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« “Dr. Mercola” - Can Eating Local Honey Cure Allergies? | Main | “Dr. Mercola” - Omega-3 Fats Shown to Decrease Risk of Dying from Inflammatory Diseases »

“Dr. Mercola” - This Common OTC Painkiller Found Linked to Cancer

Dr. Mercola

May 10, 2011

New research shows that long-time chronic users of acetaminophen, the active ingredient of Tylenol, have an increased risk for blood cancers. It's still uncertain exactly what role the drug plays in the disease.

It was already believed that acetaminophen might increase the risk of the cancers, but until now that hypothesis was based on individual cases. The new study tracked a large population of healthy people over time.

According to Reuters:

“The scientists followed nearly 65,000 older men and women in Washington State. At the outset, they asked the participants about their use of painkillers over the past ten years and made sure that no one had cancer ... After accounting for things like age, arthritis and a family history of certain blood cancers, chronic acetaminophen users had nearly twice the risk of developing the disease.”