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« Amy Fried - What's Worse Than Being Called the "S" Word?: Why Rush's "Apology" Added Insult to Injury | Main | Jonathan Turley - So, Eric Holder, we should just trust that the president won't assassinate us? »

Brentin Mock - Five Million Voters May Lose Rights in the 2012 Elections

Today’s Super Tuesday primary involves 10 states and 437 delegates at stake for the Republican Party’s presidential prospects. There are two states among that crop that are worth taking a look at: Georgia and Tennessee. Both are emblems for a growing, and troubling, legislative trend in which new election laws mandate citizens to produce photo identification to vote, ask people to prove their citizenship to vote, or outright curtail voter registration efforts.

According to the Brennan Center for Justice, as many as five million eligible voters could meet difficulties this Election Day due to these new, imposing voter laws.

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