Anti Aging Part 6: Resources

Dr. Terry Beardsley is president of Visale, Inc. Formerly, Dr. Beardsley was assistant professor in the department of biology at the University of California, in San Diego and a research scientist for SmithKline.
Roberta Certner is a licensed acupuncturist and President of the New York State Association of Professional Acupuncturists.
Dr. Elmer Cranton is the author of Resetting the Clock: Five Anti-Aging Hormones that are Revolutionizing the Quality and Length of Life. He is a graduate of Harvard Medical School, with practices in Virginia and Washington.
Dr. Ward Dean is the co-author of Smart Drugs and Nutrients and Smart Drugs II: The Next Generation. He served on the founding board of directors of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, and hers written extensively for The Biology of Aging: Life Extension and Smart Drugs. To order Dr. Orden's books and to receive a free nutritional newsletter, call 1-800-877-2447.
Jed Diamond is a licensed psychologist and the author of Male Menopause and other men's issues books. He is a teacher of addiction studies at the University of California at Berkley. His books can be ordered by calling 1-800-432-7444.
Dr. Felice Dunas is the author of Passion Play: Ancient Secrets for a Lifetime of Health and Happiness through Sensual Sex. She has been practicing acupuncture since 1974, and received her doctorate in clinical Chinese medicine and pharmacology. She maintains a practice in Los Angeles.
Ann Louise Gittleman is the author of Before the Change: Take Charge of Your Perimenopause. She has a master's degree in nutritional education from Teacher's College, Columbia University, and she maintains a private practice. To order this book, call 1-800-888-4353.
Dr. Parris Kidd has a Ph.D. in cell biology from the University of California in Berkeley and has established a reputation as an expert in cell biology with a wide variety of nutrients. For more information on Dr. Kidd's publications, call 1-888-453-2477.
Dr. Ronald Klatz is a specialist in anti-aging medicine and the author of Very Young with HGH and Stopping the Clock. He advises that The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine in Chicago has a referral service for individuals seeking physicians who are practicing anti-aging medicine throughout the world; their number is 773-528-4333.
Dr. Hans Kugler is president and founder of the International Academy of Alternative Medicine and author of Tripping the Clock: A Practical Guide to Anti-Aging and Rejuvenation. In 1995, he received an award from the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine for his work in cancer research.
Jeffrey Laing writes for Life Extension magazine and is co-authored The Medical Advisor and The Complete Book of Herbs. To order these publications, call 1-800-841-5433. Internet address is
Dr.Kilmer McCully is the author of The Homocysteine Revolution. He is a graduate of Harvard University and Harvard Medical School with degrees in chemistry and medicine and fellowships in biochemistry and molecular biology, genetics, and pathology. His book can be ordered by calling 1-800-858-7014.
Erica Price is a homeopathic physician who can be reached at 212-645-7544.
Dolores Riccio is the author of Superfoods for Life, Antiaging Recipes and seven other cook books. She's a member of the International Association of Culinary Professionals, and the Author's Guild of America.
Abigail Rist-Podegra is a doctor of Oriental medicine who has been practicing acupuncture for 15 years, and who is knowledgeable in both Chinese and western herbology. She can be reached at 212-679-1554
Dr. Stephen Sinatra is board certified in internal medicine and cardiology and a certified bioenergetic therapist. He is the author of Optimal Health: A Natural Life Saving Prescription for Body and Mind.
Dr. Arthur Winter is a neurosurgeon and director of the New Jersey Neurological Institute. He is the author of Brain Workout: Easy Ways to Power Up Your Memory Sensory Perception and Intelligence.
Dr. Julian M. Whitaker is the author of Shed Ten Years in Ten Weeks and other books on health and healing. He is the founder of the Whitaker Wellness Institute in Newport Beach, California and the editor of the newsletter "Health and Healing."
Dr. Jonathan Wright is the author of Natural Hormone Replacement and the medical director of the (sounds like Tacoma) Clinic in Kent, Washington. Since 1982, he has treated over 2,000 women with natural hormone replacement. To order a copy of Dr. Wright's book or to get a subscription to his newsletter and a free book, call 1-800-528-0559