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Richard Eskow - Will Democrats Embrace American Austerity? Crash This Party and See

Heard about the meeting that's being held to decide your economic future? No? Don't feel bad: That's because you weren't invited.

But Tim Geithner was. So was Rep. Paul Ryan, the Republican member of Congress whose radical right-wing plans for cutting Medicare have made him the subject of a Mitt Romney "bromance." And so was Bill Clinton, who showed up last year and uttered the usual Beltway insider's falsehoods [1]about what's really wrong with Social Security.

Maybe your invitation to billionaire Pete Peterson's "Fiscal Summit [2]" got lost in the mail. Or maybe they really, really didn't want you there. Who cares? That's no reason not to go anyway.

Hey, Sen. Bernie Sanders wasn't invited, and his proposal for Social Security was more popular with the American people than anything that's likely to be discussed at this little get-together.

It's Your Party

That's right: There's a "summit," and nobody invited the American people. They didn't even invite the guy who proposed the fiscal plan that most Americans - including most Republicans - wanted, according to the polling data [3]. But he's going anyway.

That's Bernie for ya.

In fact, there will be a rally outside [4] and Bernie will be speaking there. The rally's at 1 pm on May 15 (next Monday, in front of the Peter G. Peterson Foundation Fiscal Summit. The address is 1301 Constitution Avenue NW in Washington.

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