"Progressive Radio Network Host Mitchell J. Rabin, Monday @ 6pm(est) - A Better World Newsletter

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A Better World on Progressive Radio Network
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TV shows are aired in Manhattan every Tuesday ay 10:30PM EST on ch.57 (RCN: ch.84 / Fios: ch.35)
Finding Peace in an Age of War When you've been raised within a context of war and taught that we fight wars to protect Democracy, instead of being one of the lowest expressions of human activity, war starts to look like a good thing. Young men grow up watching movies of WWI and WWII, listen to "war-stories" and are intrigued by the thrill and adventure of it all. Not to mention that "the good guys get to defeat the bad guys". When you add it all up, there is a glamorization and romance associated in the minds of people, especially the youth who are more impressionable that says something like "War is a good thing, it's always been with us, and it's a price we have to pay to protect our Democracy and way of life".
We are programmed from an early age to honor war and war heros. And what comes with these pictures is the idea that violence is a good, surely acceptable, way to resolve human conflict. Not through discussion, intellectual dialogue or diplomacy, but that brawn is more powerful than brain. In fact, the part of our brain that is being most honored is that most primitive of parts, the brain stem, also known as the reptilian brain. So the architects of Empire, the businesses that perpetrate war, are also encouraging regressive, not progressive, or evolutionary behavior in the people of a nation. From the point of view of control, of crafting values that are imposed upon people who consider themselves "free", this is a very powerful, effective intervention. It's worked. We know because there are so many young people who have fallen for the fallen idea that "war is good when it protects our Democracy and way of life", even when the basis, causes and effects of that 'way of life' go unexamined. This kind of programming by the media, which has been in no insubstantial part, owned by military equipment and armament manufacturers, is very lucrative. Anyone who wants to make a bundle of money but didn't come into this life with a heart, soul or conscience, this is a great career, business and livelihood. If you own the means to program, the "perception creators" and you have products you want to sell, it's a perfect marriage. The only problem is that your own kids may get duped too and want to sign up to protect oil interests/military interests, I mean Democracy, too, and you may lose them in the fog of war. Oh well, you can always manufacture a few more.
But if you've had any love in your early childhood, if you've been cared for and felt the love of mother and father, even of siblings and friends more than you felt anger, competitiveness, insult, despair or loneliness, the tendency to breed more mammalian love is ever-present. The desire to hurt, maim or kill is really non-existent, it's off the radar. Killing a flea or cockroach, takes an emotional toll, but at a certain point, one toughens oneself up to perform these upsetting but sometimes necessary acts. In short, we as a nation, and as a humanity, need, I do think, to pass through a re-humanizing process because modern life has put us through a powerful de-humanizing process. George Orwell was altogether too right, and Double-Speak permeates the speech of those who rule. Permanent war is something that people have come to accept. Our country's financial base has all but dissolved (manufacturing and agricultural), there is virtually no investment in it here in the U.S., only outsourcing and importing and infrastructure is collapsing. It is fading faster than Rome did and people still think we're No. 1. The entire idea of being "No. 1" is troubled in itself, but Americans don't generally see this--Lao-Tse saw this, other great spiritual teachers know this. It is for us to think about WE, not ME.
So to turn the whole ship around, which we do need to do, is through a startling, shocking realization, a shock as Mr. Gurdjieff would call it, that will push us out of lethargic thinking and into thinking with our hearts. This will open the way to the kind of present, the kind of life we all most want at the level of soul. So my friends, please let go of the usual kind of thinking that dominates the commercial TV waves, re-examine the dangers of war, of nuclear power (for any use), the horrors of polluting our water supply, be it with fracking or anything, demand lower decibels of sirens in our cities causing overwhelming anxiety, shift consciousness to WE instead of ME and let's get on with renewable energies, loving each other, cooperation as one of the highest goods, and compassion as the basis of our actions. Let's all become good Buddhas, Christians, Muslims, Taoists, Zorastrians and Jews, let's become the Divine Human!
A Better World Now Offers Portable, Award-winning,
Water Filters for Yourself, Family & Others
In these times, having a portable water filter for yourself and family, is smart, preventative thinking.
Learn more and order at: www.abetterworld.net/wellness/lifesaver-bottle
Additionally - A Better World is now a supplier to the U.N./NGO and Relief Agency communities. We have LifeSaver Bottles, the portable water filtration bottles, larger ones for a village and even solar-power water filtration systems that can then power a house from the stored energy. We have recycled, very well-priced pre-fab housing, large, flexible domes which can cover a field or a tent city. You can contribute to the Haitian People's Support Project (HPSP) through us and help to bring clean, cholera-free water to children across Haiti. If interested, send an email to abetterworldinfo@yahoo.com with the phrase "Clean Water for Haiti" and we'll send you information on how to donate. The individual water bottles are $199. is something that a child could walk around with.and always have access to clean water, even from a puddle.
JerrcanThe larger jerrycan that processes up to 20,000 gallons per filter for a village is $399. There would be many children and villagers who would love you if you were to purchase one or the other on their behalf. HPSP, founded by Haitian-American Pierre LeRoy, is dedicated to helping his fellow Haitians deal with this intense humanitarian crisis and shuttles between NY and Port-au-Prince routinely bringing supplies to the orphanages and schools he has set up there over the course of the past couple of decades. We at A Better World are currently helping to raise some funding for this organization.
Detoxify, Nourish & Feel-Look Younger at A Better World Wellness When people drink IN Extreme Energy Complex to amp up the bio-electricity of their cells in the morning, they feel better all day. When they take Maxodin to keep their brain and nervous system working harmoniously and coherently their mental clarity, memory and health begin to change.
Is anti-aging or "healthy longevity" interesting ideas to you? If so, look at GSH-IGNITE and Adrenal Reboot which, when combined with a good dietary and exercise regimen, one gathers a significant amount of energy and can lose weight as well. Glutathione, one of the body's most powerful anti-oxidants, is the basis of GSH. On weekends, for exercise and pleasure, I play paddle-tennis, a scaled-down form of tennis. When I get up in the morning, I take IN Extreme Energy daily, and just before going to work out or to play, I take GSH-IGNITE and oh my, has my game improved due to greater strength, energy, stamina and endurance. My fellow teammates probably think I've been taking steroids! Because these are all-natural and largely organic, A Better World makes these available to its community and the public.
To read more in depth about these or to order them, go to: www.abetterworld.net/wellness. This is one of the easiest, least expensive ways to seriously care for one's health. There is more....look out for next issues! For an article Mitchell just wrote on "The Body Electric", go to: http://living-well.net/2009/12/07/eating-food-gaining-electrical-charge-the-wonders-of-electro-nutrition/
We appreciate feedback at A Better World.
The good, bad & ugly. Please keep it coming!
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Watch A Better World TV (Tuesdays at 10:30pm EST) online
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You can watch A Better World TV on the air in Manhattan at Ch. 57 (T-W), 84 (RCN) or 35 (Fios).
Blessings to all!