement of depressive symptoms, memory and behaviour. No changes in amine metabolite levels or in hormonal responses to α2-adrenoceptor stimulation were observed.==============================================================References:1. Amaducci, L and the SMID Group. Phosphatidylserine in the treatment of Alzheimers disease: results of a multicenter study. Psychopharmacol. Bulletin, 1988, 24: 130-4.2. Cenacchi, B, Bertoldin T, Farina C, Fiori M.G., Crepaldi G. Cognitive decline in the elderly: a double-blind, placebo-controlled multicenter study on efficacy of phosphatidylserine administration. Aging (Clin. Exp. Res.), 1993, 5: 123-33.3. Crook, T.H., Tinklenburg, J, Yesavage J, Petrie W, Nunzie M.G., and Massari, D.C. Effects of phosphatidylserine in age-associated memory impairment. Neurol, 1991. 41: 644-9.4. Crook, T.H., Petrie W, Wells C, Massari, D.C. Effects of phosphatidylserine in Alzheimers disease. Psychopharmacol. Bulletin,, 1992. 28: 61-6.5. Dean, W., Morgenthaler, J. Fowkes, S. 1993 Phosphatidylserine Smart Drugs II, The Next Generation, Health Freedom Publications. Menlo Park, CA. pp. 75 - 80.6. Delwaide, P.J., Gyselynk-Mambourg A.M., Hurlet A. and Ylieff M. Double-blind randomized controlled study of phosphatidylserine in demented patients. Acta Neurol. Scand, 1986. 73:136-40.7. Engel, R.R., Satzger W, Gunther W, Kathmann N, Bove D, Gerkes, Munch U and Hippius H. Double-blind cross-over study of phosphatidylserine vs. placebo in subjects with early cognitive deterioration of the Alzheimer type. Eur. Neuropsychopharmacol, 1992. 2: 149-55.8. Funfgeld, E.W., Baggen, M, Nedwidek,P, et al. Double-blind study with phosphatidylserine (PS) in Parkinsonian patients with senile dementia of Alzheimers type (SDAT). Progr. Clin. Biol. Res, 1989. 317: 1235-46.9. Gindin, J, et al., 1995. The Effect of Plant Phosphatidylserine on Age-Associated Memory Impairment and Mood in the Functioning Elderly. Rehovot, Israel: Geriatric Institute for Education and Research, and Department of Geriatrics, Kaplan Hospital.10. Hershowitz M, et al. Long-term treatment of dementia Alzheimer type with phosphatidylserine: effect on cognitive functioning and performance in daily life. In, Bazan NG, et al (eds) Phospholipids in the Nervous System: Biochemical and Molecular Pathology, 1989. Padua, Italy: Liviana Press.11. Maggioni, M, Picotti, G.B., Bondiolotti ,G.P., Panerai, A. Cenacchi, T. Nobil, P. and Brambilla, F. Effects of phosphatidylserine therapy in geriatric patients with depressive disorders. Acta Psychiatr. Scand. 1990. 81: 265-70.12. Monteleone, P, Beinat, L, Tanzillo,C, Maj, M, and Kemali, D. Effects of phosphatidylserine on the neuroendocrine response to physical stress in humans. Neuroendocrinol, 1990. 52: 243-8.13. Monteleone, P, Maj,M, Beinat,L, Natale,M, and Kemali,D. Blunting by chronic phosphatidylserine administration of the stress-induced activation of the hypothalamos-pituitary-adrenal axis in healthy men. Eur. J. Clin.Pharmacol ,1992. 41: 385-8.14. Nerozzi, D., et al. Phosphatidylserine and impaired memory in the elderly. La Clinica Terapeutica, 1989. 120: 399-404. [Translated from the Italian]15. Palmieri, G, Palmieri, R, Inzoli, M.R., et al. Double-blind controlled trial of phosphatidylserine in patients with senile mental deterioration. Clin. Trials J., 1987. 24: 73-83.16. Ransmayr, G, Plorer, S, Gerstenbrand,F, and Bauer,G. Double-blind placebocontrolled trial of phosphatidylserine in elderly patients with arteriosclerotic encephalopathy. Clin. Trials J., 1987. 24: 62-72.17. Rosadini, G, Sannita ,W.G., Nobili, F, and Cenacchi, T. Phosphatidylserine: quantitative EEG effects in healthy volunteers. Neuropsychobiol, 1991. 24: 42-8.18. Villardita, C, Griolis, S, Salmeri, G,et al.Multicentre clinical trial of brain phosphatidylserine in elderly patients with intellectual deterioration. Clin. Trials J., 1987. 24: 84-93.19. Kidd, P., 1995. Phosphatidylserine (PS), A Remarkable Brain Cell Nutrient. Lucas Meyer, Inc, Decator, Il. Homocysteine-Lowering by B Vitamins Slows the Rate of Accelerated Brain Atrophy in Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Randomized Controlled TrialA. David Smith1,2#*, Stephen M. Smith3, Celeste A. de Jager1, Philippa Whitbread1, Carole Johnston1,2, Grzegorz Agacinski1, Abderrahim Oulhaj1, Kevin M. Bradley4, Robin Jacoby5, Helga Refsum1,2,6#1 Oxford Project to Investigate Memory and Ageing (OPTIMA), University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2 University Department of Pharmacology and Department of Physiology, Anatomy & Genetics, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 3 Department of Clinical Neurology, Oxford Centre for Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 4 Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals NHS Trust, Oxford, United Kingdom, 5 University Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 6 Department of Nutrition, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Oslo, Oslo, NorwayAbstractBackgroundAn increased rate of brain atrophy is often observed in older subjects, in particular those who suffer from cognitive decline. Homocysteine is a risk factor for brain atrophy, cognitive impairment and dementia. Plasma concentrations of homocysteine can be lowered by dietary administration of B vitamins.ObjectiveTo determine whether supplementation with B vitamins that lower levels of plasma total homocysteine can slow the rate of brain atrophy in subjects with mild cognitive impairment in a randomised controlled trial (VITACOG, ISRCTN 94410159).Methods and FindingsSingle-center, randomized, double-blind controlled trial of high-dose folic acid, vitamins B6 and B12 in 271 individuals (of 646 screened) over 70 y old with mild cognitive impairment. A subset (187) volunteered to have cranial MRI scans at the start and finish of the study. Participants were randomly assigned to two groups of equal size, one treated with folic acid (0.8 mg/d), vitamin B12 (0.5 mg/d) and vitamin B6 (20 mg/d), the other with placebo; treatment was for 24 months. The main outcome measure was the change in the rate of atrophy of the whole brain assessed by serial volumetric MRI scans.ResultsA total of 168 participants (85 in active treatment group; 83 receiving placebo) completed the MRI section of the trial. The mean rate of brain atrophy per year was 0.76% [95% CI, 0.63–0.90] in the active treatment group and 1.08% [0.94–1.22] in the placebo group (P = 0.001). The treatment response was related to baseline homocysteine levels: the rate of atrophy in participants with homocysteine >13 µmol/L was 53% lower in the active treatment group (P = 0.001). A greater rate of atrophy was associated with a lower final cognitive test scores. There was no difference in serious adverse events according to treatment category.Conclusions and SignificanceThe accelerated rate of brain atrophy in elderly with mild cognitive impairment can be slowed by treatment with homocysteine-lowering B vitamins. Sixteen percent of those over 70 y old have mild cognitive impairment and half of these develop Alzheimer's disease. Since accelerated brain atrophy is a characteristic of subjects with mild cognitive