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"Progressive Radio Network Host Bhavani Jaroff, Wednesday @ 5pm I Eat Green Newsletter

iEat Green with Bhavani on The Progressive Radio Network            

School Garden in Uganda that Slow Food Huntington is helping to support.

Lettuce planted with the Girl Scouts to feed the needy

Hello Everyone,

I'd like to remind you to listen to my radio show today at 5pm, EST.  My guest will be Dr. Paul Connett. He is a graduate of Cambridge University and holds a Ph.D. in chemistry from Dartmouth College.  Since 1983, he taught chemistry at St. Lawrence University in Canton, NY where he specialized in Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology. He retired in May 2006.  Over the past 26 years his research on waste management has taken him to 49 states in the US, and 55 other countries, where he has given over 2000 pro bono public presentations.  Ralph Nader said of Paul Connett, "He is the only person I know who can make waste interesting.”


Paul Connett has researched the literature on fluoride’s toxicity and the fluoridation debate for 15 years. He helped found the Fluoride Action Network (FAN) see He has given invited presentations on the dangers of fluoridation to legislative and research bodies in Australia, Canada, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, the UK and the US. That latter has included presentations to both the US EPA and the National Research Council.


With Professors James Beck and Henry Micklem, Paul Connett has authored a book on fluoridation entitled The Case Against Fluoride: How Hazardous Waste Ended up in Our Drinking Water and the Bad Science and Powerful Politics that Keep it There. The book was published by Chelsea Green in October 2010 and can be ordered from


My guest next week will be Leda Meredith. She is the author of The Locavore’s Handbook: The Busy Person’s Guide to Eating Local on a Budget. Her previous book, Botany, Ballet, & Dinner from Scratch: A Memoir with Recipes, chronicled her 250-mile diet eating almost exclusively foods grown, foraged, and raised within 250 miles of New York City. She is an instructor at the New York Botanical Garden and the Brooklyn Botanic Garden specializing in edible and medicinal plants. Leda is the recipient of Adelphi University’s Teaching Excellence award. She also has a 30+-year career as a dancer, choreographer, and dance writer. You can follow Leda’s local foods adventures on her blog at, and more about her dance career at


Remember, it is every Wednesday from 5-6 pm, EST.


If you miss the show, you can always listen in at a later date by going into the archives. It usually takes 24 hours for the current show to be put on line, but all the past shows (along with the recipes) can be downloaded from the website. All of the shows are also available through iTunes and are downloadable onto your iPhone.



Just go to the PRN website, my direct link is:,  scroll down and choose which show you want to listen to. Then press “download”. The show will come on, or you can download it to your iPod and listen in the car or wherever!


In peace and love,



Upcoming Events


TOMORROW: Public Meeting on Indian Point: Tell the NRC What Really Matters

**Free Bus from Manhattan**


When: June 2, 2011 6:30PM to 9:30PM

Where: Colonial Terrace,119 Oregon Road Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567

There will be free busing provided going from Manhattan to the event in Cortlandt Manor NY. Buses are leaving from 45th Street (at Vanderbilt) on the NW corner of Grand Central Terminal at 4PM (You must be at the bus by 3:45). Seating is limited and you must RSVP to be on a bus.





Join Riverkeeper on Thursday, June 2 and tell the NRC in person what you think about Indian Point. It’s the public’s last chance before the relicensing hearing in the fall to make sure the NRC, and our local elected officials, hear loud and clear about our concerns following the Fukushima nuclear disaster. The NRC has gamed the system long enough! It’s time for us to turn up the pressure on the NRC at this critical time, and the best way to do that is to show up and speak out!


Bay Day


When: Sunday, June 5th, 11 am - 5 pm

Where: Beekman Beach, Oyster Bay, NY


Bay Day is an annual festival, hosted by The WaterFront Center, to promote environmental awareness and stewardship. It's a free community event that strengthens the connection to Oyster Bay and the marine environment by providing exciting, water related activities. Live music will be on stage throughout the day for your enjoyment and food and refreshments will be served for your convenience. The WaterFront Center specifically will provide activities including: Anything That Floats Race (ATFR), Harbor Tours aboard the Christeen , free sails aboard our Sonars, free use of our kayaks, and touch tanks of local marine life. Other local not for profits and businesses that align with our vision have been invited to share with the public what they are working on, their goals, values and mission. Those groups will have various activities and information available and be on site to answer your questions. iEat Green, Slow Food Huntington and NOFA will be tabling at this event. Come say hello!


