"Mitchell J. Rabin progressiveradionetwork.com Host - Monday 6pm (est)" - A Better World Newsletter
on Progressive Radio Network Mondays 6pm EST
Tony Avella |
Carl Arnold |
John Conrad |
Emily Squires |
Monday, May 9, 6pm EST: Fracking Roundtable: This program will be a Roundtable Discussion on the controversial and highly important subject of hydro-fracking, the physical & chemical breakage of shale to release gas. To shed light on this subject, Mitchell will have NY State Senator Tony Avella who just sponsored a bill that bans fracking in NYS, Carl Arnold of the Sierra Club, has testified at hearings, lobbied in Albany and NY City, to ban fracking in NYS before it yields the same kind of harm it has in other areas of the country. John A. Conrad, President- hydrogeololist of Conrad Geo-Science Corp. and member of IOGA, provides environmental services for government agencies, institutions and businesses, including the energy industry and has done so for over 20 years. Emily Squires, director/writer, won 6 Emmys as Director of Sesame Street, winner of a Cine Golden Eagle for her documentary on artist Frederick Franck and wrote Spiritual Places in and around New York City with her husband, Len Belzer. Emily and Len have a house in Wayne County in PA. where gas companies are eager to begin the fracking process.
where all shows are permanently archived.
Or out of Manhattan? Watch Webcast, same day/time at www.abetterworld.net
The behavior of the U.S. government and this Administration is so curious. By now, most people have forgotten about Osama Bin Laden. What we remember of him is that his family are business partners with the Bush family in the Carlisle Group, and that Osama helped out the CIA any number of times when they were in need. He was said to have been involved with the 9-11 tragedy at the WTC but he was never arraigned, convicted or found guilty of anything connected to that, except in the court of public opinion. So the truth is, we don't really know. We do know that he provided a wonderful foil for the Bush Administration to go to war in Afghanistan because they heard that he was there, and that he got kidney dialysis. One story had it that the U.S. knew which hosptial he went to in Dubai many years ago during the Bush Administration, but he was so valuable to the military industrial complex by providing story about why we need war, the last thing they really wanted to do is actually find him.
But now, we've been told that he was shot and so he won't be tried, we have no idea what he was guilty of except leaving his wealthy family behind for what may have been strong ideological and/or other differences. In fact, he'll be dumped into the ocean, which is enough to insult any self-respecting individual, let alone Muslims. It's almost like Obama was reading from a playbook called "How to make the Muslim World Hate You..." It's all some form of political sham, or scam, or both.
As a nation, we have gotten so caught up in pathetic soap operas, which appear as reality, but which really just mask it, and keep us from our own deeper natures. The Earth is crying, our People are crying, 2-and 3-leggeds are screaming and dying, and we need to see what we're collectively doing to our planet, which is to say, to ourselves, and stop it. To grow up and stop it. What really matters is swept under the rug while the media plays on the human tendency toward "Fama", as Vergil, in the Aenead refers to it, Rumor or gossip. The media amplifies this negative tendency and occupies our minds with trivia and nonsense. But this is where so many of us spend our precious, natural resources of energy, chi and attention.
This is an amazing fact. For those of you who know who they are, from the Andes Mountains in Columbia, they are so fair away from our kind of civilization. Many of them are seers, clairvvoyants, are so close to the Earth that they hear her heartbeat and report back what it is they hear and feel. They are in Menla Mountain Retreat this weekend, meeting with other Native elders of Turtle Island, in an attempt to educate and wake people up to Earth's reality, instead of just that in one's onw mind.
It's hard to tell you what you're in for if you've never experience him before. Oh this is your chance. He comes in on a flying carpet, he's gaily laughing and once he lands he starts telling jokes about everything from spirituality to politics. You want to say "get back on your carpet and come back with better jokes!" but you bite your tongue, and then before you know it, you're doubled over from laughter, thrilled that he stayed! And he knows just what to laugh at and make fun of. it is obvious, by the end of the night, that the Swami is one heck of an enlightened guy.
A Better World, MetaCenter and New Realities have joined together to invite the Enlightened Swamiji to our City, where he did originate, to entertain us in his own old backyard. If you want to experience deep wisdom through light humor, reserve your seat at the MetaCenter on Wed., June 15 while tickets are still available. A raffle ticket for a Magic Carpet Ride is given to the first 100 people who reserve a seat and pay in advance, and are wise enough to enjoy the discount.
Truly Swami Beyondananda knows how to bring a house down, and you just want to make sure you're in it when it happens. If you've seen him and you know what I'm talking about, or haven't yet, but want to, make sure to come to this rare NYC appearance of the Swami and join us for a special evening, lightening up what has become altogether too heavy. All your chakras are going to giggle and get charged up. It's a chakra-charge without charging a nickel more.
How to Participate & Donate
LifeSaver Bottles, the portable water filtration bottles, larger ones for a village and even solar-power water filtration systems that can then power a house from the stored energy. We have recycled, very well-priced pre-fab housing, large, flexible domes which can cover a field or a tent city. You can contribute to the Haitian People's Support Project (HPSP) through us and help to bring clean, cholera-free water to children across Haiti. If interested, send an email to abetterworldinfo@yahoo.com with the phrase "Clean Water for Haiti" and we'll send you information on how to donate. The individual water bottles are $199. is something that a child could walk around with.and always have access to clean water, even from a puddle.
JerrcanThe larger jerrycan that processes up to 20,000 gallons per filter for a village is $399. There would be many children and villagers who would love you if you were to purchase one or the other on their behalf. HPSP, founded by Haitian-American Pierre LeRoy, is dedicated to helping his fellow Haitians deal with this intense humanitarian crisis and shuttles between NY and Port-au-Prince routinely bringing supplies to the orphanages and schools he has set up there over the course of the past couple of decades. We at A Better World are currently helping to raise some funding for this organization.
212 420-0800