impairment who convert to Alzheimer's disease, trials are needed to see if the same treatment will delay the development of Alzheimer's disease.Trial ISRCTN94410159------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Lancet, Volume 369, Issue 9557, Pages 208 - 216, 20 January 2007doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(07)60109-3Effect of 3-year folic acid supplementation on cognitive function in older adults in the FACIT trial: a randomised, double blind, controlled trialDr Jane Durga PhD a b , Martin PJ van Boxtel PhD c, Prof Evert G Schouten PhD a, Prof Frans J Kok PhD a, Prof Jelle Jolles PhD c, Martijn B Katan PhD b, Petra Verhoef PhD a bSummaryBackgroundLow folate and raised homocysteine concentrations in blood are associated with poor cognitive performance in the general population. As part of the FACIT trial to assess the effect of folic acid on markers of atherosclerosis in men and women aged 50—70 years with raised plasma total homocysteine and normal serum vitamin B12 at screening, we report here the findings for the secondary endpoint: the effect of folic acid supplementation on cognitive performance.MethodsOur randomised, double blind, placebo controlled study took place between November, 1999, and December, 2004, in the Netherlands. We randomly assigned 818 participants 800 µg daily oral folic acid or placebo for 3 years. The effect on cognitive performance was measured as the difference between the two groups in the 3-year change in performance for memory, sensorimotor speed, complex speed, information processing speed, and word fluency. Analysis was by intention-to-treat. This trial is registered with with trial number NCT00110604.FindingsSerum folate concentrations increased by 576% (95% CI 539 to 614) and plasma total homocysteine concentrations decreased by 26% (24 to 28) in participants taking folic acid compared with those taking placebo. The 3-year change in memory (difference in Z scores 0·132, 95% CI 0·032 to 0·233), information processing speed (0·087, 0·016 to 0·158) and sensorimotor speed (0·064, −0·001 to 0·129) were significantly better in the folic acid group than in the placebo group.InterpretationFolic acid supplementation for 3 years significantly improved domains of cognitive function that tend to decline with age.E!ect of 3-year folic acid supplementation on cognitivefunction in older adults in the FACIT trial: a randomised, double blind, controlled trial71. Improvement in Cognition and Mood With Multivitamin/Mineral in Healthy Males12/1/2010Tina Kaczor, ND, FABNOCognitive and Mood improvements seen as soon as one month after beginning vitamin/mineral supplementation.Wednesday, December 01, 2010by: Tina Kaczor, ND, FABNOSection: Abstracts & CommentaryTina Kaczor, ND, FABNO, is a naturopathic physician, board certified in naturopathic oncology. She received her naturopathic doctorate from National College of Natural Medicine, and completed her residency in naturopathic oncology at Cancer Treatment Centers of America in Tulsa, Okla. Dr. Kaczor received undergraduate degrees from the State University of New York at Buffalo. She is the current treasurer of the Oncology Association of Naturopathic Physicians and secretary of the American Board of Naturopathic Oncology. She is adjunct faculty at National College of Natural Medicine as well as the Helfgott Research Institute in Portland, Ore. She has been published in several peer-reviewed journals. For more information visit: Clinic of Natural MedicineReferenceKennedy D, Veasey R, Watson A, et al. Effects of high-dose B vitamin complex with vitamin C and minerals on subjective mood and performance in healthy malesPsychopharmacology. 2010;211:55-68.DesignRandomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind trialParticipants215 healthy male volunteers ages 30–55 were recruited. 210 completed the study (placebo group = 107, multivitamin/mineral group = 103).Intervention1 tablet daily of a multivitamin/mineral (Berocca®). Each tablet contained: B1 (15 mg), B2 (15 mg), B6 (10 mg), B12 (10 mcg), vitamin C (500 mg), biotin (150 mcg), folic acid (400 mcg), nicotinamide (50 mg) pantothenic acid (23 mg), calcium (100 mg), magnesium (100 mg), and zinc (10 mg).Primary Outcome MeasuresCognitive assessment was done 1 day prior and 1 day following 33 days of intervention or placebo. A Profile of Mood States (POMS), Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), and the General Health Questionaire-12 (GHQ-12) were used. A 60-minute cognitive demand battery was also performed at baseline and study conclusion.Key FindingsThe intervention group had significant improvements in the PSS, the GHQ-12 and the “vigour” subscale of the POMS questionnaire. In addition, the intervention group performed better on the serial 3 subtraction test and reported they were less “mentally tired” both before and after the cognitive testing at the study’s conclusion.Clinical ImplicationsThe use of vitamin/mineral supplementation in healthy adults is growing in popularity. Whether this is beneficial in populations assumed to be nutrient-replete and without any pathology is not known. This study, while small, suggests that cognitive and mood improvements may be seen as soon as 1 month after beginning a B complex with vitamin C and calcium/magnesium/zinc.As with any nutrient intervention study, the question of nutrient deficiency in participants prior to the intervention must be asked. This Swiss study is notable for its recruitment of healthy, fully employed males, a population presumed to be adequately nourished. While adequate nutrient status was assumed, no serum measurements were performed. Intake of fruits and vegetables was 3.71 servings on average in the intervention group. In a 2005 U.S. survey of fruit and vegetable consumption, only 27.2% of adults ate 3 or more servings of vegetables per day.1The significant improvement in cognitive ability and mood from the supplemental intervention in this trial implies that participants had suboptimal levels of one or more of the nutrients contained in the supplement. Since these participants’ intake is higher than that of the majority of Americans, one can presume that suboptimal levels may also exist in our patients who are otherwise “healthy.”This is not the first study that demonstrates mood improvement with B complex/vitamin C/mineral formula. Schlebusch et al showed that after 28 days of supplementation there was significantly decreased anxiety and improved sense of well-being.2 In another trial of 28 days, Carroll et al found that supplementation led to improved GHQ scores and a decreased perception of stress as assessed by the PSS scale.3 In a study assessing 12 months of supplementation, Benton et al showed that there was a significant improvement in mood in females.4For the practitioner of natural medicines, these results are not surprising. B complex is a foundational supplement in most protocols for our patients feeling “highly stressed.” Indeed, B vitamins’ reputation in helping to cope with stress is well established in the public domain as well, as evidenced by product names such as “Stress B Complex.” But to what extent is supplementing with B vitamins, vitamin C, and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and zinc a good idea for otherwise healthy adults?What is clear is that the risk of supplementing these nutrients is negligible, but comes with significant potential benefit.The answer to this question is unclear. What is clear is that the risk of supplementing these nutrients is negligible, but comes with significant potential benefit. While it is often espoused that a nutrient-rich diet should be able to provide all the vitamins and minerals one needs to function optimally, this study suggests otherwise. There is little debate that it is prudent for everyone to increase their intake of fruit and vegetables in an effort to consume adequate nutrients through diet. This study, along with the others that corroborate it, may be impetus for us to hedge this assumption of adequate intake with a little supplementation as well.References1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Fruit and vegetable consumption among adults—United States, 2005. MMWR Weekly Report. 