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German Pirate Party to rock Merkel’s boat?

Germany’s infamous Pirate Party took 8 per cent of the vote in the country’s biggest state, making it the fourth region where they have parliamentary seats. With the national elections set for 2013, could these political buccaneers threaten Merkel?

"We have written history today," said Michele Marsching, chairman of the state chapter of the Pirates, in tears of joy. “Now it is time to party, politics should be fun!" he added.

The Pirates won the support of voters in the parliament of Schleswig-Holstein in the North of Germany on Sunday, the same day that Merkel faced an embarrassing defeat against opposition in North Rhine-Westphalia.

The unorthodox party has enjoyed growing popularity throughout Germany recently, capitalizing on the votes of Germans disgruntled with Angela Merkel’s harsh austerity measures.

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