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« “Sarah Laskow” - Pipeline industry funded two-thirds of pipeline safety studies | Main | “David Roberts” - Standing up for the EPA: the panel that’s sweeping the nation »

“Jess Zimmerman” - The oceans may be going extinct

Ocean ecosystems are taking a faster nosedive than anyone predicted. Without urgent action, coral reefs and entire fish species could disappear in a generation. Why is this happening? Do you really need to ask? Hint: It rhymes with shmarbon shmioxide.

CO2 in the atmosphere increases the temperature of ocean water, throwing off the pH and making the oxygen-hogging algae population explode. Result: OCEAN DOOM. Our options for approaching the problem are pretty much:

  1. Massive changes to our stewardship of the planet, including reducing carbon emissions, halting overfishing, closing unsustainable fisheries, and nipping pollution in the bud, OR
  2. A terrible revenge enacted by a wrathful Neptune, God of the Sea.