2007;56(10);213-217. Accessed December 1, 2010 2. Schlebusch L, Bosch BA, Polglase G, Kleinschmidt I, Pillay BJ, Cassimjee MH. A double-blind, placebo-controlled, double-centre study of the effects of an oral multivitamin/mineral combination on stress. S Afr Med J. 2000;90:1216-1223.3. Carroll D, Ring C, Suter M, Willemsen G. The effects of an oral multivitamin combination with calcium, magnesium, and zinc on psychological well-being in healthy young male volunteers: a double-blind placebo-controlled trial. Psychopharmacology. 2000;150:220-225.4. Benton D, Haller J, Fordy J. Vitamin supplementation for 1 year improves mood. Neuropsychobiology. 1995;32:98-105.REGARDING ANTIOXIDANTS AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NUTRITIONDIETARY POLYPHENOLS AND HEALTH: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 1ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON POLYPHENOLS AND HEALTHPolyphenols: antioxidants and beyondAugustin Scalbert, Ian T Johnson and Mike Saltmarsh1 From Laboratoire des Maladies Métaboliques et Micronutriments, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Saint-Genes-Champanelle, France (AS); Institute of Food Research, Colney, United Kingdom (ITJ); and Inglehurst Foods, Alton, United Kingdom (MS)ABSTRACTResearch on the effects of dietary polyphenols on human health has developed considerably in the past 10 y. It strongly supports a role for polyphenols in the prevention of degenerative diseases, particularly cardiovascular diseases and cancers. The antioxidant properties of polyphenols have been widely studied, but it has become clear that the mechanisms of action of polyphenols go beyond the modulation of oxidative stress. This supplemental issue of The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, published on the occasion of the 1st International Conference on Polyphenols and Health, offers an overview of the experimental, clinical, and epidemiologic evidence of the effects of polyphenols on health.Key Words: Polyphenols • flavonoids • antioxidants • health • cardiovascular diseases • cancersAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 81, No. 1, 215S-217S, January 2005© 2005 American Society for Clinical NutritionCITED IN 204 ARTICLES------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NATIONAL INSTITUTE ON AGINGU.S INSTITUTES OF HEALTHA Healthy Diet May Be Important to Brain Health as Well as Body HealthEXCERPT“A nutritious diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and that is low in fat and added sugar can reduce the risks of many chronic conditions, including heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and some forms of cancer. In recent years, investigators have used epidemiologic, animal, and test tube studies and clinical trials to explore whether diet can play a role in preserving cognitive function or even reducing risk of AD.A long-held theory about aging suggests that, over time, damage from free radicals (molecules that chemically react easily with other molecules) can build up in neurons, causing loss of function. This damage is called oxidative damage. The brain’s unique characteristics, including its high rate of metabolism and its long-lived neurons, may make it particularly vulnerable to oxidative damage. Previous epidemiologic and laboratory studies have suggested that fruits and vegetables that are high in antioxidants might protect the brain against this kind of damage. A group of Harvard Medical School researchers explored this possibility by examining data from more than 13,000 Nurses’ Health Study participants aged 70 and older (Kang et al., 2005).They found that the women who ate the most vegetables—especially green leafy vegetables (like spinach and romaine lettuce) and cruciferous vegetables (like broccoli and cauliflower)—experienced a slower rate of cognitive decline than did women who ate the least vegetables. The scientists were careful to account for other factors that might influence the results, such as use of vitamin supplements, physical activity, smoking and alcohol use, and educational attainment. Interestingly, fruit consumption did not appear to be associated with any change in cognitive ability. The scientists speculate that the abundant antioxidant and folate (a nutrient that appears to be important for proper neural activity and cognitive function) content of the green leafy and cruciferous vegetables was responsible for these results.”--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JOURNALS74. NUTRITION IN CLINICAL PRACTICERole of Antioxidants in Health MaintenanceVishwanath M. SardesaiDepartment of Biochemistry and Surgery, Wayne State University, DetroitAbstractFree radicals are produced in the body as by products of normal metabolism and as a result of exposure to radiation and some environmental pollutants. Because they are highly reactive, they can damage cellular components and are implicated in a variety of diseases. Free radicals are normally neutralized by efficient systems in the body that include the antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase) and the nutrient-derived antioxidant small molecules (vitamin E, vitamin C, carotenes, flavonoids, glutathione, uric acid, and taurine). In healthy individuals, a delicate balance exists between free radicals and antioxidants. In some pathologic conditions such as diabetes, and in critically ill patients, oxidative stress causes the level of antioxidants to fall below normal. Antioxidant supplements for such conditions are expected to be of benefit. As a preventive measure against certain diseases, the best approach for healthy individuals is to regularly consume adequate amounts of antioxidant-rich foods, eg, fruits and vegetables.