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“Sahil Kapur” - Texas GOP Senator: Obama has ‘bias’ against Texas

Sahil Kapur

June 10, 2011

WASHINGTON – Republican Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison on Friday repeatedly accused the Obama administration of harboring a bias against Texas and treating it worse than it treats other states.

"I see a bias in this administration against Texas. I do see it in this administration, absolutely," the state's senior senator said on MSNBC's Daily Rundown. "I think if you look at the things that have not happened in Texas, I think it is pretty clear that there is a bias against Texas."

Hutchison, who will not seek re-election next year, griped that Texas "didn't get the help in the wildfires that I think any other state would have gotten." She also charged that Texas is "not getting the help we should have" from the administration to secure the Mexican border. "We have had to fight hard for our fair share," she complained.

Though there was some controversy last month surrounding disaster relief funds to Texas, President Barack Obama has poured hundreds of millions of dollars into border enforcement. Rarely, if ever, is a president accused by a senator of acting impartially against one particular state.