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Greenpeace: Indian Point the next Chernobyl, Fukushima?

More than 17 million people live within 50 miles of Indian Point, nuclear plant in active seismic zone north of New York City.

WASHINGTON - April 26 - Travelers at Grand Central Station were met by Greenpeace activists highlighting the threat to millions of people from New York's Indian Point nuclear plant on the 25th anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster.

Will it take a Chernobyl or a Fukushima on US soil before we understand that nuclear power is unnecessary, dangerous and expensive?" said Jim Riccio, Greenpeace USA Nuclear Policy Analyst. "If a similar catastrophic release of radiation occurred at Indian Point, millions of people would be at risk, and evacuation would be impossible. We need to shut down Indian Point, and phase out nuclear power in favor of safe solutions like renewable energy and energy efficiency."

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission advised Americans to evacuate a 50 mile radius zone around Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant. Nationwide, 1 in 3 Americans lives within 50 miles of a nuclear plant. [1]

A new video released today highlights the threat to New York City from the Indian Point nuclear plant.

Greenpeace radiation monitoring teams in Japan have carried out radiation measurements outside the mandatory evacuation zone around the Fukushima nuclear plant and detected radiation levels that warrant wider evacuation. Independent radiation monitoring will continue this week, as the Greenpeace ship Rainbow Warrior plans to conduct contamination tests on seawater and marine life along the Japanese coast.