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PF Louis - Agriculture cooperatives could end hunger while boosting socio-economic development in impoverished regions

Monsanto and Cargill keep rolling on, leading a handful of other mega-corporations toward planetary food and farming control that ensures our demise. Meanwhile, important studies are ignored by our corrupt governments who are heavily influenced and infiltrated by those very same companies.

A world-wide study was initiated by the United Nations (UN) a few years ago to investigate solutions for world hunger as our population increases. This contradicts the efforts of certain elites who create humanitarian covers for their agenda of radically decreasing the populationwith unworkable and toxic large-scale agricultural programs.

The UN study's conclusion contradicts their plans completely.

The UN report involved many experts and took a few years to complete. The report's coordinator, Olivier De Schutter, presented this press release that received scant attention: "We won't solve hunger and stop climate change with industrial farming on large plantations. The solution lies in supporting small-scale farmers [and to] contribute to rural development. Each region must be able to feed itself."

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