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Practical Steps that Every American Can Take To Replace Fascism with Democracy

·       Plan Ahead.  Every major successful movement requires careful study and preparation in order to form an organized agenda and timetable.

·       Gather around a unifying theme with others who are suffering. Rally around a higher principle that is universally beneficial. In this context, establish a specific goal or set of goals, and place the most important objectives at the top of the list.

·       Shift the focus from saying “no” to things like the corporate state and predatory banking practices to saying “yes” to economic, social and political justice.  

·       Adopt a symbol and slogan to effectively express your cause.

·       Communicate your goals through the internet – take advantage of Facebook, Twitter, MeetUp.Com and other social networking sites to educate and plan and come together with others of like mind to make a difference. 

·       Stage a nonviolent protest, sit-in, teach-in.   Enlist the help of elderly women and children to lead the march.  Have them carry flowers or another symbol expressing peaceful resistance.

·       Take your message to religious institutions and community forums.  

·       Be your own lobbyist and get in the face of your government officials. Coordinate a campaign to call national, state and local elected officials and demand action by the government.  Be visible and demonstrate outside their offices.    

·       Boycott at least 10 major supporters of globalization. Retailers including WalMart , K-Mart, Target, Walgreens, RiteAid, Sears, Best Buy,  7-Eleven, and Staples. This also applies to all fast food businesses like McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy’s, and Subway as well as supermarket chains like Whole Foods and ShopRite.

·       Boycott all clothing not made at a living wage – This includes the clothing sold at stores such as Macy’s, Gap, JC Penney’s. If your clothing was made in China, Bangladesh or any other sweatshop nation, it was almost certainly produced by slave labor.    

·       Boycott the mainstream media outlets that, by and large, refuse to challenge the status quo – these include FoxNews, CNN, MSNBC and the NYTimes.

·       Boycott all banks that charge usurious interest rates. 

·       Recall the sound advice of renowned Harvard Professor Gene Sharp in From Dictatorship to Democracy:

If people can grasp what is required for their own liberation, they can chart courses of action which, through much travail, can eventually bring them their freedom.  Then, with diligence they can construct a new democratic order and prepare for its defense. 

Freedom won by struggle of this type can be durable.  It can be maintained by a tenacious people committed to its preservation and enrichment.”