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« Danny Schechter - Remember Rousseau: Property Rights and Human Rights Are Still At War | Main | Susoni - CGI: U.S. judges' tragic kickback greed exposes prison system profiteering »

Do women feel more pain than men?

According to a new studypublished in the appropriately titled Journal of Pain, women, on average, experience higher levels of pain than their male counterparts — and by a large margin. What's the evidence? Here, a guide:

How was this study conducted?
Researchers analyzed the electronic medical records of 11,000 men and women who were patients at the Stanford Hospital and Clinics. They specifically looked at how each person rated their pain on a 0 ("no pain") to 11 ("worst pain imaginable") scale — sifting through a total of more than 161,000 pain scores. The study included patients suffering from 47 different disorders and 250 different diagnoses, ranging from cancer to back conditions to infectious diseases.

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