Siv O'Neall - "We do not want to die in the rubble of neoliberalism!"
It seems perfectly clear that Roosevelt didn't implement the various reforms to get out of the Great Depression from any excessive sense of charity (even though he was most likely a basically sound man) but really in order to save Capitalism. That's a well-known fact and Pierre Larrouturou's founding of Roosevelt 2012 does not to me make him a Messiah. However, through his reforms, FDR did save millions of people from lives in poverty, hunger and misery. He implemented new work relief programs - the WPA (Work Projects Administration) and also banking reforms, the 'Emergency Banking Act' and several other social reforms.
If, however, you hesitate to call Roosevelt a people's man (as I do), just compare Roosevelt to Obama or his predecessors! And when, for that matter, would a revolutionary man or woman be elected President of the United States? It's clear that Roosevelt was a realist, not a flaming revolutionary.
Systems often hold longer than we think, but they end up by collapsing much faster than we imagine. "In those few words, the former chief economist of the IMF International, Kenneth Rogoff, sums up the situation of the global economy. As the Governor of the Bank of England, he asserts that "the next crisis may be worse than 1930" ...
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