Food Rebels, Guerrilla Gardeners, and Smart Cookin' Mamas

An entertaining evening with author and food activist Mark Winne & Emmy Award-Winning Journalist JohnHockenberry


When: Tuesday, June 7, 2011 at 7:00 PM

Where: New York, New York


This is a fundraising event to support Harvest Home Farmers Market, a 501(c)3 non profit organization dedicated to bringing fresh, locally produce to low income neighborhoods. Tickets cost $75 and include dinner and a signed copy of the book, "Food Rebels, Guerrilla Gardeners, and Smart Cookin' Mamas".

To purchase tickets click here


Contact: Naila Rosario 212-828-3361


Sustainability Institute at Molloy Presents: A movie screening of Carbon Nation


Where: Molloy College Suffolk Center, Farmingdale, NY            

When: 6:30 PM, June 16th


Bring an unused and unwanted cell phone or electronic handheld to be eligible to win a free gift


Stone Barns Center Speaker Series Part IV:

Bill McKibben


When: Wednesday, June 22,

7:00 PM

Where: Stone Barns Center, 630 Bedford Road

Tarrytown, NY 10591


Join Stone Barns for the fourth and final installment of a four-part speaker series about the future of food and farming.  They have assembled some of the leading experts and voices in the field to explore the latest thinking about sustainable food production and what tomorrow will hold for agriculture and its impact on the health of people, communities and the planet.


Bill McKibben ~ Author, educator, environmentalist and founder of

For years Bill McKibben has been a uniting force and an influential activist in addressing the global climate crisis.  His first book The End of Nature was published in 1989 and in 2008 he founded—a revolutionary international climate campaign with networks in more than 180 countries.  McKibben’s new book, Eaarth, was released this spring to rave reviews. His rational and realistic view of the future puts him at the forefront of creating solutions to our climate problems.  Join me at Stone Barns and listen to this expert discuss his vision for a better tomorrow—a tomorrow built on societies and economies that concentrate on essentials, with local and internet communities ready to face the trials of our new planet.


To learn more about the entire speaker series, please click here


Take Action!


Your tax dollars shouldn't fund disinformation about pesticides in food!


The Alliance for Food and Farming (AFF), a California-based pro-pesticide, big agriculture group, makes the bizarre charge that Environmental Working Group's Shopper's Guide to Pesticides has influenced people to eat fewer vegetables.


The  California Department of Food and Agriculture and U.S. Department of Agriculture handed $180,000 of your money to this front group -- specifically to counter "claims by activist groups about unsafe levels of pesticides."


If you think financing attacks on non-profit food safety watchdog groups like EWG is an outrageous way to spend your tax dollars, the USDA needs to hear from you today. Nearly 55,000 EWG supporters have already signed, but the USDA still hasn't released their data on pesticide residues on produce.

Click Here to sign the Petition


In the News




The EWG (Environmental Working Group) released its 5th annual sunscreen report, in which more than 600 beach and sport sunscreens were analyzed.  They could only recommend one in five sunscreens for this summer! The rest either don't protect enough or contain hazardous ingredients that don't belong on your skin.


If you or someone you know counts on sunscreen as protection against sunburn and as a preventive against sun damage and skin cancer, please take a moment to check out the most comprehensive Sunscreen Guide to date. You can look up your sunscreen or find out the top-rated sunscreens.


Click here to check out this year's Sunscreen Guide!








The oceans supply us with food, help regulate our climate, and supply a livelihood for millions of people.  Today, no part of the oceans remain unaffected by human activities. And among the many factors influencing our ocean ecosystems, none has a greater impact than fishing.

 Scientists estimate that we have removed as much as 90 percent of the large predatory fish such as shark, swordfish and cod from the world's oceans. In 2003, the Pew Oceans Commission warned that the world's oceans are in a state of "silent collapse," threatening our food supply, marine economies, recreation and the natural legacy we leave our children.


Through better practices, we can create healthy, abundant oceans for everyone. Seafood Watch, a program of the Monterey Bay Aquarium, has always been about making this vision a reality. Working with consumers, fishermen, restaurants, retailers and suppliers, we've been making a difference since 1999.

But there is still much to be done.


Learn which seafood to buy or avoid