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"Donna Rae" - Echinacea purpurea proven effective against radiation

by Donna Rae

(NaturalNews) Echinacea purpurea, long known for its immune-supporting properties, is the herbalist's first choice for any kind of systemic infection, such as colds and other upper respiratory infections. It is used to treat urinary tract infections, candida issues, and many other disorders. It is no real surprise to learn that echinacea has been clinically proven to reduce the effects of radiation in both mouse models and in human trials.

Echinacea Purpurea Protects White Blood Cells In Irradiated Mice

In a clinical study involving mice, echinacea purpurea was used to suppress the effect of radiation-induced leukopenia, the reduction of white blood cells due to radiation. The July 2004 edition of Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin published a clinical study performed on mice at the Nagaragawa Research Center in Japan. Not only were white blood cell counts higher in echinacea purpurea-treated mice following whole-body irradiation, but there also was a faster blood cell count recovery time. The conclusion was that echinacea purpurea was shown to enhance the immune system in irradiated mice.

Echinacea Purpurea Protects Gamma-Irradiated Mice

An efficacy study performed on gamma-irradiated mice showed that echinacea purpurea protected affected mice more than a control group of mice. In this study, performed at the National Center For Radiation Research and Technology in Cairo, Egypt, echinacea purpurea was given to male mice who had been irradiated with gamma rays for two weeks. Blood hemoglobin, the number of red blood cells and white blood cells, and bone marrow cells were all negatively affected by the radiation before the echinacea treatment started. Significant changes were also observed in other areas, as well. The radio-protective efficiency was shown to be greater in the group of mice who had been given echinacea purpurea than in the control group.

Echinacea Purpurea Found Effective Against Radiation In Humans After Chernobyl

In a press release dated May 11, 1999, the Echinacea Symposium announced that Dr. Victoriya F. Pochernyayeva, a leading researcher from the former Soviet Union, would review the results of her long term studies on the effects of echinacea and radiation after the Chernobyl nuclear reactor incident in the Ukraine. During the 1999 Echinacea Symposium, Dr. Pochernyayeva's findings showed that echinacea purpurea protected people who were exposed to high levels of radiation. Her studies also showed that echinacea purpurea was effective in protecting the male reproductive system from the effects of radiation, and that echinacea protects organs and tissues from radiation damage.

Echinacea Purpurea May Be Beneficial In Preventing Adverse Effects of Radiation in Humans

research team led by G. Joksic, and published in the June 2009 issue of Arhiv Za Higijenu Rada I Toksicologiju, investigated the radio-protective properties of echinacea purpurea in vivo. The researchers analyzed chromosome aberrations and other parameters in a group of radiation workers who were found to be carrying dicentric chromosomes in their lymphatic systems. The radiation workers were prescribed 550 mg of echinacea tablets twice a day for two weeks. At the end of the two week treatment and study, all parameters were normal. The conclusion of the study was that echinacea purpurea may be beneficial in the prevention of adverse health effects during radiation exposure.