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DIRECT75. Free radicals and grape seed proanthocyanidin extract: importance in human health and disease preventionDebasis Bagchia, , , Manashi Bagchia, Sidney J Stohsa, Dipak K Dasb, Sidhartha D Rayc, Charles A Kuszynskid, Shantaram S Joshid and Harry G Pruessea Department of Pharmaceutical and Administrative Sciences, Creighton University School of Pharmacy & Allied Health Professions, 2500 California Plaza, Omaha, NE 68178, USAb Department of Surgery, University of Connecticut School of Medicine, Farmington, CT 06030, USAc Department of Pharmacology, Toxicology and Medicinal Chemistry, Arnold & Marie Schwarz College of Pharmacy, Long Island University, Brooklyn, NY 11201, USAd Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE 68198, USAe Department of Medicine, Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington, DC 20007, USAAccepted 29 July 1999. Available online 24 August 2000.AbstractFree radicals have been implicated in over a hundred disease conditions in humans, including arthritis, hemorrhagic shock, atherosclerosis, advancing age, ischemia and reperfusion injury of many organs, Alzheimer and Parkinson’s disease, gastrointestinal dysfunctions, tumor promotion and carcinogenesis, and AIDS. Antioxidants are potent scavengers of free radicals and serve as inhibitors of neoplastic processes. A large number of synthetic and natural antioxidants have been demonstrated to induce beneficial effects on human health and disease prevention. However, the structure-activity relationship, bioavailability and therapeutic efficacy of the antioxidants differ extensively. Oligomeric proanthocyanidins, naturally occurring antioxidants widely available in fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, flowers and bark, have been reported to possess a broad spectrum of biological, pharmacological and therapeutic activities against free radicals and oxidative stress. We have assessed the concentration- or dose-dependent free radical scavenging ability of a novel IH636 grape seed proanthocyanidin extract (GSPE) both in vitro and in vivo models, and compared the free radical scavenging ability of GSPE with vitamins C, E and β-carotene. These experiments demonstrated that GSPE is highly bioavailable and provides significantly greater protection against free radicals and free radical-induced lipid peroxidation and DNA damage than vitamins C, E and β-carotene. GSPE was also shown to demonstrate cytotoxicity towards human breast, lung and gastric adenocarcinoma cells, while enhancing the growth and viability of normal human gastric mucosal cells. The comparative protective effects of GSPE, vitamins C and E were examined on tobacco-induced oxidative stress and apoptotic cell death in human oral keratinocytes. Oxidative tissue damage was determined by lipid peroxidation and DNA fragmentation, while apoptotic cell death was assessed by flow cytometry. GSPE provided significantly better protection as compared to vitamins C and E, singly and in combination. GSPE also demonstrated excellent protection against acetaminophen overdose-induced liver and kidney damage by regulating bclXL gene, DNA damage and presumably by reducing oxidative stress. GSPE demonstrated excellent protection against myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury and myocardial infarction in rats. GSPE was also shown to upregulate bcl2 gene and downregulate the oncogene c-myc. Topical application of GSPE enhances sun protection factor in human volunteers, as well as supplementation of GSPE ameliorates chronic pancreatitis in humans. These results demonstrate that GSPE provides excellent protection against oxidative stress and free radical-mediated tissue injury.Keywords: Free radicals; Human diseases; Grape seed proanthocyanidin-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oxidants, antioxidants, and the degenerative diseases of agingB N Ames, M K Shigenaga, and T M HagenPROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICAAuthor AffiliationsDivision of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of California, Berkeley 94720.AbstractMetabolism, like other aspects of life, involves tradeoffs. Oxidant by-products of normal metabolism cause extensive damage to DNA, protein, and lipid. We argue that this damage (the same as that produced by radiation) is a major contributor to aging and to degenerative diseases of aging such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, immunesystem decline, brain dysfunction, and cataracts. Antioxidant defenses against this damage include ascorbate, tocopherol, and carotenoids. Dietary fruits and vegetables are the principal source of ascorbate and carotenoids and are one source of tocopherol. Low dietary intake of fruits and vegetables doubles the risk of most types of cancer as compared to high intake and also markedly increases the risk of heart disease and cataracts. Since only 9% of Americans eat the recommended five servings of fruits and vegetables per day, the opportunity for improving health by improving diet is great.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Again, where Dr. Null states that“ chlorophyll-rich foods .... are also sources of phytonutrients, essential fatty acids, amino acids, anti-oxidants and trace minerals....” Dr. Barrett comments that: [Chlorophyll has no health-related value for humans}.REGARDING CHLOROPHYLL© 2005 The American Society for Nutritional Sciences J. Nutr. 135:1995-2000, August 2005Nutrition and Cancer77. Natural Chlorophyll but Not Chlorophyllin Prevents Heme-Induced Cytotoxic and Hyperproliferative Effects in Rat ColonJohan de Vogel*,†,**, Denise S. M. L. Jonker-Termont*,†, Martijn B. Katan*,** and Roelof van der Meer*,†,3* Wageningen Centre for Food Sciences (WCFS), Nutrition and Health Programme, 6700 AN, Wageningen, The Netherlands;; † NIZO food research, 6710 BA, Ede, The Netherlands; and; ** Wageningen University, 6703 HD, Wageningen, The Netherlands 3To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: high in red meat and low in green vegetables are associated with an increased risk of colon cancer. In rats, dietary heme, mimicking red meat, increases colonic cytotoxicity and proliferation of the colonocytes, whereas addition of chlorophyll from green vegetables inhibits these heme-induced effects. Chlorophyllin is a water-soluble hydrolysis product of chlorophyll that inhibits the toxicity of many planar aromatic compounds. The present study investigated whether chlorophyllins could inhibit the heme-induced luminal cytotoxicity and colonic hyperproliferation as natural chlorophyll does. Rats were fed a purified control diet, the control diet supplemented with heme, or a heme diet with 1.2 mmol/kg diet of chlorophyllin, copper chlorophyllin, or natural chlorophyll for 14 d (n = 8/group). The cytotoxicity of fecal water was determined with an erythrocyte bioassay and colonic epithelial cell proliferation was quantified in vivo by [methyl-3H]thymidine incorporation into newly synthesized DNA. Exfoliation of colonocytes was measured as the amount of rat DNA in feces using quantitative PCR analysis. Heme caused a >50-fold increase in the cytotoxicity of the fecal water, a nearly 100% increase in proliferation, and almost total inhibition of exfoliation of the colonocytes. Furthermore, the addition of heme increased TBARS in fecal water. Chlorophyll, but not the chlorophyllins, completely prevented these heme-induced effects. In conclusion, inhibition of the heme-induced