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Leslie Carol Botha - Governor Brown Signs Parent’s Worst Nightmare into Law Gives Custody of 12 Year Old's to the State 

By Leslie Carol Botha, Vice President Public Relations

October 20, 2011

The fatality of a 14 year old California girl was entered into the VAERS database on August 23, 2011 – 134 days after her death in April. The latest Gardasil victim died of cardiac arrest 14 days after vaccination.  According to VAERS report # 430780 , the adolescent was vaccinated on March 28, had no other life-threatening illnesses, and received no other vaccinations.

The VAERS write up includes this statement: “Found dead in bed in a.m. by family. Pathologist stated cause of death as consistent with cardiac insufficiency, due to cardiac arrhythmia, due to probable early cardiomyopathy. Child Death Review Team felt this death was consistent with a diagnosis of sudden cardiac death.”

The untimely and sad passing of this innocent previously healthy young girl now marks the 4th death post-HPV vaccination in the state of California. Janny Stokvis, VAERS Analyst for SANE Vax Inc. who found the latest VAERS fatality also reports that there have been 1548 adverse injuries* from Gardasil and Cervarix reported in the state.

California VAERS Reports on Adverse Injuries from HPV 4 Gardasil & HPV 2 Cervarix 
Life Threatening – 25

Serious  – 102
Emergency Room/Doctor Visits – 680
Hospitalization – 57
Extended Hospital Stays – 14
Did Not Recover – 249
Disabled – 46
Death – 4:  ages 14, 19, 13, 16

*1 to 10% of the vaccinated population reporting

The Government of California now has Custody of 12 year old Children

SANE Vax Inc. wants to know, “Governor Brown – were you aware of the mounting injuries and deaths of innocent, previously healthy adolescents in the state of California before you signed AB 499 into law last week?”

The bill, sponsored by pharmaceutical giant Merck – the manufacturer of Gardasil, allows health care providers in the state of California to by-pass parental consent giving children as young as 12 years old the ‘power’ to consent to Gardasil without their parents’ knowledge. How many more families will have to find their loved ones dead in their beds – before the governor realizes that the HPV vaccines are posing serious threats to the children of California?

Although the threat to parental informed consent is a huge issue – there are other serious allegations about AB 499 regarding wasteful taxpayer expenditures in a financially disparate state, the relationship between the bill’s sponsor and Merck, and the states prerogative to strip parents of their right and responsibilities.

Was money passed under the table to convince you to sign this bill into law? How can you turn your back on the very parents/families whose rights you have historically defended over your years in office? What happened to responsibility, accountability and government transparency?

SANE Vax Inc. is tired of the rhetoric surrounding the HPV vaccine issue.  Peer-reviewed analysis and studies many of them on the FDA, NCI and CDC web sites point out the dangers of many of the vaccine ingredients including the potential for the HPV vaccines to increase the risk for pre-cancerous lesions if adolescents have been previously exposed to the human papillomavirus and then get vaccinated: 44.6% increase post Gardasil; 32.5% post Cervarix.

In addition, SANE Vax Inc. has spent the last month informing the US, UK, European and Australian medical regulators of a Gardasil contaminant from a genetically engineered HPV DNA virus in 100% of the vials tested.  The lab tests showed that all doses were contaminated with recombinant (genetically modified) DNA fragments firmly attached to the aluminum adjuvant, making it much easier for them to pass into the body’s cells, potentially causing cellular mutations leading to cancer or a wide variety of autoimmune disorders, as well as passing through the blood-brain barrier risk causing strokes, brain damage, encephalitis, meningitis and death – all reactions reported to VAERS after administration of this ‘potentially’ dangerous vaccine.

Until April 2011, all promotional material relating to Gardasil® both prior to and after its licensure, assured medical consumers that there was no viral DNA contaminating this vaccine.

Governor Brown your salary is paid by taxpayers. You are charged with the mission of protecting the health and safety of the citizens of California. Unless you can explain your motives when you signed AB 499 your actions will demonstrate that you violated federal vaccine safety law requiring informed consent by a parent for any vaccine delivered to a child. And you will be remembered as One More Governor who betrayed the trust of your electorate.

Read Full Press Release here.....