colonic cytotoxicity and epithelial cell turnover is specific for natural chlorophyll and cannot be mimicked by water-soluble chlorophyllins.KEY WORDS: • diet • red meat • green vegetables • prevention • colon cancer------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nutrition ResearchVolume 27, Issue 1, January 2007, Pages 1-12doi:10.1016/j.nutres.2006.12.003Copyright © 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Cited By in Scopus (30)Digestion, absorption, and cancer preventative activity of dietary chlorophyll derivativesMario G. Ferruzzia, , and Joshua BlakesleebaDepartment of Food Science, Purdue University, 745 Agriculture Mall Dr, West Lafayette, IN 47907bDepartment of Molecular Biology, Cell Biology and Biochemistry, Brown University, J Walter Wilson Laboratory, Providence, RI 02912Received 8 June 2006; revised 11 December 2006; accepted 14 December 2006. Available online 31 January 2007.AbstractThe growing body of epidemiological and experimental evidence associating diets rich in fruits and vegetables with prevention of chronic diseases such as cancer has stimulated interest in plant food phytochemicals as physiologically active dietary components. Chlorophyll and its various derivatives are believed to be among the family of phytochemical compounds that are potentially responsible for such associations. Dietary chlorophyll is predominantly composed of lipophilic derivatives including chlorophyll a and b (fresh fruits and vegetables), metal-free pheophytins and pyropheophytins (thermally processed fruits and vegetables), as well as Zn-pheophytins and Zn-pyropheophytins (thermally processed green vegetables). Water-soluble derivatives including chlorophyllides, pheophorbides, as well as a commercial-grade derivative known as sodium copper chlorophyllin (SCC) also contribute to the diversity of dietary chlorophyll derivatives. Although the use of chlorophyll derivatives, especially SCC, in traditional medical applications is well documented, it is perhaps the potential of chlorophyll as a cancer preventative agent that has drawn significant attention recently. Biological activities attributed to chlorophyll derivatives consistent with cancer prevention include antioxidant and antimutagenic activity, mutagen trapping, modulation of xenobiotic metabolism, and induction of apoptosis. Although most research has focused on commercial-grade SCC, the extent to which natural chlorophyll derivatives modulate biomarkers of cancer risk is also being explored. Recent research efforts have also included investigation of the impact of digestive factors on chlorophyll structure and bioaccessibility as a means to better understand the extent to which these pigments may be bioavailable in humans and therefore have more systemic impact in the prevention of cancer.Keywords: Chlorophyll; Chlorophyllin; Cancer prevention; Antimutagenic; Antioxidant; Xenobiotic metabolism; Apoptosis; Bioavailability----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Food Research InternationalVolume 38, Issues 8-9, October-November 2005, Pages 885-891Third International Congress on Pigments in Fooddoi:10.1016/j.foodres.2005.02.012Copyright © 2005 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved. Cited By in Scopus (21)Antioxidant activity of chlorophylls and their derivativesUrsula M. Lanfer-Marquez, , Rosa M.C. Barros and Patricia SinneckerDepartment of Food and Experimental Nutrition, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of São Paulo, Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes, 580, 05508-900, SP, BrazilReceived 1 June 2004; accepted 22 February 2005. Available online 5 July 2005.AbstractThe antioxidant activity of six natural isolated chlorophyll derivatives and Cuchlorophyllin was investigated by measuring their protective action against lipid oxidation. For this, the β-carotene bleaching method and the stable radical 2,2-diphenyl-1-picryldrazyl (DPPH) scavenging assay were employed. The results obtained by the β-carotene bleaching method showed that all chlorophyll derivatives presented a dose-dependent response. Pheophorbide b and pheophytin b were the strongest natural antioxidant compounds, whose activities were comparable to BHT. The high antioxidant activity found for pheophorbide b, in comparison to pheophorbide a, demonstrated the importance of the aldehyde group for functionality. On the other hand, by the DPPH assay, all natural pigments showed low antioxidant activity when compared to Trolox. Cuchlorophyllin, tested by both methods, presented a higher antioxidant activity than that of natural chlorophylls, showing the importance of the nature of the chelated metal in the porphyrin ring. The mechanism of antioxidant activity displayed by the natural chlorophyll derivatives does not seem to be based on the ability to donate hydrogen but maybe, on the protection of linoleic acid against oxidation and/or preventing decomposition of hydroperoxides.Keywords: Antioxidant activity; Chlorophyll derivatives; β-carotene bleaching method; DPPH---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oxford JournalsLife Sciences & MedicineCarcinogenesisVolume26, Issue7Pp. 1247-1255.Chlorophyll, chlorophyllin and related tetrapyrroles are significant inducers of mammalian phase 2 cytoprotective genesJed W. Fahey1,2,*, Katherine K. Stephenson1, Albena T. Dinkova-Kostova1, Patricia A. Egner3, Thomas W. Kensler3 and Paul TalalayAuthor Affiliations1Lewis B. and Dorothy Cullman Cancer Chemoprotection Center, Department of Pharmacology and Molecular Sciences, School of Medicine, 2Center for Human Nutrition and 3Department of Environmental Health Sciences, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA*To whom correspondence should be addressed at: Department of Pharmacology and Molecular Sciences, The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, 725 N. Wolfe Street, Baltimore, MD 21205-2185, USA. Tel: +410 614 2607; Fax: +410 614 3248; Email: jfahey@jhmi.eduReceived August 10, 2004.Accepted March 4, 2005.Revision received February 25, 2005.AbstractPlant chlorophylls and carotenoids are highly colored, conjugated polyenes that play central roles in photosynthesis. Other porphyrins (tetrapyrroles), such as cytochromes, which are structurally related to chlorophyll, participate in redox reactions in many living systems. An unexpected new property of tetrapyrroles, including tetramethyl coproporphyrin III, tetrabenzoporphine, copper chlorin e4 ethyl ester, and of carotenoids including zeaxanthin and α-cryptoxanthin is their ability to induce mammalian phase 2 proteins that protect cells against oxidants and electrophiles. The capacity of these compounds to induce the phase 2 response depends upon their ability or that of their metabolites to react with thiol groups, a property shared with all other classes of phase 2 inducers, which show few other structural similarities. Pseudo second-order rate constants of these inducers are correlated with their potency in inducing the phase 2 enzyme NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase 1 (NQO1) in murine hepatoma cells. One of the most potent inducers was isolated from chlorophyllin, a semisynthetic watersoluble chlorophyll derivative. Although chlorophyll itself is low in inducer potency, it may nevertheless account for some of the disease-protective effects attributed to diets rich in green vegetables because it occurs in much higher concentrations in those plants than the widely studied ‘phytochemicals’.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And finally, Dr. Null believes that Chromium Picolinate can be be helpful when a weight loss diet is indicated, while Barrett considers such supplementation a waste of time and money. The following abstracts may help you determine who is telling the truth:REGARDING CHROMIUM PICOLINATE Therapeutic ResearchVolume 59, Issue 6, June 1998, Pages 379-388Copyright © 1998 Published by Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved. Cited By in Scopus (31)81. A randomized, double-masked, placebo-controlled study of the effects of chromium picolinate supplementation on body composition: A replication and extension of a previous studyGilbert R. Kaatsa, , Kenneth Blumb, Dennis Pullinc, Samuel C. Keitha and Robert Woodda Health and Medical Research Foundation, San Antonio, Texas U.S.A.b Department of Biological Sciences, University of North Texas, Denton, Texas U.S.A.c Sports Medicine Institute, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, U.S.A.d Department of Computing Resources, University of Texas Health Sciences Center at San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas U.S.A.Received 6 January 1998. Available online 10 October 2001.AbstractA previous study using a randomized, double-masked, placebo-controlled design found that supplementation with a minimum of 200 µ;g of chromium (in the form of chromium picolinate [CrP]) per day can lead to significant improvement in body composition (as measured by underwater testing using the displacement method). The present study used a similar design in which 122 subjects were randomized to receive either CrP 400 µ;g (n = 62) or placebo (n = 60). To control caloric intake and expenditure (which was not done in the first study), participants were required to monitor and maintain a log of their daily physical activity and caloric intake. Dual energy x-ray absorptiometry measurements were taken before and after the 90-day period. Analysis of the prestudy data for the two groups revealed no significant differences in any of the initial body composition variables studied. After controlling for differences in caloric intake and expenditure, as compared with the placebo group, subjects in the active treatment group lost significantly more weight (7.79 kg vs 1.81 kg, respectively) and fat mass (7.71 kg vs 1.53 kg, respectively), and had a greater reduction in percent body fat (6.30% vs 1.20%, respectively) without any loss of fat-free mass. A more conservative analysis of covariance revealed similar and statistically significant reductions in percent body fat and fat mass without any loss of fat-free mass. It was concluded that this study replicated earlier findings that supplementation with CrP can lead to significant improvements in body composition.Author Keywords: chromium picolinate; body composition; fat mass; fat-free mass; dual energy x-ray absorptiometry.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Therapeutic ResearchVolume 57, Issue 10, 1996, Pages 747-756Copyright © 1996 Published by Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved. Cited By in Scopus (49)82. Effects of chromium picolinate supplementation on body composition: a randomized, double-masked, placebo-controlled studyGilbert R. Kaatsa, Kenneth Blumb, , Jeffrey A. Fisherc and Jack A. Adelmanaa Health and Medical Research Foundation, San Antonio, Texas USAb Department of Behavioral Sciences, University of Texas Health Science Center-Houston, School of Public Health, San Antonio, Texas USAc The Right Angle Inc., Rutherford, New Jersey USAReceived 22 July 1996. Available online 10 October 2001.AbstractTo examine the effect of chromium picolinate (CrP) on body composition, a randomized, double-masked, placebocontrolled study was conducted. A total of 154 patients received either a placebo or 200 µg or 400 µg of CrP per day. Subjects were asked to consume at least two servings of a protein/carbohydrate nutritional drink a day that contained the different amounts of CrP. Subjects were free-living and were not provided with weight loss, dietary, or exercise guidance. Body composition was measured before and after the 72-day test period by using underwater testing (displacement method) with residual lung volumes determined by helium dilution. On completion of the posttest, a body composition improvement (BCI) index was calculated for each subject by adding the loss of body fat and gain in nonfat mass and subtracting fat gained and lean lost. Analysis of the prestudy data revealed that there were no significant differences in body composition between the three groups. After the test period, both the 200-µg and 400-µg groups had significantly higher positive changes in BCIs compared with placebo. A single-factor analysis of variance weighted linear trend was also highly significant. No significant differences in BCI were found between the 200- and 400-µg groups. Supplementation with a minimum of 200 µg/d of chromium (as CrP) can lead to significant improvement in body composition. Picolinate Supplementation Attenuates Body Weight Gain and Increases Insulin Sensitivity in Subjects With Type 2 DiabetesJulie Martin, MS, RD1, Zhong Q. Wang, MD2, Xian H. Zhang, BS2, Deborah Wachtel, NP, MPH1, Julia Volaufova, PHD3, Dwight E. Matthews, PHD1 and William T. Cefalu, MD2Author Affiliations1Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont2Division of Nutrition and Chronic Diseases, Pennington Biomedical Research Center, Louisiana State University System, Baton Rouge, Louisiana3Biostatistics Program, School of Public Health, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, New Orleans, LouisianaAddress correspondence and reprint requests to William T. Cefalu, MD, Pennington Biomedical Research Center, 6400 Perkins Rd., Baton Rouge, LA 80808. E-mail: cefaluwt@pbrc.eduAbstractOBJECTIVE—Chromium picolinate (CrPic) supplementation has been suggested to improve glycemia, but there are conflicting reports on efficacy. We sought to determine the effect of CrPic on insulin sensitivity, glycemic control, and body composition in subjects with type 2 diabetes.RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS—Thirty-seven subjects with type 2 diabetes were evaluated. After baseline, subjects were placed on a sulfonylurea (glipizide gastrointestinal therapeutic system 5 mg/day) with placebo for 3 months. Subjects were then randomized in a double-blind fashion to receive either the sulfonylurea plus placebo (n = 12) or the sulfonylurea plus 1,000 µg Cr as CrPic (n = 17) for 6 months. Body composition, insulin sensitivity, and glycemic control were determined at baseline, end of the 3-month single-blind placebo phase, and end of study.RESULTS—Subjects randomized to sulfonylurea/placebo, as opposed to those randomized to sulfonylurea/CrPic, had a significant increase in body weight (2.2 kg, P < 0.001 vs. 0.9 kg, P = 0.11), percent body fat (1.17%, P < 0.001 vs. 0.12%, P = 0.7), and total abdominal fat (32.5 cm2, P < 0.05 vs. 12.2 cm2, P < 0.10) from baseline. Subjects randomized to sulfonylurea/CrPic had significant improvements in insulin sensitivity corrected for fatfree mass (28.8, P < 0.05 vs. 15.9, P = 0.4), GHb (−1.16%, P < 0.005 vs. −0.4%, P = 0.3), and free fatty acids (−0.2 mmol/l, P < 0.001 vs. −0.12 mmol/l, P < 0.03) as opposed to sulfonylurea/placebo.CONCLUSIONS—This study demonstrates that CrPic supplementation in subjects with type 2 diabetes who are taking sulfonylurea agents significantly improves insulin sensitivity and glucose control. Further, CrPic supplementation significantly attenuated body weight gain and visceral fat accumulation compared with the placebo group.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF NUTRITION83. Chromium Research from a Distance: From 1959 to 1980Walter Mertz, MDAuthor AffiliationsFormer Director of the Human Nutrition Center, USDA, Beltsville, Maryland (Retired)AbstractMore than 50 years of work have led to the recognition of trivalent chromium as an essential element. Shortly after its identification as an essential element in 1959, its interaction with insulin in vitro and in vivo was established, and the site of action identified as the insulin-sensitive cell membrane. Despite other early clinical successes with chromium supplementation, four major problems have influenced the rate of progress since then: 1) chromium analysis; 2) interaction of chromium with other dietary factors; 3) diagnosis of chromium status; and 4) other controversies, such as the carcinogenic potential of chromium (since disproved) and the lack of an effect on glucose tolerance even in chromium deficient organisms (now explained). These controversies have mostly dissipated as new knowledge integrated seemingly irreconcilable facts and opinions. It is now known that chromium may potentiate the action of insulin either by an effect on insulin dependent functions, or by maintaining these functions with less insulin, or by a combination of both. Despite much progress in the last 30 years, major challenges in chromium research remain, such as the development of practical methods for diagnosing chromium deficiency. Of several approaches for solving this problem, the most feasible might be to standardize the urinary chromium response following an insulinogenic challenge, such as an oral load of glucose or of glucose plus fructose (for maximal stimulation) with urine collection before and during the 2-hour test.REGARDING CHROMIUM PICOLINATE Therapeutic ResearchVolume 59, Issue 6, June 1998, Pages 379-388Copyright © 1998 Published by Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved. Cited By in Scopus (31) 84. A randomized, double-masked, placebo-controlled study of the effects of chromium picolinate supplementation on body composition: A replication and extension of a previous studyGilbert R. Kaatsa, , Kenneth Blumb, Dennis Pullinc, Samuel C. Keitha and Robert Woodda Health and Medical Research Foundation, San Antonio, Texas U.S.A.b Department of Biological Sciences, University of North Texas, Denton, Texas U.S.A.c Sports Medicine Institute, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, U.S.A.d Department of Computing Resources, University of Texas Health Sciences Center at San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas U.S.A.Received 6 January 1998. Available online 10 October 2001.AbstractA previous study using a randomized, double-masked, placebo-controlled design found that supplementation with a minimum of 200 µ;g of chromium (in the form of chromium picolinate [CrP]) per day can lead to significant improvement in body composition (as measured by underwater testing using the displacement method). The present study used a similar design in which 122 subjects were randomized to receive either CrP 400 µ;g (n = 62) or placebo (n = 60). To control caloric intake and expenditure (which was not done in the first study), participants were required to monitor and maintain a log of their daily physical activity and caloric intake. Dual energy x-ray absorptiometry measurements were taken before and after the 90-day period. Analysis of the prestudy data for the two groups revealed no significant differences in any of the initial body composition variables studied. After controlling for differences in caloric intake and expenditure, as compared with the placebo group, subjects in the active treatment group lost significantly more weight (7.79 kg vs 1.81 kg, respectively) and fat mass (7.71 kg vs 1.53 kg, respectively), and had a greater reduction in percent body fat (6.30% vs 1.20%, respectively) without any loss of fat-free mass. A more conservative analysis of covariance revealed similar and statistically significant reductions in percent body fat and fat mass without any loss of fat-free mass. It was concluded that this study replicated earlier findings that supplementation with CrP can lead to significant improvements in body composition.Author Keywords: chromium picolinate; body composition; fat mass; fat-free mass; dual energy x-ray absorptiometry.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Therapeutic ResearchVolume 57, Issue 10, 1996, Pages 747-756Copyright © 1996 Published by Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.Cited By in Scopus (49)85. Effects of chromium picolinate supplementation on body composition: a randomized, double-masked, placebo-controlled studyGilbert R. Kaatsa, Kenneth Blumb, , Jeffrey A. Fisherc and Jack A. Adelmanaa Health and Medical Research Foundation, San Antonio, Texas USAb Department of Behavioral Sciences, University of Texas Health Science Center-Houston, School of Public Health, San Antonio, Texas USAc The Right Angle Inc., Rutherford, New Jersey USAReceived 22 July 1996. Available online 10 October 2001.AbstractTo examine the effect of chromium picolinate (CrP) on body composition, a randomized, double-masked, placebocontrolled study was conducted. A total of 154 patients received either a placebo or 200 µg or 400 µg of CrP per day. Subjects were asked to consume at least two servings of a protein/carbohydrate nutritional drink a day that contained the different amounts of CrP. Subjects were free-living and were not provided with weight loss, dietary, or exercise guidance. Body composition was measured before and after the 72-day test period by using underwater testing (displacement method) with residual lung volumes determined by helium dilution. On completion of the posttest, a body composition improvement (BCI) index was calculated for each subject by adding the loss of body fat and gain in nonfat mass and subtracting fat gained and lean lost. Analysis of the prestudy data revealed that there were no significant differences in body composition between the three groups. After the test period, both the 200-µg and 400-µg groups had significantly higher positive changes in BCIs compared with placebo. A single-factor analysis of variance weighted linear trend was also highly significant. No significant differences in BCI were found between the 200- and 400-µg groups. Supplementation with a minimum of 200 µg/d of chromium (as CrP) can lead to significant improvement in body composition.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Picolinate Supplementation Attenuates Body Weight Gain and Increases Insulin Sensitivity in Subjects With Type 2 DiabetesJulie Martin, MS, RD1, Zhong Q. Wang, MD2, Xian H. Zhang, BS2, Deborah Wachtel, NP, MPH1, Julia Volaufova, PHD3, Dwight E. Matthews, PHD1 and William T. Cefalu, MD2Author Affiliations1Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont2Division of Nutrition and Chronic Diseases, Pennington Biomedical Research Center, Louisiana State University System, Baton Rouge, Louisiana3Biostatistics Program, School of Public Health, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, New Orleans, LouisianaAddress correspondence and reprint requests to William T. Cefalu, MD, Pennington Biomedical Research Center, 6400 Perkins Rd., Baton Rouge, LA 80808. E-mail: cefaluwt@pbrc.eduAbstractOBJECTIVE—Chromium picolinate (CrPic) supplementation has been suggested to improve glycemia, but there are conflicting reports on efficacy. We sought to determine the effect of CrPic on insulin sensitivity, glycemic control, and body composition in subjects with type 2 diabetes.RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS—Thirty-seven subjects with type 2 diabetes were evaluated. After baseline, subjects were placed on a sulfonylurea (glipizide gastrointestinal therapeutic system 5 mg/day) with placebo for 3 months. Subjects were then randomized in a double-blind fashion to receive either the sulfonylurea plus placebo (n = 12) or the sulfonylurea plus 1,000 µg Cr as CrPic (n = 17) for 6 months. Body composition, insulin sensitivity, and glycemic control were determined at baseline, end of the 3-month single-blind placebo phase, and end of study.RESULTS—Subjects randomized to sulfonylurea/placebo, as opposed to those randomized to sulfonylurea/CrPic, had a significant increase in body weight (2.2 kg, P < 0.001 vs. 0.9 kg, P = 0.11), percent body fat (1.17%, P < 0.001 vs. 0.12%, P = 0.7), and total abdominal fat (32.5 cm2, P < 0.05 vs. 12.2 cm2, P < 0.10) from baseline. Subjects randomized to sulfonylurea/CrPic had significant improvements in insulin sensitivity corrected for fatfree mass (28.8, P < 0.05 vs. 15.9, P = 0.4), GHb (−1.16%, P < 0.005 vs. −0.4%, P = 0.3), and free fatty acids (−0.2 mmol/l, P < 0.001 vs. −0.12 mmol/l, P < 0.03) as opposed to sulfonylurea/placebo.CONCLUSIONS—This study demonstrates that CrPic supplementation in subjects with type 2 diabetes who are taking sulfonylurea agents significantly improves insulin sensitivity and glucose control. Further, CrPic supplementation significantly attenuated body weight gain and visceral fat accumulation compared with the placebo group.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------86. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL RESEARCH343August 30, 2006Eur J Med Res (2006) 11: 343-350 © I. Holzapfel Publishers 2006EFFICACYOF12 WEEKS SUPPLEMENTATIONOF A BOTANICAL EXTRACT BASED WEIGHT LOSS FORMULA ON BODY WEIGHT, BODY COMPOSITION AND BLOOD CHEMISTRY IN HEALTHY, OVERWEIGHT SUBJECTS–A RANDOMISED DOUBLE-BLIND PLACEBO-CONTROLLED CLINICAL TRIALT. Opala1, P. Rzymski1, I. Pischel2, M. Wilczak3, J. Wozniak11 Department of Mother’s and Child’s Health, Poznan University of Medical Science, Poznan, Poland2 Finzelberg GmbH & Co. KG, Andernach, Germany3 Department of Educational Medicine, Poznan University of Medical Science, Poznan, PolandAbstractObjective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of composite extracts in reducing weight, as the main outcome measure. Secondary measures of the study were body composition change.Design: Randomised, double blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial.Setting: Tertiary university clinic.Subjects: hundred and five subjects, 5 of them withdrawn consent, 2 drop-outs not related to study preparation.Intervention:Two tablet per meal concept supposed to generate a “psychological” therapy-like approach during 12 weeks supported by measured physical activity. The tablets 1 (one hour before meals, comprises extracts of Asparagus, Green tea, Black tea, Guarana, Mate and Kidney beans) and 2 (taken half an hour after meals, comprises extracts of Kidney bean pods, Garcinia cambogia, and Chromium yeast) are taken twice daily with two main meals.Results:A significant change of the Body Composition Improvement Index (BCI) was observed in the active extract group compared to placebo (p = 0.012). Weight, BMI, waist-to- hip ratio was not statistically different between groups.Body fat loss was greater in active group (p = 0.011) compared to placebo. A weight loss parameter corrected for exercise was introduced and found to be higherin active group (p = 0.046) than in placebo, meaning that the formula was more efficacious, due to a concurrently performed exercise program – a recommended strategy for life style modification.Conclusions:A significant change of the Body Composition Improvement Index and the decrease in body fat wasstatistically significant in active extract subjects compared to placebo. A change in some outcome measures like: weight, BMI failed to produce significant difference between groups.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF NUTRITION87. Chromium Research from a Distance: From 1959 to 1980Walter Mertz, MDAuthor AffiliationsFormer Director of the Human Nutrition Center, USDA, Beltsville, Maryland (Retired)AbstractMore than 50 years of work have led to the recognition of trivalent chromium as an essential element. Shortly after its identification as an essential element in 1959, its interaction with insulin in vitro and in vivo was established, and the site of action identified as the insulin-sensitive cell membrane. Despite other early clinical successes with chromium supplementation, four major problems have influenced the rate of progress since then: 1) chromium analysis; 2) interaction of chromium with other dietary factors; 3) diagnosis of chromium status; and 4) other controversies, such as the carcinogenic potential of chromium (since disproved) and the lack of an effect on glucose tolerance even in chromium deficient organisms (now explained). These controversies have mostly dissipated as new knowledge integrated seemingly irreconcilable facts and opinions. It is now known that chromium may potentiate the action of insulin either by an effect on insulin dependent functions, or by maintaining these functions with less insulin, or by a combination of both. Despite much progress in the last 30 years, major challenges in chromium research remain, such as the development of practical methods for diagnosing chromium deficiency. Of several approaches for solving this problem, the most feasible might be to standardize the urinary chromium response following an insulinogenic challenge, such as an oral load of glucose or of glucose plus fructose (for maximal stimulation) with urine collection before and during the 2-hour test.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------